TER General Board

Ok, totally stressed lately!
crownand7 3992 reads

The last couple months have been rough! Busted my ass at the office! Put in long hours. I'm tired and there is very little room in my schedule for fun right now.

But you know what? I'm gonna take a few days anyway. I'm hooking up with a few friends. Flying out of town. Going to play some golf for a few days. And, I'm gonna fly in a friend!!! :)

Screw it! Who cares what's going on with the economy. Up, down, sideways, I don't care right now.

Anybody else feel this way?!

ok, I feel better. Thank you for letting me get that out. lol

Every day I hear my sister (local) lament.
Her job is so stressful, the commute, her husband has been out of work (again) for over a year..
And, I hear these things from almost everybody. It tears me up.

Then I hear things like "by 2005, 65% of the jobs across America will be reduced to part time with NO benefits", and it is just plain scary.

So, you do what you can do. I've lived by this:

God, grant me the Serenity
to accept the things I cannot change;
the Courage to change the things I can;
and the Wisdom to know the difference.

and if golfing fits in there - so be it!
Have a great time!

Right on!
The economy is nothing without us spending or consuming goods.
Goods and services are just that......Gods and Services, so use them up buddy!
I'm right behind you, spending what I am about to have and what I don't have and I am gonna do it till my Jimmy goes raw!
Then, back to my crappy office with my ugly boss and his pretty wife!
Man, could I ever lay one on that sweet missy!
party on, man!

nyuser3339 reads

And you complain???? What a about all that providers who busted their asses on hotel bed or perharps floor ????
Advice , if you already gonna play golf , be sensitive on second hole :) .

crownand74119 reads

I feel the guilt. I'm soo sorry.

How calous of me to be so thoughtless. ;)

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