TER General Board

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solotime 40 Reviews 208 reads

There is a provider I know who was having the same problem. She did one date with this guy and never would see him after the date. He started blowing up her phone and would not stop annoying her. He was relentless in his efforts. She politely told him she was not interested in seeing him again and his response was that if she wouldn't see him he would would write reviews about her being an IV drug user, has STD's and she's a thief. Again she asked to be left alone.  This guy looks like he's Shrek's brother, a fat ulgy Dufas! The guy is married and their date took place at his home, yea real smart! She knew all about his real life and told him through text if he continued to harass her and write a factious negative reviews she would take action against him. So this POS writes the review and continues harassing her. She tried contacting the site Admin's where he posted but they didn't do anything, she forwarded all his text and voice mails to them without them taking any action against him. He taunted her about the boards doing nothing against him saying he has friends there and again if she sees him he'll stop.  
About a month later he was driving home when  he's stopped at a strip club. When he came out he was beat up and his hands where broken. The only thing the assailent said was if you continue to write BS reviews against providers next time will be your last review.
He stopped harassing her...
I only know this because he wrote about being assalted on a local site.

how does TER deal with such situations? is such a threat even credible? he's never even written me a review. Idk why he's acting so entitled to my companionship when I've only seen him a few times, and I wouldn't necessarily say his attitude in-session is endearing...

I have someone threatening to "write bad reviews everytime I post" simply for refusing to see him.

If the threats are through TER PM's, then you can forward them to TERSupport and report him.  They will give him a warning that if he follows through in the threats he might be suspended or banned.

... for TER to take action other than a warning for violating its Terms of Use, eg those for harassment.   I think it's best to not assume what specific action TER will take for a violation of their rules.  That's up to them.  But I would hope they would treat this kind of harassment very seriously.  

can be forwarded to TER for their review and action.

Threats like that have no place in this world of ours.

If you have proof via DMs from said user, TER likely will step in, as long as it is showing clear blackmail.

If the proof is via email, if the email hooks up to his TER acct, they may do something as well

Neither of those are guarantees, however TER is pretty good about clear showing of this sort of abuse.

Now here is where it gets tricky, if you don't have proof and can't get him to admit he hasn't seen you in the past 90 days... he is free to review you however he wants.

So if you didn't see him in the last 90 days, you could always try to get him via DMs to admit it, to protect yourself. He would not be allowed to review you under TER guidelines. Such correspondence would be proof as well to prevent him from playing these BSC games.

Posted By: stefaniesong
Re: sorry title got cut off
I have someone threatening to "write bad reviews everytime I post" simply for refusing to see him.

There were a couple guys like the one you are describing on the MN board.  Both got their accounts suspended multiple times, and now both have been permanently banned from the site.  Take the steps suggested by CDL and the others; you NEVER have to put up with that kind of bullying around here.

There is a provider I know who was having the same problem. She did one date with this guy and never would see him after the date. He started blowing up her phone and would not stop annoying her. He was relentless in his efforts. She politely told him she was not interested in seeing him again and his response was that if she wouldn't see him he would would write reviews about her being an IV drug user, has STD's and she's a thief. Again she asked to be left alone.  This guy looks like he's Shrek's brother, a fat ulgy Dufas! The guy is married and their date took place at his home, yea real smart! She knew all about his real life and told him through text if he continued to harass her and write a factious negative reviews she would take action against him. So this POS writes the review and continues harassing her. She tried contacting the site Admin's where he posted but they didn't do anything, she forwarded all his text and voice mails to them without them taking any action against him. He taunted her about the boards doing nothing against him saying he has friends there and again if she sees him he'll stop.  
About a month later he was driving home when  he's stopped at a strip club. When he came out he was beat up and his hands where broken. The only thing the assailent said was if you continue to write BS reviews against providers next time will be your last review.
He stopped harassing her...
I only know this because he wrote about being assalted on a local site.

GaGambler187 reads

Sorry, but a LOT of this story stretches credulity.

You/he are claiming he went into a strip club and not only got beat up but got his hands broken to boot? Yeah, sure he did. Your Bullshit detector must be on the fritz.

GaG, I posted this to show what can happen in the real world. I know both the escort and the stalker from M&G  not TER events I've attended. I resent your accusation that I fabricated my post. Its not my nature to post BS in this forum. Have a great day.

GaGambler162 reads

Reread my post, I simply said the story had a LOT of holes in it. I take it, it's his story, not yours. So he is the one fabricating shit, not you. If this is exactly how it was relayed to you then you are only guilty of being gullible, not being a liar yourself.

Before defending the story further, explain to me how a guy posts a bad/fake review, stops at a strip club and not only gets beat up, but gets his hands broken too, INSIDE the strip club, by an assailant who tells him that his next review will be his last? Sorry, but I have to call bullshit on this story. Like I said, there are just too many holes in it.

Suspicious that this anecdote may be exaggerated.  I'm not saying that's bad.  It's just that the way he told it sounded so sincere.  I agree with him that he's not generally known for posting BS, and we don't know if the guy's next review was his last or not.  From what I heard, not only were his hands broken, they were fed through the hand-crank wringer mechanism of a 1948 washing machine, so I think we have to believe him.

Someone spread that he had STD's, and put it all over the board. What he did, was send a TER proof of his STD tests and ID and they removed to the threads

-- Modified on 6/2/2017 1:46:35 PM

Very few old clients have STD's, especially the old ones over 60.

you have his real name, phone number, employment information and others correct?  
if he is threatening you... contact the police!  (if the threats are with your life, outing you and other personal matters).  

If he's threatening you with a review, contact TER, let them know about it, also please put his information into VH and SO for ladies to see... I would not want to meet with a guy with this behavior and definitely would be a stop for me during screening.

-- Modified on 6/2/2017 10:42:29 AM

Please screen shot the emails and send them to TER as a heads up. It may not be 100% effective, but it's something and you gave them a heads up.  I have had to do this before, and it was effective. They also thanked me for the heads up. I believe that that saves them a lot of work as well

This is something that happens when you are exposed to a lot of people. Especially if you have something special. People retaliate when they are rejected. That Should definitely come as no surprise

Here is a little that has helped me during all of the I hate Courtney threads and all of the slander when I cut people off because I couldn't handle being bullied or messed with. This person is trying to get into your head and has control issues.  

Obviously you picked up on that and stop to seeing the guy.

 I think it's an OCD/addictive behavior thing.  

Some people are genuinely hurt and afraid you're going to make them look bad, so they come after you first. Other people are actually malicious and do it often.  Most people won't talk about it with you because they are afraid of the person themselves. So it's hard to find out if this person has the same habits with other people. Also, I don't ask other people anymore because that usually backfires. I would just ignore him, and act not scared. And if he writes a bad review,  then write a blog about the situation.

-- Modified on 6/2/2017 1:41:07 PM

As he has continually slandered me, and also started an anonymous slander campaign against me on Twitter. Or at least is heavily involved in it.  

He is likely reading my board posts. Lol! Ironically, it popped up the day after I posted this to you.  

Wolf in sheep's clothing for sure. Always talking about God and his faith,  always talking about how he hates slanderers and gossipers, when he is slandering and gossiping about me. LOL!  

some people just can't handle life, and the only way they learn how to handle life is to hurt others. I'm sorry you are going through this, but it will pass. Many people havebeen through things like this. The goal is for you to tear everything down as they get into your head. Do not let them get into your head, just keep going, and take the actions you need to take as things come. You will be OK

Use this situation as something that will bring you more in the end. Don't waste stress or worry on fear mongerers.

-- Modified on 6/4/2017 11:31:25 PM

To get a life... He can't write a review if he hasn't seen you & if so then it's a fake review you can dispute.  Do People have that much fucking time on their hand that they have to "stalk creep" on providers? SMFH!!! Sad just sad!!!!

about your dilemma.  I suggest contacting TER support as others have stated.  This is totally wrong by this individual.  Hope things get better.

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