TER General Board

Thought, not a flame or panic but If I was one of those on the list for voluntary Quarantine
elegantGFEelise 4699 reads

I'd be down at my doctor's asking for prophylactic cocktails to try to beat the HIV virus rather than waiting for it to take hold in my system.  I thought that was standard practice when it was known that one had sexual contact recently with one that had tested positive for HIV.  Am I clueless here?  Doctors?????

This would make the next HIV dectection testing Null and Void from what I understand even if I had contracted the virus, wouldn't it?  Again Physicians/Nurses in the crowd???

So there's alot more to all of this, and really, one should ALWAYS use condoms, even if your Porn Star offers to do you bareback!! Isn't that the moral to the story?

Elise [email protected]

AnyOneNormalAnymore5299 reads

Now that abotu 45 stars are being QUARANTINED will your behavior change in terms of seeing Porn stars or providers who provide PSE services ?

It seems like this could kill the porno industry in the US and possibly impact the escort business.

Players around the US are freaking out bigtime.

Wives get grins on their faces when they tell their husbands about the scare, thinking that the husband won't be a player anymore.

I know for a fact that some of the actors listed on the list had road tours for filming with non-porn stars. They have been in just about every major city in the US. Then there are the porn star providers who tour all over the US. This scare good be bigger than we realize.

I was stunned when one of the actors said "Oh well I will start using a condom now". Looks like it is too late now.

HIV is for real and the results are death. Folks be careful out there.

-- Modified on 4/16/2004 10:13:20 PM

Youaresomisinformed3210 reads

We would all be dead if were up to you and Chicken Little.  Who's wife is this anyway?

-- Modified on 4/16/2004 10:25:31 PM

AnyOneNormalAnymore3580 reads

It is for real. I take what you say as crap. I have several relatives who have died of HIV and it is for real.

Doctor Yes3714 reads

This is a very small incident in the multi billion dollar porn industry.  This is not the first time that a major porn star is HIV+ and certainly won't be the last.  As long as there is a demand for porn, the industry will survive and prosper.  In about a month or so, you wouldn't even hear about this incident.  As the old saying goes...the show must go on.  You are right about one thing though, HIV is real and we all should practice safe sex, and that doesn't mean abstinence.

Now that abotu 45 stars are being QUARANTINED will your behavior change in terms of seeing Porn stars or providers who provide PSE services ?

(Quarantined until their next PCNA HIV test in about three weeks, if the tests are clean, then they will work again. Also, I didn't see a name on the quarantine list that I recognized as providing escort services, at least in my experience)

It seems like this could kill the porno industry in the US and possibly impact the escort business.

(Wrong, see paragraph above.)

Players around the US are freaking out bigtime.

(I'm sure folks that work in the porn industry are concerned, just as I am sure that clients that seek PSEs will pause and reflect, but lets be clear about what has occurred, two people in the industry, two, have tested positive, and wisely, everyone that they worked with have stopped filming and are getting tested again(they get tested once a month, if they want to work)....sounds like the only one freaking out is you.)

I'd be down at my doctor's asking for prophylactic cocktails to try to beat the HIV virus rather than waiting for it to take hold in my system.  I thought that was standard practice when it was known that one had sexual contact recently with one that had tested positive for HIV.  Am I clueless here?  Doctors?????

This would make the next HIV dectection testing Null and Void from what I understand even if I had contracted the virus, wouldn't it?  Again Physicians/Nurses in the crowd???

So there's alot more to all of this, and really, one should ALWAYS use condoms, even if your Porn Star offers to do you bareback!! Isn't that the moral to the story?

Elise [email protected]

I have yet to see any severe "freaking-out".  Sounds like pure speculation to me.


I'm about 140 units short of my PhD degree, and although my understanding of HIV is pretty limited, common sense leads me to believe that it's still very, very difficult to get.  Unless you're having tons of unprotected sex, lots of it anal, paying no attention to tearing, swapping blood like crazy, doing gay men, transexuals, drug addicts, or other high risk individuals, I wouldn't go making out your will just yet, simply because you've had sex with escorts.  And, porn star escorts are still the safest of them all, because I know that they have to produce a recent test result sheet before they can shoot.  

Two porn stars testing positive out of the thousands and thousands there are doesn't mean panic should set in, just a bit of prudence.  Nor does it mean the end of the porn industry, not by a long shot.

By the way, it's been around 13 years since Magic Johnson's announcement...he still looks fabulous to me.

I wish everyone health and happiness,


Yes, he sure did.....and he had a severe drug habit and I saw a film where he was having unprotected anal sex with lots of gay men.

I can only assume that the poor guy needed money so badly toward the end of his drug addiction, and it led to his ultimate demise.  Poor guy's life got way out of control toward the end.  Seemed like a kind, gentle man otherwise.  I've heard many nice things about him from some ladies who knew him.  What a shame.


My memory here is a little fuzzy.  I don't remember if his death was attributed to HIV, but it might have been.

I seem to remember the he actually died of an overdose of heroine or some such drug.  That doesn't mean he wasn't HIV positive though.

get real!  this is big money and many participate because they enjoy it.  this happens every couple of years, the situation will be contained and only a few will be affected.  it'll be business as usual soon enough.

if you ask me, this is a great opportunity!  actresses will have extra time while the industry is in this shutdown/slowdown...maybe there will be some bargains out there for us condom-wearing hobbyists.


AnyOneNormalAnymore2376 reads

Reading some of the articles it looks like some of the folks don't get more than $200/day. I saw one article saying folks are going to loose their apartments. I guess they did not have a rainy day fund.

Looks like folks will have to find real jobs.

A few of the companies that take risks will be out of business pretty soon.

-- Modified on 4/17/2004 9:32:19 PM

porn_loving_hobbyist3153 reads

The demand will ensure that porn will live on.  Its bullshit how much they pay talent.  They could triple their pay and there would still be plenty to go around.  The fatcats on the top would hardly feel it.  Besides, there's way too much crap porn out there anyway.  I'd be satisfied with one or two good movies a week instead of the hundreds of lame ones that aren't worth watching.

I'm diving into porn headfirst with my all time fav. Porn Starlet. I have been practicing "safer sex" since the beginning of my sexual history. Abstinance = safe. Porn requires such rigid STD testing it seems the actors and actresses are safer than hobbiests or civies. Not only do I always use a condom, I bleach my toys. I am a five gallon blood donor. Stop freaking out. Have you been unsafe? The sky is falling. Let me help stop traffic so you can jump 100 feet off your pedestal bro. The only thing that IS certain, is that you are going to die. So am I and everyone else. Its just how you want to spend that time until then that counts.

How is it you are a blood donor?  Whenever I have thought about giving blood (I used to give blood before I was in the hobby), I have checked in with the nearby phlebotomists to find out that I would not be able to give blood until a year has passed after having had "transactional sex".


I have been in the hobby for about 8 mo. and I am always getting tattooed. All of my donations occured prior. I am a whole body donor when I die. I am o-neg and CMV neg. I used to donate every 3 mo., now I volunteer.

Frankly, the impression this whole story is making on me is that the porn industry is pretty on-the-ball.  You'd think this sort of thing would happen more often, but they're so fast at detection and containment, that I'm really impressed.  This has left me feeling better about them, not worse.

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