TER General Board

This may sound odd but I would want to know how she screens
rembrnad0284 12 Reviews 668 reads

.. the thought being that I would actually hope it would be a very thorough process.  If someone takes pride in themselves and their safety that's the sort of person i like to be with.  

Also, if a provider says as part of her screening that she wants to know a little bit about me as a person, as some of my faves have, that's a great sign too as she's not so much selling herself as seeing if we're compatible from her perspective (and if I'm not too weird)

I asked Miss Lovely Lopaw in another thread how she searches to see if a lady is truly into women.
I thought about my own site for a moment.
I am 99.9% I have made it perfectly clear about my feelings about women.

Earlier this morning in an unrelated Tweet, I stated I think more ladies should define their idea of GFE since its so subjective.  
Again, I believe I have this clear as I say My definition of GFE is---

But next I answer an email that is a man asking if I see black guys.
I am not sure how this should be answered - other than yes or no - but for future black men that might have the same question.

I pride myself on my site having lots of info- maybe too much but I would rather a guy not like something he reads and not book with me than us have a weird session.  

I prefer older men. A few specific sentences on my site I get amazing feedback on. I have received so many emails saying somethings just put them at ease.

So I am curious...
Outside of 1-is she a 10 to you from her pictures (why do guys see ladies they dont think are a 10?)
2-can you afford her?
3-is she some place reachable?

What are the rest of the things you are looking for in the text of her site?

I would want to know her idea of GFE
If her personality is dry, bubbly, quick witted, spiritual et

But they all do at some point, right? ;)

Btw, did you happen to read my 10 point plan on negotiating with hookers?

It's all over the internet. Someone will send it to you. :)

.. the thought being that I would actually hope it would be a very thorough process.  If someone takes pride in themselves and their safety that's the sort of person i like to be with.  

Also, if a provider says as part of her screening that she wants to know a little bit about me as a person, as some of my faves have, that's a great sign too as she's not so much selling herself as seeing if we're compatible from her perspective (and if I'm not too weird)

I've passed in many where I thought the screening was too stringent.

GaGambler490 reads

an opinion I happed to share, with you that is.  

A woman who expects me to jump through hoops or "apply' for a date with her is going to be waiting a VERY long time before that happens. So yes, I do agree that how she screens is rather important to me too.

Clarified that it doesn't sound odd to me, but for a different reason.  If she's a professional, she ought to be able to fake "compatibility" or she won't get me to come back. If her screening invades my privacy too much, she won't get my business in the first place.

... then we get into a whole different area which can drift into the realm of bsc. For example, I don't do a drivers license or personal information. I will give additional references in addition to P411 though as that seems like a reasonable request to me.

I find there's a difference between thorough and over the top.  I think too the difference is often highlighted by the tone of the explanation and lack of perfunctory language the provider uses on her site

GaGambler447 reads

A lot of it is HOW it's asked, and how much effort she expects ME to put into the screening.

Like where it comes to additional references over and above P 411, I have several dozen Okays on P 411 and she is free to contact anyone of them, but if she expects me to contact these other women to get them to agree to act as references for me, NFW. That just defeats the entire purpose of P 411 IMHO. Either agree to see me or don't, but do NOT expect me to work for the privilege of giving you money. That is just NOT going to happen

Are you sexist?

Btw, RIP says hello.  

Well...he didnt really say "hello."

He said "hie" which I translated to hello.

GaGambler388 reads

Well I suppose talking "about him" is better than talking "to him" just like a certain bird brain over on P&R

He's not eating all your oreos and shitting on your carpet. :D :D

He bites too if you're not careful. :D

NoYellowEnvelope517 reads

The main question I seek to answer, after all the basics are covered, is:  is this a woman I'll really enjoy meeting?  Not just "can she make me come in expert fashion", but all the rest of it.  Does she seem to enjoy her work, and her clients?  Is she fun-loving?  Is she kind?  Does she have a good sense of humor, and doesn't take herself too seriously (despite her beauty)?  There's more I look for, such as intelligence, wit, and class.  But that's enough of a list!

Of course, I may not know all of these things before a first date.  But the providers I favor for repeat sessions have the characteristics I listed. I can't get all that insight from her web site.  Reviews help a lot, as do her posts on these boards if she participates.  And if she seems promising, I'll invest in an initial session.  

P.S.  I can usually find out her idea of "GFE" from her reviews, more so than from what she says on her web site.

thorough about finding someone compatible. They always make for a great time.

John_Laroche530 reads

who reads the text? LOL
I look at pics. ONE that looks bad (fat/out of shape) is an automatic No Go.
I evaluate if her price is right based on how I feel that day. I'll range from 250-600/hr for FS depending on other factors.
Screening process. Is it clear, is it compatible with my comfort level.
Where is her incall. (residence, upscale hotel, etc...)
What hours is she available
TER profile
TER review scores (as a filter)
TER review details (about the only place I read between the lines). I just skim beause they're almost as BS as scores.

A lot of girls are very pretty, but not 10s. 10s I dream about in my sleep. They look great from any angle. makeup or not, morning, noon and night. 8s and 9s are pretty, maybe an imperfection or two, but symmetrical features, only one chin, nice skin, nice hair, etc..

..pics, price and schedule is all the info I need. The rest I get through my own research.

What she says about her own performance does not mean much, unless she mentions specific skills...like sword-swallowing for example.

I look for some kind of vibe that tells me she is the right person.

I must be pretty good at it because I normally have very good results.t  

As for picking 10s, there has to be room in the world for all numbers.  What a horrible thing it would be if 10 became just another number

particular order:
1. Performance--does she provide GFE [no DFK or BBBJ are a deal breaker]  
2. Appearance--does she get a rise out of Jr. [need not be a 10 but 7 or higher]
3. Compatibility--do we have mutual interests [besides P4P]
4. Attitude--is she real or too high and mighty [some girls/ladies act as if you are doing them a favor by scheduling]
5. Availability--can we align our schedules
6. Intangibles--everything else not previously mentioned

there has to be a hook in her website that seals the deal,
where we either cut bait or bite.  

Reviews aside, I don't think there is one style of that does  
it for me. I look for flow:
1. how the site is laid out
2. how easy is it to find information I want to read
3. can I develop a sense of personality from her site ... AND  

Does her style jive with her reviews, that is, is her site reserved  
and cautious while the reviews portray otherwise, or is her site  
Sensual and Erotic as are her reviews? I'm not always looking  
for the same thing in a woman.  

I don't expect a reviewer to write the same way as the provider, but I usually can discern (90+% of the time?) if the lady being reviewed is the "same lady" she is trying to portray on her site.

As Mr. Fisher alludes, over time these things become obvious  
to where it's not reading between the lines, but rather connecting the dots.  

In the end, clarity is tantamount. As the OP stated, she tries to  
cover all the bases to enable a guy to get a clear sense of should  
he or shouldn't he. I, for one, like that, but I'd imagine all of the ladies try to do the same with some less successful than others.

-- Modified on 9/25/2016 12:25:25 AM

-- Modified on 9/25/2016 1:18:37 AM

In regards to a providers website, I'll check her website for more details if her reviews peak my interest.  Some things that I look for on her site...

*Current photos
*Bio - including age preferences and other details which may not be stated in her reviews.  Also, does her persona portrayed on her website, similar or different than what is reported in her reviews?
*Screening Procedure - I'm a member of RS-AVS and DateCheck, so I look to see if those are accepted.
*In general, is the website user friendly and well designed? Easy to find the basic info (see above)?  I do read the text ...LOL, so the use of good grammar and spelling is a plus and will tell me something about the person too.

is best to ask or read review to if does the thing you need for GEF

Yes it could be a yes or now unless a a provider that see gray hair black guys .

When I see a hot provide I think she stole those photos.

I look find out what she all about how often does sh do this.  
I seen a skinny provider that was her first time hobby once
She only civic and was real horrney.

cuppajoe360 reads

The field of textual interpretation is called hermeneutics.  One hermeneutic approach is being literal, i.e. assume the intention of the author is as written, no hidden meanings or promises.

Another approach is interpretation based upon outside factors that the reader brings to the text.  If I know the lady is Colombian, I interpret misspelling on the site as a language skill issue.  If I knew she's from West Va., I you know how I would interpret misspellings, LOL.  

FWIW I practice textual (including images) interpretation on many levels according to a patented algorithm that's been tested and highly successful.

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