TER General Board

This is silly...
AashaMitchell See my TER Reviews 26 reads

Save all the possessiveness, jealousy and cattiness for the real world. We all know there is plenty of it going around out there. This is suppose to be fun! I know what this is, you know what this is, end of story. Of course you're seeing other ladies! Just like I'm seeing other men. Quite a few of my encounters are from other ladies telling their clients "You have to see her! She's great." Those meetings are often some of the most interesting and fun times I've had and I try to do the same for other ladies. There is plenty to go around. Leave the greed to the corporations and the possessiveness to the SO's. I'm in this to relax just like everyone else. Let's all just have a good time!

Tippecanoe3639 reads

This was posted by Terrilynn in another thread, and it really resonated. On more than one occasion, I've had providers get possessive of me as a client, and some who were down right upset I was seeing another provider, demanding who, when, and how often. I never told them, because it didn't seem anything good was going to come out of it - but c'mon, isn't that a bit odd behavior?


Posted By: terrilynn

 Really depends on the lady you're asking though because some ladies feel like they own their clients once they fuck them. Some are more confident and don't mind sharing.  
 Hope this helps 😚  

-- Modified on 1/2/2018 9:38:15 PM

ROGM52 reads

It's never a good idea to tell a provider you're seeing other providers. I've had a few providers I'm currently seeing ask me why I haven't seen them in a while. They say because I'm seeing other girls. Which is true. But I don't tell them that. I just say I've been busy at work. That seems to be a good enough explanation to them.

In a P4P setting.  It tells me some women are not truly professional in their attitude towards their customers.  

With that said, the only issues I have had were seeing providers that were roommates sharing an incall location.  There is always the potential for drama with one or both getting jealous of the other for getting some of your business.  I learned early on that if one girl introduces you to the other, it is a get-out-of-jail-free card to see her roommate.  If she doesn't introduce you, and you decide to book with the roommate on your own, she will find out and there will be drama.  As a result, I make it my policy NOT to see roommates unless its in a doubles session first.  If they don't offer doubles, and I haven't been introduced to the other, then I restrict myself to the one I'm already seeing.  I've missed out on some stunning ladies as a result, but I remain drama-free by exercising some restraint.  

some of the ladies I see know who the other ladies I see are. I guess they're confident and don't mind sharing or I'm not worthy getting possessive over. Lol. I do believe I spend time with ladies whose personalities don't include that type of possessive behavior.

I do try to keep my favorites to a select few and try to see them all equally even though it can be tough at times.

First off, I am not worth getting jealous of but I have been lucky that this situation has never been an issue for me. The ladies that I have seen, including TL, have been more than gracious in sharing me with friends and roommate's. I hope this is never an issue.

You may be a wonderful person & client, as well as physically appealing to a wide variety of tastes....... but let's be real here: those who don't like to share simply don't want you spreading your (literal) wealth around.  

THEY want, and feel entitled to,  every single hobby-dollar you have.  

Yes, there are rare exceptions to this motivation but by and large it's all about the money.

Tippecanoe30 reads

This is the weird thing, both in provider world and real world. The women are almost always upset at other women. Regardless of motivation, money or relationship - women are always mad at other women. They may be disappointed by client, boyfriend, husband, but always mad at other women.

Maybe I'm reading that wrong, but my ex-wife was more upset at my then girlfriend  than me. That 'bitch' home wrecker. I couldn't keep my dick in m pants, but that's what guys do. That 'little girl' knew what she was doing and knew I couldn't resist, so really it was her fault she stole me away. It's weird.

Same in this situation, I'm too stupid to know better than to think with my little head, its the other women trying to steal my guy. Which while it goes back to what you're saying, its about the money - but I'm not necessarily being blamed because I'm too stupid to think with anything other than my little head - these other women are trying to steal me away.

See the nuance? Its not the reason, its where the blame is largely placed.

YoMaMaDo33 reads

Thank You Ms. Hollander your commonsense approach is once again only surpassed by your beauty and err....deepthroat skills. Of course in his case it is probably because he is the only man who make the girls go weak in the knees.

Posted By: YoMaMaDo
Re: To clarify: these providers are possessive only of your wallet.  
Thank You Ms. Hollander your commonsense approach is once again only surpassed by your beauty and err....deepthroat skills. Of course in his case it is probably because he is the only man who make the girls go weak in the knees.
Pointless response pertaining to topic at hand. It only disrepected the lady and mocked the OP.

As if there isn't enough money to go around in the p4p world πŸ˜‚ it's absolutely about the $$$! I like money too, however, I could care less if a gentleman goes and sees someone else. I'am definitely reference friendly ☺ I'm not his wife. If I were,  we'd both be doing her πŸ˜œπŸ™„πŸ˜πŸ˜š

...but didn't post anything.  2 tits up .... it's about them being territorial over the money she thinks she's gonna lose from him NOT that she's losing him.

ROGM42 reads

It's never a good idea to mention to a provider or even a girlfriend for that matter that you're seeing other girls. It's been my experience that girls get very jealous of each other.

Tippecanoe44 reads

So why does it NOT make a difference if you wear a wedding ring when you see a provider? Most if not all providers, who have posted here, says it doesn't matter. Or is it a different scenario. The guy is cheating on the wife, not the other way around? Why the difference? Like I said, weird.

Posted By: ROGM
Re: It's All About The Money Or Some Other Underlying Motive;
It's never a good idea to mention to a provider or even a girlfriend for that matter that you're seeing other girls. It's been my experience that girls get very jealous of each other.

It's about the money. ;)

"They" meaning anyone.

dwb23 reads

Sometimes I get in a conversation with a girl about hobbying and they ask me how long I've been doing it, what kind of girls I see, etc.  
I haven't had the sort of problem described in the OP. There are a few girls I repeat with, but pretty infrequently (3-4 months between visits), and they seem to be fine that I see them when I see them. I'm not regular enough for them to get jealous, and their chill/pro attitudes are part of what makes me want to repeat with them.

For some women in this industry there's a jealousy of a regular client spending his money seeing other providers, who he might come to like and spend more time and money with in future, than he does with her.
I have a lovely regular who was harrasssed and stalked by a regular gal he was seeing when it became obvious on twitter that he'd had a booking with me. It got very nasty and she threatened to out him!  
Many guys use gals as references when they want to see a new SP so it alerts someone who might be a bit unstable that you plan to see a new person.
It's ridiculous because there is enough business to go around, and if you're good at your job then guys will find you.
Gents you should be, and are free to see whoever you like - it's business and providers who give you a hard time for wanting some variety shouldn't be in this industry at all.

... to the guy but they'll be whiny and ask them "why are you seeing her" OR will offer a discount to undercut the lady he's trying to get a reference for so he can see her.  Ridiculous.  
But yeah it's really bad when a guy has to feel like he doesn't want to "bother" his references (or even try to say he doesn't have any) because he knows there's gonna be drama smh.

5 years ago my delightful, generous, cool beyond belief ATF turned me on to her friend - I have seen both regularly since.  Without asking she just said "you have got to meet this lady, she is just right for you".  Her friend in simply amazing too!  I adore the both of them!

It was a kind, generous gesture for both me, and (I hope) her friend, by the classiest of  acts I have found in this business - well, maybe anywhere!  If you met the friend, you would understand what a fabulous, selfless gift it was.
I have had other ladies get a jealous/possessive if they find out I have seen someone else.  It's one reason that I do few reviews these days.

where a provider offered me unsolicited advice not to see this or that gal, for whatever reason.

In fact, I have had many more examples of gals suggesting I see this or that gal, and not someone that they are best buddies with either, because they thought we would be a good fit.  Every gal I see knows that I see a lot of different gals.

In any case, unless a gal doesn't know your TER handle and/or you don't write reviews, a gal can easily see whom you've been with by looking up your review history, so it is kind of hard to keep things a secret.  

Asked for  a recommendation and I gave him one. I don't think he will stop seeing me so what does it matter? Even if he did, that's the name of the game, I just hppe he enjoyed our time together. Luckily, I only have 1 ATF and don't mind sharing, he is great.  

I think anyone that gets jealous or mad because of something like hiring another provider, maybe shouldn't be selling their services. Jealousy is ugly and has 0 place in the hobby.

souls_harbor29 reads

Providers who fear the loss of business from a client seeing others fail to realize that they are also getting clients that way.  

Some providers are mature enough to realize that yes some hobbyists are just that hobbyists. Hobbyists see multiple people. Rare occasions you a get a hobbyists who sees only one provider but that seems rare now days. I have run across this jealousy in the exotic dancing world. It runs rampant when others can "see" how much u make and how popular u are. The girls try to ruin it if they can . I got sick of the rumors and caddiness. So I left and became independent. I would be aware of who u do see just the fact of rumors and caddiness. Immature girls can be very vindictive such as drama and trying to ruin your life as a hobbyists. I once had a girl give a wife my number to try to get him in trouble and stop seeing me. I was able to play it off but I'm not into that type of drama. So let's just keep it real ladies. There are plenty of guys to go around and we all want to stay safe.

...over the years, many unsolicited. If I really like a guy and he’s well behaved, then I definitely want to share him with women I know. It’s a win-win, in that he gets to see someone I think he’ll really enjoy and she gets to see a guy that she feels safe with because a friend that she actually knows has vouched for him. I’d much rather share good experiences with my friends than leave them exposed to potentially bad or unknown situations. If I’m not sure who the gent might match well with, I’m always proactive in offering a reference and/or an ok on P411.  
I’ve been fortunate in that the same behaviours have been reciprocated. For me it works better. Whilst I’m not opposed to having regular clients, regular for me would not be seeing each other every week. No matter how much I like you that’s just too intense for me. I do see clients from the US when they venture to this side of the pond and I’ve had some of the best experiences - it’s like catching up with an old boyfriend a few years after the fact and re-kindling the flames πŸ”₯ (or hot sex may be more appropriate description lol)...
I’ve had a few emails from providers β€˜fishing’ over years but nothing too outrageous and I generally respond to their email but ignore the bait...

C x

-- Modified on 1/3/2018 2:58:37 PM

and like Debra mentioned it is all about the money as far as the jealousy goes.
I provide references all of the time sometimes it is for a gent I have seen once or someone I see regularly.
I do not get upset there is really no reason to be it is great he is seeing other ladies I am seeing other gents.
No one belongs to anyone in this business.
I have found over the years in some cases it is best to have an alternate way to verify a gent besides references that way these issues don't occur.Most of the clients I see are married the last thing they want to hear is some petty drama over him seeing another provider.He can get nagging and complaining at home for free.
Just my .02

..... start to go elsewhere or change frequency. Like I am now.
I'm sure the ladies that I've been seeing have gotten used to my revenue stream. It's understandable.  
I got used to my client's spending habits and they have suddenly changed, in a big way. That trickle down has caused me to change my spending, in a big way, for a while.
Everyone has to adjust. The ladies lose my dollars and company, and I'm left with blue balls.

My clients are very inconsiderate. Bastards!!

clients down and explain the domino effect of them not giving you more business, them show them your blue balls to close the deal.  

that may be what chased them away...........

........They couldn't stop laughing!

Once I had a client who tried making me jealous by booking time with my friends and rubbing it in my face after. It turns out I actually really love it when men spoil women, especially if they're my friends, so his mind fuck didn't work so well on me lol. People do really strange things when they feel threatened.

From this lady's perspective πŸ˜‰ I've had providers get crazy on me for seeing THEIR client. Aren't we all supposed to be doing the same thing? Lol! πŸ˜‚
I get mine anyway,  as should any providerπŸ€—β˜ΊπŸ˜š
I am very reference friendly.  
No gentlemen should be denied fun either because someone they fucked in p4p doesn't like it 😎 😘😏

ROGM27 reads

Posted By: terrilynn
Re: Well....
From this lady's perspective πŸ˜‰ I've had providers get crazy on me for seeing THEIR client. Aren't we all supposed to be doing the same thing? Lol! πŸ˜‚  
 I get mine anyway,  as should any providerπŸ€—β˜ΊπŸ˜š  
 I am very reference friendly.  
 No gentlemen should be denied fun either because someone they fucked in p4p doesn't like it 😎 😘😏  
You're the rare exception to this. Like I said women get very jealous of each other. Which explains why those providers went crazy on you.  

Knowing my two ATF providers as well as I do, (they don't know each other) I know they would get very jealous if they found out I was seeing other providers let alone using them as a reference.

Michelle.  Not sure if you remember here and Sydney.  I took over Sydney's part of the rent when she retired.  Because potential clients knew me and Michelle were roommates, they would use her as a faster reference.  What she taught me early on, years ago.  Men go in cycles.  It's all good.  She didn't let jealousy ruin our business deal  together with an apartment and we  were not even a doubles combo.

See you soon TL!

Doing you.... ummm, I mean seeing you! πŸ˜œπŸ˜šπŸ˜€

omg I am so excited!  There will be nothing vanilla about this appointment with us 3 for sure!!!  Bring it!!!

Fuck yes you sexy woman! Yummmm!!!!

Insecure people behave poorly when in fear. Thank goodness for emotionally mature providers that make this so much fun.
Aside from the fact that these ladies are so freaking great at fucking and all that is so much fun, the great ones also get it that we are paying for the fun without the drama that more conventional relationships come with.  

I really don't want to be playing hide N seek with anyone in my life. It's too fucking complicated.  
I'm telling providers, girlfriends, NSA ladies etc. that I'm not sexually monogamous.

All that being said, I try not to be pushing who else I'm seeing in the lady's faces. That's just insensitive. And I'll cop to having been thoughtless at times.

It’s just plain greed and is a turn off.
Just like References are for safety.  
If a provider gives you a hard time and refuses to give a reference or gives you drama about seeing others then you need to upgrade to a drama free provider.
Life is too short to deal with insecurity.
She’s not your wifey.
The hobby should be fun, not complicated.
Some just don’t get it.

Those who've read the entire thread and been on this board for awhile will understand why I feel the need to mention the first ......

IF  the provider is engaging in BBFS with a client, believing that he is seeing her and ONLY her, I feel it is totally understandable for her to be upset if she learns he's NOT being exclusive.  

Another situation that springs to mind is if the client wrote a glowing review of a new lady which was more complimentary (with higher scores) than what he'd written of the first provider.  
We can be sensitive creatures, so even if a gentlemen has repeatedly said his regular gal is his All-Time ATF, it might sting a little to learn that his experience with someone else blew their encounters out of the water.  ;-)

Is that completely professional & mature behavior?  No.  But it is human nature.  :-)

ROGM35 reads

Posted By: Debra_Hollander

 IF  the provider is engaging in BBFS with a client, believing that he is seeing her and ONLY her, I feel it is totally understandable for her to be upset if she learns he's NOT being exclusive.  
Totally correct. If my two ATF's I see BBFSCIP found out I was seeing the other they would be very upset.

Debra is totally correct in that there are human feelings involved in encounters with a provider.  If a client writes higher reviews or refers to a regular as his all time favorite, he should own up to that acknowledgment in both his actions and his reviews.  If he refers to other providers in a more glowing manner or call the ATFs someone's feeling are going to be hurt.  Seeing one provider exclusively (or professing to do so) should raise the ire of a provider if she finds out differently.

-- Modified on 1/5/2018 5:23:52 PM

I think Debra and others easily hit this very accurate.

I have no problem sending out references, And yet I have several regular clients it makes no difference to me who they see. I make assume they are seeing others always if even i bother to think about it.  

For some providers they are lazy. It takes time, hours each week to answer mail and adjust calendar and do whatever. If I had a bunch of regulars and I was there ATF and they not seeing anyone else I could be lazy. No need place ads, no need move things around, no need do anything but wait his cock and money walk in door. If I found out one of my clients was BBFS anyone I would cut them off no second thought. No consideration of money, all consideration of health.

To be jealous of another companion over a clients choice is crazy. I get jealous of other providers because I am wish it me playing with her, not the client. Take a look at those answering this thread, I would eat a few like a starving Filipino.  

It will always be about the money, and then the lazy. If you have a ATF ( which I think is a bit silly to begin with ) and she get jealous you seeing others, just get rid of her. No need for drama in this business. It has enough issues without need for more drama. I am pretty sure that if a provider is showing jealous you are one step from BSC provider.  

I have a one client who has 65 ok on P411, and many TER reviews. He sees me every-other week. Looking at his profiles how can even expect he is not seeing other. Silly. Clients come and go. As long as they pay, stay drama free, polite and clean I am a happy provider. Leave the emotion when you leave the room.  

Its the money and the lazy.

As a provider you need to accept that hobbyists will see other providers. One of the biggest reasons clients see us and compensate us for our time is because it is meant to be an enjoyable experience with no emotional strings attached nor should there be any sense of ownership from either party. It's completely unfair and unprofessional to put that kind of guilt on someone. When a provider reaches out to me to verify a client I am more than happy to give a reference. I don't get offended and think "how dare they see anyone but me!" That would be like if I went to a great restaurant, food was amazing, best customer service, incredible ambiance, then a couple weeks go by, I come back and the owner of the place corners me and says "Have you been eating at other restaurants?! How often? Which ones?! I can't believe you!" I mean....come on. I know we're human and mixing pleasure, emotions and cash can get complicated. However, the girls out there who are able to stay professional, courteous, and understanding are the ones who give this industry a good name and they're the ones you want to see. If they cross that line though, my advice...."see ya!"

I had a shrink once tell me that I have a very "masculine" personality.  I will take that as a complement!  :)

Feelings I am not familiar with: jealousy, embarrassment, shyness.  

I am always happy to give referrals and I also enjoy hearing about my gentlemen's other dates!!  


ROGM33 reads

Sometimes it's difficult to avoid emotions and feelings in this business from either side. I've seen girls that were strictly for fun. It never progressed any further than that. A few girls there's some sort of emotional connection. I've seen a few off the clock. We just spent the day together. Went to dinner and a movie. One girl even introduced me to her family. It was a little unsettling. But I went with it for her because I think she likes me. Oh and yes I'm still seeing this girl.      

bigguy3052 reads

The same goes for this hobby.

If a provider gets demanding, entitled or possessive in dealing with a client.  

Then it's time to move on and find another provider.

It's too many great ladies in this hobby, to put up with that garbage.

She will learn once the phone stops ringing with customers.

-- Modified on 1/9/2018 3:50:06 AM

Save all the possessiveness, jealousy and cattiness for the real world. We all know there is plenty of it going around out there. This is suppose to be fun! I know what this is, you know what this is, end of story. Of course you're seeing other ladies! Just like I'm seeing other men. Quite a few of my encounters are from other ladies telling their clients "You have to see her! She's great." Those meetings are often some of the most interesting and fun times I've had and I try to do the same for other ladies. There is plenty to go around. Leave the greed to the corporations and the possessiveness to the SO's. I'm in this to relax just like everyone else. Let's all just have a good time!

There is enough love to go around, this should be fun and full of new experiences.
We should all be able to see whoever we want and if someone gets upset over that you should stop seeing that sour apple.

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