TER General Board

Thinking with the little head...
subrob27 83 Reviews 407 reads

I saw a provider and paid $150 for a CBJ.  Thought there was more and she said no but her had said different.  Got out of there quickly.  She admitted to me that she uses fake photos and cheats clients.  Fortunately reviews were posted after the tryst to alert others. I was fucking pissed and learned my lesson.

Onlyalurker2708 reads

More than 10 years ago before I was member of the TER, I called an
escort while passing through Phoenix. A hot blonde showed up asked for donation and told me to get comfortable. No sooner have I done that, there is a loud knock on the door. I figure, well that's it, busted. But no, the girl opens the door and there is her muscle bound driver. Two minutes later they are gone. Pretty typical. But just a few days ago got within a hairbreath of being rolled by a casino girl in Vegas.   Actually caught her trying to pour some shit into to my drink. Never ever let a casino girl into your room.

stucaboy713 reads

tried to rob me.  They were never published. You would think that such info would help TER members stay safe.

Well I have had both. I live in an area where it is mostly backpage girls and not many of those have reviews so I have to take chances. Anyway I met a backpage girl at hotel and she requested to meet me in the lobby. We went into the bar for a quick drink and chit chat then she said she needed my money up front to get a room for us. I was with her so I thought no problem. She went up to the front desk, was talking to them for a bit then came back to me and said they needed to see her ID to rent her the room so she needed to go to her car to get it. My Spidey sense failed me. I should have walked with her out to her car but I didn't and yeah you guessed it I never saw her again. I found out from others on this board she had done the same to them. I felt stupid but learned a valuable lesson. That was the rob. Now the rip-off was another backpage girl, as I said that is all that is mostly available here. Some are great, others not. Anyway I met her at her hotel, gave her the donation and we sat on the couch in her room and started talking. I wasn't pushing the action as that isn't my style, not to begin with with a new provider. Well after chatting a bit and what I thought was connecting and getting comfortable her phone beeped and she said "Well times up!" I said What?? She said you pay me for my time and companionship only and your time is up. I told her she was a scam artist and good luck getting repeat business but what could I do? She technically was right and I was cursing myself as much as her, so another lesson learned and I am wiser for it. Now with new girls with no reviews I pretty much have the both of us getting naked very soon. We can chat naked to get more comfortable!

It was before the internet era, and I was at a motel just outside of DC.

Other than that, there are a couple or three sessions that just plain sucked because the provider was just poor, but not real ripoffs.

Since TER, I've had at least OK sessions but mostly very good sessions.

I guess I lead a pretty charmed life

Senator.Blutarsky544 reads

...you are only a lurker any more. You may want to reconsider your alias. Just sayin'

Onlyalurker608 reads

I think you are right. How does one change their alias?

and you should be go into My TER and find your alias there and change it

Tell TER you want to change your alias. You had to have had it for 90 days as mrf said. If you are pass the 90 day period, TER will delete your current alias, then you can create a new one.

stucaboy700 reads

girls have never ripped me off. All others have or have tried but never Asians. I won't even try to explain it but in my case it is true.

Incident happened when I started, i was too naive,... The fucker grab the cash off the table while I was cleaning up after the session. I tried to grab him but he bolted out the door!! I didn't know what to do, but I learned my lesson.. Bettered my screening process & do not use the site I met the fucker from. Later find out after I googled his number I wasn't the only victim.   😡😡😡.... Now I'm very selective on whom I see!!!

This isn't a direct hobby rip off but it is associated.
I was in the parking lot outside the hotel packing my car. I have a cloth shopping bag that I take my play things to sessions. In the bag were a lot of cock rings, some vibrators, condoms and several different lubes. Some of them get very hot.

While I was loading my luggage in my car, I sat my toy bag on the roof of my car. In an instant, a guy wearing a hoody, up over his head, ran by and grabbed my bag. He took off at a pretty fast clip and I just cracked up laughing.

I was laughing wondering what the bastard was thinking when he looked in the bag. I wonder if he knows what the cock rings were for. And I am hoping he burned the shit out of his cock with a few of the lubes

souls_harbor578 reads

My two worst robberies were -- A. the government,  B. divorce.   Everything else has been dimes and nickles in comparison.

A lady from LA who I'd been in contact with for several weeks who was a transient major figure on the boards cancelled on me last minute.  I had earlier that day told another lady whom my relationship was blooming with from CA that it was almost impossible that I would be traveling to AVN.  After I got home that night, her e-mail responses confirmed that I knew she would never pull that shit on me, and within the hour, reservations were set to meet her in Vegas the following night.  In retrospect, what a week-end!  Still a beloved friend!  :)

but I used a girl once that, first, was the girl in the photo but at least 30lbs heavier and second as she was BBBJ, I told her to stop and she didn't immediately and I popped and she informed me that was it, session over.

Posted By: Onlyalurker
More than 10 years ago before I was member of the TER, I called an  
 escort while passing through Phoenix. A hot blonde showed up asked for donation and told me to get comfortable. No sooner have I done that, there is a loud knock on the door. I figure, well that's it, busted. But no, the girl opens the door and there is her muscle bound driver. Two minutes later they are gone. Pretty typical. But just a few days ago got within a hairbreath of being rolled by a casino girl in Vegas.   Actually caught her trying to pour some shit into to my drink. Never ever let a casino girl into your room.

Olongapo, P.I., circa 1969

Gun to my head by a jealous boyfriend with the lady screaming and crying at him not to pull the trigger.

Fortunately for my future wife and kids, he did not

I saw a provider and paid $150 for a CBJ.  Thought there was more and she said no but her had said different.  Got out of there quickly.  She admitted to me that she uses fake photos and cheats clients.  Fortunately reviews were posted after the tryst to alert others. I was fucking pissed and learned my lesson.

Smallfish386 reads

I've only been completely ripped off once, and it was a bit weird because it started with a text from a girl that I had seen once before asking if I wanted to see her again (O/C).  I agreed, and since everything was cool the first time around, I wasn't really worried.  But the girl that showed up at my door, while attractive, wasn't the same girl I'd seen before, and pulled the "I just need to pay my driver real quick but I'll leave my purse and phone so you know I'm coming back" BS.  (Of course the purse was empty and the phone didn't work.)

On the provider side, I had a friend call me recently because she was stranded by a client.  She had a multi-hour session with a client, but didn't get the cash up front.  At the end of the session, he drove her to a convenience store so he could use the ATM to pay her.  But a bunch of BS ensued, and he ditched her while she was using the restroom.  But then he kept texting with more BS like he had to run to an real bank to get the cash and was on his way back.  Poor girl!  (BTW, I did take 2 hours out of my day to go pick her up and drive her back to her apartment.)

Yup, I fell for the "I have to go to my car to get condoms" routine. This was before my days on TER. I could have saved myself so much disappointment last year had I been doing reviews on here. It was a backpage ad. Surprise. Chick shows up and she was no where near the girl in the pic. In fact, not even the correct ethnicity. I was expecting a latina girl and I got a thin black girl. She had nice tits and a great ass so I let her in. This was the last time I had a hooker come to my apartment. Once inside, she started making comments about my nice electronics. Oh oh. She also asked if I had any pills like oxy. BiG RED FLAG. She kept stalling. I'd kiss her and touch her tits and she'd say my hands were cold. Then she said she had to go out to her car and get condoms. I told her I had some, but she needed nonlubricated condoms. What? I said you're not leaving with my money. She told me to come with her. So I did. Her friends pulled up, door opened and she jumped in. Happened so fast I couldn't do anything about it. They took off. $200 gone.

I also consider the ones that post a nice looking picture, then when you show up, the picture is clearly several years old or not even the girl, rip offs too.  

One time I was with a girl and I had seen her once before. Made a date again and in the middle of blowing me she said oh shit. She jumped up and went to the bathroom and sat on the toilet. All the while acting all worried. She claims she had her period. I should have verified that. She then finished giving me a BBBJ with me blowing it all over her chest. But I paid for a FS session.

Live and learn. Since being on TER I haven't had a bad experience. It's nice having some idea of what to expect.

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