TER General Board

There ya go! You were not advocating rape or violence.
MidAgedCEO 14 Reviews 1694 reads
1 / 10

Apparently certain segments of the hooker community and their leashed pets ( those guys ) decided it is best to end a debate or argument about shady  hooker business by claiming anywhere along the line that these post advocate "rape" Where better to star then their twatter account, spreading their b.s. and weird extrapolation of facts.

I'm not surprise women lie and exaggerate and are drama queens, where they drag others into it as well.

Well that sure is a stretch and no wonder these "liberal" wannabees continue to feel the hatred returned to them by real Americans who are tired of this PC bullshit, lets end all discussion but throwing a "danger" word

So lets answer those questions?  
Where do I advocate any violence?  NEVER ...  However I can't help but list all these hippy liberal hookers and men who tell others to kill themselves or take the rope cause they don't like the message ( truth )

But lets not forget women will never actually r*p* a man ( physically ), it would be impossible and its not in their nature.   But the emotional part of r*p* women are known to be able to inflict on men.  From taking away their dignity, jobs, or money through lies and fake tears we all know how women play their cards.

However what we do know is that these hookers have a long history of spreading lies and outing men :
I would love to post all the twatter accounts of the offenders but can't due to policy here
Hookers who try to provide the least amount of work for the maximum gain
Hookers who play with men emotional state to empty their wallets ( hookers are paid for sex, I don't know when men became so pathetic they they need to find a "friend" and a "pretend GF that cares", where in your life did you loose anyone to talk to and care for you that you need to pay for that part as well?  ;)

And lets not forget that mixed Asian girl that was TER delisted for "untrustworthy behavior" now post on her twatter how she wants deposits and guys aren't serious.   Guess what stupid, no one is giving you a deposit because there is no repercussion if you steal the money since you can't be reported because you wanted/been booted from men's verification site.   All your fancy photos and website won't cover up a scam, just because something look legit don't make it legit ( haven't you watch current events how thieves and hackers build fancy sites just to steal from people )

Many ( NOT ALL )  of hookers care nothing about providing you with services or promises, because underneath they are natural psychopaths ;)

micktoz 41 Reviews 73 reads
2 / 10

All the rest........ Blah blah, blah.
Hope you get laid.

GaGambler 68 reads
3 / 10

Or is that your way of saying you "hope he gets fucked" lol

micktoz 41 Reviews 69 reads
4 / 10

Yeah, I hope he gets something...... So he feels better about himself. Must be really uncomfortable having that much resentment pent up.

Maybe something like this would solve his problem.

mrblond68 4 Reviews 73 reads
5 / 10

Guess the Midlife Crisis is happening, except that sports car ain't getting you anything. Seems to me the only psychopath on the site is the guy writing these forum posts.

herbtcat 6 Reviews 70 reads
6 / 10

I've now read enough of your blathering rants to realize you must be perpetually drunk.  
Please get help soon.
If you like I can connect you with the Friends of Bill W. Just Pm me, if you can still operate a mouse and a keyboard.

HappyChanges 67 reads
7 / 10
Bluecourtney See my TER Reviews 72 reads
8 / 10

Why are your posts always SO long and filled with hatred? What kind of CEO has all this time on his hands to be posting everyday like this? Give up the meth!

followme 69 reads
9 / 10

He is the

Clearly Extremely Odious  


Ridleyone 12 Reviews 94 reads
10 / 10

Banged a hooker in Taiwan. Pretty lame experience, and she seemed rather desperate, considering she proceeded to steal everything in my hotel room that wasn't specifically mine. I was fine with it because ANARCHY and I found it hilarious, but I'm sure she was probably doing this sort of thing solely cause she had no other choice.  

No I didn't read MidAgedCEO's post, I don't get the point of trolling a hooker board, so I'm not engaging in that.

I'm just saying, I probably raped a hooker in Taiwan.

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