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There was a Brazilian stripper I used to see
Fridays117 27 Reviews 949 reads

When I lived in Queens, NY, years ago who on one particularly hot summers evening invited me back to her apt.  We went to a five story walk up on the top floor in a tiny 1 BR apt where she was staying with her 3 kids.  The apartment was like an oven, over 100 degrees F I'd say.  All three kids were crying, panting and looking like they were gonna drop dead, no A/C at all!!!  I knew that I wasn't getting laid right then, but I invited her and her kids to stay (platonically) in my apt about 30 blocks away.  At least I had AC.  She took me up on the offer and we put the kids in my bed while me and her slept (separately) on my couch and love seat in the living room.  The next day I gave her $200 for an AC unit for her window.  She thanked me profusely, then left with the kids.

I never saw her again.  She quit the club, never called, never came back.

Call me a sucker, but I felt bad for the kids.

Met a provider we hit it off. After the session out of the blue she invites me to
Lunch. Didn't want to eat alone and we vibed. Plus the deed was better than normal.
Kicked it and talked about out lives and such. Told me to come back off the
Clock later that night if I wanted. Later that night asked me to bring her some food
And we banged and canoodled.
Next day sent me cute txts and told me I should come visit at her home
3 days later calls me up crying about being evicted and needing 1400$ or her
And her kid will be on the street.  

Come on man really.... Does this work on dudes? I'm a nice guy
And chivalry isn't dead. But damn. Game is crazy. Make me question
How good looking i am or do I just get smiles cause I have sucka written
In goldigging ink  across my for head.  
I love the time I spend with ladies but that just made me remember why
I do this in the first place.
Or am I an asshat for not helping? I txted her some info on shelters in her area.

except for our whole universe which may very well be the ultimate free lunch.  :)

JackDunphy849 reads

These damn hookers throwing around OTC time like it's the apocalypse then....WHAMO!...out of no where, little Jimmy, Freddy, Mary Sue or who the fuck whatever needs a new pair of shoes.  

Don't give her any shoes but she does need "the boot." And that right now.

I know of at least 3 hobbyists that have been either saving somebody's daughter from China or paying off to get their kidnapped ATF back or "lending" a $1000 or 2 to one of their NEW ATFs who suddenly and quickly fell on hard times. Shit happens and there are lonely people out there who really want to be needed, and/or see themselves as heroes saving a girl either from the bad guys or simply from prostitution something that they (I think erroneously) perceive universally make providers really unhappy. Many of those type of hobbyists quickly become cash cows for providers with little or no scruples.  

                                      As a sidenote: believe it or not but this is interesting there are also seem to be
                                      reasonable number of providers out there who do this type of work  
                                      NOT because  
                                      they really need the money but due to pure loneliness. I met at least 2 like this.
                                      We should probably have a separate thread on that topic.  

I've been taken for a ride like this once or twice in my life too but never here in the States. Not for that much money too so it could easily be written off as "an experience." However I also had providers borrow money from me and return it. I also had them pay their way, in fact insisting to pay their way (for dinner or something). All of these (including borrowing and running) happened in Brazil though.  

To me this all has to do with "time in grade". If you know each other, if you basically like each other for a period of time - fences come down. I have a ATF-UTR-pro that I see on regular basis. We know each other for 2-3 years. Many times when she knew that my financial situation was a bit shaky, she would even refuse the tip (never seen anything like it). If she were to ask me for a loan, it would be a no brainer. If I have it she's got it to be on "to be returned whenever" basis. Now, I would be very surprised if it would not be returned within a year max.  

But this type of trust between a provider and a client needs some time to develop, like probably years. If someone just met you and is quickly asking for a loan or quickly gets themselves into "irregular" situation that requires you to bail them out financially - run. :

When I lived in Queens, NY, years ago who on one particularly hot summers evening invited me back to her apt.  We went to a five story walk up on the top floor in a tiny 1 BR apt where she was staying with her 3 kids.  The apartment was like an oven, over 100 degrees F I'd say.  All three kids were crying, panting and looking like they were gonna drop dead, no A/C at all!!!  I knew that I wasn't getting laid right then, but I invited her and her kids to stay (platonically) in my apt about 30 blocks away.  At least I had AC.  She took me up on the offer and we put the kids in my bed while me and her slept (separately) on my couch and love seat in the living room.  The next day I gave her $200 for an AC unit for her window.  She thanked me profusely, then left with the kids.

I never saw her again.  She quit the club, never called, never came back.

Call me a sucker, but I felt bad for the kids.

Posted By: Fridays117
When I lived in Queens, NY, years ago who on one particularly hot summers evening invited me back to her apt.  We went to a five story walk up on the top floor in a tiny 1 BR apt where she was staying with her 3 kids.  The apartment was like an oven, over 100 degrees F I'd say.  All three kids were crying, panting and looking like they were gonna drop dead, no A/C at all!!!  I knew that I wasn't getting laid right then, but I invited her and her kids to stay (platonically) in my apt about 30 blocks away.  At least I had AC.  She took me up on the offer and we put the kids in my bed while me and her slept (separately) on my couch and love seat in the living room.  The next day I gave her $200 for an AC unit for her window.  She thanked me profusely, then left with the kids.  
 I never saw her again.  She quit the club, never called, never came back.  
 Call me a sucker, but I felt bad for the kids.
Now this I can see you getting your white knight cape award for.
You actually saw the conditions.

I don't think it was the case for me. I I think she had a master "sugar daddy" plan.
She even mentioned sugar daddy to me while we was talking.  
I mean if she was on top of her game she probably could have caught some
One slipping. I think and of course my ego... The good sex knocked
Her off her game and she got real with me then realized she had a plan and
Tried to get back on track. But it was to late and I'm to jaded. Lol last chick
I paid the bills for I married.... Divorced and never looking back.

First of all, she didn't ask you for anything.  And you're right about buying an air conditioner on account of the kids.  That's just helping out other human beings, not getting used.
Too bad she didn't call you again, but, hey, you did the right thing.  And it's not like it was a bunch of money.

well, at the time, it was half a paycheck back in '93.  but yeah, I didn't regret the impulse to help.  I WAS kinda sad she never came back to the strip club, she was fucking hot!  (not just temperature wise).

Townman668 reads

And probably feel good about yourself too.

And it's an effective game because the real thing is much of the human condition. Living lives of quiet desperation, and all. For example, Friday's case was probably not the game in its classic, premeditated form. But it sounds like you, Kwikhit, ran into an artist.

If you found yourself in a psychological bind, you took the hit. You felt it wasn't right, but you felt obligated to do as asked to do, AND you felt you were in a relationship that isolated you from any outside assistance or advice. That's the mark start position. DA's right-- no free lunch (except, as he pointed out, the universe and life itself). So you first got some OTC, which you knew was unusual, but WTF, and you knew SOMETHING was up, but WTF, so when she goes for the money, you're already trained to go along and give it to her, WTF. Who can you complain to?

If you walk away without giving the payoff, she's not out nothing. You took nothing but her time, and you invested an equal amount of your time into that arrangement. Time's value seems a constant. Your time, her time, my time, their time-- it's all equally valuable, equally cheap, but she uses her hooker status to convince you that her time is worth more than yours.

So you feel obligated, isolated, and like you've ALREADY agreed to help her when she needs help. You feel like you owe her.

It's so easy, so eloquently structured that women learn it fast and use it over and over. For some (agreed, this sounds weird) hooking is just a front.

RokkKrinn474 reads

...until you got to the part about her putting the arm on you for $$.

Until then, it sounded like "I never thought I'd be writing one of these letters to Penthouse Forum..." kinds of things.

It *might* (and I stress, *might*) be a different story if you and she were long-standing regulars, seen each other multiple times over a matter of some years.  You know, where you actually might know something about her and the rest of her life when she's not providing, knew her real name, where she lived, etc (and No, I'm not a creepy stalker type--but I do tend to do a lot of repeat business, so inevitably I end up knowing "the real deal" on many of my special friends).

In this case, with this fact pattern:  Forget it, man, and run the other way.  If you want to be a nice guy, do something similar to what you did with sending her info on shelters--but maybe (depending on where you live) find whatever organizations there might be in your area that are specifically targeted on providing relief to sex workers who find themselves in a jam.

That's about it, though.  This woman has not been in your life nearly long enough to expect financial assistance in the form of a "loan" that will never be paid back.  Heck, it was a big deal to me when I loaned my best-friend-forever-since-we-were-kids a $XXXX amount of money recently.  That's probably the largest loan that I've ever given anybody.  And he's actually now paying me back, which is more than I expected when I released the funds.

In short:  Get yourself the f--- out of this situation, pronto.

Posted By: RokkKrinn
...until you got to the part about her putting the arm on you for $$.

Until then, it sounded like "I never thought I'd be writing one of these letters to Penthouse Forum..." kinds of things.

It *might* (and I stress, *might*) be a different story if you and she were long-standing regulars, seen each other multiple times over a matter of some years.  You know, where you actually might know something about her and the rest of her life when she's not providing, knew her real name, where she lived, etc (and No, I'm not a creepy stalker type--but I do tend to do a lot of repeat business, so inevitably I end up knowing "the real deal" on many of my special friends).

In this case, with this fact pattern:  Forget it, man, and run the other way.  If you want to be a nice guy, do something similar to what you did with sending her info on shelters--but maybe (depending on where you live) find whatever organizations there might be in your area that are specifically targeted on providing relief to sex workers who find themselves in a jam.

That's about it, though.  This woman has not been in your life nearly long enough to expect financial assistance in the form of a "loan" that will never be paid back.  Heck, it was a big deal to me when I loaned my best-friend-forever-since-we-were-kids a $XXXX amount of money recently.  That's probably the largest loan that I've ever given anybody.  And he's actually now paying me back, which is more than I expected when I released the funds.

In short:  Get yourself the f--- out of this situation, pronto.

Lol I wish I had penthouse stories.... I got friends that are Alfa males I guess
And civvy women throw ass at them like it's nothing. Me ehh not so much.

Like I said it was odd but I don't have a SO she was hot... Not from the area... Why not.
And we chopped it up like buddies I bought lunch . No biggie  
The offer of OTC.....my thought was she was trying to build a clientele so I  
Would have been all for it. With my schedule establishing a something like that
Would have been cool.
But naw hitting me up for 1400...not even knowing me a week.  
I'm not that ugly and desperate.  (Ego thing so no offence to anyone who has fell victim)
And yeah I haven't heard from her since I txted her shelter info.  

My only hope is that just in the space of being human that I was correct in  
It being game and not an actual cry for help

GreekDeprived544 reads

it worked on you.

what is nice is that I never have to figure out what is being or has been said--it doesn't matter is she is an excellent actress playing a part that I respond to very favorably or if its spontaneous.

Deprived and dubitable

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