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There is no sex like make-up sex, and the longer the wait....
mrfisher 108 Reviews 300 reads

the more compound interest there is.

I tell you, the sex I had with this gal after seeing her again blew the needle right off the meter, and even now it's still right up there

I just had another girl contact me that I have not seen in five years. That ties the record. I'm not sure I'll see her but I was wondering what the longest you guys have gone between appointments.

We had sort of a falling out, then she contacted me out of the blue wanting to make things right, now we're tight again.  

Life can be nice like that.  

I'm pretty high on her.

GaGambler319 reads

Like you, we had sort of a falling out, and then she found a rich gringo to get married to, so she "retired" for several years. The marriage didn't work out so back to the Del Rey she went and we ran into each other.  

Even at the ripe old age of about 26, she is still pretty hot and we reconnected too. Actually I like her a little bit better now, she used to KNOW she was the hottest thing around and had a habit of acting like it, she has a bit more humility now after a failed marriage.

the more compound interest there is.

I tell you, the sex I had with this gal after seeing her again blew the needle right off the meter, and even now it's still right up there

GaGambler292 reads

Yes, it can be pretty fucking intense at times.

I can only estimate. But I have an interesting angle to your question. One time, not too many years ago, I found a lady with whom I wanted to have a monogamous hobby relationship. I won't go into all the reasons why, but there were many. Of course, all hobby relationships come to an end for one reason or another. The end of this particular relationship coincided with the demise of a site that cannot be named. After that, many of us were scared away from the hobby, which added to the time away from the ladies I'd know previously. When I finally felt comfortable enough again, I contacted all the ladies I'd known before. In some instances it had been over two years. We all know that it doesn't matter how long it's been. That a lady will take any appointment from a well referenced, well mannered, clean, fully enveloped gentleman. Especially one they've known, and with whom they've had great times. Wrong!! Of the ladies I contacted, only one accepted me back into the fold. The others were bitter that I had chosen not to see them for so long, and refused any more contact. So if you think these ladies have no sentiment about this hobby, think again. I had to go out and find a whole new series of ladies. So the answer to your question is somewhere in the neighborhood of two years +. And no, I don't think I'd do the monogamy thing again.

-- Modified on 9/18/2015 9:44:05 AM

I've seen a lady after she had been in hiatus for about a year.  But I don't think that's the context you are interested in.

One girl I really liked to see I had a falling out with.  So I stopped seeing her.  I take blame when it is mine, but this was not.  It was all on her.  She put expectations on me that I could not abide by.  She crossed that hobby boundary in a way that didn't sit well with me.  So we broke communications after a bad argument.

After about eight months passed by I get a three word message - "I miss you".  I contacted her and she apologized profusely and we moved on.  Was I a sucker?  Probably.  But I am a forgiving person as I've done many things in my life I wish I could take back.  Or do over.  Or make right.  And I am a real "sucker" for a happy ending.  Both kinds.  LOL.

And having makeup sex with someone you are close to after having a bad argument with is one of life's great joys.  

The moral of the story to the ladies is sometimes a little "I miss you" can go a long way.  Whether you are a true romantic or all business.  Sometimes us suckers fall for that stuff.  ;-)

She's out of state and while I've been to the city where she lives, when I'm in her city I'm busy with business. I have been contacted by providers I haven't seen longer than a year 1 1/2, but I've chosen not to see them

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