TER General Board

There is a fascinating back story on the invention and marketing
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of feminine hygiene sprays. Advertisers had to gingerly convince women that they needed something that they had never needed before.

On a related note, I love commercials for laxatives, the way they mince around the issue.  I must have been well into my twenties before I realized what the fuck they were talking about "feeling regular".

As I sit here thinking random thoughts bored out of my mind, I wondered how our ancestors ever managed to have sex. We spend a lot of time on these boards bitching about bad hygiene, bad breath, untrimmed bushes, and every other bodily function that tends to ruin sessions. Are we TER people the exception? Are we so sophisticated that we're the only ones who must be pristinely clean to fuck each other? How did our ancestors ever get through the sex act during the middle ages bathing once a week in some stinky river that they drank from? How did cavemen deal with no TP and the horrible stench during fucking? For that matter, even today, how do civvies pick each other up at bars after work and have sex without showering since the morning? Do they skip all bathroom breaks during the day so they won''t stink later that night? Do they have a magical deodorant that makes their bodies smell amazing 12 hours after they've showered?

Those of us here on TER must be the cleanest people ever to screw in the history of mankind. If our ancestors were as persnickety as us, none of us would be here. How the hell did they get through sex smelling so badly? How do civvies get through one-night stands after working all day and hitting the bathroom multiple times? And God forbid they eat something during the day and have unwanted bodily function failures. What an amazing group we TER people are, thank goodness we found each other or we'd be out there fucking skanky civvies.

Back to my other random thoughts on this non-workday...

-- Modified on 12/26/2014 5:54:34 PM

As I was watching Anthony Bourdain: Parts Unknown on NETFLIX.  

He goes to various parts of the Globe in search of Food and Culture. The series is amazing. The writing is very eloquent and very genuine. Looking at how people in third world countries live, it amazes me that they can get their dicks up and get over the stench to even fuck, and not just fuck but have so many kids..

I guess if you don't know better, it really doesn't matter.. Perhaps the civvies don't know better.. I dunno...

-- Modified on 12/26/2014 7:19:22 PM

Doesn't have to be third world. I lived in Italy for a few years and the idea of showering everyday is shocking to Italians because they believe that the washing of the "essential oils" off every day is a sure way to get sick. Once a week is enough for a bath. Deodorant is not used at all. The smell of Italy is the one thing that I remember the most. Strong BO, not the minor whiff of "somebody needs a shower", but the strong BO of my eyes are burning and I think I'm going to throw up, is what I remember in the summer months. I remember thinking, "How can these people stand the stench long enough to fuck each other? There were kids everywhere, so apparently, the smell didn't bother them that much.

Posted By: CurlyW - Nats Fan
As I was watching Anthony Bourdain: Parts Unknown on NETFLIX.  
 He goes to various parts of the Globe in search of Food and Culture. The series is amazing. The writing is very eloquent and very genuine. Looking at how people in third world countries live, it amazes me that they can get their dicks up and get over the stench to even fuck, and not just fuck but have so many kids..  
 I guess if you don't know better, it really doesn't matter.. Perhaps the civvies don't know better.. I dunno...

-- Modified on 12/26/2014 7:19:22 PM

and it wasn't just Italy. France wasn't much better either and all that body hair on women, geez... I guess there's a market for female body hair based on reviews I've read.

Yet, they all managed to fuck and must have enjoyed it or we wouldn't be here. Anyone like to chime in on how the civvy bar pickup sex world works? Do you both hop in the shower before you passionately fuck or do you just hit the sack and go at it like rabbits?

The only European country I've been to and hobbied is Germany in their renowned FKK clubs...  

It is customary to go get shower when you first check in.. Actually, at the gate they give you keys for your locker, towels, and slippers..

-- Modified on 12/26/2014 8:46:20 PM

and I had never been put through my grooming paces by a woman pre-sex before her.  I guess my approach prior to meeting her was a bit more on the Italian side (or the caveman side).  To be honest it took a lot of the spontaneity out of it when we first started dating but she was a sexual dynamo so I figured what the hell.  And once we started living together I adapted and ended up getting clean when I got home from work as that seemed to be good enough when we'd share a glass of wine and I could more often than not convince her that dinner could wait.   Long ago in a galaxy far far away.

Pheromones are an incredible driving force picking up someone you're attracted to. The smell of the day wears better on some than others and I'm sure they think we "stink" also. I love the smell of a man it's a real turn on, but I would never think of a P4P wanting to smell you the rest of the day. So yes, wash yourself please and let the hunters do as they do!

Posted By: Polish_Pirate
and it wasn't just Italy. France wasn't much better either and all that body hair on women, geez... I guess there's a market for female body hair based on reviews I've read.  
 Yet, they all managed to fuck and must have enjoyed it or we wouldn't be here. Anyone like to chime in on how the civvy bar pickup sex world works? Do you both hop in the shower before you passionately fuck or do you just hit the sack and go at it like rabbits?

If by pheromones, you're referring to that elusive natural body scent the opposite sex supposedly finds irresistable, why are they attractive in the civvie world but not in the P4P world? Is it because providers aren't attracted to clients so we stink by definition if we haven't showered in the last 30 minutes? By the same argument, if a guy picks up a woman in a bar and when they undress he finds she has BO, would he still do her? You bet! I can't imagine picking up a woman in a bar, taking her back to my place and then asking her to please shower before we fuck. You know what would happen? She'd slap me silly and leave insulted and very pissed off.

For the ladies, have you ever picked up a civvie guy in a bar, taken him home and made him take a shower once he undressed? Does this really happen? I don't know never having been in this situation. As a guy, that wouldn't piss me off but it would definitely dull the heat of the moment. I'd still do her though because I'm a guy and I found her hot.

As I understand what your saying, it's physical attraction that makes the difference in the civvie world vs P4P. When there's a mutual attraction, unpleasant odors may be ignored in the heat of the moment but in P4P, this is never tolerable. I get this because while a client finds a provider attractive, she almost never finds him attractive and wouldn't give him the time of day without the $$$. Yet, I have met a few providers who had unpleasant odors in the nether regions but went ahead anyway so as not to insult them. I can't imagine ever asking a provider to please take a shower, that's a recipe for disaster.

It's a good thing people screw for other reasons than $$$ or we wouldn't be here, lol.

Posted By: anavictoria
Pheromones are an incredible driving force picking up someone you're attracted to. The smell of the day wears better on some than others and I'm sure they think we "stink" also. I love the smell of a man it's a real turn on, but I would never think of a P4P wanting to smell you the rest of the day. So yes, wash yourself please and let the hunters do as they do!

If I may ask, why can't you "politely" ask for provider to shower? I think I read something about asking providers to "shower with them" sort of as a wink wink. 95%+ of the time is no issue, but just once a while, we get a lady who could use some care down there. It sure is going to be very awkward, but not too overreaching in P4P relationship?

Posted By: Polish_Pirate
If by pheromones, you're referring to that elusive natural body scent the opposite sex supposedly finds irresistable, why are they attractive in the civvie world but not in the P4P world? Is it because providers aren't attracted to clients so we stink by definition if we haven't showered in the last 30 minutes? By the same argument, if a guy picks up a woman in a bar and when they undress he finds she has BO, would he still do her? You bet! I can't imagine picking up a woman in a bar, taking her back to my place and then asking her to please shower before we fuck. You know what would happen? She'd slap me silly and leave insulted and very pissed off.  
 For the ladies, have you ever picked up a civvie guy in a bar, taken him home and made him take a shower once he undressed? Does this really happen? I don't know never having been in this situation. As a guy, that wouldn't piss me off but it would definitely dull the heat of the moment. I'd still do her though because I'm a guy and I found her hot.  
 As I understand what your saying, it's physical attraction that makes the difference in the civvie world vs P4P. When there's a mutual attraction, unpleasant odors may be ignored in the heat of the moment but in P4P, this is never tolerable. I get this because while a client finds a provider attractive, she almost never finds him attractive and wouldn't give him the time of day without the $$$. Yet, I have met a few providers who had unpleasant odors in the nether regions but went ahead anyway so as not to insult them. I can't imagine ever asking a provider to please take a shower, that's a recipe for disaster.  
 It's a good thing people screw for other reasons than $$$ or we wouldn't be here, lol.  
Posted By: anavictoria
Pheromones are an incredible driving force picking up someone you're attracted to. The smell of the day wears better on some than others and I'm sure they think we "stink" also. I love the smell of a man it's a real turn on, but I would never think of a P4P wanting to smell you the rest of the day. So yes, wash yourself please and let the hunters do as they do!

first one I pick up on streets had dirty legs and got mad when I ask her to shower second one try but. could not get the cake on mud off I gave up after that and use as is.

but they offered to do so, I never asked them to. Should I have asked in those few cases? Yes, absolutely, but I was afraid it would ruin the session by the implicit insult. The reality is that first-time sessions are awkward enough and the provider doesn't know the client so the mere suggestion that she smells would likely ruin the session. Not that those sessions were anything to write home about - none of them were reviewed for obvious reasons.

There is somewhat of a double-standard in P4P. The provider assumes the client needs a shower even if he's just showered and the client assumes the provider is freshly showered. A provider suggesting a client might like to shower is generally not taken as an insult because the client knows doing so will improve the session substantially. A client asking a provider to shower who doesn't get the wink-wink is almost a guarantee of an implicit insult.

Thanks for the reply. That double standard makes sense. Especially since money is exchanged in the start of the session, everything is left for the mercy of the provider.  

Posted By: Polish_Pirate
but they offered to do so, I never asked them to. Should I have asked in those few cases? Yes, absolutely, but I was afraid it would ruin the session by the implicit insult. The reality is that first-time sessions are awkward enough and the provider doesn't know the client so the mere suggestion that she smells would likely ruin the session. Not that those sessions were anything to write home about - none of them were reviewed for obvious reasons.  
 There is somewhat of a double-standard in P4P. The provider assumes the client needs a shower even if he's just showered and the client assumes the provider is freshly showered. A provider suggesting a client might like to shower is generally not taken as an insult because the client knows doing so will improve the session substantially. A client asking a provider to shower who doesn't get the wink-wink is almost a guarantee of an implicit insult.

Doesn't have to be third world. I lived in Italy for a few years and the idea of showering everyday is shocking to Italians because they believe that the washing of the "essential oils" off every day is a sure way to get sick. Once a week is enough for a bath. Deodorant is not used at all. The smell of Italy is the one thing that I remember the most. Strong BO, not the minor whiff of "somebody needs a shower", but the strong BO of my eyes are burning and I think I'm going to throw up, is what I remember in the summer months. I remember thinking, "How can these people stand the stench long enough to fuck each other? There were kids everywhere, so apparently, the smell didn't bother them that much.  
Posted By: CurlyW - Nats Fan
As I was watching Anthony Bourdain: Parts Unknown on NETFLIX.    
  He goes to various parts of the Globe in search of Food and Culture. The series is amazing. The writing is very eloquent and very genuine. Looking at how people in third world countries live, it amazes me that they can get their dicks up and get over the stench to even fuck, and not just fuck but have so many kids..  
  I guess if you don't know better, it really doesn't matter.. Perhaps the civvies don't know better.. I dunno...  
 -- Modified on 12/26/2014 7:19:22 PM

They kind of hurt but it'd work for me with enough pain killers.

Skyfyre615 reads

Over the holiday I was watching the latest Planet of the Ape. So that's my inspiration!

And recently I was watching the STARZ serie Spartacus.

Basically it wasn't too long ago (say before the advent of porn) that all we human do is bent over doggy style and fucked.

That's the NATURAL and SIMPLISTIC way to get a load out. Animals do it. Apes do it. Cavemen did it. Even Romans did it. For the simple purpose of getting over the urge and procreate there was really no need for all the fancy schmancy of hygiene, beauty, romance etc... etc...

Maybe it's all part of the escorts' strategy to make a fuck more than just a fuck to make a few more bucks? LOL.

that is why you can pet a dog but not kiss a dog. dog do have dog breath.

Of any position, that position will give you a real good whiff of anything not right down there. Somehow, our ancestors were able to get past it and they were doing it for other reasons than procreation. Men don't have sex to make babies, that's the last thing on our minds, lol.

For the rest of your inquiry I don't usually shit at work, unless I really need to go. I'm not sure why you need to take so many bathroom breaks.

You must be the only guy on the planet who doesn't hit the urinals at least twice a day.

I drink a lot of water while at work.

You asked why I needed so many bathroom breaks. First off, I wasn't talking about myself, you made it about my behavior. Second, I drink a lot of water and it comes out at least twice a day. If you can hold all that water in for an entire day, good for you. At my age, the bladder needs emptying more than once a day, hence the need for multiple bathroom breaks.

then measure the urine that general how much you can drink before you need to pee less than 10 oz need help. 20 oz ok 32 oz better 40 pritty good 72 plus it huge very good.

hotplants872 reads

is that you meet women at all.  

Either you're a child of some wealthy aristocracy in which women simply do not work---ever. And you never, ever, talk to any woman outside of this caste. (let's just say your posts' defy this theory)

OR, women have never actually been willing to talk to you long enough to get to the place in which they told you about their jobs.  








Posted By: JohnyComeAlready
For the rest of your inquiry I don't usually shit at work, unless I really need to go. I'm not sure why you need to take so many bathroom breaks.

I assume they work for some agency where they are sworn to secrecy.

sorry, cheap shot... but I'm still not sure I'm wrong :)

-- Modified on 12/27/2014 6:41:14 AM

-- Modified on 12/27/2014 6:41:31 AM

Hold on a sec...did they have alcohol in the caveman days? Doubt it but I'm sure that's the way they got through it in the middle ages. Where's our drunk Asian, he could explain more.

89Springer611 reads

Just a few hundred years ago, bathing was extremely infrequent in even the most civilized countries. Women (and some men) wore perfumes to mask odors.  

This tidbit about medieval Europe from a sourced site on hygiene:  

"Other sources say that bathing became such an over-indulged, hedonistic pleasure that the church spoke out against it, prompting infrequent bathing. For example, St Francis of Assisi promoted non-bathing as a way to be holier; monks bathed two or three times a year; King John I of England bathed every three weeks, Queen Elizabeth I bathed once a month; most people took a bath only once or twice in their life."

In the 19th century, the polite term "the vapors" actually referred to someone passing gas. The phrase was usually used by women, and was often because their corsets were too tight.

-- Modified on 12/26/2014 5:27:43 PM

We're fanatical about hygiene in this country which is a good thing. This seems to make Americans think more highly of themselves because we're a cleaner society than the cultures in which our ancestors live. Based on the comments so far, I have to wonder if providers and clients in other cultures (not including Germany) are obsessed over hygiene during sex or even in their regular daily lives. Italy.. apparently not so I believe most Americans would dread having sex in Italy. I say this tongue in cheek because I'm sure this isn't true but let's pretend it is.

So guys, if you went to Italy and found a hot Italian hooker, would you not do her if she smelled "of the day"? Would you ask her to shower or just go with the flow? In other words, would your American expectations of freshness carry over to other countries where cleanliness isn't next to godliness?

-- Modified on 12/26/2014 9:02:05 PM

Americans were originally  comprised of European invaders, known at the time for their aversion to water, due to their ignorant superstition that bathing would cause death.
  At the time of invasion everyone in America stunk like dead rotting skunks,  except American Natives.
  The original colonists were amazed at the cleanliness of the Savages.
  If you are proud of your bathing habits, give thanks to  American Natives killed by the stench and plagues of the invaders.  
   American  Natives, for the most part, viewed Europeans  as nasty smelling dogs of death.
 Since almost every Colonist stank like a gangrene  infection boiling over, handkerchiefs were  a necessary clothing article  for the few  that noticed  the smell.  
  I've heard whispered words behind  closed doors from  American Natives and Asians, wondering what causes the after bath smell coming from pale face. .  


Posted By: Polish_Pirate
We're fanatical about hygiene in this country which is a good thing. This seems to make Americans think more highly of themselves because we're a cleaner society than the cultures in which our ancestors live. Based on the comments so far, I have to wonder if providers and clients in other cultures (not including Germany) are obsessed over hygiene during sex or even in their regular daily lives. Italy.. apparently not so I believe most Americans would dread having sex in Italy. I say this tongue in cheek because I'm sure this isn't true but let's pretend it is.  
 So guys, if you went to Italy and found a hot Italian hooker, would you not do her if she smelled "of the day"? Would you ask her to shower or just go with the flow? In other words, would your American expectations of freshness carry over to other countries where cleanliness isn't next to godliness?

-- Modified on 12/26/2014 9:02:05 PM

The only hookers I ever saw in Italy were from Africa and they worked in old lots just off the highway. The Italians would cover all the windows of their car with newspaper and park in empty lots with the provider of their choice. I think the newspapers were for privacy, but I'm sure they helped keep the "funk" in the car longer.

A use car will get you most places but why not take the ride in a new ram if you have the money. A new car every has to be perfect and many of the parts are inspected by some low life like me.

Posted By: Polish_Pirate
As I sit here thinking random thoughts bored out of my mind, I wondered how our ancestors ever managed to have sex. We spend a lot of time on these boards bitching about bad hygiene, bad breath, untrimmed bushes, and every other bodily function that tends to ruin sessions. Are we TER people the exception? Are we so sophisticated that we're the only ones who must be pristinely clean to fuck each other? How did our ancestors ever get through the sex act during the middle ages bathing once a week in some stinky river that they drank from? How did cavemen deal with no TP and the horrible stench during fucking? For that matter, even today, how do civvies pick each other up at bars after work and have sex without showering since the morning? Do they skip all bathroom breaks during the day so they won''t stink later that night? Do they have a magical deodorant that makes their bodies smell amazing 12 hours after they've showered?  
 Those of us here on TER must be the cleanest people ever to screw in the history of mankind. If our ancestors were as persnickety as us, none of us would be here. How the hell did they get through sex smelling so badly? How do civvies get through one-night stands after working all day and hitting the bathroom multiple times? And God forbid they eat something during the day and have unwanted bodily function failures. What an amazing group we TER people are, thank goodness we found each other or we'd be out there fucking skanky civvies.  
 Back to my other random thoughts on this non-workday...

-- Modified on 12/26/2014 5:54:34 PM

when you can't see a provider all you need is some Can fish make you fell like you eating vagina Fish some people say is brain food and is good for you.

I remember as a kid I used to eat the unnatural, half plastic peanut butter. As an adult I got into a health kick where I ate all natural fats, 100% natural peanut butter, (where the oil separated from the nuts and you had to stir it,) and crackers that tasted like card board, no extra salt or pepper, no sweets, no partially hydroginated crap, etc. I hated it at first, but over time I acquired a taste for it.

One day I bought the cheaper peanut butter. I used to love it as a kid, but damn. I couldn't get that plastic coat out of my mouth. It was disgusting! I also was so used to no sweets, that I had to get used to it again before I could eat chocolate, cake, ice cream, etc. again. It's amazing how much you can eat shit and not taste the shit in the food - until you get away from it.

Just like those people who smell like pee in elevators. They can't smell it on themselves or their family members because they're engulfed in the smell of piss, cat food, second hand smoke, etc. for so long they just can't smell it anymore. But when they move on from it, when they go back, they despise the smell.

Another way to look at it is from a 'familiar smell' perspective. While I doubt they were 'rimming' back in those days, I wonder if the smell was that 'familiar smell' that, when intensified by the removal of clothing, told their brain it was time to have sex. Perhaps arousing them.

It was normal to them. So they knew nothing else. Just like today in many ways. I was told not to try the $10,000 baby grand piano if I couldn't afford it. Why? Because the $2,000 upright piano just isn't going to sound the same. And if you've had mediocre steak your whole life, it's great steak until you try the best steak in the world.

In the 80's the bush was popular. Now, not so much. But back in the day that porn turned people on. Now it's made fun of. Those generations have passed in the US, and we're now used to clean scents. I wonder if the people from the old days would question how we do it today.

I also wonder if the heavy pheromones intensified the intimacy and caused for increase in sexual activity because of the 'spell' it casts on the mate.

I have had a boyfriend or two who purposefully wouldn't wear deodorant because their specific scent turned me on. (Please guys, don't do that here lol.)

Maybe they were more driven to each other by scent as opposed to looks back then?

One more thing: I learned something about behaviors in men and women today that could have evolved and shown evidence in some people today due to normal life activity from our ancestors.
A person with Agoraphobia may be afraid to leave the house - an evolved state of their ancestors having to walk in groups through wide open spaces with predators.
Stuff like that in a small percentage of people could be a sample of evidence of where we evolved from.

Brown showers - get the point? LOL. Ancestors ate it and smelled it every day. Some people have a taste for it. (literally.)

I'm done lol.

but I knew there were good points coming across somewhere in your novel. You made one point another lady made - you liked the scent of your boyfriend without deodorant. So there's one kicker, the attraction you had to that boyfriend allowed you to smell his armpit order as pleasant when it wouldn't be for other women in today's society. So the attraction theory makes sense, if a woman is attracted to a man, she smells his pheromones rather than his underarm BO. For providers, they smell armpit odor no matter what the guy looks like because they're not already attracted to him or in love with him.

It's becoming clear that our desire for cleanliness in this hobby is a learned behavior that evolved over time. I still don't understand how one night stands from bar hookups work when one or both parties have been working all day, have hit the bathroom at least once and probably many times during the course of the day, yet they can get it on from pure lust with no showers. Have any of you ladies who date in civvie life ever hit the bed with a guy you picked up at a bar without requiring him to shower? If so, is it because you're attracted to him and can't wait to fuck him whereas with us, there's no attraction so you're doing everything in your power just to get through the session with minimal discomfort? And having us shower is one way to minimize the pain?

I won't address your last point because I personally find the practice disgusting but I will say that I've dated a girl or two who, when she bent over, made me wonder why I wanted to fuck her at all. 'Nuff said

Lol that's nasty. Since it isn't our culture to stink like poo, unless previously discussed, people can't leave shit on their asshole before sex lol.  

Armpit smell - I think the effects of the pheromones are still there even if my nose isn't up in the armpit. It was not an odor you can smell unless it's right in your face. But I remember when I started going there, I'd sniff it and feel a reaction in my body. So it made me wonder if that was a condensed effect?  

In the days of our ancestors with BO flying everywhere, since it was a normal everyday thing, I'm thinking it was a "No, nope. Nope. No---" then "hmmm..." *sniff* *sniff* "who is THAT?"  

Then they go away and fuck like bunnies lol. Now it takes a little more work. Or we compensate with looks.

After work bar pick up. I always wash... Unless I'm totally wasted. Which never happens lol. I mostly did online dating and the guy usually showered too, or we showered together.

-- Modified on 12/26/2014 11:46:04 PM

P4P, whether it be escorting or porn, seems to be the cleanest way to have sex these days. Maybe we're very aware of it because we do it a lot more than others in civvie life. We set a higher bar as a result, at least here in America. I can't speak for the rest of the world and from what I read here, I don't think I'd ever hobby in another country, lol. Well, other than Canada, Germany, UK, Australia...help me out here, what other clean countries are there?

Let me buy you a drink ma'lady..  

No snails for 10 days..lol :D

Since I seldom feel any communality with most people, I might not have it. Or maybe my olfactory senses are impaired to the point where I don't pick up on the human scent. Hard to tell which. It must be the latter, because some very odd people have approached me from time to to time, each certain that s/he has something basic in common with me. Usually I am only annoyed and feel imposed on by an urgency to quickly find a polite and civilized way to escape their persistent effort to become my friend.

So this happens regardless of which cologne I chose for the day or how long it is since applied. It leads me toward the conclusion that I must have a lot of the human smell naturally. Either that or the whole proposition is a crock of shit.

Speaking of shit, I'm sure that excrement or perspiration or the scent of any bodily fluid is as repulsive to everyone as it is to me. Maybe that's the extent of my communality with the rest of you. Like you, I think dirty people are repulsive. In my case I would phrase it that dirty people are even more repulsive than clean people, but if you delight in the company of clean people more power to you.

Posted By: WickedBrut
Since I seldom feel any communality with most people, I might not have it. Or maybe my olfactory senses are impaired to the point where I don't pick up on the human scent. Hard to tell which. It must be the latter, because some very odd people have approached me from time to to time, each certain that s/he has something basic in common with me. Usually I am only annoyed and feel imposed on by an urgency to quickly find a polite and civilized way to escape their persistent effort to become my friend.  
 So this happens regardless of which cologne I chose for the day or how long it is since applied. It leads me toward the conclusion that I must have a lot of the human smell naturally. Either that or the whole proposition is a crock of shit.  
 Speaking of shit, I'm sure that excrement or perspiration or the scent of any bodily fluid is as repulsive to everyone as it is to me. Maybe that's the extent of my communality with the rest of you. Like you, I think dirty people are repulsive. In my case I would phrase it that dirty people are even more repulsive than clean people, but if you delight in the company of clean people more power to you.

the rules follow evolution. If you have never experienced it you wouldn't know different. So if no one used a toothbrush, it wouldn't bother anyone because that is what is expected. However, this hobby is probably how better hygiene came to be...lol

If I were going on a civie date, I would expect both of us to shower thoroughly before the date. But if we get busy after the date, it's not really a big deal. People pee and if I were to tell him that before we go any further I need to wash because I peed, I think he would think I'm crazy. Same thing goes for one night stands...before you go out to a bar/club, you're going to take a shower and look and smell your best...otherwise, I don't think anyone would want to take you home.
On p4p dinner dates and multi-hour dates, if I have to go to the bathroom at any point, I always tell the guy to excuse me for a couple minutes so I can wash after.  In this type of setting it's appreciated instead of seen as crazy lol.  It's more important to be extremely clean as an escort, because I am essentially a product. He's paying for me, so I need to be as perfect as I can be (meaning look, smell my best, be in a good mood, good skills, etc).

Posted By: Polish_Pirate
As I sit here thinking random thoughts bored out of my mind, I wondered how our ancestors ever managed to have sex. We spend a lot of time on these boards bitching about bad hygiene, bad breath, untrimmed bushes, and every other bodily function that tends to ruin sessions. Are we TER people the exception? Are we so sophisticated that we're the only ones who must be pristinely clean to fuck each other? How did our ancestors ever get through the sex act during the middle ages bathing once a week in some stinky river that they drank from? How did cavemen deal with no TP and the horrible stench during fucking? For that matter, even today, how do civvies pick each other up at bars after work and have sex without showering since the morning? Do they skip all bathroom breaks during the day so they won''t stink later that night? Do they have a magical deodorant that makes their bodies smell amazing 12 hours after they've showered?  
 Those of us here on TER must be the cleanest people ever to screw in the history of mankind. If our ancestors were as persnickety as us, none of us would be here. How the hell did they get through sex smelling so badly? How do civvies get through one-night stands after working all day and hitting the bathroom multiple times? And God forbid they eat something during the day and have unwanted bodily function failures. What an amazing group we TER people are, thank goodness we found each other or we'd be out there fucking skanky civvies.  
 Back to my other random thoughts on this non-workday...

-- Modified on 12/26/2014 5:54:34 PM

While the holes all look the same, one is generally much better groomed. The clientle is a bit different with a few notable exceptions as there are always a few Rodney Dangerfields.  The cost of entry is different and you are made to feel like a king when you're at a club, but in the end either way, you still have to go home and take out the garbage so while belonging to a club doesn't make you a different person, you can at least enjoy feeling that way for a little while.   And that is not to say that there are not some outstanding public courses as there certainly are, but it's often hit or miss, they still cost a pretty penny esp if you want extras, and the club is much more of a sure thing.

PS I always shower after playing at a club, but never do at a public course.  Also, they do a much better job polishing my clubs.  Go figure.  

-- Modified on 12/27/2014 7:45:18 AM

According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the average American household spends about $600 per year on personal care products, which is about the same as spending on alcoholic beverages. This is also 600% more than is spent on books and reading material. So your chances of meeting a girl who is drunk, stupid yet fresh as a summer’s breeze have never been better.

of feminine hygiene sprays. Advertisers had to gingerly convince women that they needed something that they had never needed before.

On a related note, I love commercials for laxatives, the way they mince around the issue.  I must have been well into my twenties before I realized what the fuck they were talking about "feeling regular".

Back in the 70’s there was a shampoo brand called “Gee Your Hair Smells Terrific.” They recently re-launched the brand and it is back on the shelf. With that name, they probably shouldn’t introduce a line of feminine hygiene products.

this guy scored a bunch.  Sadly, it was only with squeaky-clean goo-goos like this one.  Give me a naughty girl any day.  So long as she's "fresh down there.

Sounds like a great product for dogs and cats :-)

That spot was actually a lesbianic feminist propaganda ad.

1. The mother had short hair and a rather masculine look to her, while the daughter had long hair and was more feminine looking.

2. The only time a couple goes out sailing it's considered a date.


For the life of me, I can't recall the scent of anything smelling fresh on a summers evening. Summer evenings usually smell like sweat, humidity, cut grass, roofing tar, and day old garbage.  

WTF were they thinking with the name summers eve?

Back_In_Black941 reads

dude , every man needs companionship from a woman once in awhile without the bullshit involved . look at the x mas thread below , we have to pay our SO , something wrong with the way women think ..!!  

Posted By: Polish_Pirate
As I sit here thinking random thoughts bored out of my mind, I wondered how our ancestors ever managed to have sex. We spend a lot of time on these boards bitching about bad hygiene, bad breath, untrimmed bushes, and every other bodily function that tends to ruin sessions. Are we TER people the exception? Are we so sophisticated that we're the only ones who must be pristinely clean to fuck each other? How did our ancestors ever get through the sex act during the middle ages bathing once a week in some stinky river that they drank from? How did cavemen deal with no TP and the horrible stench during fucking? For that matter, even today, how do civvies pick each other up at bars after work and have sex without showering since the morning? Do they skip all bathroom breaks during the day so they won''t stink later that night? Do they have a magical deodorant that makes their bodies smell amazing 12 hours after they've showered?  
 Those of us here on TER must be the cleanest people ever to screw in the history of mankind. If our ancestors were as persnickety as us, none of us would be here. How the hell did they get through sex smelling so badly? How do civvies get through one-night stands after working all day and hitting the bathroom multiple times? And God forbid they eat something during the day and have unwanted bodily function failures. What an amazing group we TER people are, thank goodness we found each other or we'd be out there fucking skanky civvies.  
 Back to my other random thoughts on this non-workday...

-- Modified on 12/26/2014 5:54:34 PM

Positively something wrong with the way women think.  They think they need to be incentivized materially to put out.

Back_In_Black825 reads

money to it then putting out instead of giving themselves if the feeling are there and truly enjoying the moment . and honestly what guy is truly in love with his woman if hes paying for it ..furthermore dropping a donation and being with a woman is in many was more romantic as the donation isn't spoken about . this really is a fucked up situation yet one that all men encounter .  

women cheapen themselves ! and its fucked up ..

Posted By: JohnyComeAlready
Positively something wrong with the way women think.  They think they need to be incentivized materially to put out.

Nope, I put out for free also... if you pass the sniff test. ;) For everything else, there's alcohol!  


Posted By: JohnyComeAlready
Positively something wrong with the way women think.  They think they need to be incentivized materially to put out.

LOL, sounds like a quick clean-up. For the ladies, a little splash of Summer's Eve and we're ready to roll.

Which must be incentive enough to ignore the smell

-- Modified on 12/28/2014 9:32:06 AM

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