TER General Board

There can be many innocent reasons why a provider asks not to have reviews...
mrfisher 108 Reviews 90 reads

One gal I see doesn't want to meet the "TER crowd" (Can you blame her sometmes?), and prefers to find clients through other means such as word of mouth, etc.

Others are just very shy and emotionally affected by the thought of being rated.   That is not a crime.

And of course, there are those that don't want the publicity on account of their position in society and the fall out if there other life was revealed.

By the way, special thanks to GG for actually knowing what the the term  "Begs the question." actually means.   So rare to find someone using the term correctly these days.

Do your research?  Apparently not, when your hooker subscribe to a site that views you with contempt.   If you are a guy who pays, you are and always will be a slobbyist in their eyes.  Do you really want to support a hooker who subscribe to a guy bashing site?

A quick read of these hookers twitter,pretty  much verifies many of these females have sociopath-tic tendencies ( more on that on a later date :)  ;)

When she purposely or was delisted herself from TER?
Reason 1: she most likely have done something bad to a client either exposing his person info to even theft

Reason 2:  Do you really want to see a lady who is secretive,  no reviews usually means you wouldn't know if she was shortchanging you compared to other people.  Reviews are meant to give you a standard expectation of service and when a lady purposely not want that known, it is you who lose out.  Never get shortchanged on expected services

What happens if you get shortchanged, tough luck you can't review her because their is no place available for you to report it, she can then go on and scam/short change the next guy

The delisted hookers on what we call Twatter are generally old, angry and BSC.  They go over there mainly to ventilate with others who support them, including some of the biggest suck-up "males" I've even seen.  These latter weasels make the BSUs of TER seem like pikers.  I almost never go there, unless I want a good laugh.  And I would be extremely unlikely to see any hooker who advertised herself as part of that particular account.
I have nothing against other girls who want to market themselves on Twitter but are not part of that group.

...8 times and I have absolutely no idea what the fuck you are talking about or what you are asking.  

Please take a breath, get off your hissy-fit soap box and try to use rational, clearly thought-out words to from articulately constructed sentences that either make your point in a straightforward manner or specifically define what you want to know.  

HINT: This time drink those 9-12 shots of tequila AFTER you write your post.

I am sorry but I do not have a full understanding of what you mean.

I do understand delisting, I have never done it and personally only know one person who has. She retired fully and has nothing to do with SW anymore.  

But now i have first question. Let us say AmyXYZ is TER reviewed and she asks TER Delist her. But she keep her website, her name and her number. A client sees her on twitter, or another site. Can he start her a profile all over again or are you saying that no reviews under her name will ever be accepted again?

Now second question, let us say AmyXYZ is now delisted, cant someone just post on another board a review? A board where perhaps she was never delist?

I like TER and almost everyone I have come contact here on TER is reasonable, maybe i dont agree but I do understand every board will have troll. But while I never look even other boards I am sure that there are many. Why do clients feel just because a provider does not like TER she does not like men. I do have a twitter account. Honest I have no idea how use it best yet, and dont really read most. But what I have read is not anti man. Maybe I dont read that enough.

Here is what I do think I might understand. For every real reason negative some can say a woman delist from TER, I am sure there are many providers with much more experience than me can list a good reason they delist. That is not say there are some providers who are rude, just like some clients who are rude.  

Thank you consider my questions


If AMYxyz asks to be delisted from TER she can most certainly continue her hooker career and that includes keeping her website, her name and her number. She can no longer be reviewed on TER however and any new reviews of her will be rejected.

As far as other review boards go, they are independent of TER and her delisting here will have no effect on her reviews, or her ability to receive reviews on other boards. If she wants to delist on other boards, that's between her and those other boards.

As for Twitter and the women who advertise there, advertising on Twitter does NOT make a woman an MHB (Man Hating Bitch), but there is one particular Twitter site, jokingly referred to as "Twatter" around here where the TER hating, generally man hating, old washed up hookers and their lapdogs tend to congregate to swap stories about how "mean" we are over here.  There is a general consensus among most TER members that we would NEVER book with any of the "Twatter crowd" and likewise the Twatter crowd calls most TER members "Slobbiests" and claim they have no desire to see anyone who is a TER reviewer.

Not every woman who delists from TER is doing is a MHB, Not every woman on Twitter is there because she doesn't like it here, but pretty much everyone on that "Twatter" site is either an MHB or one of their spineless, ball-less sycophants


Thank you for answer, I am pretty sure I understand now.


HappyChanges42 reads

lapdogs on TER as well. IMHO.

There’s a girl who had on her website she gave discounts for TER reviews to be written in front of her at the end of the session. Shady yes and she broke TER rules. But was she the way described, no.  I believe middleagedCEO is on meth or something. He shouldn’t be on here spreading hatred everyday. It’s like the same shitty posts over and over. I think he and BritanyStar need to hook up. They both seem to be as crazy as the other. Most providers using twitter are there to boost business and have fun.  

The thought of CEO and BritanyStar having a session together would most definitely be a case of "they deserve each other" lmao


I agree that "most" hookers using Twitter are there to "boost business and have fun" I don't feel anywhere near so magnanimous where it comes to the Twatter crowd. I am sure they are there to boost business, but they are mainly there to spew their hatred for all things TER related, especially the Slobbyists who tell the truth about them.

Sorry I didn’t realize twitter and Twatter were different sites.

Everyone of course knows what Twitter is, and I don't think any one holds it against any providers for using that medium to promote their business.  

"Twatter" OTOH is a specific site that many of us refer to that was started by a bunch of "old washed up, man hating bitches" who hate TER and everything TER stands for.  Twatter exists for the sole purpose of bashing TER and the people who are members/reviewers here. Most of the Twatter crowd are OTHFB's (Over The Hill Fat Broads) who were run off of TER for either bad reviews, BSC behavior, burn out or review manipulation. They have also attracted a few lap dogs. estrogen filled men with no backbone who try to curry favor with these MHB's by commiserating with them about how "mean" we are over here.  Many of them have an extreme dislike of yours truly, although for the life of me I can't understand why. lol

I hope that gives you a more clear understanding about what we've been talking about where it comes to Twatter.

Let me get this straight. There’s a site just to bash the clients?  This is crazy. Maybe I’m naive. Coming to this site and reading stuff like this blows my mind.

souls_harbor56 reads

There is a site called twatter, but no, twitter users who GaGa doesn't like are twatters.

If I knew them I may not like them either, but then again, I don't go around finding things to be offended about.

I am trying to be helpful here and you are clouding the issue, Fortunately Eden has VIP so I was able to explain it to her via PM

for anyone else who got the wrong idea because of your stupid fucking post, there is a site completely dedicated to bashing TER and it's members, it is NOT called Twatter, Twatter is just what many of us call it rather than risk having our posts taken down and getting ourselves moderated.  This has nothing to do with me or how I feel about specific providers, this is a FACT that almost everyone who has been her for any length of time can attest to. The fact that you are too stupid to know this shouldn't surprise anyone. now PLEASE just STFU or go buy yourself a fucking clue. fucking dumbass

souls_harbor72 reads

So you admit to calling it twatter and admit it isn't called twatter then you complain about having to clear up confusion and somehow it is all my fault.  Can you even hear yourself?  Also, you forgot to call me poopyhead.  You're slipping.

I want to look at what you mean by "Never get shortchanged on expected services".

Have you read the wording on every provider's website, that money is exchanged for time only?  It's not there to fool law enforcement, because they're not stupid (unless you're LE).  It means the only service you should expect from her is her time.  When you show up, that's the only thing she's consented to do so far.  Everything else, you can ask for but there are no guarantees.

So what are you advocating when a client shows up, asks for a "service," and the provider declines to perform it or return his money?  How does the client not get shortchanged other than to force himself on her?  That's what you're encouraging, because you're the one who said "Never."  Never means no exceptions.

So you've answered why providers delist from here.  They don't like hanging around with people who say that they should be raped.

Really consent, there is no such thing as genuine consent from a hooker.   How many women grow up wanting to spread their legs for money.

Everyone of these hookers are just sucking it in and tolerating you for that period of time you are there.  There is no genuine consent cause in the back of her head its about that "bill" that needs to be paid.  You can never have genuine consent when you have something else hanging over your head

You want to do a hooker a favor, walk in leave your money and walk out like the loser you expect yourself to be.

Your first sentence is clear as a bell.  If a provider can't give consent, that means you don't have to get it.  Actually it means you shouldn't even bother trying.

Your second sentence: How many people grow up wanting to use talents that they have and enjoy exercising to make money?  That's what sex workers have told me sex work is about.  I'm sure there aren't a lot of people who grow up wanting to design a seat head rest cushion for inexpensive midsized cars, but there they are, doing their job.

Your third sentence: Maybe That's your experience.  Definitely not mine.

Four and five: By your standards, everyone working is a slave working without consent.  Well, that's not true.  I have to work to earn money, but I can choose which job I work in.  Don't like to have sex for money?  Do something else.

Six: Do you say this because you've been kicked out by a provider without having sex and accepted it without protest?  That's what it sounds like.

Please do not read the TER thread linked below.  The stories of people enjoying themselves will make you angry.  You will no longer enjoy being or being with a provider.

You've been warned.

Here's how mine went.

I went out to dinner at one of my city's most famous restaurants with two beautiful providers.  It was the first time I'd met one and the second time I'd met the other.  Since I'd paid for their time and I wanted to have a fun dinner, I smiled and laughed, told some stories, complimented them, asked them non-intrusive questions, and generally treated them like grownups do.

We had a great seafood tower, terrific wine, some very fancy mac and cheese, and... we skipped dessert.   Have you ever really enjoyed a dinner with good company, where you laugh a lot, learn new and interesting things, and feel more attracted to them at the end?  That's how it went for me.  It made the rest of the night more pleasurable and will continue to do so on future dates that are more private time.

Back to their hotel for drinks in the bar.

Then upstairs.  I'd also paid for their time wanting to have sex with them, so I did things like not pull my leg away when they touched it, wrapped my arm around their waist when they did the same to me, and said, "I'm going to take a quick shower" when I was ready to start.  Somehow, while I was in the shower, they got the idea to strip down to their lingerie and start making out on the bed.  I didn't have to make many requests because they took the initiative and did a whole lot of good stuff.  There was a lot of sweat and quite a few wet spots on the bed (although none of my mess was allowed to hit the sheets).  By the time I left, 60 minutes after the clock had expired (and they were still naked and rubbing themselves against my groin as they buttoned up my shirt), I had a big smile on my face and they each had some of me in their stomachs.

They seemed to really enjoy themselves the whole time (they've tweeted about it twice so far, with pictures; the tweets have gotten about 100 likes between them).  Well, almost the whole time.  The only down note was when one of them told me why she delisted from TER... she decided to stop performing a service and asked TER to remove it from her profile.  They told her she needed three reviews stating she didn't offer it anymore.  And shortly thereafter she had two clients who, upon being told she didn't do that, demanded it, berated her and threatened her physically.  She's the same age, same looks, same skills, same attitude as her partner, who is on TER with a >9 rating.

A few hours later, up late in the kitchen, I started direct messaging (through Twitter) with a different provider.  We sexted for an hour and she sent me a lovely picture of her wet vibrator.  I was a little too sore to be able to send her my version of that picture but it was a lot of fun all the same.  There was no charge for this pleasure.

Every word of this is true, except for two things.  (1) My duo went 90 minutes over, not 60, and (2) my sexting lasted 90 minutes, not 60.  I've got the messages and receipts to prove it.

I'm glad to wear the title of SPOTY but try to add something about getting treated like a king to that, would you?

"Everyone of these hookers are just sucking it in and tolerating you for that period of time you are there.  There is no genuine consent cause in the back of her head its about that "bill" that needs to be paid.  You can never have genuine consent when you have something else hanging over your head"

Actually it's my little head banging in the back of her head.  Not sure what you mean hanging over her head, probably my twins.  Or do you mean her head is hanging over the edge of the bed...now that's a lot of fun!

Hhhhhhhmmmm, work that one out. And Deejets says that the OP is suggesting rape.  

Fuck, that's screwed up!

I enjoy some Consensual Non Consent with a lady .  In fact it is really exciting!

But this Non Consensual Consent has very deep psychological ramifications. And actually knowing  that,  would take actually asking and talking to the women involved. I doubt he's ever made that effort. The arsehole is just making up shit out of his warped misogynist beliefs.  

And Deejets is extrapolating this fucked up non information to an even more fucked up conclusion.  

Now, I am on my way to pay a gloriously beautiful and talented woman for her time. I'm pretty sure we are going to do some fun stuff like fuck. She has agreed to do that before, with a big smile on her face, so historically, I have some clue as to what will happen.

Have fun mongers.

Let's not forget, if you boycott her you should boycott her friends as well,  apparently her hookers followers are still following her.  

Anyone who associates with her should be boycotted and banned as well, you are who you are friends with

You post a lot! Lots of complaining! U need a great bbj and have a seat!
So much negativity

So which one of the TER admins is driving the troll train account today?

A delisted or not listed hooker has something to hide or will likely rip you off.

If she TELLS you she don't want reviews it means she either has something to hide or do not want you to report her for something.   The only time you shouldn't review a person is because you want to keep her all to yourself but that is your choice and not one that is forced on you by the hooker.

If she tells you not to do something, she has something to hide

You haven't posted a review in over 2 1/2 years, if we are to take you at your word that means you haven't been with a hooker since early 2015? No wonder you are so fucking pissy. lol

I do not know why you keep bothering posting pathetic insults toward me, like I have time to respond to a loathing loser like yourself who spends his every fucking minute on a hooker board dispelling opinions like anyone really care.

And seeing you haven't posted a review yet or ever, once can assumed you have never gotten laid in your life and you are the sad loser who hangs on the hooker board all day typing away.  No wonder you spend every waking second on a TER board tolling away with your nonsense.

What makes me 100000000000x better than your sorry ass is I speak to the crowd while you just trying to speak and be heard by someone which is why you constantly need to reply to either one person or another like the lonely fool you are.

One gal I see doesn't want to meet the "TER crowd" (Can you blame her sometmes?), and prefers to find clients through other means such as word of mouth, etc.

Others are just very shy and emotionally affected by the thought of being rated.   That is not a crime.

And of course, there are those that don't want the publicity on account of their position in society and the fall out if there other life was revealed.

By the way, special thanks to GG for actually knowing what the the term  "Begs the question." actually means.   So rare to find someone using the term correctly these days.

You actually worded that perfectly. Reviews scare me because they are so detailed and some of us just want to stay discreet. Lately I’ve been turning down appointments if the client is an active reviewer. I don’t want my location on there.

souls_harbor66 reads

They're explicit because that is a requirement for them to be published by TER.  

I don't believe having lots of reviews is a negative, so I don't think your fear of active reviewers is warranted (unless they have a history of low scoring.)

My fear is warranted. If I lived in one city and have been reviewed in that city then move to another city and get reviews in that city it would be much harder to deny that it was me.

I think it is more like that ...

Just like the street walker who goes to the next block after she ripped off the first block

Can't leave evidence for others to know the truth.... huh

So these girls post half naked to nudes and SEXUALLY SUGGESTIVE photos on their websites and twatter account but fear someone saying she save you a blowjob and you fucked her doggy style.  I mean WTH is wrong with these hooker mindset?

Here is the fact:
Its not about the review, its about the acknowledgment that she had sex with someone like you.  These hookers are disgusted by you, that is why they don't want to know or others to know they they had sex with a sorry piece of $hit like you.

However if it was someone they wanted to fuck, they can't wait to tell all their girlfriends about their hookup.

So in the end its not the review it is YOU....

And if you let them bully you, you are the bitch and not her

Don't forget when you read their Twatter and their post here on TER about being so PRO-SEX WORK  

yet they are afraid when someone talk about having sex with them...

How can you be so PRO SEX but want no want to talk about sex

The hookers are out of their fucking mind and if you buy their garbage you are no better

Providers on Twitter are great.
De-listed providers are great.

Get over it.

At the end of the day if human decency was the priority then there wouldn't be any problems on either side. It's just an on going battle of retaliation after one side wrongs the other and those who get crosses in the middle become petty.
And instead of always equating the problems to have a malice motive something it's something significantly less sinnister.

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