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then he deserves nothing less than castration
singleton 5 Reviews 4047 reads

given the seriousness of this, i've tried toying with all the possible scenarios wherein he was not necessarily the evil perp but frankly if that's what he told you (in earnest) then he deserves to fry (and i'll be happy to pull the switch myself)

society needs to be rid of predatory child molestors and this "pruning" must be carried out with all the carefree glee that goes into zapping weeds from one's victory garden!  you should call the cops or the CCS in your community. if you can't do it anonymously and/or wish to conceal your own involvement you could always lie about the exact circumstances: say you met him at the Biltmore bar and he made this offer thinking you were a provider or something

[soapbox mode ON]

frying pedophiles (yes, killing them, not putting them in a hospital so they can write their memoirs while watching HBO and ESPN) would not only be doing our communal gene pool a big favour but it would be nobly serving generations of unborn children who would be the next victims (and victims' victims) cuz if (as some say) it's a vicious cycle of abuse and the perps are not entirely to blame, then it has to END somehow (and i can't think of a more definitive "end" than death)

whoever said there's no place for capital punishment in this world doesn't know what goes on in the minds of these maggots

[soapbox mode OFF]

Ci Ci4605 reads

I had a very unsettling call from a possible new client this weekend. I thought his voice sounded familiar but I patiently listened to his request over the telephone. He mentioned to me that he was staying at the Biltmore Hotel and was willing to pay $5,000 for an overnighter (which sounded familiar from about two months ago).

Then he proceeded to ask me if I would enjoy being with a lady friend of his too. The disturbing part of the whole conversation came when he asked me if it would bother me that she was young. I asked him how old was she (expecting to hear 17, not quite 18, which I would have turned down anyway)? He said, "she's 9 and she's my stepdaughter." I was in shock and my face must have turned three shades of blue. I felt sick to my stomach! I thought it was a joke (a very bad joke), but began questioning him about the girl in disbelief. I told him that was illegal and asked him again (out of disbelief) who was this girl?  He hung up before I could question him further and, of course, he had a blocked number.

Okay guys and gals, if you hear from this JERK, try to get more information from him before sounding too shocked. No offense -- but this guy belongs behind bars! Anyone who would ever consider hurting a child like this deserves to be snitched on, and I have never before contemplated breaking the confidentiality of any client/friend. But under these circumstances, it's plausible. How horrible it is to think that this guy should be allowed to wonder this planet.

What are your thoughts, everyone?


You should have agreed to the meeting and when he showed up with a 9 year old - discreetly call the cops (or have it pre arranged that they would be in the area...).

I believe in freedom, but child molesters should be shot!

Add Roman Polanski to that list too!



deserves a red hot poker rectal exam ... you should (anonymously) report him to the hotel security if not the police  ... deep down i really would like to think it was all a sick joke, cuz the alternative is too horrid to contemplate (though not unheard of)

Like a Physician, or an Attorney, I am all for preserving the presumed Escort-Client relationship.

Even if a legal confidential relationship existed, this is a prime example of a Tarasoff Warning.

If I were you, I would contact the police and inform them. I am not an attorney, but I would venture to guess that you could give the police all the facts and still be in the clear legally.

because you don't know who he is. you'd just be telling the police, or child protection, that there MAY BE a pervert out there preying on children.

GEE, thanks for the heads up.

i don't mean to be flippant, just trying to point out that unless you have an actual lead to find this guy, what good is the report? the police are probably more likely to look into YOU than HIM.

here's what you do: if he calls, act like his proposition really turns you on. make a date. then, call me; i will show up with you and push him out the window of his penthouse. if the window doesn't open, i'll throw him through it. if the windows are lexan, i'll just keep throwing him into it until SOMETHING breaks.

A Spectator3221 reads

way to figure out whether he is just lying or actually a genuine monster.

-- Modified on 10/19/2003 8:18:38 PM

to be able to do the figuring.  And kudos to you for wanting to take action.

what if she misunderstood what he was saying?  what if he wanted to spend the evening with a "date" instead of having to babysit his stepdaughter alone and thought a $5K offer was generous to entice most providers in spending a night where some of the time they might have to put up with a 9 yrold, like putting her to bed before doing the nasty?  it could happen!

nah, what are the odds?   ... better arrest him now and ask the questions later

Ci Ci3239 reads

Thanks for the information, guys!  To tell you more about what he had asked me, it goes a little further, Singleton. He actually wanted me to participate in being intimate with his "so-called lady friend."  When I told him I do not normally go with women, he said "that's okay, you can just give her a rubdown while I watch, then we'll play a little, then her and I will go for it."  Yikes!  It's strange, because if I wouldn't have been so tired and annoyed by the call, I normally would have reacted differently and played along with him to get more information out of him. I used to do some military intelligence, etc. This guy has called me before, and now that I think of it, I remember another provider telling me about a guy that wanted to have a three-way with a young girl, so this is really weird. If it's a joke, then he's taking it pretty far.


given the seriousness of this, i've tried toying with all the possible scenarios wherein he was not necessarily the evil perp but frankly if that's what he told you (in earnest) then he deserves to fry (and i'll be happy to pull the switch myself)

society needs to be rid of predatory child molestors and this "pruning" must be carried out with all the carefree glee that goes into zapping weeds from one's victory garden!  you should call the cops or the CCS in your community. if you can't do it anonymously and/or wish to conceal your own involvement you could always lie about the exact circumstances: say you met him at the Biltmore bar and he made this offer thinking you were a provider or something

[soapbox mode ON]

frying pedophiles (yes, killing them, not putting them in a hospital so they can write their memoirs while watching HBO and ESPN) would not only be doing our communal gene pool a big favour but it would be nobly serving generations of unborn children who would be the next victims (and victims' victims) cuz if (as some say) it's a vicious cycle of abuse and the perps are not entirely to blame, then it has to END somehow (and i can't think of a more definitive "end" than death)

whoever said there's no place for capital punishment in this world doesn't know what goes on in the minds of these maggots

[soapbox mode OFF]

snowcloud3286 reads

call me naive but this just sounds too sick to be real, IMHO.

hgwells4109 reads

I agree with the "string him up by the balls" responses...is it possible though that he is a real dumb f$%k and wanted you there the night while the little tyke slept in a cot on the other end of the two room Biltmore Suite?  When you became concerned, he panicked having realized how weird it sounded?  Probably I am wrong, but it seems too risky to call up a provider and ask for this sort of thing unless one is fishing in the gutter.  

I would still call the police or hotel security about this (particularly if he named specific days) so they could at least keep a look out.  

Good luck.

I know nothing about the sickness of pedofiles (except of course that they are sick Fucks that need to be castrated) however it seems strange to me that any pedofile would be interested in being with a woman ?  I mean aren't children their only desire ?  

My feeling is that it is a hoax.  If not, and he is stupid enough to call a stranger to join him then he will soon get caught.

Although agreeing to this on the phone could have put you at risk, I think if the situation ever comes up, I would agree to it and make an anonymous(payphone or prepaid phone) call to the police telling them when and where it will take place so that they can send someone posing as the expected visitor and hopefully arrest the guy.  As much as I would like to believe it was a hoax, we all know there are people out there that do some evil things and I would assume it was not a hoax and help put him where he belongs.

You've discovered the hard way that it's pretty tough to be able to play poker at this level without training.  It would be very hard to figure out what to do and how to do it right in the confines of the call itself without having time to think about it.

I used to be involved in intelligence work and often "mentally rehearsed" exactly what I would say and do if I was contacted by a representative of a foreign embassy with a proposition to sell information.  If I said "no" I'd lose the lead, if I said "yes" it may be a sting and I may be arrested at that very moment with no further opportunity to explain.  So you have to say "maybe" strong enough to stay in the game and weak enough to stay out of jail, and then carefully plan your next steps.  And just in case it's  real deal and not a sting, you have to act unprepared enough that the "maybe" doesn't tip them off to your plan to counter-sting them.  Believe me, that's some serious friggin Texas Hold-em.

In your case, it was unlikely without this advanced rehearsal that you'd be able to walk that line fine enough to make it work.  But if you could, the next step would be to say you'd consider it, than have your lawyer immediately contact the county or district attorney directly, not the police or sheriff.  Detectives are in the deception business and don't have the authority.  The DA is a senior criminal attorney who knows when and how to use immunity, has been faced with this very decision many times, and got to where they are today by making the right decision.

Campcounselor2561 reads

There is another perspective on this issue that I don't think most people realize exists or have experience for themselves.  As a volunteer camp counselor at a camp for inner city kids sponsored by my church, part of the training we received prior to staffing the camp included information about keeping in mind that it's more common than you might imagine for preteen girls to be 'daddy's little girl' in certain family situations.  The mind blowing part of this training was that 'daddy's little girl' gets special favors for 'helping out" and wasn't always an unwilling participant.  All of the camp staff were warned to be wary of sexual advances from some of these kids and told how to handle this, and sure enough, several incidents of sexual advances to the staff were reported at our daily meetings.  Horrible beyond belief, right?? But really, sadder than anything you would want to think exists in the world....

To me the sad part is that it is very hard to be an evil person standing alone in the face of good.  For every dysfunction that plagues humanity, there is always more than one person involved.  In the mildest form, there are passive "enablers" and in the worst form, there are active co-conspirators.

There's a whole spectrum--from neighbors and family members who sense something is wrong but don't feel it's their place to be more vigilent--to cops that return a naked, beaten boy to Jeffrey Dammer's home--to active kronies that actively help the perpatrator.

I'm a pretty libertarian guy, but I still believe that there is a social contract among all of us that places more responsibility on our friends, family, and neighbors than they may be willing to accept.  (And less on our government too)

Good is the same way--Mother Terese, Jimmy Carter...  these people did not act alone.  Jimmy Carter acted alone by criticizing his local business leaders about their racist views in a very public forum.  But by the next day, his remarks drew support, both active and passive, that led to him becoming President and winning a Nobel Peace prize.

Simply commit to yourselves, and ask all your family, friends and neighbors to join in the commitment--that I will never be a passive enabler of evil.  Instead, I will always be a passive supporter of good every day, and an active supporter on some days.

This sad thread would never have happened if the girl's existing social structures was simply more vigilent.  Not paranoid, not invasive, just aware and willing.

  Aaaagghh!! Alright, I feel a little better, but still need to address this dangerous myth that actually encourages pedophiles. Omigod! I have got to see this material that is being handed out making young molestation victims out to be calculating whores! First of all, these kids heads have been so messed with that their sense of sexual appropiateness is all out of whack, and it is doubtful that they initiated or jumped at the opportunity to get naked with dad or whoever so they could get special treatment. Pedophiles have a way of trying to balance out threatening words and behavior with niceness to entice him/her to keep their little secret. Which came first, the chicken or the egg? Try to imagine a scenario: "Hey there princess, you look real pretty in your new nightie....if you let me...I'll buy you..reduce chore duty, etc." Sure.

This is just the tip of the iceberg, and I could go on and on, but I won't. You're welcome;)

DiamondKW4815 reads

Like the others have said, you should have set the appointment and called the police. You are not doing anything illegal just because you are an escort. An escort is a date, if you choose to take any further actions, that is up to you and your date. This sick bastard needs to be torchered not killed just yet. The thought that there is a 9 year old child being raped or sodimized drives me insane. The thought that some MF is getting by makes me even crazier. The thought that a rescue for the girl slipped off our finger tips... I can't describe how that makes me feel.  To answer some questions about peds liking adults as well, yes they do. As a survivor of many years of abuse by a sick bastard, he was also doing mom at the same time. These are really sick people and need to be treated as such. You can put nothing past them! They need to be tortured for a long time and released to the general population in prison afterwards.

Ci Ci2968 reads

Thanks for your reassurance on this matter, Diamond.

Actually, to let everyone know that I didn't hang up on the @#$%^^, he beat me to it, because I questioned the child's age. I was just getting ready to figure out a way to keep the guy on the phone and get his hotel room number when he hung up. I tried to do the Star 69 thing, but he had a blocked number. I am going to try to call the hotel tonight to let them know about it.

Thanks everyone for your support. I know it's scarey for me to take the chance and call the hotel because I want to keep my identity confidential, but you're right -- this sick S.O.B. needs to be behind bars no matter what happens to me. Diamond, please email me with a contact number to reach you, if you don't mind.


MissJessica3324 reads

I admit I'm not big on calling the cops, but I would have to make an exception with this one. People like that make me sick. I cant believe some of the things that are going on these days.


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