TER General Board

The prostituion channel?
lildevil 6798 reads

Just grabbed this from the good doctor on the PB board.

-- Modified on 7/12/2002 6:55:28 AM

I wonder if they accept advertiser's...lol!

2sense3579 reads

Trojan's has some very humorous ads (TV, radio) for condoms, so maybe they should sponsor the program.

Possibly this "program" could have dramatic re-enactments, so that the viewing public can see exactly which specific "acts" are illegal and to be avoided.

Sounds like they are trying to do what Ed Koch tried to do in NY on the radio. I wonder how long it's gonna take for that idea to get nixed also.

Lisa :)

G24680 reads

What's next, stocks in the town square, or wearing a red letter "A"?  It may be on television, but the idea is right out of the 17th century.

Congratulations to Denver for their progressive solutions to social issues.  They're the ones who should be ashamed for even considering that approach- perhaps if they were a little smarter they would be.

-- Modified on 7/12/2002 11:31:19 AM (major problems with posting this message, what's wrong with the software today?)

-- Modified on 7/12/2002 11:32:46 AM

-- Modified on 7/12/2002 11:34:37 AM

-- Modified on 7/12/2002 11:35:36 AM

Absolutely right on, G2!!!!

These attempts remind me of the christian groups who are taking paparazzi pics of ladies entering and exiting abortion clinics and then posting their pics all over the internet.  

The intention is to bring shame and grief on these ladies...but...imagine now the new purpose and fodder for a serial killer.  

Stop crime?  I think these tactics can only perpetuate worse crimes of a hate nature against those who have been "marked", as you so eloquently analogize.

pityfool2888 reads

When i was in Tampa, i caught a quick glimpse of a program on cable where the "guilty" were shown similar to America's most wanted, at least that's what it appeared like.

Also, the learning/discovery? channel had a show about the oldest profession.  One segment showed the legal system in the San Fran area.  Those clients who are caught get ticketed and fined.  Like a traffic ticket, they had to go to be "re-educated" where they get lectured on how evil their deed was and how it corrupts society.  AT the end of the session they had to sign some paper saying they wouldn't ever do it agin.  Yeah right.  Just have to be careful not to get caught is all.  

I'm just going by recollection.  Does anyone have a personal tale that would collaborate this?

Va Gentleman3492 reads

Reminds me of my experience with a "drunk driving" arrest 20 years ago. The cop following me said he followed me fro 3+ miles and I never swerved across any lane lines, but then I made a right turn without signalling (who hasn't), and when he followed me he hit the curb and blew out both right tires on his car. I got a DUI citation because otherwise he'd have had to explain to his boss why he fucked up his squad car. Now he could say he was pursuing a drunk driver. Never mind that I made the turn without hitting the curb! It was my word against his, so the plea bargain was pay a fine and to go to DUI therapy. First they gave us a test that classified us all as alcoholics ( sample question: On average do you drink one or more alcoholic drinks or beers per day. If yes, you're an alky!). Then after 6 weeks they pronounced us all cured. My drinking habits haven't changed one iota! Whenever I here any statistics about the cure rates of any government mandated program I laugh -- it should be so transparent that these "welfare" workers fix the numbers to justify their existence. I'm sure that these "workers" signed agreements to quit are being used by some useless bureaucrats as evidence of success to justify egregious pay raises and budget increases. You're tax dollars at work!

This program sounds like more of a problem for the hobbyists than most providers.  Anybody who did not already know that the hobbyist had been arrested and /or convicted via the local newspaper might see their picture on TV.  Forget the shame.  Some men might lose their jobs, clients, etc. after being pictured on TV.

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