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The men I meet usually tell me...
Chanel72014 See my TER Reviews 64 reads

I sound like a valley girl. Don't let a client think I'm adorable and mimic me, I get embarrassed quick. I think my voice is annoying, guys think it's cute. Never thought of it as a quality though.

Earlier this week, I got one of those blasts from the past - a gal who disappeared on me 7 years ago without any notice.  She was someone I knew well, and was close to.  We had been doing sessions since around 1990.  She just wanted to apologize for the disappearing act (Life, you know.) and express thanks for what I've done for her over the years, etc.

After we hung up, I began to wonder why I found the call so appealing, and came to this realization that I had not thought about before:   Her voice is as sweet and silky as can be.   So, that got me thinking, are there other gals I see who mesmerize me with their voice, and after considering some of my favorites, I concluded that yes there are.   It's such a subtle quality that it is easy to miss.

I'm not exactly asking TER to start a review category of voice quality, but just for shits and giggles, does any other guy notice this among his favorites (or gal with her favorites - hi Lopaw.)  

For that matter, are there any gals who are turned on by a guy's voice?   I assume the big, husky, John Wayne style is the ideal,  or perhaps the sophisticated James Bond type, but I suppose tastes vary there.   (Christopher Walken, anyone? 8o)

By the way, we're maybe (Call me Sunday AM and check with me.) going to have coffee tomorrow to catch up on our lives.   Could be interesting.   At least I'll get another shot of that sweet voice.

If a girl has a sexy voice on the phone but when I open the door I see Shamu, I'm outta there.  On the other hand, I don't care if she looks like the Second Coming of Jessica Rabbitt, if she sounds like Minnie Mouse when she opens her mouth it ain't happening either.

I would totally bang Minnie Mouse...   Just saying.  :P

A few of the ladies I see have unique voices that get a rise out of me. But, I'm not sure if it's really the voice or my subconscious association between her voice and what she does for me in the sack.

And of course for part of the time she can't talk.

Posted By: mrfisher
For that matter, are there any gals who are turned on by a guy's voice?   I assume the big, husky, John Wayne style is the ideal,  or perhaps the sophisticated James Bond type, but I suppose tastes vary there.   (Christopher Walken, anyone? 8o)
Stephen Hawking voice?  
Some of my dates' voices are very memorable to me. Oddly or not, the two most memorable were FAKES. That is, in the first meeting they were squeaky, tiny, babyish voices (that sort of annoyed me, but not enough not to return). Once they knew that they didn't have to create such an image for me, they started talking normally (much better). But I remember the FAKE voices better!

I sound like a valley girl. Don't let a client think I'm adorable and mimic me, I get embarrassed quick. I think my voice is annoying, guys think it's cute. Never thought of it as a quality though.

souls_harbor45 reads

Back in the day when I used to listen to AM radio, you would occasionally see the DJ's broadcasting out of booths at the State Fair or other event.  They never ever looked how I imagined they looked.

Reminds me of the old joke -- (he/she) has a face for radio.

Anyhow, the sexiest voice I ever heard was a gal that came around our company with a bunch of her students to sing Christmas carols.  She was belting out "Rockin' Around the Christmas Tree."  She wasn't particularly lovely, but what a voice.

souls_harbor26 reads

A lot of actors/actresses never made the transition from silent films to the "talkies."

Oooh. What a voice! http://vimeo.com/180933760  
If you don't know the punchline, see the plot summary here: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0642294/  
This ain't butter:

-- Modified on 9/24/2017 5:02:44 AM

Posted By: souls_harbor
She wasn't particularly lovely, but what a voice.
Susan Boyle?

Southern and French are my favorites. But strangely, Spanish accents not so much. The other aspect of voice/verbal presence that is important to me is grammar. A lady doesn't need to speak the Queen's, but bad grammar bugs me.

but they definitely have their allure.

One gal in particular stands out in my mind:  She is from Scotland, but has lived in the US most of her life, and her accent is gone.  Her voice is just OK, but if she's has a few drinks, her burr returns, and she starts to quote Robert Burn by heart.   God, did that ever turn me on.   I just about hopped her bones when she did that.

Agreed, accents are a sure turn on.  A Korean accent is a favorite of mine. Saw a K-legend in NNJ   this past June and I was very amused with her Engrish. Asked her where she`s living now and she replied "Creens"  "Where??" I asked. "You know, Creens."  Hmm?........ "Oh yeah, Queens, in NY."..... "Yes, Creens"

Loved this, almost had me in  tears, extremely entertaining. It was almost like she was doing "Stand-up" but totally unaware of it.  Saw her multiple times and LMAO each time. Great girl.

I am accent sensitive.  I'm an Aussie with a watered down accent, I've lived here for 32 years.  
I have always been attracted to many of the American accents and not so much to Aussie women's accents.  

I go back to Australia a couple of times a year and there are many beautiful and talented women there, but the accent and mannerisms that go along with them don't do it for me.  
Maybe, the Marilyn Monroe voice is what gets me.

Marilyn had a sexy voice. Aussie accents are really sexy to me too, but I'm sure they wouldn't be if I was from there.

The Indiana accent is pretty hot, huh?

What mannerisms do Aussies have that rub you the wrong way? Maybe I should get down there and find out for myself.

very fond of in the late 1990's reached out to me here about a year ago to say she is back in the biz. She no longer offers incall so it is not likely I will see her. I have checked out both her website and her P411 ad. She is still extremely attractive and her reviews are still very good under her new handle (she came back as a different handle).

If a gal sounds like she's been smoking 4 packs a day for 35 years and/or has an unintelligible accent and/or seems like a total idiot, its a turn off for me.  I like bright happy cheerful voices.  That being said.  If she's hot and her voice is annoying, I stick my dick in her mouth and her voice doesnt matter as much.

Recently I've had a lot of South American women touring through my region and I've seen several who speaks no English whatsoever.

This could be a problem because my Espanol extends no further than "Donda esta el bano?" But we had a lot of fun using a phone translator and their voices were musical to listen to while talking into their phone.

Best accent I've ever heard?  A lady from Britain who seems to be out of the biz now. 😖

I have a deep baritone and have been told many times I sound like a movie announcer.  One lady I've seen has a music making business outside the hobby and she wants to use my voice in her songs.

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