TER General Board

The ground floor
Zeel 67 Reviews 1571 reads
1 / 18

It seems whenever I find an amazing provider and give her the review she deserves, it's never too long after that her rates go up. It makes me we wonder if I'm shooting myself in the foot. On the one side, I want to give her what she has earned and help other clients like they help me. On the other side, I hate to have to let go of a great provider because she priced me out.

RespectfulRobert 29 reads
3 / 18

I don't think too many women base a rate increase on any one, or even two, great reviews. Usually a girl plans that further in advance I would think but I hear you...it does make you wonder sometimes.

Zeel 67 Reviews 40 reads
4 / 18

It’s certainly possible she was. But to be clear, it’s not the review that would cause it, but if the review drives more business her way it might. I often get numerous messages here after a good review. Any review puts the providers name at the top of recent reviews and draws attention. When it’s a good review, it will raise more interest. I’ve been told by providers they often see a spike in clients after a good review. So, yes, good reviews can increase business and an increase in business is a reason to consider raising rates.

looking4918 6 Reviews 48 reads
5 / 18

I have been in this situation a few times over the years and have noticed the same reaction. Part of me wants to believe in our free enterprise system as it has benefited me over the years.  On the flip side it does suck when a provider you have found through research and you have given a great review ( out of 0 )  grabs traction online.  After that she quickly raises prices and gets booked up so much you may not get a visit or pay more. It used to really piss me off but now after having been through it a few times I view it as the natural course of business. All great providers will always be in demand. If I didn't review her someone else will. I will continue to support new good providers in the business as they are critical to the continuation of this crazy game I enjoy so much.          

coeur-de-lion 400 Reviews 37 reads
6 / 18

That good reviews can initially drive more business to a provider, but if other reviewers see her and do not agree that she reaches the lofting expectations that come from excellent reviews, then over time, some reviewers will lose cred with other mongers and then their reviews mean nothing.  What's important is to be accurate, not lenient, in your review scoring in order to become a trusted reviewer that others can rely on to deliver the truth without the sugar coating.  Customers who disclose their reviewer handles to the providers they see put themselves in a tough spot when it comes to being truthful.  

Zeel 67 Reviews 29 reads
7 / 18

The fact that I have a mixed bag of reviews, not just high ones, likely makes my good ones mean more, at least to those who look at such a detail. FWIW, I don’t explicitly tell providers my handle, but they often figure it out from the details in the review. Only away to really avoid this is to be less detailed and create enough vagueness that it keeps them guessing.

Zeel 67 Reviews 40 reads
8 / 18

That’s a pretty good way at looking at it. If not me, someone else will eventually be that guy.

chloemercier See my TER Reviews 41 reads
9 / 18

That's what I do if I've been seeing the same gentleman for a few years. Good way to keep us both happy :) I'm low volume so I prefer long term repeat dates and he gets a discount and a consistent rate.

lester_prairie 12 Reviews 29 reads
10 / 18

I've seen several early on and watched their prices skyrocket.  Just makes me feel good to know that I got on on the ground floor.  The other chumps have to pay a premium now. :-)

Zeel 67 Reviews 51 reads
11 / 18

Ain’t that the truth!

davincib1 89 Reviews 41 reads
12 / 18

Providers come in reasonably priced, use us to get their reviews up, then up their prices.  I have had sessions with several providers that came in @ $400/500 then shot up to $700/800.  No you're not shooting yourself in the foot, unless in your reviews you're saying "so and so could easily charge X amount" lmao, jk.  It's just the way this game goes.  Establish your budget, don't jump for everyone, and write an honest review.  Some will purposely price themselves out, if they value you as a client, maybe you get "grandfathered" in, but that's the old school way of keeping clients.  I doubt many still value that, but that's just my opinion.

beechnut 1 Reviews 35 reads
13 / 18

But you can always play the boycott game and not patronize, then they might have to lower rates to stay in business. But in this country boycotts are very rare. I wonder if many different types of merchants are using rewards programs to try and avoid that happening.

helixir 41 Reviews 29 reads
14 / 18


And one or two people deciding not to see a lady due to price does not a boycott make. That's just the free market at work.

420Smoka4Eva 37 reads
15 / 18

The providers are able to figure out handles on their own.

If you're reviewing high volume providers who work at a brothels or an agencies, she may be seeing so many clients she can't remember every individual session. She isn't usually handling the booking and interacting with clients much outside of the session.  Sessions with these providers can become very routine and she is doing the same exact thing with every guy that comes through the door. From the providers perspective most sessions are forgettable.

If you're reviewing a low volume, high end independent escort they can usually figure out who wrote a review (if the reviewer is being honest). These girls definitely read their reviews and manage their online presence. They don't see that many clients and the sessions tend to be more bespoke. If you accurately describe the session in your review and say something like "We met at her hotel in this town, she was wearing this dress, we kissed and then did XYZ in bed and then talked about ABC after" well she was there and should be able to remember some details. It also doesn't help if you write the review right away or if you have reviewed the references you are providing.

DaveMogal 74 Reviews 44 reads
16 / 18

And prices can go up due to demand. There always be customers who will pay more than you are willing to pay.  Also pay for multiple hours, aka sugar daddies.  

If she looses sugar daddies she can lower the prices again. But not in the inflationary environment we are in. Cost are going up.  

Every time you post because of reviews in the profile you make the provider more popular.

Some guys have stopped posting reviews on a regular/atf for the risk of a price increase.  

Some providers the service was not as good to justify the price/services I won't pay the increase.  The others that do GFE  and/or outstanding service I will pay for the increase if its in within my budget.  

One thing that I have done to fund the hobby is change jobs for pay increases.  The other thing to do is change investments around for cash flow (dividends or short term stock trading) or have a side business.  

The other big factor that folks are not talking about is the windfall in cash from inherited assets since pandemic started .  Don't think for one minute that guys will not use for at least 1 one appointment.

cool46 31 Reviews 29 reads
17 / 18

In my honest opinion, I think providers see what other providers are charging and go with what other ladies donations are, if a provider who donations are a 1000 and have a decent amount of reviews then other providers will go up on there rates, plus I’m pretty sure a lot of the ladies figure if they can charge 1000 and see half of what they will see at 500, they can stay in the hobby a lot longer, I know it can’t be easy seeing a lot of guys in a day, week, month or year! Now what really gets me is providers who donations are 600, 700 and 800 but they not GFE( they got there on definition of GFE)

18 / 18

I understand your dilemma. It's great that you want to acknowledge a fantastic provider and help others find the same experience. However, seeing rates go up after a positive review can be frustrating. Here are some ways to approach this:

 Open Communication: Consider talking directly to the provider. Let them know you appreciate their work and the positive impact the service had on you. You can explain your situation – wanting to continue but feeling the pinch of a price increase.

 Negotiation: Sometimes, providers offer loyalty discounts or packages for repeat clients. You could propose a solution that benefits both of you – continued patronage with a slight discount in exchange for ongoing positive reviews.

 Quality vs. Cost:  Consider if the higher price is still within your budget and reflects the quality of service you receive. Maybe the increased rate reflects additional experience, skills, or exclusivity.

 Explore Alternatives: While you value your current provider, it's okay to explore other options. You could mention this to your current provider in a respectful way to see if they'd be willing to adjust their pricing.

 Review Power: Don't underestimate the power of your positive review. Even if your budget doesn't allow you to continue, your praise can attract other clients and ultimately help the provider build their business.

 Ultimately, the decision rests on what works best for you. Remember, a good provider will appreciate your honesty and understand your financial limitations.

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