TER General Board

The early bird gets the worm.
Sidney Starr See my TER Reviews 493 reads

It is smart to post a schedule weeks ahead JUST to give the guys a heads up. Some book way in advance while other closer to the day.

I just came across a providers ad and thought it was for January, but at closer look it is for 3rd week in March. That's 10 weeks away. Personally, I tend to research (all the time) and book about 1-2 weeks in advance.  

2 questions:

First, are any hobbyists planning that far in advance?  

Second, are the ladies placing ads that far in advance and does it work

Yep me and the hubby are planning our vegas trip for April/may, we like to have all of our ducks in a row, plus if we plan to take a lovely lady out we like to have to best tickets we can get, and the hubby likes to plan every thing ahead so we know what we are doing daily, it might be uncommon, but I'm sure it does happen.

Posted By: brookside84
I just came across a providers ad and thought it was for January, but at closer look it is for 3rd week in March. That's 10 weeks away. Personally, I tend to research (all the time) and book about 1-2 weeks in advance.  
 2 questions:  
 First, are any hobbyists planning that far in advance?  
 Second, are the ladies placing ads that far in advance and does it work?  

nom_de_plume580 reads

Usually I schedule 2-4 weeks in advance, so I can block my calendar. Also, the anticipation is fun--excruciatingly so in some cases!  I've booked out as far as 3 months for special circumstances.  

Perhaps the ad for a visit 10 weeks out is "testing the waters" on demand for a city she hasn't visited before. Just a thought.

skiguy50599 reads

Not me, but I am in a large city.  Maybe provider trying to test the market?

While I do not advertise until a month before my arrival in a city, I do include the travel information on my website calendar and in the special travel-news opt in newsletter that I offer.  I tend to know my schedule 3-6 months in advance.  Technically, I suppose that is advertising well in advance?  So, yes.

I visit the east coast twice each year, and set my next NYC date before I even leave town.  Some of my friends reserve time as soon as I know my next date.  I have several reservations for this coming *May*.   A week or two before my arrival it is likely I will only have a couple spots potentially available on my dance card, the times will not be flexible.  Some gents know this and do indeed book quite early

I also already filled my calendar for Orlando in Feb and NYC in March. So it is never too early to advertise.

Stud85235 reads

If I have an event that I know I want the company of a lady for, it's never too early to plan.

That it takes for me to accumulate enough cash for a multi hour visit with a touring provider.  March is not unreasonable for tentative plans to be made.  Usually I make plans 3-4 weeks ahead for specific dates and give a "heads up" for interest beyond that time frame.  Generally the only time U see a provider on anything lass than at least a week's notice is when I have been stood up.  I have only one day a week during a short window of time during the day when my SO has no idea where I am or what I am doing.  I make the most of that time when I can.

especially so if I'm not on business travel, and I'm investing in personal travel to get there. This typically pays off, as I've had it happen that I booked and had her say she couldn't make it because her Aunt Flo was coming to town and would I be available the next week. But 2 months out, no I don't book that far out.

I'm already planning for March and April. I used to plan a year ahead with an old atf, but she retired. I really miss her dependability.

All cities and dates have been planned and booked for my entire year, listed on my website and announced on my social media sites. However, I only actively advertise on the sites like TER up to 8 weeks in advance. But sure enough, guys often peruse my site and I actually received a booking for November 2015 already. I have some booked for March and May as well. My February tours have almost no availability left.

I realize it can be a challenge for some guys to plan ahead with their schedules, and personal things do indeed come up, but it's always better to book as soon as possible. I always feel terrible when I first arrive to a city because it never fails...that's the day I get an influx of requests and have to tell them all no because I have no availability left : (

Even when I'm home, I often have a 2-4 week wait.

Cardinal_Richelieu502 reads

My schedule is constrained. I love it when I can set things up 60-90 days ahead.

... i'll take an appt request as far out as a guy wants but probably won't put much stock into it w/o deposit (I will take them all seriously but given past experience if they cancel a few weeks later it won't shock me).  It's a little rare I get an appt booked further than 6 wks ahead without deposit that sticks.

-- Modified on 1/12/2015 9:43:21 PM

visiting a certain city for work or a very hot provider coming into my area.  I have limited opportunities to P4P unless traveling on business which is very infrequent now.

BP it would be not worth it but her personal sight 10 weeks would be find.

Posted By: brookside84
I just came across a providers ad and thought it was for January, but at closer look it is for 3rd week in March. That's 10 weeks away. Personally, I tend to research (all the time) and book about 1-2 weeks in advance.  
 2 questions:  
 First, are any hobbyists planning that far in advance?  
 Second, are the ladies placing ads that far in advance and does it work?  

It is smart to post a schedule weeks ahead JUST to give the guys a heads up. Some book way in advance while other closer to the day.

Usually not as far in advance as the two or three months you're talking about, but maybe a week or even two.

Twice last year I regretted it. When something important arises, or just something that either needs or warrants my full concentration, having a session scheduled can really be a conflict. I can't concentrate on either the task I need to focus on or the anticipation of the session. I wind up distracted at a time when I cannot afford distractions, and I the session suffers from the distant mood it puts me in.

And as for visiting a city or enjoying a woman on tour to mine, there are still a lot of things that can go wrong last minute.

Right now there's only a couple providers I'm seeing where setting up something much in advance feels comfortable.

Book very far in advance I just had a gent book an appt for May.
I have had quite few inquires and a couple appts booked for Feb and March.
Some guys know their business or vacation schedules in advance and want to insure the lady or ladies they are interested in will be available during their visit.
I understand not every gent is going to be in this position some might not know their schedule until right before their visit.Everyone is different.

I welcome advance booking and some other ladies do as well.
Then there are other ladies who only want to book a week or two at the most.
The longest advance notice I received for an appt was a year in advance and it worked out great.
This is rare but there are some who just like very advance notice.

I do not tour however the couple of times I did visit a city for work I started advertising my trip a month to a month in a half in advance.The lady you mentioned maybe she figures the farther in advance she advertises she can see if a trip is feasible or not.  

-- Modified on 1/12/2015 11:03:38 PM

for the great responses, very enlightening. One of the other posts hit on why I don't book too far in advance, I want to be sure of my schedule and don't want to have to cancel or try to reschedule for a different time. Thanks again.

There are men like me who have to set a certain amount aside each week to budget for providers.  If there's someone non-local I'm interested in seeing, it helps to know a couple months in advance.

Posted By: brookside84
I just came across a providers ad and thought it was for January, but at closer look it is for 3rd week in March. That's 10 weeks away. Personally, I tend to research (all the time) and book about 1-2 weeks in advance.  
 2 questions:  
 First, are any hobbyists planning that far in advance?  
 Second, are the ladies placing ads that far in advance and does it work?  

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