TER General Board

The CHEETAH sits, hidden in the tall grass, and impatiently waits...
Hugs and Nuzzles 3465 reads

He is hungry.  It has been many days since he has been satisfied.  

He stretches his wiry frame and listens for the soft cooing sound of a female Scot (his favorite prey).  

Suddenly he spots her: a lean and leggy Scottish gazelle.  He explodes from the underbrush in a rush of excitement, But the gazelle is quick, and tries to evade the charge.  She is agile and strong.  She darts to and fro, but she cannot escape his clutches.  His paws reach for her haunches, and he pulls her down.  He has a beauty to feast upon.

He pins her on her back and she knows she has been caught.  Her body heaves with heavy breathing from the exertion.  His head moves up to her throat and slowly he bites.

Her back arches, her eyes close, and it is over.

The catch is so much more satisfying.  :-)

Carrie of London5259 reads

As I was relaxing today in my garden, in the early evening sunshine, listening to Motorhead, their song of that title set me thinking.....

When you see escorts the 'catch' is pretty much guaranteed. Do you ever miss the 'chase'? Or do you just relish the 'catch'?

Carrie xxx

twocentsisall2994 reads

especially those that tour and visit a city like Los Angeles only occasionally. Yes there is still the excitement of the chase. And with good research, the catch may be equally or more exciting.

There is nothing like the chase, but even the best hunter does not get his quarry everytime out.  If you are like me, you do not have the time at the momment to get out nearly as much as you would like.  Maybe if I got my head out of my fourth point of contact (my computer...what where you thinking?) I would have more time, but I am at a point where my career is really starting to go someplace.  So I go for the occassional catch when it suits me and spread a little of my good fortune.  Besides, most of the drawn out "chases" I have been involved with lately have lead to women who are selfish in bed, and just about everywhere else.  (Must be something wrong with my radar).  Sometimes you just want to find the sure thing that is interested in your pleasure, and hopefully you can return the favor.

With very popular ladies, we can still get a bit of the chase. In one particular situation, it took me seven tries over a six month period before I got to finally see a provider whom I had my eye on. Kind of on principle, I decided I wasn't giving up, and it turned out to be well worth the effort. The chase, although frustrating at times (sitting in my hotel room, watching the clock tick), was fun in a strange sort of way.

-- Modified on 8/12/2003 1:32:56 PM

Motorhead is not my concept of a lyrically deep band!  Britain's own Radiohead is more in that category for me, or the great Robert Smith and The Cure.
I know I am going to catch flak for saying this, but my personal feeling on this thought is that anyone who relishes the chase more than the catch is displaying signs of arrested development.  

The chase has never appealed to me, other than as a means to a potentially neverending end.  The only time that the chase is exciting for me is when there is the potential for the catch, whereas with the "catch", there are innumerable doors to open still for those willing to look...some scary, some more fulfilling than any chase could be.  Even with a provider, the excitement for me is in experiencing wht she brings to the catch, not the uncertainty of finding out whether it was worth getting there or not.

However, that's just my POV.

Telling ItLikeItIs4324 reads

Very good point!  It is in the "catch" that the people have a chance to really get to know each other, and that's what it's really all about.

it used to be exciting and exhilirating ... not any more

it actually was when i was young ... now the abyss is staring me in the eye (well, sort of) and i realize there just isn't TIME to play games like in high-school

one civilian in particular had me chase her for 6 freaking months only to abruptly end the "chase" (as if with a blunt knife) by inviting me to a nice brunch only for me to show up and find her there with her new BF which she just wanted me to meet! [sigh]

women [sigh] ... i mean civilian women [sigh] .... who needs them  ? ;-)


wait... did i just give a (semi-)serious answer to one of Carrie's posts??  ... OMIGOD .. i must be losing it ... yelp!

Spin Dr.2815 reads

I'm tired of the chase that's why I'm in the hobby.  This catch and release stuff is much easier.  Fish where the fish are.

You are a disillusioned romantic after all!

You just need to meet the right woman, buddy.  Not all of them play the chase game.

The thrill of the chase is alive and well in this hobby for me.It begins when I start looking through the boards and reviews. Every new name is like a present at Christmas.As I unwrap each profile my exxcitrment builds as my particular criteria is met one by one as I scroll down my pants er I mean my screen. Every once in a while all my desires are fulfilled.I savor her photos and read every word she has to say. My days off match her availability.....The chase begins ....I email and wait.The fantasies start flowing....hours of pleasure are spent contiplating the brief look into the eyes of a beautiful stranger....not just any stranger, but one that is a purrrrrfect match. A sure thing...satisfaction guaranteed...no entangelments.....no need to lie...a win win situation.The nexxt day I keep checking my email and I wait. Daily chores fly by as I contiplate my good fortune.Then finally a response ...First contact...a rush of exxcitement pours over me.I respond and I wait. More checking email... finally the last details are in place....and I wait.....I try to sleep ....I dont feel like eating....I love that nervous energy ....that knot in my stomach that takes me back to my high school days.Its great to be alive!  As the hour grows closer I prepair my self..I stair out the window and smile...And I wait...I drive to my destination and I wait...I knock on her door and the chase is almost over.The nexxt hour is the frosting on the cake.It goes by so quickly!    Soon I am in front of my computer, and the chase begins anew.    So you see Carrie the thrill of the chase is an ongoing exxperience that can be savored over and over again. Buy the way Carrie, are you busy later? : )

I would really like chasing you around your "little garden" but I live here in Dallas. Darn it but your so cute.....

And I would really relish catching you(definately the best part lol).


Its been over 20 years since I first saw the movie.
The only reason I bring this up is that I just watched it again this past weekend for the 2nd time and with the gorgeous Carrie of London talkin' about the chase....well,....the scene in the Slaughtered Lamb and what happens afterwards is great movie making...Soooo...let me cut to the chase.....
THE CHASE is far better just like the movie's build up and eventual chase scene on the MOORS....but breaking this down to Man versus Woman...and of course without any violence whatsoever
...it brings me no greater pleasure than... the dressed to the 9's, anticipation, greeting, meeting,chit-chating and eventual F**king and other sexy happenings that go on when meeting my provider of choice...the CATCH.Keeping to the subject and no offense intended by my forthCUMing terminology, I'd love to be an American Whorewolf in London..... Carrie....look out!....HHHHHOOOOOWWWWWLLLLL!

It must be  a full moon.


-- Modified on 8/12/2003 5:19:56 PM

It must be a function of how old you are.  I am not at all interested in the chase, only the cheese at the end of it.

My heart still pounds when it's 7pm and that's when she's arriving at my hotel.  What will she be like?  As good as the reviews?  As atractive as the pic?  Will we click?  Will she even show?  Maybe not the "chase" but certainly gets the blood pumping.

I hope I can finally catch up to you.  When are you going to be in Vegas?  Hopefully the same week as me (3rd week of Sept)

There are those like Ted Nugent, who take out their crossbow and hunt their own food.

Others prefer the grocery store.

Or the organic foods store.

What sort of cross or longbow do you use?



no, i do not have the patience for the chase. some of my "catch" experiences have also been fumbles or misplays.

I just like shagging!!!! (and a little OWO).
If you want me to chase you too, that could be fun. Just run slow!

at least for the most part.  That is why I pay.  Most importantly I'm married and of course what I'm doing is wrong but at least I'm not ``chasing'' every girl I see.  For me, chasing would involve courting etc,etc,etc and I'm not interested in that.  It is all about sex - nothing more.  So, the ``chase'' is irrelevant for me.  Just want to catch, fuck and release (maybe tag em if I want to catch them again).

I would rate the "Chase" as enjoyable as root canal. From early in my teens I hoped & prayed for a better and easier way. When I was introduced to the GFE level of the hobby I knew I had found nirvana.
   I must confess however that always having to "release" the "catch" leaves certain hungers unsatisfied.

Hugs and Nuzzles3466 reads

He is hungry.  It has been many days since he has been satisfied.  

He stretches his wiry frame and listens for the soft cooing sound of a female Scot (his favorite prey).  

Suddenly he spots her: a lean and leggy Scottish gazelle.  He explodes from the underbrush in a rush of excitement, But the gazelle is quick, and tries to evade the charge.  She is agile and strong.  She darts to and fro, but she cannot escape his clutches.  His paws reach for her haunches, and he pulls her down.  He has a beauty to feast upon.

He pins her on her back and she knows she has been caught.  Her body heaves with heavy breathing from the exertion.  His head moves up to her throat and slowly he bites.

Her back arches, her eyes close, and it is over.

The catch is so much more satisfying.  :-)

Turkana3794 reads

Part of the thrill of being with a provider is that the Chase isn't involved: YOU'RE THERE!!!  Now it's all discovery.

But in my experience, there can still be an element -- indeed, a big element -- of chase:  the provider is, in many respects, an "actress," sometimes a "celebrity."  For me, with some providers, I've always been fascinated with the idea of getting behind the act -- finding out who she "really" is.  Sometimes this has happened, sometimes, not.  But that's been the chase!

The chase at one time was slightly interesting to me, but as I aged I said the hell with this shit. Women are far too emotional, unpredictable and just as sleezy and evil as any man I hear so many girls complain about. The fairer sex is a myth and the sooner a guy learns this the sooner you can get on with reality and accept women as they are. The children's poem about "sugar and spice and everything nice..." just table that one for awhile dude.

Let's take a typical chase. You meet someone you're attracted to and you approach her with a gesture of friendship, a drink, a smile or maybe a innocent come-on line. If she's not married, in a committed relationship or gay, then you have a chance. There's also the chance she will tell you to get lost. Now get that "sugar and spice" back off the table cause you'll need it to salvage your evening out. But often the whole thing goes south because she is not attracted to you, too shy, hates men, is afraid of strangers...the list goes on. And even when you finally click, it often ends in splitsville within a few months, weeks or even days.

The chase too often ends up with nothing to show for the effort. An evening with a provider get's you to the end of the chase without the hassle of the chase.

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