TER General Board

the answer is yes
silvertongue1 14 Reviews 1060 reads

We are only human, with feelings and passions, and sometimes everything comes together and the stars align, and rocks go off. To these times, I am forever grateful. Makes the time more worthwhile!
Enjoy the ride people!

Posted By: Unloved
So this may have been brought up already.  But for the providers out there, is it possible that you experience really passionate sex with a client.  
 I realize we are paying you for a service and an illusion to an extent.  But at some point there must me some connection with clients you click with.  
 I've had encounters with only a few providers that over time (almost a year with repeat visits) and another recently again with repeat vists, where the sex was probably the best I've ever experienced.  We seemed to click and it was nothing but hot, sensual, erotic, can't take our hands off eachother sex!!!  
 Other providers, although were still great, at the end of the day felt more like a great experience but not necessarily a "connection".    
 Maybe I'm overthinking it, but these are the experiences I love.  Do some of the providers truly enjoy the moment, even if it's p4p?  Ok it's good business to be what you need to be for the client, but just wondering how often the providers enjoyment is mutual?  

So this may have been brought up already.  But for the providers out there, is it possible that you experience really passionate sex with a client.

I realize we are paying you for a service and an illusion to an extent.  But at some point there must me some connection with clients you click with.

I've had encounters with only a few providers that over time (almost a year with repeat visits) and another recently again with repeat vists, where the sex was probably the best I've ever experienced.  We seemed to click and it was nothing but hot, sensual, erotic, can't take our hands off eachother sex!!!  

Other providers, although were still great, at the end of the day felt more like a great experience but not necessarily a "connection".  

Maybe I'm overthinking it, but these are the experiences I love.  Do some of the providers truly enjoy the moment, even if it's p4p?  Ok it's good business to be what you need to be for the client, but just wondering how often the providers enjoyment is mutual

A good provider will make you feel like there was an awesome connection regardless of whether there actually is one or not.  But of course sometimes it is very easy to convey that there is an awesome connection because there actually IS one.  Individual chemistry plays a huge role, things like the way we smell, kissing style, physical attraction, sexual compatibility, attitude, etc.

I have a much easier time having a genuine connection with someone when we are just enjoying each other's company every couple months and there are no strings attached.  Less time to get turned off by little things that would come to bother me if we spent more time together like if we were dating.  It's easy for me to find *something* that I like in most people.  I am able to open myself to genuinely connecting with my clients on some level about 90% of the time.  There's always the odd guy that I just don't click with.  Of course, some of those connections are deeper than others.  I'm not saying those 90% of sessions are 100% enjoyable, but during ~90% of my meetings I have many moments of genuine connection and enjoyment.  This might be because my marketing is very straightforward about what I'm into and it tends to attract guys who I'm very likely to have an excellent connection with.  Guys who are not really my type tend to be turned off by something or another about how I present myself.

The ironic thing I've found, is that the guys who I have the most genuine connections with often assume I'm lying and make insecure comments about how I'm just patronizing them when I express how great the experience was for me.  I've given up on trying to convince them that I'm telling the truth.  Maybe my acting is more convincing than my real joy at making a fun connection??  Or it's Murphy's law.  Or it's because I'm super into much older men and they simply can't fathom that I'm being sincere when I express my enjoyment.  Something like that.  ;)

Doubting her sincerity can be a way for him to avoid getting carried away emotionally, whether it be in an attempt to maintain P4P boundaries or because having romantic connections simultaneously with more than one person just fucks with his socially-conditioned head

I usually don't push it because it doesn't feel right to push compliments onto people.  I have no issue maintaining P4P boundaries even when there is a genuine connection, but of course it makes sense that other people would have a harder time with that.  Thanks for the perspective!

Posted By: cocktail-party
Doubting her sincerity can be a way for him to avoid getting carried away emotionally, whether it be in an attempt to maintain P4P boundaries or because having romantic connections simultaneously with more than one person just fucks with his socially-conditioned head.    

Be careful here. The naysayers will say that all cums are fake, a job well done. But every once in awhile you run into a lady who, genuinely loves sex, genuinely loves men, is a genuine positive personality, or genuinely likes you. In those instances, raw passion runs loose. I'll be coming back for many visits thank you. Besides the raw passion, there are a million other subtle indications she enjoys your company. The naysayers just can't believe that genuineness is possible in p4p. That attitude limits their vision. But since I know it is possible, I'm very receptive. It's the subtleties that stay with me post session, not the sex.

Posted By: mojojo
Be careful here. The naysayers will say that all cums are fake, a job well done. But every once in awhile you run into a lady who, genuinely loves sex, genuinely loves men, is a genuine positive personality, or genuinely likes you. In those instances, raw passion runs loose. I'll be coming back for many visits thank you. Besides the raw passion, there are a million other subtle indications she enjoys your company. The naysayers just can't believe that genuineness is possible in p4p. That attitude limits their vision. But since I know it is possible, I'm very receptive. It's the subtleties that stay with me post session, not the sex.
True, probably one of the most memorable experiences I had with a provider was not only about the raw passion, but the little things she did to make sure she pleased me.  I caught a glimpse for a second when she let down her facade of how important it was thst she pleased me.  That sticks out more than the sex (although this time it felt spontaneous and not mechanica).

I had seen this provider on and off for almost a year.  The last session started out with modtly me pleasing her, very slow, deliberate, sensual.  She seemed to enjoy the attention then suddenly while massaging her she practically attacks me and the rest of the session was pure bliss..the  sex was incredibly spontaneous and hot.  So much so that we ran way over time.  I attempted to compensate her for the extra time but she flat out refused.

Maybe I fell for the illusion.  But I'd like to think there was something genuine there.  

I have found a few providers that have responded similarly although not to that extent.  Those will be the ones I return to.

What you want to avoid is the "all or nothing" mindset, as in, either it was all fake or she's-madly-in-love-and-wants-to-have-my-baby. She enjoys your company, she enjoys spending time with you and having sexy fun with you. Consider it a fling (yeah you're paying, but she needs the money and you're helping her out). If it gets deeper than that, then take it slow.

"It's just a job" to a lot of gals.  I also believe that sometimes, depending on the individual, their libido, their mood, their attitude and/or personality to some extent, the women in p4p at some primal level enjoy what they do physically at least, if not mentally.  If it were a terrible experience it would be way less prevalent as a choice for the independents out there.  I'm sure it becomes commonplace and boring and there are clients who are fat, stinky, annoying, etc.  just like any job you begin liking, you can get burned out quickly and then hate it.
Or.. Just not give a darn.  
But I am also sure that with the right conditions anyone can enjoy sex.  All it takes is  an open mind, the right mood, the right person and the right moves... Oh yeah, and lots of cash.

When the attraction and chemistry is right. As to how often, well that is the 64 million dollar question. I will take a guess, not as often as some might like.

Ultimate connection ?  
You would say that I am good actress or dream woman ?  
I am not VIP and never checking other providers reviews nor scores yet I have emails from men that I am unique case of 9.58 score in performance of course it is just about my personality and this passion and ultimate connection we talk here not. About anal skills  
Only yet I have reputation on board as I have bad personality  
Even when I call man konfetka what means candy he asks should I be insulted Hahah  
So I take only those who able and have potentials to be those lovers  
That s all  
It takes two to tango gentlemen  
We women love men who love women - not service but love making and companionship  
Then the best intimate and sexual moments take place  
Of course may be one day I will tied from making ultimate connection with man  
This day be when I will die  
As long as I alive  
Every man I take to my bedroom is chosen to be lifted to those heights  
Other wise if I fell I would not lift him I would not take him no matter what kind money he offered  
I would say it is not just I feel that way most escorts females here are that way and it is why we free no married so we can be with those men we fell the ultimate connection if we will settle down for boring sex and money we be married ;) why everybody blames escort that those women all about money I still think that wives are more about money then we are

GaGambler871 reads

Or should I say Blah Blah Blue,

and here I thought you had taken some time off from here to devote more time to your ESL classes? My bad. lol

MrRate1075 reads

Agreed. What garbage.

I will concede that some hookers do have a great connection some of the time but ALL of the time...no fucking way.

GaGambler760 reads

The good news is that she is simply BSC and doesn't speak for all hookers anymore than MtDew or Rtucky speaks for all tricks.

and I do have to believe that "sometimes" true connections do happen, and happen at the very first meeting. Some people just click, it doesn't matter if each one of them has been with thousands of other sex partners in the past. It's happened to me more than once, and I know that it wasn't just my imagination because in each case it led to a "real" LTR without money being any part of the equation.

Now keep in mind, I have seen literally thousands of hookers, in my experience this has happened much less than even 1% of the time, more like 1/10 of 1%, but it does happen.

...Now keep in mind, I have seen literally thousands of hookers, in my experience this has happened much less than even 1% of the time, more like 1/10 of 1%, but it does happen....

Your numbers are way more likely and just shows how little connection there really is. Those tricks who dis me and the fact that I am brutally honest about the lack thereof of chemistry, need to read this post.

GaGambler1331 reads

She actually believes that posting this drivel is going to make guys want to see her. I would be as likely to book with BSC Taylor as Blah Blah Blue. lol

but yes, "REAL" connections are few and far between in this business, and by REAL, I don't mean liking a client, I am sure that happens all the time judging by the number of hooker friends I have. I am sure that many of these women "like" me, but that doesn't translate into having any genuine feelings.

As I have said a thousand times before, if a guy really thinks a hooker has feeling for him, simply stop paying her and see if she sticks around, but be prepared to be VERY disappointed 99% of the time. FWIW the few times that I KNOW there was a "real" connection, it did lead to a real, non paying relationship. That's how I KNOW it was real. There have been other times where I thought there was more, but the vast majority of the times it was simply a very, very good GFE. So good that I couldn't tell the difference, and I suspect that what most johns confuse with love.

as you are gentlemen:)

 Kiss to you all :)
 No ..
 I do not know why I posted.. just wanted to share .. .. I feel really special .. my lovers make me feel very special ..
I not meant ever to book any of you..
 Never .. trust me please ,.. so sorry..

Take care and happy holidays

GaGambler838 reads

and yes, you are a hooker. Sorry if that offends you, but you are a hooker the very same that I am a john, or a trick. Get over yourself, and go back to your mooz and skvirrel. lmao

FWIW, there is NOTHING wrong with being a hooker, some of my very favorite people in the entire world are hookers.

and while it isn't fair to judge every wife harshly, certainly more than a few do exploit their husbands financially, mine did anyways.

So, is it real or not?

As long as I feel loved, I don't care.  Let me have my delusion, I'm paying for it anyways.

Some gals are better than others, but I'm lucky that so many of the gals I do meet take me up to heaven.

As a mentor of mine once said:  You make your own luck.

I actually had to catch my breath, I totally wasn't in "Jaye" mode anymore... Strummed my pussy like a fiddle and omg yeah I had to tell my GF's about it the next day! I think there was built up anticipation and general understanding of each other that helped with the sexual attraction. Chemistry or whatever you want to call it but when you want to call the client back for freebies, yeah there is some passion there! Lol!

We are only human, with feelings and passions, and sometimes everything comes together and the stars align, and rocks go off. To these times, I am forever grateful. Makes the time more worthwhile!
Enjoy the ride people!

Posted By: Unloved
So this may have been brought up already.  But for the providers out there, is it possible that you experience really passionate sex with a client.  
 I realize we are paying you for a service and an illusion to an extent.  But at some point there must me some connection with clients you click with.  
 I've had encounters with only a few providers that over time (almost a year with repeat visits) and another recently again with repeat vists, where the sex was probably the best I've ever experienced.  We seemed to click and it was nothing but hot, sensual, erotic, can't take our hands off eachother sex!!!  
 Other providers, although were still great, at the end of the day felt more like a great experience but not necessarily a "connection".    
 Maybe I'm overthinking it, but these are the experiences I love.  Do some of the providers truly enjoy the moment, even if it's p4p?  Ok it's good business to be what you need to be for the client, but just wondering how often the providers enjoyment is mutual?  

I even had one guy give me a 6 in performance and whine, I honeslty was horny at the appt and enjoyed myself. He was a tad stiff and awkward but i once i started sucking his dick, i some how got very turned on anyway despite the scenerio.
                It was funny because even i managed to enjoy myself some how.
                             I usually get horny at some point at almost every session.
I think the appts are easier to do if you can manage to try and get yourself legitimately in a horny mooD. a GENUINE ONE,.
  If you like are not turned on at all it can go on forever and be sheer torture. I think i learned how to like get myself in a sexy zone during work at the strip clubs. Its just something you learn to have power over in the mind for me.  
             I feel connections with people all the time not just escorting . And not just in a sexual way, I am an extrovert youd call it and not just in bedroom in life in general. I will go up to women in a store i am shopping at to ask an opinion on which outfit, Or in grocery store i will ask some one thier opinion, I am definetly an extroverted people person and not just when on the clock and when a donation is involved, i am a generally maybe even aggressively extroverted..... At times, i love talking to people, ......................
            I am also extroverted sexually , I remeber going up to police man in uniform, He was higher ranking than regular one i wont get specific.  
        I said. "You know i just want you to come in my place and then rip your pants off and give you the best massage and blo job you ever had, Then throw you out and not even talk ."
                      He was takin off guard a tad and said wow! You are so direct!
He was at my place with his cock out few days later and we fucked super fast and like almost just blatantly using each other like wild animals. It was fun being his sex object for the minute. I enjoyed it, i wanted it and got what i wanted , I didnt like bull shit anout it i just was very direct and approached them and didnt beat around the bush,............
                         Why bull shit with people? i didnt want to build a lasting friednship or date him? i just wanted to play with his dick basically and get him naked . He was all tatted up and had a muscles like a chip n dale stripper. \
  face was like a male model for a cologne ad. I just didnt see the reaon in the nonsense so i got what i wanted.  
                      But for me, the nervous energy of the appointments, The like kinda rudeness of it all, its like hi yeah i dont know you but um lets use each other, i cant explain t, Its fun though and it gets me wicked rowled up. I even stopped escorting and had a bf and like got really bored, Escorting kinda gets my mind in the gutter like for the money then i think I end up finding i am enjoying being a slut, and i end up having fun too. I am unsure though but i always been the girl that had an older guy i was fuckin silly and getting basically to not work or have to lift a finger he would do whatever i ask. I startecd kind of workin my sexual prowess to my advantage at as early as 15, and would get the guys to do whatever i wanted. ...
              I always am happy at the appt and excited to be doing it, basically. I think if the guy is bored or complains i try not to take it personally probly he was havn a bad day and i am getting the brunt of it, i try not to take it personally i know i am good at what i do .

Posted By: Unloved
So this may have been brought up already.  But for the providers out there, is it possible that you experience really passionate sex with a client.  
 I realize we are paying you for a service and an illusion to an extent.  But at some point there must me some connection with clients you click with.  
 I've had encounters with only a few providers that over time (almost a year with repeat visits) and another recently again with repeat vists, where the sex was probably the best I've ever experienced.  We seemed to click and it was nothing but hot, sensual, erotic, can't take our hands off eachother sex!!!  
 Other providers, although were still great, at the end of the day felt more like a great experience but not necessarily a "connection".    
 Maybe I'm overthinking it, but these are the experiences I love.  Do some of the providers truly enjoy the moment, even if it's p4p?  Ok it's good business to be what you need to be for the client, but just wondering how often the providers enjoyment is mutual?  

Just to be clear.. I'm not speaking about developing feelings for a client thst evolves into something else.

I am just referring to enjoying a particular client and enjoying the moment with that client, even though, yes it is a business transaction

I'm sure this is possible with a small % but... I've never found it. Maybe some have.

I guess if you're looking for it hard enough, you'll find it. That is, a hobbyist who approaches this as something more than just sex could believe real passion exists when there is none. Alternatively, he might come upon a lady who does enjoy the experience enough to display it

Are you relaxed and yourself when you go into these dates?
Do you go in with a sincere smile and warm greeting to set a good tone?
If you bring a good energy and respect for the lady on these dates, you drastically increase the chances of you both having a good time.
If you haven't found that provider that you really feel like you click with yet, I suggest you stop even thinking about it.  Just relax and be yourself, and most likely you'll find the experience you are looking for - unless what you are looking for is something a little more real than what this hobby offers.

When it does it is a great evening!!! I haven't had a bad experience yet but, some were better than others I won't lie about that.  I find extended dates to be great for getting to know one another better and sometimes you click and then everything else is just that much more fun!!!

-- Modified on 12/11/2014 1:07:26 PM

I agree with the extended hours sentiment. It is undeniably crucial for increasing the chances of "true" passion, on both ends

I scheduled a fbsm with a girl once. In her ad it said, "fbsm only, topless only, although I am a woman with desires, YMMV." So I wrote her an email an said, "I hope my mileage varies high." I brought a lil bottle of champagne an some chocolate to her. She started a great massage as we chatted then I flipped over an she was nude. All off a sudden we were dfk'ing my hands all over her, hers all over me an after I came we both let out a big gasp. I think there was a connection.

that you are Hot Hot Hot and they love your lovely eyes.  Keep up the good work.

For me.  I crave ALL men more than sustenance.  i yearn for passion more than the air I breathe.  I have a severe pleasure fetish to the point of borderline addiction. The cash is just a bonus ;)

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