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That was long for fancy. She normally copies a . . .
keystonekid 114 Reviews 46 reads

few words from the OP and then adds her twitter account.

There are many who have said that they'd rather settle down and get married because they don't want to pay for sex. But little do they know that they're paying for it anyway. There's no escaping it, it's just that they've chosen to pay over the long term, and if anything, they're probably paying more for less. So please consider the cost benefit analyses of marriage before making a lifetime investment.

The cost of a sexless marriage:
Much like your predecessors, you may soon find that your wife has a mind of her own, and as such, she can decide at any given time that she's not going to put out. But even so, you still have to share your wealth with her, and if she decides to leave you (which she can do for any, or no reason), you can bet that "she gone leave with half," *Kanye West's voice* lol. All that sharing of wealth, and what benefit did you derive from it? You ever heard of Briffault's Law? Well guess what, Briffault's Law goes both ways.

It's generally a good idea to sign a prenup, if for no other reason, it serves to show you where you stand with her. If she loves you, she shouldn't have any problem signing the damn thing, so if she doesn't want to sign it, then you know she's a gold digger who never loved you. That should be seen as a red flag, and a sign of things to come, so that would be a good time to cut your losses and leave. But ultimately, a prenup is only a false sense of security when you consider that a judge can always toss it out and order you to pay alimony regardless. I would say that you should take it with a grain of salt if you decide to go that route.

Get a professional:
Yes, I know I'm preaching to the choir here, but for those of you guys (especially those who are young) who are probably thinking, "I'm just going to keep seeing hookers until I meet my wife," you should consider that maybe your current option is your best option, but don't take my word for it. With a professional, you get what you paid for, and you only pay as often as you use it. Plus, with a professional, the quality of sex is way better than that boring ass vanilla sex you get from your wife. Unlike with your wife, at least you are acutely aware that the escort doesn't love you, and that this whole arrangement is just a business transaction. But that doesn't mean you can't still have fun with her, at least you're having fun without all the tricks and mind games that comes with civvie dating. As a side benefit, you should also consider the fact that because she only cares about the money, and not your belief system, you can openly be a chauvinist sympathizer, and she'll still see you so long as your money game is tight. Hell, she might even fulfill your chauvinistic fantasy by playing a more submissive role in the bedroom if you tip her right. Don't look at it as paying for sex. If anything, you're paying for honesty, or in the immortal words of Charlie Sheen, you can "pay them to leave."

Finally, if marriage is a really big deal to you, did you know that you can still get married in the eyes of God, but not in the eyes of the state? It's true, you can throw a wedding ceremony with all the catering and fanfare, and you can invite all your friends and relatives, without signing a marriage contract. And because there's no legally binding contact, a licensed minister doesn't have to be the one who presides over your ceremony, you can get your best friend to do it while he's wearing a Santa Claus costume.

Your guests doesn't have to know that there's no contract involved, as far as they're aware, they're only there for the free booze, and shouldn't be concerned with what goes on behind the scenes. You don't even have to stick to the traditional norms of calling it a wedding, you can call it "a celebration of your love" or "an evening of excellence" or whatever the fuck you want to call it, it's your day. The whole point of doing so is that if things should go south somewhere down the line, you can break up without going through divorce proceedings, and you won't have to answer to a judge, or be sued for alimony by a gold digging harpy. Much like with signing a prenup, a contract free wedding is a great way to test her loyalty. If she gets offended and leaves, then you know what her intentions were all along, and can be glad you dodged a bullet.

No one marries for love anymore, it's all about what they can get out of the other person, and if she only married you for your money, then she's a fucking prostitute, only this time, her father is her pimp. I sure as hell know that dude ain't gonna walk his daughter down the aisle and give her away to a pauper. Tell me again just how much of a non-pimp he is. Marriage might be legal prostitution, but it's all one big scam compared to P4P. Legality isn't necessarily the same as morality, after all, slavery was once legal. Why do you need state approval if God already gave you his blessings?

A good number of men get imprisoned without even being charged.

Who cares what he thinks about marriagez?  Or anything at all, for that matter.

It's hardly the first copy and paste job he has tried to pass off as his own.

He is pretty good at finding people who are just as stupid as himself, but who actually write in complete sentences and who know how to use paragraph breaks.

And no, I didn't bother reading it either, I just glanced at it long enough to see it was broken up into separate paragraphs which makes it easier on the eyes, but two sentences into it I realized it was TSTR (Too Stupid To Read)

House and cars and food and whatever else. paying for pu$$ie.

At least Fancy keeps the stupidity short and sweet.

Five or ten stupid words beats the hell of several paragraphs (when he copies and pastes at least) of stupidity.

I don't say this often Van, but "great post" lol

I do it to get under your skin.You feed it everything.Thank you.LOL. Marriage legal prostitution paying for pu$$ie every day with house and cars and whatever else. Professionals  paid fantasy

few words from the OP and then adds her twitter account.

lol.Clients pay for pu$$ie at home and professionals.

Many marriages do work, and people can have great relationships.   Each case is a different story.

I see you make no mention about wanting children, and raising a family.   Why?

My first marriage was a bust, but during it's 20 year run we raised two fine kids, and I'd do that all over again, divorce or no.

Yes! Well done. I have had two 16 year marriages. They were both successful, until they weren't. I don't regret either of them . They just ran their course. I have one excellent son (29 year old) and many step kids. But, I don't see myself doing it again.  
I'm having too much fun. But, I can't tell you what I will decide in the future.

The cynical broad brush really doesn't work. There are too many variations of happy for different people.

Now, back to awesome fornication.

having another 29 year old son.  I just don't want any more that are under 18 at any point along the way.

with a 20+ son (or daughter) living in the basement (or garage) that you'll take them on.

Be prepared for a lot of mail.

You can't have my 29 year old. He's a great man.  
But, you are welcome to my 28 year old step son.  Always been a PITA. A few years ago, when he was jailed for fighting with 5 bouncers at a bar, he called to be bailed out. I told him that I would only do this twice. When he got out, I told him he had his twice. Of course he bit, "You've only bailed me out once."  .  

"Oh no, that  was twice. The first time and the last time."

Thankfully, he is starting to grow up.

He ought to be thinking of a career in the ring.

HappyChanges52 reads

exaggerated a bit. His son must have been a real asshole if he got arrested fighting five bouncers.

It was 5 and he was a real arsehole! Specially on any mind altering substances.  
Before his mother and I separated he tried to take me on. Chicken shit backed down.
He's also stupid.

you'd still have to support them regardless (unless you choose not to have any). They're your offsprings and your responsibility whether you're married or divorced. Yes, it's true that the harpy would attempt to use them as pawns to extract money from you in the event that you're separated, and then spend the bulk of it on herself. But ultimately, her actions wouldn't change the way you feel about your kids, or your desire to support them. If anything, I would say that the best gift you can give to your kids is to carefully choose the person with whom you procreate, so that they wouldn't have to deal with any dysfunctional drama, or the divorce that usually follows.

People don't realize that marriage is more than two hearts together; It's a financial bond.

The selection of a spouse was historically a business decision, and just because the love factor was later introduced doesn't mean that the original selection process no longer applies. The problem is that there are many who don't know the history who actually think they're marrying for love, and then when they get their hearts broken, they wonder why. The fantasized version of love that is being depicted in hollywood doesn't help matters much either (another reason to turn off the TV and go outside). It's best to get out your feelings, and get a clear dose of reality when deciding whether to tie the knot, and to make that decision from a business perspective.

if I am to marry off the vagina to One Highest Bidder,

he's gonna have to be someone  
that can take care of me in the custom that  
I have become used to,  

as an Organic- Free- Range-Roving Vagina.

Joe_the_Plumber51 reads

Yes but is is far worse.  When the divorce comes, the lesson will be learned
My analysis is that even dating is a form of fraud. With  working girls, the deal is clear and you are out of there in an hour.  MGTOW is "men going their own way" (without the pain in the ass of a girlfriend or wife)  The day of the  golden vagina has past it's peak, I suggest all me check it out.

The idea that marriage locks a man into sex with that woman is a fairly new concept. (Not new in religion but new in reality). Throughout history, men have had wives for having and raising children and intellectual companionship. They also had mistresses for sex. This was true of our founding fathers, and anyone who could afford it.

I am married to the same person for over 35 years. She hasn't had any interest in sex for at least the last five (probably due to being obese).

I sill wouldn't change anything. I have 2 great kids who I wouldn't trade for the world. I had this  hobby to keep me from going insane.

(What follows is not really related to this topic, but I can't resist bragging)

These days I found a woman in exactly the same situation as I am in (overweight inattentive spouse, great kids....). She won't get divorced, but is getting no sex.
She looks great and we are really into each other.  

She loves sex and we have done it on the beach, in parks and anywhere we thing we are not being watched.  
My sex life has never been this great!

Your story has proven my point, but is also very inspirational. I'm glad you were able to find some closure with this new girl. I hope it works out!

souls_harbor43 reads

... human nature has resulted in polygyny -- harems.  Where the top males of society have many wives and the bottom males have none.   These were necessarily coercive relationships either.  A woman is better of married to a rich polygynist than a poor monogynist.

The end of state defined marriage will result in the reintroduction of polygyny.  

souls_harbor38 reads

... these weren't necessarily coercive...

Yes ,if they are materially or business motivated. Just as corporations sending people to DC to lobby politicians ,is just a legal bribe.If we try to lobby a Cop we go to jail for bribery.

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