TER General Board

That reminds me. Where's Johny? LOL! eom
L.Guapo 349 reads


I have noticed that almost all providers close their eyes during the heart of the session. I am talking about during the actual act of intercourse (I know that the better GFE will look into your eyes when performing BJ). But during intercourse, they almost always close their eyes. My guess is that they are fantasizing the client is George Clooney, Brad Pitt, Johnny Deep, or whoever. Am I correct on this?
So far, there was this one young provider (early 20s). She kept her eyes open during intercourse. She was a visiting tourist from another country. I think she is fairly new as a provider, at the very least the first time doing this in the United States. Not only did she kept her eyes open, she moved her head in for some DFK and back. She stare deep into my eyes and grip me really tight with her arms during ACG. I am sure that she O maybe multiple times. Needless to say that was one of the best sex I ever had in my life. Lucky/unlucky for me, she was only visiting for 1 week. If not, I will be seeing her every couple of days. My question is " Is it rude to ask a provider to look deep into my eyes during intercourse? " I know I can ask and the worse she can say is no. But I think the eyes are one of those tell-tale signs that is very hard to lie. And if I ask the provider to do something that she is not comfortable with it would get real awkward real fast. What do you guys think? What do you girls think?

GaGambler504 reads

For the record, I often am thinking of someone else in order to "finish"  

and just how long were this woman's arms to be able to grip you "really tight" in ACG?

staring into his eyes during ACG...mirror or contortionist?

Posted By: GaGambler
For the record, I often am thinking of someone else in order to "finish"  
 and just how long were this woman's arms to be able to grip you "really tight" in ACG?

Does it matter? She "O'ed, I'm sure, maybe" ...

Posted By: GaGambler
For the record, I often am thinking of someone else in order to "finish"  
 and just how long were this woman's arms to be able to grip you "really tight" in ACG?

Great question!  For me, it's a case by case kind of thing.  While some clients feel that eye contact heightens the experience and creates a more intense connection, some find it more than a little awkward.  So I'll usually just follow his lead.  If I find that he seems to enjoy watching me watch him, I'll do exactly that.  But if I notice that his eyes are closed, I'll do the same.  

As for fantasizing about someone else, I can honestly say that I never do.  In order to create a truly enjoyable, memorable experience for my client, I need to be fully present and in the moment.  Pretending I'm with someone else entirely would make that a little difficult lol.  

ETA: Personally, I would be fine with a client asking me to open my eyes, provided he asks nicely.  "I'd love to see your beautiful eyes" is a much better approach than, "Look at me, Look at me!" LOL

-- Modified on 7/30/2015 10:34:40 AM

If she wants to shut her eyes will kissing, having intercourse or giving a bj, that is her prerogative.   Asking her to open her eyes is a bit too controlling, at least for me, especially if it is what permits her to do her job.  Ultimately, that is the fear, right?  She won't open her eyes and maybe that is an indication that she does not want to share every bit of intimacy with you and that is a reminder that whatever maybe happening is tied to a wad of C notes.    My thought is this:   tough titties, it is tied to the money, deal with it, have a good time and don't give her instructions on what to do with her eyelids.    Incidentally, some women do shut their eyes even when they are perfectly fine with what they are doing and enjoying it, even in the civvie world.

nom_de_plume460 reads

My ATF for example has this look while giving BJs. I think it's very hot. But I also know not all providers like to do that.  

I close my eyes while kissing on the lips but take a peek to see what she's doing. So far, eyes closed rules. I don't care if she's fantasizing about George Clooney or whomever, or just likes to kiss with her eyes closed. If it makes it more enjoyable for her, so much the better for both of us.

-- Modified on 7/30/2015 9:47:47 AM

Seems kinda creepy to me. Most people close their eyes while kissing/having sex I think.

The last time I had intercourse with my ATF, we locked eyes as we moved slowly. If it had been a real girlfriend, it would have been a romantic moment. I know if wasn't real, but it felt good, and she has beautiful eyes to stare into.

I love making eye contact during sex - and the looks don't matter. The excitement in the eyes is exciting. There's something about being caught in the moment where a guy is really turned on, and in the middle of getting laid.

I guess a lot of guys, even ones I think are attractive, think the girl with them has to use coping techniques to get through it. A lot of girls I know rant and rave about how much they love "doing it" with their clients.

Yeah it's for pay, and the pay needs to be there, and it is a huge turn on... And shorting or cheating is a huge turn off... But if there is no worry about any of that, this is a very exciting thing for many ladies. And it's one of the reasons people come back to it. Just like you guys always say, different strokes for different folks? You do know women qualify for that too. We all don't have crushes on Johnny Depp. Lol.

Don't be so hard on yourself! I wouldn't assume that all providers who close their eyes during "the act" are fantasizing about some (presumably) universally handsome movie star. It may just be a reflex; I'm certain lots of ladies have been known to do so with all types of gentlemen in all types of situations. I also wouldn't consider it rude to ask for what you want; I'm sure you put lots of consideration into selecting the ladies you date and pay top dollar to enjoy their company. Granted, many ladies do not publish their activities publicly and avoid listing them in correspondence, so it may just be a matter of broaching the subject gently.

I hope you get to see this special lady again!

During sex on my own time I like to close my eyes and drift off and really concentrate and get into the sensations. If my sexual partner demanded I look them in the eyes the entire time I might not get out of it what I deserve and that would be the last time we would have sex.  

P4P...let the hooker do what she is comfortable with. Ask but you might be right...the awkward quotient might go up.

Skyfyre424 reads

Sure I would ask a woman to look at me during sex IF I'm named Brad Pitt, George Clooney or equally good-looking.  

Dudes, unless you're really that good-looking please spare the woman the pain and yourselves the embarassment. Chances are good that if you are that handsome you wouldn't have to pay a prostitute to have sex with, right? I know for myself I feel self-conscious about my face and every single little defects on it. I would actually rather have the woman close her eyes or focus on other parts of my body.

Trust me on this unless you're a model or celebrity if you're over 30 you're not that good-looking or handsome to look at closely. Why would you want to repulse women by making them looking at your defects?

I do the same thing with women, civilians or providers. There really aren't any women I have had sex with that are THAT perfect either.

Your conclusion is good, let the lady be, but your reasons are too awful to not comment on.

1.  Lots of attractive men see escorts.  Lots.  We're supremely convenient.  
2.  Men over 30 are almost universally more handsome.  You've got that backwards.
3.  Lots, and I think most though I'm not sure, but anyway, LOTS of women like character in a man's face.  Character is pretty much another word for little defects.

If you find out that a woman has a great career, that's attractive, right?  But probably not enough to influence your overall view of her.  That's exactly how a LOT (Most?) women feel about a man's appearance, even when we're looking directly at you.

If my eyes are closed, I'm into "it."  Open = I'm into "you."

So closed isn't bad at all, just different

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