TER General Board

That method works but you do have to do detective work and need
perfectstorm 19 Reviews 336 reads

Suspicion of the alias already in mind. If you already suspect that A handle = B alias, it is easy to prove it or disprove it by the method you mentioned, but it would be really tough to just try to randomly find alias identities that way.
It is also something TER could prevent by tracking alias posts and handle posts separately, but like NYE said above about the ignore feature, it would require some software changes which might be too difficult or too expensive.

-- Modified on 6/26/2016 6:59:48 PM

BeautifulPerson3021 reads

i was only successful blocking gaga...but i am also tired of hearing what bigguy, jake and others have to say...
i only want to surround myself with positive and Progressive posters..lol...so no more state farm for me  

i am also getting harassing and hateful PMs from aliases, and i am not able to block them either ....even emailing support did not hel

bigguy30646 reads

I am not even a big fan of GaGambler, but the both of them are right about you.
It was your actions that started this whole mess and you keep acting like a victim.
Just looking for attention and we can't say you were wrong?

We are allowed to voice our different opinions and yes disagree at times too!
You also have to realize most people, view what you did as a fraud.
Also some people have a hard time, believing you and your comments.

So I am thankful, I don't know you and never had to deal with this issue.
Since I only deal with naturally born females and that's my choice in life.

You should apologize to those who you, honestly deceived.
The arrogant attitude, in your comments is really hurting you.
I don't agree, with the PM bashing either!

This is not about being positive or bashing you, but right from wrong.
We all enjoy this hobby for different reasons, but protecting it.
Well that is what keeps things enjoyable for everybody.


Posted By: BeautifulPerson
i was only successful blocking gaga...but i am also tired of hearing what bigguy, jake and others have to say...  
 i only want to surround myself with positive and Progressive posters..lol...so no more state farm for me  
 i am also getting harassing and hateful PMs from aliases, and i am not able to block them either ....even emailing support did not help  

How do you deceive someone honestly?  Do you ever bother reading anything before you post it?

bigguy30480 reads

This provider decided to hide, their personal real identity truth from the beginning.
They were thinking it was honest on their part, because no one had a right to know their past.
It was deception and that is why I said honest deception.

The provider was clearly wrong and I know what the fuck, I am writing on here.
I bet you most of the clients, this provider dated did not know about that either.
So when you fuck someone, even in this hobby.

Most people want to know, who they are dealing with on a date.
This is why every provider, screens us hobbyists and we read their reviews etc.
We always talk about fake reviews on here, so what about fake providers?
The provider clearly lied, in the profile description area in the beginning for money.

It was bad business and stupid by this person.
The site corrected the profile lie.

So I never had this issue or problem, but other hobbyists were burned by fraud.
I will say it again, this is not about bashing but protecting our hobby.


Posted By: BigPapasan
How do you deceive someone honestly?  Do you ever bother reading anything before you post it?

-- Modified on 6/26/2016 11:35:41 AM

Posted By: BeautifulPerson
i was only successful blocking gaga...but i am also tired of hearing what bigguy, jake and others have to say...  
 i only want to surround myself with positive and Progressive posters..lol...so no more state farm for me  
 i am also getting harassing and hateful PMs from aliases, and i am not able to block them either ....even emailing support did not help  

NoYellowEnvelope482 reads

There's been requests to add that feature but I don't think it can be done at this time.  

There is of course the "virtual" block: just don't read posts from certain posters, and when you get PMs from them just delete the PMs without opening them.

JakeFromStateFarm362 reads

Posted By: NoYellowEnvelope
There's been requests to add that feature but I don't think it can be done at this time.  
 There is of course the "virtual" block: just don't read posts from certain posters, and when you get PMs from them just delete the PMs without opening them.  

GaGambler344 reads

I was the one who told her to fuck off and leave me alone when she went BSC and had her meltdown the other day. She literally begged me to support her dishonesty and "homie don't play that"

and the very valid reason TER has not enabled a feature allowing the ability to block an alias is that it could be used as a tool to out an alias. All it would take is a reasonable guess as to who is behind an alias and through trial and error all aliases would be moot.

I do love how OL has tried to paint herself as the victim when she is the one who has been perpetrated the fraud for all these many months. She is more than free to make her own life choices regarding her sexuality, but it's selfish and self serving to try to make those choices for others, especially when the main motivating factor is to make money. Victim my fucking ass.

Sound like a guy falling in love, so I think she should give up on you.

NoYellowEnvelope332 reads

... because TER's database design doesn't accommodate it, without other negative consequences as you alluded.  With a design that treated members and aliases separately for purposes of ignoring, it could be done.  My suspicion is this wouldn't be easy/cheap to do, or it would've already been done.  Database design changes usually aren't easy/cheap

GaGambler513 reads

It's the very same reason many posters opt out of the "top posters" list, it makes it very easy to figure out their alias.  

Any one who doubts I post ONLY under my real handle has nothing more to do than compare the number of posts under GaGambler in any given 30/90/180 day period and then compare to the "top ten" poster list on that same board, the numbers will be exactly the same. Now pick someone who posts under an alias on a regular basis, if you add the number of posts under their real name and the name of their suspected alias, those two numbers will combine to add up to the number the poster is credited for in the top ten list. There are several other ways to figure these things out, but I am not going to reveal all my secrets. lol

souls_harbor362 reads

There may be ways, but anyone who outs an alias or real life information is a douche bag of the first magnitude and should be shunned by right thinking people everywhere

GaGambler333 reads

They both thought they were doing irreparable harm to me in real life. The jokes on them as you can't blackmail a man with no secrets.

For the record both "outings" were only because they took issue about things said on the discussion boards, proof positive that some people take these boards WAY too seriously.

I will agree about outing real life info, but some aliases deserve to be flipped and several have been flipped by admin. Being a douche bag from behind the apparent safety of an alias is the ultimate in cowardice. Some people are downright nasty when posting under their alias, but are sweet as can be when using their real fake name, do you REALLY believe their anonymity is sacrosanct under ALL circumstances?

JakeFromStateFarm407 reads

Our post-op princess outed her own alias and now uses it like a second handle.
Also, for reasons of my own, I use my alias to post, not my handle.  My handle has never posted and never will, though he does review.  It's a legitimate way to operate here.

GaGambler432 reads

Nor do I believe it was our intention to do so.

and you would be the last one to go BSC if your alias, or even your real name was "outed" although I will confess your "fan club" most definitely belong to the douche bag club.

JakeFromStateFarm305 reads

And I was not implying my point negated yours.  It's just another reason why using an alias is as legitimate as using a handle.  But some people will never get it.  And I don't care if they don't.
This place is not exactly MENSA.
viz: FG.

souls_harbor344 reads

Less about the righteousness of those doing the outing, more about the sickness of people who out others on f*ck boards.  They are slime.

Posted By: GaGambler
some aliases deserve to be flipped and several have been flipped by admin. Being a douche bag from behind the apparent safety of an alias is the ultimate in cowardice. Some people are downright nasty when posting under their alias, but are sweet as can be when using their real fake name, do you REALLY believe their anonymity is sacrosanct under ALL circumstances?

Suspicion of the alias already in mind. If you already suspect that A handle = B alias, it is easy to prove it or disprove it by the method you mentioned, but it would be really tough to just try to randomly find alias identities that way.
It is also something TER could prevent by tracking alias posts and handle posts separately, but like NYE said above about the ignore feature, it would require some software changes which might be too difficult or too expensive.

-- Modified on 6/26/2016 6:59:48 PM

For a brief time TER allowed aliases to be blocked (when they first implemented the ignore feature) but they ignored aliases and handles simultaneously so aliases were outed exactly as GaG said. They quickly fixed the problem by disabling the alias ignore feature. Like you said, in order to ignore aliases (without outing) would require a database change, and it has been asked for so many times over the years that you'd think TER would have done it if it were easy or cheap.

On the other hand I have never understood the need for an ignore button. How hard is it really for an adult to ignore a post or PM by just not clicking on it?

GaGambler327 reads

that, and the fact that EVERYONE who knows me knows I don't "harass" people via PM.

I might run them through the ringer on the public boards, but I do NOT harass them in private. Even my biggest detractors will grant me that much.

I have never heard anyone say you spammed there PM. I will give you that.

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