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That does sound really painful...sad_smile
TaylorMorgan1 See my TER Reviews 329 reads

I think I may have noticed the scar on your leg the first time we met, I don't recall whether or not I asked you about it.

I did not notice your scar the second time around, like you, I was a little busy with other things :)

I recently saw a gentleman whose upper body had been pretty severely damaged in a childhood accident. His chest and his arms and back were scarred, and there were deep striations where his skin had thinned and healed.  

I had never seen anything like that in person, but I found everything about his scarring to be so beautiful and so intriguing. As I touched his body, I found myself tracing the striations with my fingers and palming his skin so that I could feel the difference between his damaged and non-damaged skin. He seemed to enjoy the attention, and I certainly enjoyed giving it.

I have a scars from a fire that I was in as an adolescent. I have a couple of scars on my upper thigh and one on my stomach and a couple of very unique ones on my hand. Growing up, they made me very self conscious, and other than the scars on my hand,  I hated for anyone to see them or to ask me about them.  

As you can imagine, it's very challenging for me to hide my scars in this "profession", and when I started, I thought that they would be a turn off to the men that I would see. Or that I would have to explain why and I how I have them. I believed that they would be uncomfortable hearing about my story, there is nothing sexy about a childhood fire.

And while I have had a few unpleasant experiences, and a couple of gentleman have negatively commented about my scars, the vast majority have been so sweet in the way they've treated me regarding them. Most don't even seem to notice at all, but the one's that do have asked about them with genuine curiosity and empathy. The very special ones have kissed them and massaged them in such a tender way. I feel so amazing and affirmed as a beautiful, sexy woman in those moments, despite, and because of, my scars.

So, do you have scarring that makes you feel uncomfortable or self conscious?
Would you, do you, see a provider/hobbyist that has visible scars?

I'd really love to hear everyone's story

...but on the face, hands, and feet can make a person very self conscious.

Yes, scars that are clearly visible when dressed, can be a source of discomfort for a lot of people.  

The scars on my hand are my favorite because they're very unique and my mom convinced me as a child that they were placed there for a very special reason.

There is a model with pretty severe vitiligo and I find her and her "scars", to be absolutely gorgeous

otherwise she would look like a cow. But she looks fine.
I got small scars that go unnoticed.
Let's see how this pic posts. It's a large jpg

Posted By: TaylorMassage
Yes, scars that are clearly visible when dressed, can be a source of discomfort for a lot of people.  
 The scars on my hand are my favorite because they're very unique and my mom convinced me as a child that they were placed there for a very special reason.  
 There is a model with pretty severe vitiligo and I find her and her "scars", to be absolutely gorgeous:  

Because of an hereditary condition called Dupytren's contracture  my hands and fingers have been carved, stitched, amputated, skin from my butt grafted. All this in an attempt to correct genes found to have existed in my Nordic ancestry.

People,including my providing ladies haven't noticed them, except when I brought attention to them for one reason or another. That has never seemed to elicit any negative reaction. In fact several of them have kissed my hands (as well as many other of my anatomical features.)

and I have found this to be true, to some extent anyways.

I have some scars from burns I received in an occupational accident about 36 years ago.  They are mostly not noticeable until the summer when I get a tan, then they tend to stand out a bit.  I have one on my abdomen and the other is on my arm.

I have met several women with either scars or deformities, and I have a certain fetish for them, so they are no problem for me.

That photo of the woman with the skin condition is most intriguing.  Is that the actual look of her or has she compensated by turning her body into a canvass.  It reminds me of marble cake, and looks very sexy.  I was thinking some kinky sci-fi film could use her.

I think that scars add something very special to a person's life story.

And that is the model's real skin, the vitilogo has created that beautiful pattern on her face and her body. Her name is Chantelle Brow

I have a few scars from an accident and only one provider has ever asked about them. It touched me in a way I didn't expect. It somehow (to me at least) made us more intimate, the idea that she saw me as a person and cared enough to ask.  To me they are like unintentional tattoos, they tell a story about a incident that was life changing so to have someone ask about them was very special indeed

Bluetop69415 reads

Noticed your scars as I Was preoccupied elsewhere.  I have several scars on my body plus a birthmark and not one provider has ever made a comment. I Do not find them offensive but have never encountered a provider with numerous scars.

I'm sure I enjoyed whatever you were doing that kept you too busy to notice my scars

As a kid I was very self-conscious about it, because we all know how lovely kids can be to each other.    With the passing of age, one is almost invisible,  one is barely visible and the two big ones are still there, just lines going through my cheek.   I cannot imagine my face without them.    

As an adult, I don't recall anybody asking about them, not even SOs, probably out of politeness, and on more than one occasion, when talking about dog bites, accidents, etc., I have pointed them out to friends who are amazed they had not noticed them.   They are not horrible disfiguring scars worthy of a Phantom of the Opera mask, they look like deep scratches that are just perpetually there and should be a reminder that it may not be wise to stick your face in a dog's face.   Of course, I absolutely love dogs and I did not learn my lesson, I still stick my friggin' face in theirs - what a moron!  lol!

My 2 best girlfriends each have a noticeable scar somewhere on their body. I was very intrigued by their stories which are much more interesting than my recent (and fairly well hidden) tattoo.
 I think it makes them unique and quite fascinating!

I have some disability...  more noticeable than my scars...  I've seen ladies with scars...  some obiviously surgury.  One I hadn't noticed her scars pointed abdominal  scars out to me...  I hadn't noticed in several years...  she said people thought they were stretch marks but said she'd never been pregnant...  that they were from a cooking accident when she was a child.  

Our scars are part of what makes us who we are...  part of our history...   They don't bother me.

I don't have any scars but I have issues with my legs (in process of tests being done to find out what is really going on, which is not a pleasant subject with me right now) and lack of cartilage in my knees. On good days, I walk almost normal and on bad days I have a noticeable limp. It is not noticeable at all unless I am walking. In pain all of the time, but it is odd how your body gets use to it. It only bothers me when it is really hurting. It does not stop me from going about life or enjoying life by any means.

To be honest, I do not like talking about it as I am self conscious about it. I do not mind if it is a genuine concern. So I do not ask about scars, injuries etc unless the other person asks about it. Scars really aren't as noticeable as you think they are. We have other things on our minds when we are having our time together. You always notice (what you consider "faults" in your self) more than others do.

I enjoy hearing the back story about the scars, if he so chooses to bring it up.

Posted By: harborview
I have some disability...  more noticeable than my scars...  I've seen ladies with scars...  some obiviously surgury.  One I hadn't noticed her scars pointed abdominal  scars out to me...  I hadn't noticed in several years...  she said people thought they were stretch marks but said she'd never been pregnant...  that they were from a cooking accident when she was a child.    
 Our scars are part of what makes us who we are...  part of our history...   They don't bother me.  

I'm a natural guy and love the uniqueness.  He'll I've had brain surgery for a tumor and have a big scar.  I'm bald so people can see the scar.  Strangely I like when people ask about mine but feel uncomfortable asking others about theirs.

Posted By: TarMassage
I recently saw a gentleman whose upper body had been pretty severely damaged in a childhood accident. His chest and his arms and back were scarred, and there were deep striations where his skin had thinned and healed.  
 I had never seen anything like that in person, but I found everything about his scarring to be so beautiful and so intriguing. As I touched his body, I found myself tracing the striations with my fingers and palming his skin so that I could feel the difference between his damaged and non-damaged skin. He seemed to enjoy the attention, and I certainly enjoyed giving it.  
 I have a scars from a fire that I was in as an adolescent. I have a couple of scars on my upper thigh and one on my stomach and a couple of very unique ones on my hand. Growing up, they made me very self conscious, and other than the scars on my hand,  I hated for anyone to see them or to ask me about them.  
 As you can imagine, it's very challenging for me to hide my scars in this "profession", and when I started, I thought that they would be a turn off to the men that I would see. Or that I would have to explain why and I how I have them. I believed that they would be uncomfortable hearing about my story, there is nothing sexy about a childhood fire.  
 And while I have had a few unpleasant experiences, and a couple of gentleman have negatively commented about my scars, the vast majority have been so sweet in the way they've treated me regarding them. Most don't even seem to notice at all, but the one's that do have asked about them with genuine curiosity and empathy. The very special ones have kissed them and massaged them in such a tender way. I feel so amazing and affirmed as a beautiful, sexy woman in those moments, despite, and because of, my scars.  
 So, do you have scarring that makes you feel uncomfortable or self conscious?  
 Would you, do you, see a provider/hobbyist that has visible scars?  
 I'd really love to hear everyone's story.  

are those left by breast implants.  I can't help but see these scars as a form of self-mutilation that makes me feel a little sad.  

(I'm pretty sure the same has been said about my tattoos.)

I got it from a broken femur playing football in college.  I would not wish that pain on my worst enemy.  I recall at least one or two ladies asking me about it during an appointment, but I can't remember exactly who.  I forget that it's there until someone asks about it.  

Taylor, I did notice your scars, but I chose not to ask you about them.  Plus, I was a little preoccupied.

I think I may have noticed the scar on your leg the first time we met, I don't recall whether or not I asked you about it.

I did not notice your scar the second time around, like you, I was a little busy with other things :)

It's about 6 inches long going by the side of my groin. I was very self conscious about it at first, but then it became a "Ah poor baby" moment, so I milk it for all it's worth. I also have an entry wound from a 22 on my right leg. It's a small hole and draw alittle attention.

past life lol. I was a bit adventurous haha. But I personally think they are hot if I see them on a guy. Certainly not a flaw and I would hope they would never feel uncomfortable, guy or girl. No biggie, no matter how big or small they are if you ask me.  


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