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That creates an interesting sylogism....
mrfisher 108 Reviews 960 reads

mrfisher is fascinated by Sola, Sola is fascinated by astrology, so mrfisher is fascinated by astrology.


That's why astrology has been around so long!


0603450onThe3381 reads

I do not read the daily horoscope as I think that's all just a 'hoax'....but I do believe our biological 'zodiac makeup' is of an interesting thing here, especially of this world with regards to....compatibility.  

Choosing someone as a 'partner', whether it be for life or for a few mere hours, they are still a partner in some capacity emotionally, physically, mentally and yes, spiritually. Can our 'signs' and their compatibility with one another really be to blame here. Can they 'make' or 'break' a session with someone new or someone you can't help but see over and over again. Does it have zero bearing. Have you questioned why with one person you feel something ridiculously unbridled and with another, there's absolutely zip, zilch, nada. It usually begins with word one. There is just something there...in the words.  

Do you think 'your' sign depicts who you really are as a person and do you feel your 'strongest' connections here with whomever you have chosen as your partner for the evening could possibly coincide with this 'sign' biological makeup. I know mine depicts me through and through and definitely plays a hand with the gentlemen who have chosen me. At times it can be 'magnetic', other times it's just a great time.  

Is there a 'real' explanation, or is it all just in the mind. I know the 'sign' of the type of partner that gets me going...I wonder...do you? And could or should it be a determining factor in the 'selection' process here besides the obvious. Something to maybe think about. Maybe.

Curious Sun-Sign here.  

-- Modified on 4/10/2014 7:40:48 AM

bonordonor1449 reads

flirting, shilling, trolling and stalking? I need to know because I'm only interested in doing a couple of those.

-- Modified on 4/10/2014 3:11:33 PM

for many. Occasionally a little sun shines in, though!  ;)

just another form of religion/cult based on false information and pseudoscience  imo

designed to win the trust of people by being able to relate to them through barnum statements and makes barnum forecasts.  

I'd rather believe that Bigfoot exists

0603450onThe1339 reads

know who they are as an individual, I mean really reach inside and 'know' who you are. Open your mind. I bet if you actually educated yourself about your sign (which I bet I have a pretty good guess :)) you'd be amazed how 'similar' it is to who you 'really' are. It may help define your life as you grow. To each his own. Don't knock what you are uneducated about. Simple enough. Has nothing to do with the 'masses' especially anywhere near the same class as 'mass religion'. Who are you kidding......

I don't think you want to get me started on the mixing of religion and science lol. Two totally different belief systems. But...I would never knock anyone who believes in their own thing, god or not. While you are free to label it as you will, so will I. It's a discussion. So discuss it. Don't knock it.  

I will say, our biology of who we are 'is' fact...a science. We are all unique and consistent of a 'makeup' of some kind and that has a direct effect on everything and everyone around us. It's what makes the world go round, at least in my mind which we all know is a bit 'different'.

-- Modified on 4/10/2014 10:38:22 AM

barnum statements generally apply to everyone at some point in their lives.  

that's how they get you!   ;)

GaGambler1346 reads

I read my horoscope and I KNOW it was written just for me, well me and the other 583,333,333 people born during the same 30 day period of each year as me. rofl

I think it makes about as much sense as Asian Zodiac, where everyone born in the same year are supposed to have certain traits, and that all the millions of people born in one year are either compatible or incompatible with all the other millions of people born in certain other years. Yeah, this kind of bullshit actually makes "religion" look  almost sane in comparison. Notice I said "almost"

the stars are aligned in such a way that my dick is growing a hard on and all signs point to the likelihood of getting some head soon.  

The heavens and constellations also predict that I'm most compatible with any girl thats DDG and smart.  

Hmm,  maybe they are right

You should let me do your natal chart some time!

P.S. Being a little weird is standard for my sun sign. :)

my sign is that of peace and nothing else related to the sun or the movement of stars or planets.  

those predict orbits,  the next coming of Hayleys comet, seasons,  etc but nothing to do with our daily lives...  lol

They do this shit in India all the time.. Its a huge ass business.

0603450onThe1078 reads

mixing oil and water. The two will never coagulate. (is that the right word) Neither is right or wrong, they are justly equally the same but very different belief systems implemented. It's only a matter of which bucket each individual cares to put themselves in and which you believe in, well.....more.

To believe in both...hey whatever works for the individual and to each his own. That couldn't work for me personally after having been 'educated' in both, I made a decision and know which bucket I fall in.

-- Modified on 4/10/2014 10:40:28 AM

like coagulated blood.

The word you want to describe the mixing of two substances is colloid, which is a noun, but I guess if the grammarians don't object, could become a verb.

As far as zodiac signs go, I think it's a mind over matter thing.  If we believe it, then we'll be it.

As the Bard said:  "...there is nothing either good or bad, except that thinking makes it so."

0603450onThe1236 reads

with something LOL but not a clue that was the correct word. I don't like to talk about the 'b' word, I get week in the loins.  

Thinking always makes everything...so.  

Question for you...do you believe in the Law of Attraction?

-- Modified on 4/10/2014 6:42:36 PM

Pimpathy1139 reads

The simple fact that the connection would involve a financial transaction. Will cancel out the spiritual connection.

Posted By: TaylorSteele
I do not read the daily horoscope as I think that's all just a 'hoax'....but I do believe our biological 'zodiac makeup' is of an interesting thing here, especially of this world with regards to....compatibility.  
 Choosing someone as a 'partner', whether it be for life or for a few mere hours, they are still a partner in some capacity emotionally, physically, mentally and yes, spiritually. Can our 'signs' and their compatibility with one another really be to blame here. Can they 'make' or 'break' a session with someone new or someone you can't help but see over and over again. Does it have zero bearing. Have you questioned why with one person you feel something ridiculously unbridled and with another, there's absolutely zip, zilch, nada. It usually begins with word one. There is just something there...in the words.  
 Do you think 'your' sign depicts who you really are as a person and do you feel your 'strongest' connections here with whomever you have chosen as your partner for the evening could possibly coincide with this 'sign' biological makeup. I know mine depicts me through and through and definitely plays a hand with the gentlemen who have chosen me. At times it can be 'magnetic', other times it's just a great time.  
 Is there a 'real' explanation, or is it all just in the mind. I know the 'sign' of the type of partner that gets me going...I wonder...do you? And could or should it be a determining factor in the 'selection' process here besides the obvious. Something to maybe think about. Maybe.  
 Curious Sun-Sign here.  

-- Modified on 4/10/2014 7:40:48 AM

89Springer1084 reads

I  had a girlfriend in college who was into astrology. Every time she'd meet someone, she'd start: "You must be an Aquarius. No? Okay, Sagittarius. Okay, Pisces. Virgo? See, I knew it!"

A bunch of us went to the horse track and bet a few bucks. She bet on a horse based upon some astrological stuff. A real long shot won, and of course it was her horse. I think anyone who'd bet Mickey Rooney's birth date (if anyone did) would have won.  

When my ex started in on all that, I thought I'd nip it in the bud by telling her I'd read that Virgo's were characterized as being drunken sluts. That stopped her, I think because she was a drunken slut.

GaGambler1262 reads

and I for one like "drunken hookers" just as much.

As for the ponies, no matter how dumb your system is, you will eventually get one right.

I'm what you would call a text-book Virgo....the personality traits described as "Virgo" could not be more accurate lol. Funny though is almost every person I have grown a close relationship with over the years.....a good majority of my past boyfriends....all my close friends....are also Virgo's......

While I have no conceptual framework that allows me to believe in astrology, other than on a really loose energy field and movement basis, and if I stretch my "it's possible" thinking I can follow a trail of energy from previous incarnations which manifests at the time the universe can flow that energy forward... I find it a really interesting subject.

As to my partners, I always check out of curiosity... and it can be very useful for identifying some dominate personality traits and behaviors that they may have.  Otherwise, again, it's just a bit of a game for me - curious and interesting and maybe or maybe not valid or useful.  I do find it odd that the same signs tend to show up over and over again in my world.  Most of the women friends in my personal social circle are Pisces or Aquarius, many of the male friends that I have are Leo and Virgo.

I've had traditional, shamanic, and vedic astrology readings.  By far the most accurate seemed to be the vedic astrology.

Honestly I've never met any, so have no experience to base an opinion on, and even if I had met one or two... would certainly not consider that a reasonable sample to make assumptions from.  However, I would be curious to indulge in some of the "nature vs. nurture" evaluations.  For giggles, I'll ask the astrologer what they think of your question next time I have a reading.
; )

That said, even a dominant personality trait (such as being detail oriented) can be manifest in many different ways, some positive, some negative.  Brain science is crazy complex and fascinating... There is an awful lot more going on with our personalities beyond what we were born as.  As far as I'm concerned astrology is an art of interpretation, applied over a pseudo-science, which is based on a belief system.

Posted By: Pimpathy
They usually share the same birthday.

mrfisher is fascinated by Sola, Sola is fascinated by astrology, so mrfisher is fascinated by astrology.


That's why astrology has been around so long!


I would bet that one could not rule out ALL elements of astrology with scientific method. We know that gravitational tides affect behavior, full moon, etc... Is this not an astrological element? We know that distance from the sun varies with seasons, and seasonal sun exposures (or relative lack thereof) affects behavior. Is this not an astrological concept?

I am a skeptic, but ridicule is antithetical to skepticism.  

And I'm a Taurus, so clearly I am full of BS.

It was fun to zip around the bay with and do a little fishing in the summertime.

We ARE talking about inflatable rubber boats right?


...but that's probably coincidence. I'm a Scorpio who are supposed to gel with Virgo's, but I don't put much stock in astrology. Scorpio's never do.

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