TER General Board

A big THANK YOU to those providers who came before usregular_smile
REFERENCESofchampions 9047 reads

and taught us providers of today, on how to screen/verify, use references, and taught us the in's and out's of this business. I still remember when I first started, and being wet behind the ears, when a friendly provider out of the blue, taught me how to screen/verify/the use of references. Sadly, this lovely woman retired about a year ago, but there is still not a day when I don't think about how she became my "big sis", and watched over me like a hawk.

I know for many of you providers who are out here, may have had that one special friend, who was there for you, right from the beginning, guiding you along the way. Remember to say thanks to them, for without them where would we be? Still wet behind the ears lol ;)

Thank you to those from the past, present, and especially to those of the future! We providers should always remember how it was for us, at the beginning, and reach out, and help a new little sister, who is just starting out :) Actions do speak louder than words.

For those who are being safe for verifying/screening, and providing references to those in need, a BIG THANK YOU! Keep up the good work, and never get discouraged, by the naysayers. You are making a big difference :)


And I still rely on my sisters now because they have way more experience with things than I do in a broader spectrum.

It's wonderful, too, how we Providers just naturally 'bond', even just with posts, or emails regardless of how different we are as people or personal lifestyles. I enjoy that the most, I think.

Thanks for posting this.

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