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Thanks for the laugh, he sets the bar high (EOM)teeth_smile
mkmhfdfvertgrthnbfvsddv 15 Reviews 379 reads


JackDunphy1836 reads

His ex-wife is one of the hottest women on the planet, he goes on a hooker rampage that even Charlie Sheen would be envious of, Lindsay Vonn is his next hottie...and now he is making all nicey nice with...the hottest woman on the planet again???

Be honest. Tiger is THIS close to some incredible ex-sex isnt he? Maybe they are doing a quad? LOL

Maybe Elin just did her taxes, realized she ran out of the massive settlement she got and needs more $?

Or is it just as simple as Tiger's WOOD is massive and she needs a real man to please her again?  

How the fk does this fkker pull this shit off????

And all this on a bum knee, Achilles' tendon, neck, elbow and back!!!!! Wtf??????

If being an idiot is a prerequisite for being rich, that would begin to explain a lot.

AnotherDonJohn273 reads

... was absurd.

If photoshopping a picture next to another picture makes them dating, then so be it. There wasnt even a picture of them together. Just one of her and her current boyfriend.

Really, I could care less and Elin is hot. Lindsey Vonn, not so much- those skier's thighs would crush me.  

Posted By: JackDunphy
His ex-wife is one of the hottest women on the planet, he goes on a hooker rampage that even Charlie Sheen would be envious of, Lindsay Vonn is his next hottie...and now he is making all nicey nice with...the hottest woman on the planet again???  
 Be honest. Tiger is THIS close to some incredible ex-sex isnt he? Maybe they are doing a quad? LOL  
 Maybe Elin just did her taxes, realized she ran out of the massive settlement she got and needs more $?  
 Or is it just as simple as Tiger's WOOD is massive and she needs a real man to please her again?  
 How the fk does this fkker pull this shit off????  
 And all this on a bum knee, Achilles' tendon, neck, elbow and back!!!!! Wtf??????

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