TER General Board

Thanks fellas, totally appreciate hearing about everyones experiences (eom)
donziman99 15 Reviews 2367 reads
1 / 22

Getting snipped...

Now that I'll be 50 in a couple of years and have my 19yo son (love him to death) it's getting a little late in life to take chances.  Don't wanna be rolling up to a future son/daughter high school graduation in a wheelchair  LOL !!

Can those of you who've been snipped shed as much light on the situation as possible.  It would be greatly appreciated. Not only for me, but I'm sure other hobbyists have the same curiosity


1-  Were you awake or did they put you under for the procedure

2 - What kind of pain were you in during the days (and weeks) to follow

3 - Any chance of this being covered by health insurance?  LOL !!

4 - If no to #3 above, what was the cost of the procedure

Now for the better stuff...

1 - Any differences in blowing loads?   Volume, color, intensity, etc

2 - Any issues with getting hard, staying hard compared to pre-op (assumes you don't already have ED)

3 - Any other info you can mention

Thanks Brothers !!

RRO2610 51 Reviews 528 reads
2 / 22

1. I was awake. They utilize a "local". The office I went too used an aerosol to disinfect the 'field'. The sensation had me laughing hysterically.  

2. A couple days of groin pain; but I was riding my motorcycle within 48 hours.

3. Not likely; but try Planned Parenthood, and don't tell them you're a hedge-fund investor.  

4. At the time 20 years ago I paid about $150.00 at the Planned Parenthood offices

The better stuff

1. No difference

2. No difference

3. Here's the part I like the most; it takes the danger out of being close.

Posted By: donziman99
Getting snipped...  
 Now that I'll be 50 in a couple of years and have my 19yo son (love him to death) it's getting a little late in life to take chances.  Don't wanna be rolling up to a future son/daughter high school graduation in a wheelchair  LOL !!  
 Can those of you who've been snipped shed as much light on the situation as possible.  It would be greatly appreciated. Not only for me, but I'm sure other hobbyists have the same curiosity  
 1-  Were you awake or did they put you under for the procedure  
 2 - What kind of pain were you in during the days (and weeks) to follow  
 3 - Any chance of this being covered by health insurance?  LOL !!  
 4 - If no to #3 above, what was the cost of the procedure  
 Now for the better stuff...  
 1 - Any differences in blowing loads?   Volume, color, intensity, etc  
 2 - Any issues with getting hard, staying hard compared to pre-op (assumes you don't already have ED)  
 3 - Any other info you can mention  
 Thanks Brothers !!!  

89Springer 1015 reads
3 / 22

1. Yes, awake.
2. No pain. They used local anesthetic. You will be sore for a couple of days, and you should stay off your feet.  
3. It was covered by insurance
4. Dunno

1. No difference at all
2. No issues at all
3. Be prepared for guys who don't know what a vasectomy is. Many will think you were castrated. I worked with guys who had college degrees, and that's what many of them actually thought.  

It got my wife off the pill, which lessened the chances of complications later for her.

1705218 10 Reviews 478 reads
4 / 22

I had a vasectomy and have hand no problem since and as mentioned by others my wife no longer had to use pills or IUD.
It took just a few minutes as I recall with no pain. No complications just stayed home from work one day. I can't remember if it was covered by insurance. I didn't even go back for them to test for viable sperm because as a biologist I had a microscope and specimen slides and checked myself for sperm. No difference in ejaculation or any other side effects.
Just check with your doctor or an urologist.  
They give you a local injection of anesthetic, no pain just a slight needle prick.

aboveclouds 436 reads
5 / 22

1- They had me knocked out completely.

2- Two or Three days of minor discomfort.  A frozen bag of peas was used for swelling.

3-  Insurance covered me but your policy may be different.  Ask them.

4 -  N/A in my case

1-  Not much difference

2-  Nothing unusual other than normal aging  

3-  I did it for similar reasons as you as I had no interest in little starting over with kids at my age.  I was dating a younger and fertile woman and one time we had what was preceived as a 'close call'.  That was enough to make my mind up real fast.

hgfgs 24 Reviews 392 reads
6 / 22

I had mine on a Wednesday and spent Thursday and Friday watching games with an ice pack. Felt like I had a minor kick in the nuts for a few days. Just felt a little uncomfortable. By the following Saturday, 9 days later, I ran a half marathon with no pain or discomfort.

Mentioned above
Mine was

No real difference. Seems more runny than before. Of course I'm not an adult star so who cares.
Posted By: donziman99
Getting snipped...  
 Now that I'll be 50 in a couple of years and have my 19yo son (love him to death) it's getting a little late in life to take chances.  Don't wanna be rolling up to a future son/daughter high school graduation in a wheelchair  LOL !!  
 Can those of you who've been snipped shed as much light on the situation as possible.  It would be greatly appreciated. Not only for me, but I'm sure other hobbyists have the same curiosity  
 1-  Were you awake or did they put you under for the procedure  
 2 - What kind of pain were you in during the days (and weeks) to follow  
 3 - Any chance of this being covered by health insurance?  LOL !!  
 4 - If no to #3 above, what was the cost of the procedure  
 Now for the better stuff...  
 1 - Any differences in blowing loads?   Volume, color, intensity, etc  
 2 - Any issues with getting hard, staying hard compared to pre-op (assumes you don't already have ED)  
 3 - Any other info you can mention  
 Thanks Brothers !!!  

LoboGris 3 Reviews 434 reads
7 / 22

awake and watching
nominal swelling for a couple of days, no pain
don't remember


Durhamdrew 19 Reviews 464 reads
8 / 22

I went for the newer type were a hole is poked and the vas is pulled out and then snipped. The pain is a lot less. Ditto for recovery. Insurance covered it. I was awake and drove myself home since I skipped the sedative to relax me. I was testing it a few days later and was glad I did it. It was better because I knew I didn't have to worry about getting anyone pregnant. I was just sorry that I didn't do it years ago. The best was when a girlfriend told me she was pregnant years later. She couldn't understand why I was laughing.

JohnyComeAlready 481 reads
9 / 22

You might walk out transsexual.  

Posted By: RRO2610
1. I was awake. They utilize a "local". The office I went too used an aerosol to disinfect the 'field'. The sensation had me laughing hysterically.  
 2. A couple days of groin pain; but I was riding my motorcycle within 48 hours.  
 3. Not likely; but try Planned Parenthood, and don't tell them you're a hedge-fund investor.  
 4. At the time 20 years ago I paid about $150.00 at the Planned Parenthood offices  
 The better stuff  
 1. No difference  
 2. No difference  
 3. Here's the part I like the most; it takes the danger out of being close.  
Posted By: donziman99
Getting snipped...  
  Now that I'll be 50 in a couple of years and have my 19yo son (love him to death) it's getting a little late in life to take chances.  Don't wanna be rolling up to a future son/daughter high school graduation in a wheelchair  LOL !!  
  Can those of you who've been snipped shed as much light on the situation as possible.  It would be greatly appreciated. Not only for me, but I'm sure other hobbyists have the same curiosity  
  1-  Were you awake or did they put you under for the procedure  
  2 - What kind of pain were you in during the days (and weeks) to follow  
  3 - Any chance of this being covered by health insurance?  LOL !!  
  4 - If no to #3 above, what was the cost of the procedure  
  Now for the better stuff...  
  1 - Any differences in blowing loads?   Volume, color, intensity, etc  
  2 - Any issues with getting hard, staying hard compared to pre-op (assumes you don't already have ED)  
  3 - Any other info you can mention  
  Thanks Brothers !!!  

oldted 16 Reviews 365 reads
10 / 22

Had it done 12 years ago. Surgery was easy. No pain, but there was a little difference in my ejaculations. Getting a hard on was still easy, but there was noticeably less semen fluid coming out when ejaculating. It also took longer for me to get there.

Blowing Chunks 394 reads
11 / 22

Not for profit organizations have licensed and board certified doctors. Why would you think they are shitty in service?  

A procedure like vasectomy seems like a bread and butter standard procedure that any qualified surgeon can perform. It's not rocket science for them.

mongo19621954 23 Reviews 390 reads
12 / 22

Highly recommended.  Did mine twenty years ago.  After all, even with a cover, accidents happen.   Also - you don't get to enter the stripper retirement sweepstakes that an acquaintance of mine got to enter.  It will end up costing him about a million dollars by the time he gets done with it... about 15 years from now....  Nice way to deal with those pesky paternity claims....

All that aside, being able to BB the wife was a nice change.

1.  Awake

2. Can't remember any pain.  Doesn't mean there wasn't any.  They got pain pills for that.

3. Don't think it was covered by insurance - but it wasnt really expensive either.

4. Can't remember specifics - but it was twenty years ago.  In comparison to your hobbying budget - probably trivial.  You might want to get quotes on it from a couple of different docs.

1. None - but it's not something I tracked.  Prostate is really where that's from.... I have been given an involuntary education in urology lately.... the tuition sux and I ain't had the final yet.

2. None - but I was in my early thirties and could probably hammer nails with it before and after...

3. The operation was not painful - but I do remember some sensations (which included some tugging   ick...).

JohnyComeAlready 494 reads
13 / 22

if I can't sue someone, I don't trust them(metaphorically speaking)

BigPapasan 3 Reviews 452 reads
14 / 22

...hospitalized for the procedure (SAG insurance).  This was in the days before TMZ et al. and social media so it was very hush-hush.  He was notorious for fighting with the studio brass.  After the procedure, he went on a talk show and without saying what was done, said: "They took the part they cut from me, planted it, and when it gets to be six feet tall, they'll make a studio executive out of it."

For those of us in the know, it was the funniest thing we ever heard.

Blowing Chunks 496 reads
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You can even file a restraining order against them for not being fair and they certainly aren't selling their services,  so guys like you don't have to ask what if vasectomy doesn't sell.... Lo

mrfisher 108 Reviews 396 reads
16 / 22

You could go down to the Animal Rescue League and get it down for $50 if you dress up like a dog and learn to scratch behind your ear with your foot.

JohnyComeAlready 467 reads
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JohnyComeAlready 460 reads
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What then? You couldn't leave any gifts.

MatureGFE See my TER Reviews 437 reads
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FoxyNC See my TER Reviews 518 reads
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"Like getting two swift kicks in the nuts." (as far as pain goes...)
Although he also went on to state in the chapter, he has never once regretted it.
That is one funny guy, and I could not resist his book when I saw it at a thrift store.
The chapter on his snipping was... enlightening and that one liner, unforgettable.

Hope it goes well if you do go through with it!
Wishing you well,  

Fridays117 27 Reviews 295 reads
22 / 22

To answer your questions:

1.put me under
2.felt like I had been kicked in the nuts aching for 3 days which subsided by day 4.
3.my insurance covered it

Fun stuff

1 No difference
2. No difference
3. Slight itch in my balls which most of the time I don't notice.  Asked dr. About it, he said it was normal.

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