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Thank you. Have always wondered ... eom
wwayne 45 Reviews 495 reads


I have seen many inquiries here about mongering in the Dominican Republic and would thus like to share my experiences with those that are interested. I recently returned from my first mongering trip to Sosua, a small town on the DR's north coast. Sosua attracts many providers (or “chicas,” in local usage) from across the DR and mongers from Europe and North America. This was my second mongering trip to Latin America, following my first one to San Jose, Costa Rica. I had a better time in Sosua, although there were some aspects of the setting and framework of Costa Rican mongering that I still preferred.

Mongering in Latin America has two or three advantages (depending on your taste) over the U.S. version of the hobby. It is legal and cheap, and (IMHO) Latin America has the world's finest women. The legality of the trade enables mongers and chicas to meet in person, as they would at an American M&G. They can thus get a better feel for each other before a session, instead of relying on Internet ads, reviews, references, and whitelistings. Mongers and chicas pick each other up in bars, clubs, hotel lobbies, or even on the street or at the beach. The trade's legality allows mongers and chicas to discuss and negotiate services and rates openly, without fear of law enforcement.

The main drag of Sosua has a strip of a couple of blocks full of bars, clubs, cafes, sidewalks, street corners, and other venues where mongers and chicas congregate, mostly at night but also during the day, when you can also pick up beachwalkers (a local version of streetwalkers). Sosua has many nearby chica-friendly hotels, where you can bring chicas back to your room with no hassle (she just has to leave her ID with security) and little or no extra charge (many hotels in Latin America do not allow this or charge “chica fees” for doing so, some of which are ridiculous).  

Many chicas approach foreigners, sometimes aggressively; I found that it was best to avoid those chicas, as they often provided lower-quality service and were (IMHO) often less attractive (hence their need to be proactive). It is better to exchange smiles or otherwise flirt from a distance and then have one of you invite the other to approach with a gesture. Many chicas speak at least some English, or will even have translation apps on their phones. Many speak little or no English, so the language barrier can be an obstacle, especially if you want GFE. Even a little bit of Spanish can go a long way, as in my case. My basic Spanish was enough for small talk, negotiations, rapport-building, and keeping in touch for repeats. My best sessions tended to involve little or no English, and I grew suspicious of chicas that speak fluent English, as some of them specialize in taking advantage of what they may perceive as clueless gringos.  I encountered more chicas of this latter variety in Costa Rica than I did in Sosua.    
Chica rates are much lower in Latin America. Rates in Costa Rica were low enough to make a difference, but travel costs and other expenses eat into those savings. In Sosua (a four-hour direct flight from NYC) the rates and other expenses are even lower, enabling substantial savings. For example, you can get a short session in Sosua for 1000-2000 pesos ($22-44) and an overnight session for between 3000-4000 pesos ($66-88).  Compare that to San Jose, where a 1-hour session can cost $60-100 and an overnight session costs $200. However, IMHO, the point of mongering in Latin America is not to save money but to have a qualitatively different mongering experience at a moderate cost.  

The better service that I received in Sosua and the more relaxed attitude of the chicas there enabled me to enjoy it more than my time in San Jose. I found that the chicas in Sosua had remarkable erotic skills. They clearly knew their way around a man's various erogenous zones and often used this pussy-clenching technique that they call “cocomordan” (“biting pussy”), which I took to be the local name for or variant of Kegels. I have experienced such techniques elsewhere, especially with Colombians, but the Dominicans truly distinguished themselves in this area. Most (but not all) of the Sosua chicas were also less business-like than their counterparts in San Jose and not as aggressive, territorial, or financially demanding with prospective or actual clients.

Dominican chicas come in a surprisingly (to me) wide range of shapes, sizes, and colors. If you are a tits & ass man (I am), the DR is perfect for you, but there are plenty of thin petite spinners at the other end of the spectrum too. African blood seems to be the main ingredient in the DR gene pool, so many of the women are best described as either black or mulatto, but there are also plenty of women who look more like those elsewhere in Latin America, as well as a few lighter-skinned blondes, some of whom are whiter than me. So even if black(er) women do not appeal to you, there is still a wide enough range of chicas (IMHO) to make a trip worthwile. The cheaper sessions also make it more affordable to take a chance on women outside your usual comfort zone and perhaps broaden your horizons, as I did. With that said, I still preferred the chicas in Costa Rica in purely visual and physical terms.  

Sosua does have downsides. The cost of cheap mongering in a poor country is the lower quality of living conditions. This tradeoff was reasonable for me in San Jose, which is comfortable enough in the key mongering spots, but in Sosua I approached the limit of how much I am willing to rough it in pursuit of cheap pussy. The big thing for me was the unhealthy tap water, i.e. you run a risk of getting the runs if it gets into your system. Getting the runs on any vacation is bad enough, but I can imagine how much it would detract from a mongering trip in particular. I had no such problems because I was extremely careful, but it was still a bit inconvenient to work around something as basic as water.      

Sosua is a small town that (IMHO) would not be worth visiting if it were not such a hobby hub. The only other attractions there are ocean-related – namely, the beach, fishing, snorkeling, and scuba diving. Beyond those activities, there is little to do in Sosua but screw, drink, gamble, and sleep. I nonetheless had a great time with the ocean-related activities. I went on my first saltwater fishing trip, and I also found a dive center that took me on my first scuba dive. With that said, if you want to have more conventional touristy or outdoorsy things to do during the day and just bang chicas at night, then Costa Rica is a better choice. If you are content to bang chicas at night and relax on the beach during the day (where you can also find chicas), then Sosua might be a good choice for you

..and include photos. Couldn't get through it although he get points for actually having paragraphs instead of the cinder block posts that I immediatly bail on.

CuriousSort560 reads

Dude...not being able to get through it is your issue not his.  It did not need to be shorter.  It was a good and informative read and I enjoyed it.

Posted By: cspatz
 ...and include photos. Couldn't get through it although he get points for actually having paragraphs instead of the cinder block posts that I immediatly bail on.

Posted By: CuriousSort
Dude...not being able to get through it is your issue not his.  It did not need to be shorter.  It was a good and informative read and I enjoyed it.  
Posted By: cspatz
  ...and include photos. Couldn't get through it although he get points for actually having paragraphs instead of the cinder block posts that I immediatly bail on.

a mongering buddy was telling me that he want s to set up a golf trip to a golf resort that includes girls.. Do you have any suggestions about that?

I understand that there are resorts like that in the DR, but the very little research that I did suggested that they were not a good fit for my needs, so I did not look into them any further. They seemed overpriced (by local standards) and might limit you to a smaller selection of on-site girls. Also, some of them have foreign girls, which (IMHO) defeats the purpose of going to the DR, unless you are going there for some other reason.

I preferred Sosua because I wanted to pick from a wider selection of chicas at a more reasonable cost. With that said, the Do It Yourself (DIY) path in Sosua might not be a good fit for you: if you are uncomfortable picking up hookers in the social setting of a bar or a club (which can be noisy, crowded, and hot); if the language barrier is an obstacle for you; or if you dislike roughing on your own it in a more Third World environment.

GaGambler767 reads

They are the whore mongering version of going on a "tour" complete with guide of a foreign country which gives you nothing more that a "Disneyland" version of the country.

I might suggest if you want to combine whoring with golfing in a legal setting, you might try Jaco/Herradura Beach in Jaco Costa Rica. Marriott has a resort in Herradura Beach called Los Suenos, complete with a very nice golf course. About five miles up the road is Jaco Beach with plenty of chicas who would be more than happy to spend an entire day with you. You can stay at the Co Cal, pick up all the women you could ever want and then take the ten minute drive to Los Suenos to play golf.

Costa Rica was the destination of my first Latin American mongering trip and is probably the best choice for one's first experience with the Latin American version of the hobby. I doubt that I would have had such a great experience in Sosua if I had not been to Costa Rica first and learned the ropes there.  

Costa Rica is a more comfortable setting for someone from a First World country (but also more expensive), and the institutional framework of the Costa Rican mongering venues is also better (IMHO). There are also more non-mongering things to do during the day (such as golf): even on a mongering trip, you need to pace yourself and give your manhood some time to recuperate between sessions. The lighter-skinned and more Caucasian chicas of Costa Rica may also be more visually appealing to the tastes of many North Americans (myself included), particularly if they have not yet developed a taste for darker and more non-Caucasian types (which I have also done).    

With that said, there is a golf course in Playa Dorada, about half an hour down the road from Sosua. I have zero interest in golf, so it did not occur to me to factor that golf course into my previous comment that there is not much else to do in Sosua, and I cannot comment on the quality of the golf course. You could go there on day trips and then come back to Sosua and chase hookers all night. Sosua is much cheaper than Costa Rica, and I found that the girls there had nicer personalities and stronger erotic skills.  

-- Modified on 6/20/2016 3:34:04 AM

GaGambler640 reads

I would say the best two countries for mongers who aren't too well traveled and/or don't speak Spanish are Costa Rica and Panama, both countries have LOTS of gringos and the infrastructure of both countries are both to a point that won't be a shock to the system.

I looked around the internet today.. a year or so ago, there were a number of golf resorts that advertised Golf & sex vacation in the DR.. Now not so much.. apparently the fovt cracked down on that organized system.. Prostitution is NOT illegal but profiting from it is (pimping).. so there was a crackdown..

...and thus the illegality of pimping does not affect them. However, there used to be a brothel-like establishment in Sosua that the authorities shut down for the same reasons that you described. The independent chicas in Sosua just have to be of legal age and leave their ID with the hotel reception/security when you bring them to your room.

With that said, the mayor of Sosua is supposedly trying to change the town's reputation as a hobby hub and either keep it in check or at least make it less glaringly obvious. During the week that I was there, I did not see any indication that these efforts put a significant dent in the mongering scene. If anything, the time of year was more of a factor; it was the slow season, so fewer chicas came to Sosua because fewer gringo mongers were there.  The high season is in the winter, when it is cold in North America and Europe but still warm in Sosua. Sosua was balls hot when I was there recently.

I may have to go check it out for myself. I would LOVE to see this type of thing in action. People watching at it's finest and a cool vaca. Glad you had fun 😊

GaGambler623 reads

The Co Cal in Jaco Beach only became a whore mongering destination after they put in the new road over the mountains into Jaco from San Jose several years ago and there is no sign out front warning non whores and whore mongers about what they will find there. lol

It's very common for "civvie" couples to wander onto the place and it's hilarious watching their reactions as they slowly (or quickly) figure out what is going on. Every thing from complete shock and disgust to a rather guilty and unintended fascination by others. I have seen some couples wander in having no idea what was going on, but after a few drinks deciding to join in and hiring a chica for the both of them.

Definitely not something that I would do alone though. I would be much more relaxed with a road dog.  👍

GaGambler634 reads

I don't know if you are "bi" or at least "bi curious" but you might be surprised just how much fun you might have. Not to mention there are no rules preventing "gringas" from working, it's just that you will be a bit disappointed in what kind of rates you would be limited to charging. OTOH, you can pick and choose your clients "in person" just like being in a "meat market" in the US. Who knows, you might find some guy who just "does it" for you that you'd be happy to fuck for free that could help subsidize the price of your vacation. lol

Just had my lady  "monger"  (not a fan of that word)  come by for our monthly soiree this weekend.  Good times!  I like your thoughts here  GAGA   sometimes you are wise 😊

GaGambler551 reads

Picture a pool side beach bar connected to a hotel casino with a hundred chicas, maybe half that many guys, all there to either buy or sell pussy right out in the open with no reason to "speak in code" or otherwise hide what they are there for. The open debauchery is why I go there, not to save money. When you factor in Hotel, Flight etc, I am hardly saving money by traveling to a place like CR. It's a wild time though. Everyone should try it at least once in their life.

And you get to look at one every day of your life.

If I had one of those things I'd be such a slut.

I imagine that bi or lesbian gringa lady mongers could have a great time in either country - perhaps without male partners/wingmen too. In fact, I did see a white woman mongering by herself when I was in Sosua.  At first I thought that maybe she was a regular tourist who got lost. I later noticed that she had a slightly butch vibe, and then I saw her talking to and eventually picking up chicas.  

I did not notice any such female mongers when I stayed at the Del Rey in San Jose (the counterpart of the Hotel Cocal in Jaco), but there is evidently/reportedly a significant proportion of bi and lesbian chicas working there.  (Reportedly the lesbians either got sick of guys after doing so many old gringos, or it is psychologically easier for lesbians to detach themselves from male clients.) I did notice a few chicas there with a butch or "Girl with the Dragon Tattoo" vibe.  

There are pairs of girls that go around the Del Rey offering lesbian/two-girl shows to male gringos, although I heard that these approaches are to be avoided, as many of them are reportedly a set-up for a robbery or rip-offs. One of the girls in such a pair that approached me with one of those lesbian offers was clearly the bull in the relationship, and she looked like she could probably beat up many male gringos.

Gringa lady mongers might have to be more proactive than male gringos, whose mere presence in such venues makes their intentions clear and prompts chicas to approach them automatically. Lady mongers could make their intentions clear (which might come as a surprise to local chicas) by flirting from a distance or just approaching a chica that one likes and explaining oneself. If you stay in one venue long enough, word will get out through the chica grapevine that this gringa lady is looking for pussy, which will probably lead many chicas to approach you.  

This process might involve some trial and error. It's not like TER, where you can just use the Advanced Search feature to find bi or female-friendly providers, so you would have to go around and ask. Be prepared for some rejection and to walk away, just as I walked away from many chicas that did not offer what I wanted (e.g. BBBJ). I noticed that the lady monger in Sosua walked away from a lot of chicas that she approached until she found what she wanted. The need for money in a market with too many chicas and not enough gringos to go around may persuade some straight chicas to accept a female client, and a generous offer or "tip" might overcome any remaining reservations, if you have your heart set on a specific straight chica. (Don't be surprised if they try to give you an upsell for taking a female client). In any event, you would probably have a better time with genuinely female-friendly chicas, some of whom might also refer you to other such chicas.

Very enjoyable report. Thanks for sharing.

Skyfyre465 reads

Thank you very much for a very nice and informative report. IMO it may be somewhat wasted here because of the nature of the hobbyists but it certainly will be valued much more on other web sites. I would love to copy your report and post it on other more worthy web sites more dedicated to international mongering. If I don't have your permission just let me know you're interested and I will inform you of the web sites.

Thanks for the clear and informative post.

I would hope some day to read of your experiences mongering in Europe (if any).

Decades ago I had the good fortune to "sort of" monger in France, Spain and Germany. I was a young man and a newbie at the game. Naive actually. And the women drifted to me! I couldn't believe it. In my home town U.S.A., I had all I could do to get laid.

I'm wondering what mongering in Europe is like in the 21st century.

P.S. Again: great essay, but where did you get that handle? It reads like the model number of an electrical power transformer! :-)

...for appreciating my essay.  

The only significant European mongering that I have done was in Amsterdam, which was the second leg of a broader and otherwise civilian trip. I just did arts & cultural activities during the day and sessioned with the window girls in the Red Light district at night. I was not impressed with the level of service there and the frequent upsell that one experienced. There was one provider there, however, who rocked my world, and I went back to her three nights in a row.

I did most of my traveling in Western Europe before I was deep enough into the hobby to know about the mongering opportunities there, let alone make them a priority. I do not plan to return in the foreseeable future, as I have already "been there and done that" from a conventional tourism perspective, and the mongering there does not seem impressive enough to me to prompt me to revisit Western Europe just for mongering purposes. Western Europe is also too expensive. I am currently hooked on Latin American mongering, although I would, however, like to monger in Eastern Europe at some point, perhaps in Prague, Poland, or the Ukraine.

My handle is a rendering of the phrase "lovesfellatio" into leetspeak, a form of writing that hackers and other denizens of the Internet frequently use. The basic principle is to render as many letters as possible with numbers that vaguely resemble them. For example:

1 = l

0 = o

3 = e

4 = a

Another example: H4ck3r4H00k3rz, or "Hacker for Hookers."

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