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MissErinBlack See my TER Reviews 404 reads

I posed this question to sexwork twitter a few weeks or so back, and got met with radio silence for the most part.  I've been trying to figure out a way to market myself in order to gain more women clients, and never considered the fact that my overall web-presence might be off-putting to women looking for a provider.  

I'll be taking a look at things and revamping

hey ladies i have a question im very much into girls and i wish there were more women hobbyist out there, my question is do you providers see women? are there any providers that would do another provider "pro bono"? i have had a couple request for female dates but none really come threw

I have had a few female clients (not including couples). In my experience they have been lesbians and quite shy. I think many women would not try to entangle themselves in this type of arena for many reasons, most of which are cultural. Furthermore, I think women are far more likely to seek some sort of connection over a purely physical interaction.  

All that being said, I myself have been with other providers. I played by the rules, filled out the screening form, had my envelope, even brought a gift. I hope I am a model client :) But the problem I have run into is many profiles state "really bi" but some ladies aren't actually bisexual. I have even made it a point to ask the ladies I want to see if they are really bi and of course they say yes. However it is quite easy to tell when someone isn't into it. That's a bit disappointing.

that they are usually filled out by gents who wouldn't have the slightest idea what 'really bi' is. And that isn't their fault either. Media has taught them, if they see two women kissing, then they must be 'really bi'. My profile for example is listed as really bi. I however, don't really consider myself bi. I really do love playing with couples and occasionally there has been a single female who turns me on to the max, but that is rare, and often I find situational as well.  

That being said I don't advertise as being open to single female clients either, but would have to be honest if asked, and I wouldn't accept a single female client, because it would feel too forced to me.

You admit that you are not really bi, and it isn't fair to anyone who is seeking that criteria to waste their time trying to book with you. Women like me have enough issues setting up playdates....the last thing I need is bad data that wastes bandwidth when I ask for a playdate and the provider declines because she was never willing to accommodate me in the first place..

If you are not willing to do that I would request that you at least make it clear on your website that you do not see single women. Again it would save someone like me the trouble of having to ask.


-- Modified on 1/29/2016 7:01:45 PM

I am happy to contact admin, in that vane. My website however is completely honest. Short of saying I don't see women on my front page, I'm not sure what else to do. It is covered explicitly in my FAQ page.  

I've included that link to me FAQ page here:

When I visited your website the FAQ section wasn't there. Must be new.
I'm thrilled to see that you have a FAQ section period, and that you have included this issue. Thank you. You've no doubt saved some female hobbyist a big headache.

Thanks, The FAQ section has been there from the beginning, but for some reason it keeps disappearing. One of several things that I have to discuss with my website host. Thanks for the reminder! xoxo

If a dude meets with a p4p,woman and says I would like to see you at our next session with another woman for a threesome, and the gal he is talking to says "I would LOVE that! I am really into other women as I am bisexual", what is the guy filling out her initial profile supposed to enter?

I mean that's how I find threesome partners, as well as through other girls and reviews. Now of course, only time will tell if she really is truly bi, but many gals are good actresses, so in the end, if I can't tell she is acting, I don't care. She is "really bi" for my needed defintion of the word, under that scenario. You disagree?

-- Modified on 1/29/2016 10:09:52 PM

While I personally stick to activities that I like (and monitor my profile for accuracy), A LOT of women will go gay for pay, act it out very well, and make a male hobbyist happy as you noted.  I doubt this fools most lady hobbyists (as evidenced by lopaw & AK above).  Is there a solution since the needs of the male hobbyist are much different than the needs of the lady hobbyist in this case?  You know most guys won't pick a girl who is great at gay for pay if she admits she isn't actually bi.  There needs to be a secret field available to only lady hobbyists with the real deal on if a provider is bi (or lesbian who acts with the guys), but of course that won't happen, and it also isn't practical to implement that.  Maybe in the future there will be a lady hobbyist counterpart to TER (but then men would really want to join!).

-- Modified on 1/29/2016 9:34:31 PM

What we really need is a dead on accurate "gaydar" detector. That way, everyone wins.

Look for it on the iPhone 7.

Out in stores in Spring, 2018. LOL

....as long as the gal can sell it and I get what I need.

Maybe its just the way my brain is wired, but if I find a girl hot enough and she's a great actress, I will enjoy it immensely. Her being totally lez or bi would be that much better, but to be honest for me it isn't a deal breaker.  
I canoodle with several strippers locally that I know for a fact are not gay or even very bi, yet when we get into the VIP area they just destroy me, and I can't get enough. Perhaps it's in their great acting abilities. And when you get right down to it, how many providers really are attracted to their clients anyway? Not many, I'll bet. It's all acting to some degree or other.....why should this be any different

Maybe it's more the degree of acting ability needed?  Or maybe you're just hot, lopaw, and nothing needs to be acted out :)

Plus, sometimes attraction is more than just physical attraction; I'd probably be attracted to you on some level (and I don't think of myself as bi at all) just because you are a female hobbyist, and I think that's awesome.  I am sure that is how some of us add authenticity; we focus on what is attractive about whomever we're with.

hotplants279 reads

I have zero interest in full on Gay-for-pay acting and going through the motions. Can't really explain that one. But, if a woman is fakin' it to make-it? Meaning she really isn't into women? My spidey sense kicks in. And.....

Hey, women are not easy...lol...

Ok....yes....I cut and pasted that from one of Big Verns posts. Lol

Sorry. :D

....must be all those years hanging out in stripclubs ;)

What you need from that section, and what others, particularly women might need from that section is different. Also our language in general I find quite lacking when it come to the spectrum of human sexuality. And what the media chooses to display about the spectrum of sexuality further cements the idea, that people fit in neat little boxes. Check A if straight, Check B if Gay, Check C if Bi. This doesn't even begin to take into account gender identity.  

What is Bi though? To me, Bi should indicate being fairly equally attracted to men and women. What about all the possibility in between then? I am somewhere in between Bi and straight. I am very strongly attracted to men, and really enjoy couple play, but am rarely turned on by a solo woman in the same way?  

So, to most men on this board, it seems if I really enjoy couple play, then I must be 'really bi', but then that does little to offer meaningful data to our female clients.  

I feel that a simple solution for this would be to have column that asks if the provider offers sessions to solo female clients. That at least might offer a more accurate picture of the provider.  

This is one of my favorite vlogbrother videos. It's a nice concise discussion about how we sexual and gender identity.

The most pressing issue that some are forgetting/not mentioning is that being "really bi" is worth a point on the rating scale. If you don't do Greek, you pretty much have to say you are bisexual to get to a 10. And the bisexual point is the easiest point because duo reviews don't count towards either lady's scores. You don't need duo reviews to prove you are bi. So in essence, it's a freebie.  

The second issue is that some ladies can act well when a guy is in the picture. The other provider can pick up the slack but when faced with a female alone, it's not so easy to fake. So some guys may put "really bi" with good intentions but it is not the case.

....is precisely that. The profile services offered info here (visible to only VIP members) is questionable at best. I never trust anything in there, especially the "bi" listing.  I use a providers own website for that type of info.

-- Modified on 1/30/2016 7:20:58 AM

Yes there aren't many of us here on TER, but the few of us here posting are fairly vocal.
I haven't had any trouble finding ladies wanting to see me.....in fact I am backlogged right now with prospects.  

I think mentioning that you are lady friendly on your website is a great first step in having ladies find you. Personally I favor providers who list their love of women on their site over those who don't mention anything which forces me to have to email them. That gets really old after awhile.

thanks ill do that  

Posted By: lopaw
Yes there aren't many of us here on TER, but the few of us here posting are fairly vocal.  
 I haven't had any trouble finding ladies wanting to see me.....in fact I am backlogged right now with prospects.  
 I think mentioning that you are lady friendly on your website is a great first step in having ladies find you. Personally I favor providers who list their love of women on their site over those who don't mention anything which forces me to have to email them. That gets really old after awhile.

Squeezetheorem343 reads

Do you mean hooking up? Dating? Sure, it happens. Fun, but very conducive to drama.  Lol

hotplants440 reads

and we are out here, (even if not engaging on public boards), as Lopaw already said, as a start, it helps to be very clear about your love of women on your website. There are any number of ways to do this. But just saying "men, women couples", alone, may not get you there.

There are simply too many providers who check those boxes when, in reality, they are absolutely NOT BI. Or, they are open to seeing hetero couples, but not women alone. As a woman looking for a provider, this can be anything from slightly frustrating to try to figure out, to a complete non-starter.  

I think there are ways to clearly get your message across with how you describe yourself on your site. When providers make an effort to do this, I usually "get it". And, a picture can convey a lot of info.  

This is in no way intended as a slight---you are a beautiful woman----nice website. But, your website screams 'I focus on men'. It's biz. I get it. But honestly, as a woman, it would not grab me

Recced for usefullness.

Also, there's a huge gap between "truly bi" & "not really into it". There's "close enough", which is more useful to guys than it is for a woman trying to decide who to contact. I've been with a truly bi couple, and it was the best sexual experience in my life. I've been in 'close enough' situations, and they were great - for me. And I've been in a 'really not into the whole two women thing' situation, where I'd have been better off being with either of them alone, than both of them (in their defense, they're sisters; in my defense, it wasn't my idea - though I bought into it wholeheartedly).

Lopaw, I have to tip my hat to you. You've made me look at the finer points of the hobby with an additional level of awareness.

hotplants272 reads

as far as the huge gap between "truly bi" & "not really into it" and "close enough"?

 Speaking for me: the train stops at truly Bi. There is no "close enough".

I posed this question to sexwork twitter a few weeks or so back, and got met with radio silence for the most part.  I've been trying to figure out a way to market myself in order to gain more women clients, and never considered the fact that my overall web-presence might be off-putting to women looking for a provider.  

I'll be taking a look at things and revamping

excatly they should have a section i think more women will come forward and become frequent hobbyist

Posted By: MissErinBlack
I posed this question to sexwork twitter a few weeks or so back, and got met with radio silence for the most part.  I've been trying to figure out a way to market myself in order to gain more women clients, and never considered the fact that my overall web-presence might be off-putting to women looking for a provider.  
 I'll be taking a look at things and revamping!  

hotplants365 reads

It's almost impossible not to generalize---but, as far as provider websites, the vast majority I've seen have not conveyed, to me, that they genuinely enjoy women. I suspect many of those providers actually do, and would like to attract women clients.

 The gap is probably in the marketing. Get on that!...lol..

I checked out your site and it is quite well done - your pics are exquisite! The only thing that i would change is to perhaps separate the FAQ & Etiquette sections away from the About section so that they are right there without having to dig for them.

The only problem with making a site more female friendly is that it can inadvertently alienate some men. Finding that balance is the challenging part :)

What self respecting hetero man would have ANY problem with a little pro-lesbian stuff written on a gals website? LOL

If you should come across such a unicorn, you send him to me.

I will grant anyone of that ilk free admission into Jack Dunphy University and we will place this very odd creature in our lesbian desensitivity program.

I over see the program personally and we have a 100% success rate with these troubled "men." :D

hotplants438 reads

catch-on to the fact that providers are gettin' it on with "actual" lesbians. Like IRL, not into men, clients.  

This minor detail tends to turn the "I thought it was totally hawt lesbian porn" into: "She won't suck my cock? what_a_fucking cunt"

How deep down into the fucked-up psyche does your program go, jack?...lol...

You know I go DEEP. I have to. Have you seen some of the psychotics that post here? LOL

But, as you know, I don't discriminate between types of lesbians.  

Bi. Kinda bi. Semi bi. Incredibly bi. Only bi. Full lesbo and strictly non dickly as well. I love 'em all.

Now you do have a point. I can't fuck them all but I can fantasize about fucking them all.

Nothing wrong with a little fantasy plants.  

I am sure we agree. LOL

hotplants300 reads

it's all good until the fantasy bubble breaks and someone gets' a 2x4 upside their head.  

I suppose, with irony, I'll throw-in a smiley. :

But I hear what you are saying and I get your larger point.


Watching two ladies going at it (no 2x4 unless it's for erotic purposes) - definitely makes my top 10 (maybe top 2) list.  Only thing better would be to be encouraged to join in.  But I'd enjoy just watchin'!!'

Yeah, I've been considering that myself just as an overall general site maintenance thing. I appreciate the feedback!  

To be quite honest, the kind of guys that would be alienated by me being more women-friendly aren't the type of guys i want as clients, so it would be a "2 birds, 1 stone" deal. :)

I'm also going to write a blog post about women as clients, my hopes for more of them, and the like.

devoted to your love of women.  

I am truly bi and love women. I am seriously thinking of having a website built that is only female focused. The language used to attract female clients is different, the imagery possibly so as well.  

The overall approach towards women is so different that a separate site seems to make perfect sense.  

To the lady janes out there...how do you think this would work if you came upon a website for women by a woman?

"To the lady janes out there...how do you think this would work if you came upon a website for women by a woman?"

My first thought would be pure unadulterated delight!

My second thought is how would a lady monger know about a site like that or find it if she is not privy to TER in general or this thread in particular?

My third thought would be that I hope to Goddess that she would be located  in my area

My fourth thought would be about starting a new $$$ fund to help keep her busy most of the time if she is local to me ;)

Um, yes please 😊 I might have to move to your city if you were to do this.

i would def join i am truly bi also  

Posted By: hbyist+truth=;(
devoted to your love of women.  
 I am truly bi and love women. I am seriously thinking of having a website built that is only female focused. The language used to attract female clients is different, the imagery possibly so as well.  
 The overall approach towards women is so different that a separate site seems to make perfect sense.  
 To the lady janes out there...how do you think this would work if you came upon a website for women by a woman?

Posted By: AliseFranklin
hey ladies i have a question im very much into girls and i wish there were more women hobbyist out there, my question is do you providers see women? are there any providers that would do another provider "pro bono"? i have had a couple request for female dates but none really come threw

As long as the second lady was her fantasy woman and it was a three hour appointment:). Amazing is all I can say.

Posted By: AliseFranklin
hey ladies i have a question im very much into girls and i wish there were more women hobbyist out there, my question is do you providers see women? are there any providers that would do another provider "pro bono"? i have had a couple request for female dates but none really come threw

Am considering a separate site for the ladies.

is it really worth it? i have quite a few and was considering but wasnt so sure

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