TER General Board

Tell the rest of the scene, Michelle!
GLisHJ 4213 reads

Gotta preface it by saying that the waitress had been rude and obnoxious earlier.

So what happens next is:

The waitress gets pissed off and points to a sign in the restaurant and says "You see that sign?".

And Jack says "You see this sign?", and sweeps everything off the table with one arm.

Next shot is of the Jack and Karen Black in the car, and the two gay women hitch-hikers they picked up are laughing in the back seat - one says "That was great!"

Saw the movie when it first came out, and it was an instant favorite.

-- Modified on 4/18/2004 12:31:37 PM

-- Modified on 4/18/2004 3:19:02 PM

GLisHJ7626 reads

No wondering - it's a sure thing.

No having to try to help yet another civilian who has Daddy issues.

Just a simple, honest transaction of sex for money.

The Hobby rocks.

SirPrize5481 reads

But I'm staying home alone and saving the money.

Me too, at least I get less grief from my wife than my ATF. And its cheaper.

I really love the freedom it gives me in relating to men. No BS, and being accepted. Love it!

I wish we could translate this honesty to the rest of our stilted society... (:(:
It would make for a much better situation - all around.

It translates across the board...not enough food, not enough jobs, not enough money, not good enough, young enough, skinny enough.

The men get jealous, the women get insecure, the women get jealous the men get insecure...

This permeates everything, not just sex...

Mommy, I don't know if I want the chocolate chip or the peanut butter cookie....I just know that I want the one Johnny (older brother) wants


-- Modified on 4/17/2004 4:20:01 PM

and I'll bet together with Doc Johnson, I'll get your attention ... OOOoooh.MaaaaaahMee!

-- Modified on 4/17/2004 7:13:30 PM

Or you get a woman who can't handle someone being close to someone.............................Then you have a woman whos gentle touch can make the guys entire month instead ruin it because she is afraid of genuine emotion, Or someone caring a bit too much about her. Because it doesn't follow the script. At is real instead of pretend.

I am CERTAIN they get the job done and so satisfying too...
Melts in the hand, not the mouth, lol.

-- Modified on 4/17/2004 4:54:01 PM

In my continuing experiences, I have very desirous hands running across my silky skin and no one ever said Yewwwww to me before this.

-- Modified on 4/17/2004 5:49:40 PM

refering to , "melts in your hand."  An image popped into my head other than the one you might have expected.  My apologies.  I'm usually a lot more clever.

-- Modified on 4/18/2004 8:07:05 AM

-- Modified on 4/18/2004 8:08:08 AM

I find it stimulating to see my lover get himself or herself excited!  Of course, I want to be there too!  And as part of my turnon, sometimes I require, yes, lol, require that they fondle themselves. Not only do I think it's hot, but it also helps me tune in to their tempos and desires, and strictly personal spots, as these vary slightly from person to person.

Anyway, thanks, and no problem.


About the time you were beating him to this thought this morning, I was beating to the thought of you this morning.  So there.

Hope you are having fun corrupting the Nascar Dads. :P

I had a slab of meatloaf tonight with a layer of Horseradish cream, mashed potatoes with sundried tomatoes and pesto, a mass of leafy greens and a biscuit with a pat of Land Lakes butter, a Bass beer all for twelve bucks. Dang. Oh did I mention the ladies? Let me tell you, they have these asses that look like peaches, maybe I can find one to feed me peaches and tuck me in bed and then sit on my face while she tells me bedtime stories. Did I tell you about the food? Grits for breakfast. OMG.

I've become like a man, all I think about is women and food. Where is my remote control? *belch* Can some one pass me another beer?
----------> [_]D  Thanks, can I keep the mug?
*urp* Where is my woman?

NetMichelle, all you're missing is a couple of *farts* and one hand stuck down your pants, just like Al Bundy.

Or is that strictly a left & right coast thing.  
BTW NetM don't get too comfortable there in the south remember what they did to Jack Nicholson, Dennis Hopper and Peter Fonda in Easy Rider.

   Rock on NetM


-- Modified on 4/18/2004 8:08:24 AM

-- Modified on 4/18/2004 8:55:08 AM

Jack Nicholson (Bobby Dupea): I'd like an omelet, plain, and a chicken salad sandwich on wheat toast, no mayonnaise, no butter, no lettuce. And a cup of coffee.

Lorna Thayer (Waitress): A #2, chicken salad sand. Hold the butter, the lettuce, the mayonnaise, and a cup of coffee. Anything else?

Jack Nicholson (Bobby): Yeah, now all you have to do is hold the chicken, bring me the toast, give me a check for the chicken salad sandwich, and you haven't broken any rules.

Lorna Thayer (Waitress): You want me to hold the chicken, huh?

Jack Nicholson (Bobby): I want you to hold it between your knees.

GLisHJ4214 reads

Gotta preface it by saying that the waitress had been rude and obnoxious earlier.

So what happens next is:

The waitress gets pissed off and points to a sign in the restaurant and says "You see that sign?".

And Jack says "You see this sign?", and sweeps everything off the table with one arm.

Next shot is of the Jack and Karen Black in the car, and the two gay women hitch-hikers they picked up are laughing in the back seat - one says "That was great!"

Saw the movie when it first came out, and it was an instant favorite.

-- Modified on 4/18/2004 12:31:37 PM

-- Modified on 4/18/2004 3:19:02 PM

"You see this sign?"..."That was great!"

Glishhj took the words out of our lustful mouths.


I figure that would really piss off le if I slapped a bumpersticker with my website on the tank and rode into town in my dom outfit. Do they still drown witches out here? Maybe I can find myself a pagan girl needing a little freedom in her life. Or a goth girl? A Cuban/Puerto Rican mix? Dang. "ID please." NetM. "Window or aisle?" Window. "Bi or straight?" Bisexual all the way doll. Priceless.


You put my Willie back in its Nelson.


Comfort food and hotel T.V. with fluffy bathrobe, and Belladonna DVDs on my laptop. Meow. A girl could get used to this.

Conjugal Coddger5314 reads

Never knew Calif. was exporting their earth quakes till today when the earth moved in Atlanta.

-- Modified on 4/17/2004 9:08:32 PM

The Notch3646 reads

Temporary lapse of judgement!!  Next Time.......
-- Modified on 4/18/2004 7:04:01 AM

-- Modified on 4/18/2004 7:18:12 AM

Conjugal Coddger5165 reads

OMG, Are you telling me I could have stayed? I would have loved to play a game of "Hide the Strawberry.Or Lick the sauce.
I need to get over this shyness problem dont I?  Well I'll start doing my aerobics in preperation for your next visit.You come back and I'll take you anywhere you want to go.    Need a little help here guys. When you talk about Michelle the term "Over the top" is still an understatement. I'm not a regular at any of the clubs. I'm thinking "Club 2 Risque"  or mabey if the weather is warm a trip to the mountains and "The Pleasure Grove Resort".   Give me your suggestions.And I'm allready thinking "Both"    Michelle; remember the songs thread? Here is one more for you;  Led Zeplin,  "You Know You Shook Me Baby"

-- Modified on 4/18/2004 7:08:02 AM

-- Modified on 4/18/2004 12:19:42 PM

vannessa5586 reads

There's nothing wrong with that.
Every "Papi" needs some good lovin'

Stempy4742 reads

-- Modified on 4/18/2004 9:10:46 PM

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