TER General Board

Taking a dump at the incall is the best meditation ever. It's like yoga.teeth_smile
Blowing Chunks 1119 reads

It clears my mind,  it frees me from the stresses accumulated throughout the day,  and relieves me from the inside.

You gentlemen assume it's ok to ask to use the shower when you arrive at her incall without her offering, right? Is that pretty standard across the board?

I don't offer because I don't want the gent to think I'm requiring him to do so and cut into his time.

I read a lot of reviews, and I see so many where the reviewer has written that he showered when he arrived. But, I've only had a couple clients ask to use the shower on arrival (fortunately no stinky gents yet, knock on wood lol). I'm wondering if I should be offering, or if y'all would assume that's a hint you stink.

And if you offer it, some jerks get offended.  I don't.  I arrive clean, but if she asks I always do a quick rinse. The is especially true in the summer.  If she's not comfortable I'm probably not going to get her best.

Cuz I always shower.  I'm 100% certain I shower.  I am a shower freak.  

I just think it's fair to shower.  The more I think about it is fair.  
What if showers dont sell? What then?  

Remember,  showers existed before bathing.

Yeah, see....I wouldn't want to offend a guy that just showered at his house before coming to see me.

It hasn't happened yet, but if a guy came in stinky, I'd have no problem insisting he shower. But, all the gents so far have arrived smelling fresh or asked me for a shower.

GaGambler1134 reads

are the guys who REALLY need that shower in the first place. Anyone who puts any kind of effort into personal hygiene in the first place will be glad that you do the same. Don't worry about any of us being offended. The "good guys" won't be.

FWIW 80% of the time, I show up to an appointment having showered less than an hour before. Even so, I rarely if ever say no if I am offered one when I get there, sometimes even if my hair is still wet from the shower I took right before leaving.

Most of us want the women we see to have no doubts about our cleanliness, and if an extra five minutes out of my life, or my session is going to be too much to ensure that, I think it might be time for a new hobby.

ask in an email before meeting if he'd like a shower.

I can just ask him to arrive 5 minutes early if he would like a shower. That leaves the ball in his court, and he won't think I think he stinks lol


Posted By: asiantantric
ask in an email before meeting if he'd like a shower.

Her basic session was 70 minutes, and cost $360.  She made it clear she didn't care if you said you'd showered a half hour ago, you damn well were going to shower when you got to her room.  She was really hot and highly skilled and I don't recall hearing any complaints

...I can't recall a time when the provider asked me or suggested anything about showering first. I almost always ask them to join me. Most do. I assume it will be part of my time though many ladies have said here on the boards and to me personally that they're not concerned about a quick shower and don't count it. It isn't safe to just assume that though. If she does join me when I ask the showers often become more than a quick freshen up so I definitely consider it part of my time.

wrps071015 reads

Because even when a guy showers sometimes it might have been too many hours ago especially in the summer. I know with myself I feel more sexually after I shower.  Now if I just took a shower at home and the appointment is only 1/2 hour away I don't need a shower.

especially when visiting with k-agencies the lady joins, and really fun things happen in the shower as well.    

With some agencies the shower time does not seem to be on the clock or an extra bit of time seems to be allowed for this.

If I am visiting an indie I have usually showered when I leave for the date, but when I arrive I do a quick "john shower" of primarily the front and back end to ensure freshness....

my favorite freelance lady of all time always required a shower but I always booked plenty of time....

I think that the lady knowing that you are fresh can make a big difference.  And the Asians believe that showering before and after cuts down on the likelihood of transmission of infections between people - and I think they are right.

No, I don't assume a shower is ok as I don't know if she's prepared with towels, etc.  But I think it's a good idea to mention in your ad that it's available.  I always shower before driving to her place, but on a hot day especially I take advantage of another quick shower if she offers.

It's especially nice when a lady advertises dual showers.  That way it can be part of the session and you can include some preliminary activity

I always mention in email that I'll be using the shower.  I want the lady to know I as fresh as possible, not 15 minutes fresh, zero minutes fresh.  Whatever make her most comfortable and confident.  


!) It's always a good idea to put on your website in friendly language that you prefer the gent to shower first, as you have done, so you can both be fresh.

2) There are polite ways of nudging.  Others could add more (I always volunteer to shower, but sometimes the lady beats me to the punch"...

 - "Would you like to freshen up?  I have towels and wash-cloth laid out"
 - "Shall we start with a little scrub down" (and join him)
 - "Would you like to shower while I get comfortable"

And so on...

I don't mind if he showers at home and then comes to see me. I feel like my considerations section on my website is too long already, so I'm trying not to add too many rules that aren't a necessity yet, know what I mean?

I have to drive at least an hour to get there so I'm ready for a shower on arrival, I also like to sluice off prior to departure and I don't mind using the same towel... your nickel, my nickel, makes no difference...

That's not what I meant. I don't discourage showers.

I made this thread to confirm my assumption that all gentlemen know they may use the shower even when the lady doesn't offer.  

(My thread is messing up for me and I can't reply to branches without being rerouted to the vasectomy thread)

-- Modified on 8/29/2014 11:57:00 AM

You might just point to the bath and ask if he wants to freshen up. Even if he doesn't shower, brushing teeth, washing hands, etc., and you might then add that there's a towel if he wants to shower. But there are sessions that sort of start before the shower. Also, the shower thing facilitates leaving you alone to tend to the envelope.

cashorcredit1223 reads

A shower is five minutes tops, you want the guys smelling his best.

Just my 1.25 cents

And the guy emerges from the shower wrapped in a towel, the envelope taken care of, and ready to play. I doubt if many of us object to the time spent in the shower as taking away from the session. More like part of the session, or at least making the session more enjoyable. Better yet, don't send him to the shower, TAKE him. Of course, depending on your 'do.

Unless I've showered an hour or so prior to the appointment, I always take a shower. I think it makes both of us more comfortable knowing that I'm freshly washed. You shouldn't feel bad about offering. Also, I don't expect a girl to extend because I need a shower. That's why I make it quick!

ROGM1353 reads

I've showered with her. A Nice Prelude to the Session.

and is quite certain he doesn't stink, then he's not likely to be offended if you ask. If he does stink, then too bad if his feelings are hurt. A lot can happen between when he's last showered and when he shows up at your door. I practically always take a shower, just to put the lady's mind at ease, even though I scrub up before hand.

He'll probably stink after the shower as well, so he's just a lost cause.

If feel like I should have then I will ask. No one has forced me take one other than the Asian providers. Showers or shall I say showering with you, washing your body and a short BJ appear to be their standard fare. So, I go along with the program.  

No reason to wrapped around the axle about it.

is available.  I haven't found a provider yet who has said no.  Sometimes they will join me in the shower.  Depending on my after plans, I may take a quick shower before leaving as well.

It is rare that I don't mention I want to take a quick rinse off shower at the incall because I want to be squeaky clean!! Many times I bring my own towel and 2 or 3 different soaps so the woman I am meeting can select which she prefers. course after making the trip to the in call I'm tired and need help getting out of my clothes.

I found it is a great way to relax when I arrive, get rid of any tension from worry about being late, assures the woman her tongue can explore any where she likes with out fear, and I believe demonstrates willingness to be very clean.

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