TER General Board

Take cab or bus or friend drop you off at corner.Drive car park it where you can keep eye on the car
Fancy8888 See my TER Reviews 442 reads

Posted By: ripmany
If a provider does Incall in a bad area for you dont have to worrly about you car being stolen have some one drive you there. There a very good provider but she like to live I bad parts of town I was thinking a buddy could help me few safe if stays with his car. also a taxie would be good.

If a provider does Incall in a bad area for you dont have to worrly about you car being stolen have some one drive you there. There a very good provider but she like to live I bad parts of town I was thinking a buddy could help me few safe if stays with his car. also a taxie would be good.

and you don't have to pay them to wait for you.  Another one comes along in 15 minutes.  Plus, its easy on your budget.  Over the course of a month, you could save enough for an extra session with one of your $40 hookers, or you could take them out to a nice dinner at McDonalds.  Think of the possibilities.

FatVern352 reads

He meets a b&g girl on the bus .

Posted By: coeur-de-lion
and you don't have to pay them to wait for you.  Another one comes along in 15 minutes.  Plus, its easy on your budget.  Over the course of a month, you could save enough for an extra session with one of your $40 hookers, or you could take them out to a nice dinner at McDonalds.  Think of the possibilities.

Analias351 reads

Of course his bus most appropriately would be the short one.

The fat BP "chick" he's on his way to bang

Posted By: ripmany
If a provider does Incall in a bad area for you dont have to worrly about you car being stolen have some one drive you there. There a very good provider but she like to live I bad parts of town I was thinking a buddy could help me few safe if stays with his car. also a taxie would be good.

There really isn't a part of town I consider unsafe. We may have issues with board cops running way to many P4P stings, but the streets are safe and I willingly will walk down any street in a hundred miles of my home alone at night.

I believe strongly in there is a god, but I do not belong to any church. Nor do I claim any special knowledge on who God(s) or what is nor what God(s) wants. I do not even claim there is only one god or more then one god. I am convinced that he/she/it/them do exist though. For the record I was raised Catholic but had my name removed as I can't claim to believe what they do. I am searching.

TER I know this is a little off topic. Feel free to pull it. I will not be debating religion on this board, so know I will not be responding to this post. I am just answering a question.

PS at this time I do not have VIP. I am not ignoring the PMs I am just not paying to read them. I can be reached at [email protected] if you wish to contact me.

-- Modified on 9/9/2016 1:35:55 PM

Analias366 reads

I thought it was like the kettle asking if the pot was black.

stucaboy352 reads

this life style would result in a shortage of females.  Good place for TER traveling bitches.

Someone on here. Only the FLDS has more than one wife. And that stay in compounds.

I was in between cars - mine died a tragic death - and I didn't want to rush in to buying something. I already had a 3 day incall planned about an hour away from me so I was going to Uber to the hotel and stay there for the 3 days instead of coming home each night. But another provider was staying at the same hotel and she graciously to take me with her. I did get Uber home though. I bought a car with in the week. Always reliable :-)

When I was in Atlanta, the escort I saw picked me up from the nearest MARTA station to her house because I did not have my car with me. It was an extra $50 donation. And I have taken public transit to escort's incalls/hotels in New York, Pittsburgh Philadelphia and Chicago. It has never been a problem but I ask before/during screening.

I did come across one escort on Twitter, don't know where she lives but I am guessing it is not mass transit friendly. Did not want clients Ubering/cabbing to her incall as she believes it brings unwanted attention by the neighbors and the possibility that multiple Uber drivers know her business. If you see her and you don't have a car, you better rent one or do outcall.

Posted By: sdottaylor
I did come across one escort on Twitter, don't know where she lives but I am guessing it is not mass transit friendly. Did not want clients Ubering/cabbing to her incall as she believes it brings unwanted attention by the neighbors and the possibility that multiple Uber drivers know her business. If you see her and you don't have a car, you better rent one or do outcall.
Let the owner of the house two blocks away worry about what the neighbors and Uber and cab drivers are thinking

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