TER General Board

Surprising; I was sure they wouldn't want you to reproduce. (E)
BigPapasan 3 Reviews 396 reads


If she call you back up and ask for a pack comdoms and a take it out of the donation is the total donation 80 or 75 because you because you need the comdoms anyways. Same thing with a 23 dollar hotel bill as should you add that to donation when doing a review.

Did you ever calculate what you paid for vagina when you were married?  How much per piece?

If you include child support and legal fees it close to 315000 or a thousand a pop. Provider are way cheaper the biggest cost is fail attempts trip the price to 250 a pop.

Posted By: GYBOpower
Did you ever calculate what you paid for vagina when you were married?  How much per piece?

If you had a Vagina,  
What Path would you choose to take it down?

A.  Sugarbaby
B.  Escort
C.  Wif

Sorry that as far as I go.

Posted By: GYBOpower
 If you had a Vagina,  
 What Path would you choose to take it down?  
 A.  Sugarbaby  
 B.  Escort  
 C.  Wife  

...rip you are a dog but you are such a dumb mut no one would ever want your stud service.

jknice323 reads

Dogs can easily lick themselves too, so it all works out.

Posted By: GYBOpower
Did you ever calculate what you paid for vagina when you were married?  How much per piece?
A good woman brings so much more to the table then her vagina as important as it is. A good wife lifts you up when times aren't so great, celebrities the wins with you. She is a life partner, help raises the kid(s), your best friend and more. To replace my wife I would have to hire a consultant, a nanny, a therapist, a sex worker, a cheerleader and a maid and still would be lacking. Sorry you just can't calculate a wife's value on the number of pops per dollar.

P.S. A good husband does as much or more for his wife as she does for him. It is an equal partership at least in theory. I think I got the better end of this deal. :)

-- Modified on 9/19/2016 8:23:57 PM

or Planned Parenthood!

Posted By: ripmany
If she call you back up and ask for a pack comdoms and a take it out of the donation is the total donation 80 or 75 because you because you need the comdoms anyways. Same thing with a 23 dollar hotel bill as should you add that to donation when doing a review.

it in the review that you paid for the condoms AND the $23 hotel room, we other reviewers are going to think you're a chump and laugh at you.  If she scammed you, keep it to yourself.  Just remember that, unless you did three pops, you paid for a condom for the next guy, too.

$23 hotel! You can just use a big cardboard box in the alley and if you turn a condom inside out you can use it for two pops. They are made with two sides for a reason.  

Posted By: coeur-de-lion
it in the review that you paid for the condoms AND the $23 hotel room, we other reviewers are going to think you're a chump and laugh at you.  If she scammed you, keep it to yourself.  Just remember that, unless you did three pops, you paid for a condom for the next guy, too.  

That why I took it out of donation money.

Skyfyre516 reads

Is when she sent me a water bill to take out of the donation because I took a shower in her bathroom and did not replace the cap on the shampoo bottle.

I always charge gals extra if they come to my place and don't put the cap back on the shampoo.

Don't even ask if they squeeze the toothpaste tube from the top instead of the bottom.  Suffice it to say, they'll be hearing from my lawyer

of all the board characters. But I have to say, I'm dying! I read this after reading the moving sale thread. Maybe whoever is trying to snatch up your housewares should find *all* the reasons to subtract from your asking price.

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