TER General Board

Surprised You Went To Chi-Town
Number 6 124 Reviews 2077 reads

But I guess you do love a challenge, eh?

Two agencies I have great respect for will not send girls there anymore.

I read in Esquire that "bush is back". I hope it's a temporary, retro 70s fad type of thing. Shaved is so 21st Century.

Not too far into the future, our society will finally realize how economically and socially significant this business really is.  Here are the changes that will take place:

*   Complete legalization:  no more screening....no more hiding. Just like in certain parts of Nevada, the industry is regulated.  All the providers are required to get tested.  Sexual health records are posted on the TER.

*   Hobbyiests are required to join a world hobbyist organization.  Each hobbyist is carefully evaluated and examined before being allowed to join. The sexual medical records are posted for providers to evaluate.

*  A tiny computer chip is implanted into all providers and hobbyists to verify identity and medical history.

*  A 10-second blood-test kit can be used between checkups to ensure partners have not recently been infected.

*  Condoms are no longer mandatory.  Providers are required to use other forms of contraceptions.  BBFS will be the universal standard.

*  Any rogue hobbyist/providers not abiding by the standards will be educated and cleansed.

* Counselling services are available to convince wives of hobbyists to accept their men's hobby and lifestyle.

* A new curriculum at all-girl schools/universities: Providing

* A new curriculum at all-boys schools/universities: Hobbying

* Companies allocate a portion of their budgets for employee hobbying. This ensures high morale, and reduces sexual harassment within the office.

I'm forming a rogue hobbiest camp out in the wilds of montana. Free from all the Fn BS brought on by the MAN! Whos with me!

My only problem is my minivan's gps doesnt recognize the area. Any suggestions?

Somewhat Damaged2902 reads

"I want what she's having!"

Or, in this case, I want what you're smoking. :P

longstraight3776 reads

Please save me from the growth of yet another government bureaucracy.

I dunno, I like the old method of me sending out Krispey Kreme donut coupons to law enforcement's finest and sending them them feminist links as responses to their e-mails. (That was a close one this week boys, lol, better luck next time. Getting a little soft? rotflmao. Vanilla vice baby, ooo, ooo!)

I smelled some donuts cooking one afternoon. So I cancelled that day's appt. by e-mail. The smell got stronger when I read the e-mail response. Funny, I do like Krispey Kreme donuts, but I bet some providers don't dare touch them. Maybe that is why the ladies here look so good.

But I guess you do love a challenge, eh?

Two agencies I have great respect for will not send girls there anymore.

I read in Esquire that "bush is back". I hope it's a temporary, retro 70s fad type of thing. Shaved is so 21st Century.

I am an independant ninja ho that has earned the extra letters of "whore." Marcella, I am stealing some of your material here, I expect to have my ass bitten soon. (God, I love the power of that word. Provider just sounds so flat and boring. Whore. Way better.)

CentrumSilver4445 reads

There would be no: wars, dieases, unwed mothers, absentee fathers/mothers, death, we would never grow old, famine, and there would only be love. But, I have yet to find that perfect world.

-- Modified on 6/5/2004 8:45:13 AM

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