TER General Board

Sure my act is old. But it's more than enough to deal with you.
JakeFromStateFarm 478 reads

I guess that's obvious to everyone but you, Janet.

brooks53687 reads

guys was a provider in my area, on her web-page, say that she prefers her partners be "height and weight proportionate" like she is due to her own healthy lifestyle

while that leaves me out, I appreciate that she states her preference in a respectful and kind way

she looks great, seems to be educated and bright and I would love to see her, but won't try now

she saved me time and effort and I truly appreciate her being straightforward and honest

I am blessed to be good friends with a few delightful young ladies who are ok with me as I am

JakeFromStateFarm620 reads

joining a gym?  Then you could see her.  Too bad I'll be there before you with my lean, fit, godlike bod.  LOL!

brooks5548 reads

you get from me damn near daily on the politics board

I didn't mean to hurt your itty-bitty feeling so very bad!

I'll try to be more gentle on your little pussy self so you don't feel the impulse to show all what a little dip-shit you really are

how very, very small of you

but expected

JakeFromStateFarm541 reads

You're the one who had to take a week-long hiatus from the other board to sob softly into your pillow and lick your wounds.  Better go back there before I make you my personal piñata.

JanetRenosBeard293 reads

Same old same old. As always. Yawn.

JakeFromStateFarm250 reads

Now got back to munching Janet's muff.  But thanks for following my posts so slavishly that you think you know my entire routine.  It's actually quite flattering. LOL!

JanetRenosBeard381 reads

But you seem to live here and always have to have the last word. Good for you. Now go get a life.

now your fat shaming! Aren't you liberals against that?

JakeFromStateFarm533 reads

I've never shamed someone like scoed who has a self-admitted weight problem, because he's a decent guy.
Are you chubby, too?  LOL!

I lost over 200 pounds. Now I am a bunch of loose skin. I actually look worse in the buff but dressed a million times better. And for those who think it is just moving more eating less to loose more than a few pounds are delusional. It takes a complete change in lifestyle and in who you are and your relationship with food.

JakeFromStateFarm345 reads

Actually, from what you've said it was a lot worse than that.  But, yes, I know obesity is caused by a complex group of factors.  I am just busting brooks' chops because he's a total nasty prick on the P&R board.
So, yes, I'll continue to call him "Lardo."  Please don't take offense.  Believe me, if I want to insult you I can do that quite directly. :)

And at no time was I offended. I added the last part because multiple people on the thread used that "eat less move more"  nonsense. And yes I was way passed chubby. 420 pounds is much closer to beached whale then chubby.

JakeFromStateFarm223 reads

As you know, I very rarely have.  Well, I guess there was that time..........LOL!

GaGambler378 reads

"but I don't recall having to stoop to attacking him over his weight.  

and there are countless old fat broads that I have issues with on the boards all the time. I can only think of one time that I stooped to calling any of them old and fat and I immediately apologized as even I am 'better than that"

JakeFromStateFarm530 reads

Actually, I generally am.  But when someone as toxic as brooks is dumb enough to reveal he's too overweight to be seen by some girls, I will take a shot at the mean-spirited putz.  Well.........

But sadly you are in a rut. Your insults as of late lack any creative flare. You used to be much more creative and you made me laugh, not so any more.  I mean like this is the third or fourth time you called me a humorless fuck in the last few days. While it is true, I would appreciate it if you mix it up some. I mean your ass but your redeeming feature as an ass has always been you humor. Sadly it has been lacking. Please bring it back. Everyone knows I am a humorless fuck. Please don't join me as one. Your rep just can't take it.

GaGambler449 reads

How can I insult you with any "flare" if you give me nothing to work with? I mean WTF, you even told a fucking joke the other day. It's become more fun insulting Jake than you. lo

I work to hard for that to ever happen. So if your not fat shaming him and it is specifically directed at him then you must be bullying him. Aren't you liberals against that as well?

But to keep this from being pulled I will leave it there.

GaGambler402 reads

This according to Jake of course

He is a racist because he hates Obama

He is misogynist because he hates the Hildabeast

He is an idiot because he argues with Jake.

Any questions? lol

And a question for Jake, why is it against the rules to call out a fat broad for being fat, but you have no problem calling out a guy as Lardo, just because his politics are different than yours?  

I think you REALLY need to start drinking again, sobriety makes you mean and nasty.

JakeFromStateFarm389 reads

There are lots of people I'd never call out because of their weight and scoed is one, even though he's well to the right of me.  I called out brooks because he's a total prick.  I've called out Laffy many times for being an ass -- which you conveniently forgot -- even though he's a lefty I actually agree with most of the time.
So, please, have another drink.  You are still far too sober to run such weak-assed arguments by me.

Hell I have been accused of being right of Rush Limbaugh. And I can't recall you ever making a serious crack at my weight. But seriously you do need to ditch the kackis.

No scintillating reply when you do all the things you supposedly detest?

JakeFromStateFarm488 reads

I'm not replying to you only because I've replied already to several others here.  Read those and comment if you want.  I'll only observe that I'm amazed at how much of a dither my comment kicked off.  I wonder if it's because there are a lot of overweight mongers in this crowd.

-- Modified on 8/6/2016 7:00:14 PM

you think it's ok for you to fat shame and bully others? Bad liberal bad.

JakeFromStateFarm290 reads

And I'm not a Liberal.  I'm a Socialist.  And I like to fat shame and bully others.  Would you like to be my piñata?  Get in line.

If you are a socialist why don't you move to Greece. I hear they are doing well and just love immigrants.

JakeFromStateFarm281 reads

But the reason they nearly went belly up wasn't simply socialism, but socialism run amok and turning into a kleptocracy.  Besides, there are other rather successful socialist countries in the world where people are pretty happy, like Sweden and Denmark.
Still, I love the US and have no plans to move.  But thanks for the thought.

GaGambler799 reads

After I went through usual, painless screening through P 411 and just before I was set to leave for our appointment she sent me one last text asking my height and weight, she then made it a point to watch me come out of my car through the parking lot to make sure I was telling the truth.  

In her defense, she was very young 19, and very HOT, and she said as long as the guys she saw met a certain minimum standards for looks that she really didn't consider what she was doing "work"  

I really couldn't argue with her logic, if I were a hooker, I'd make a LOUSY hooker because I would reject a LOT more clients than I would actually see.

BTW, she was a fantastic lay, she moved to NYC a couple of weeks after I saw her and promptly doubled her rates.

GaGambler330 reads

She did go immediately from $300 hr to $600 the day she hit NYC.  

Can you blame her? Getting $600 hr, not moving away from me.  Although I guess the answer could be the same. lol

The same thing happened to me with the same gal, if I'm not mistaken. She recounted a tale of having to move hotels after rejecting a guy at the door who lied about his stats, then wouldn't leave her alone.

GaGambler586 reads

because I see you have reviewed her. Lavie, Hot little Korean girl. Not a "K-Girl" by any stretch of the imagination as she was born and raised here.

Yes, I saw here when she first started out in Dallas, she was only getting $300 hr back then, I am sure the guys in NYC are more than happy to pay her current rate of $600 because she is an absolute joy to be with. I was very sorry to see her leave Dallas.  

Too funny, I never thought for a second you really did see the same women until for shits and grins and checked out your reviews. lo

GaGambler371 reads

It's funny, I really thought you were just kidding when you said you thought we had seen the same girl. I don't know what possessed me to check out your reviews "just in case" lol

Yeah, I asked her why she wanted to know my height and weight when we met and that's when she told me basically she had a "no lardo" policy. I asked her "Do I pass?" and she proceeded to show me, yes I really wish she had stuck around Dallas, but we are hardly hurting for hot, young Asian talent, but she was something else.

JakeFromStateFarm405 reads

Most are priced between $300 and $400, with a few outliers at $500.

GaGambler497 reads

She is no more a K-girl than I am "Chinaman"  

She was born and raised here, 100% American, but with those Korean great looks. She can easily command the rates as any other "top tier" American provider.

JakeFromStateFarm438 reads

and she charges $350 in NYC.  There are lots of Asian indies in NY, too, and they charge the range I listed above.

GaGambler433 reads

Do you have any idea just how fucking racist your post sounds?

She has slanted eyes, so she should keep her rates at the $350 level while white women with half the looks and half the talent are charging $800 or more.

Yes, I know your heeb ass isn't really racist like that. Except where it comes to me, and that doesn't count, but your post certainly comes across that way. Why shouldn't an Asian woman, or a Black, brown, red woman be able to command the same rates as white women?  

Wouldn't you agree there is a problem when even  a "color blind" guy like you can make such a cavalier and racist statement like that?

JakeFromStateFarm373 reads

I simply accurately quoted the price range for Asian hookers in NY.  Please note that price point is also coming for many non Asian hookers in NY.  You are awfully over-sensitive tonight.  There wasn't anything racist about my post.

souls_harbor220 reads

Gentlemen, you can't fight in here.  This is the whore room.

GaGambler391 reads

why should an American provider not be able to charge the same as other American providers just because she is of Asian heritage?

By stating there is a price range for "Asian providers" that is less than white providers you're damn right there is a racist angle to that statement.

If she were black and she charged $600 hr would you state that was a high rate for an "AA provider" in NYC?  

Intended or not, it was a very racist statement.

JakeFromStateFarm456 reads

You can't because I didn't say it.  I simply noted what range I'd observed.  Not at all racist.  Just a fact. And there are price ranges for all providers.  They are based on race and they are based on looks.  Please don't tell me this is news to you.  Also, the fact is that in the NY area Black providers generally charge less than white, with a few exceptions.  That's a simple fact.  I have no idea why that is, but it doesn't make it racist to state a simple fact.
You are becoming WAY to sensitive and politically correct on this issue.  Get a grip.

Putting aside the issues of age and race, are weight restrictions very common?  I wouldn't think so, but then again maybe this is an underground type of thing.

I guess I can see it if she feels that she just can't get into a guy who's too obese for her.

I just hope being bald doesn't become a problem.

I also think that most providers would be more concerned that the person be IQ/age appropriate, but who knows

I see that requirement (a weight restriction) stated pretty much just as the OP said maybe 2-3% of the time.

Like the OP, I appreciate the heads up and just move on without being offended in any way, as I'm not at the desirable end of that particular axis but c'est la vie.

I think it's cool for everyone to state their preferences / standards.  Obviously the clients do it by using web sites, photos and reviews to skip past what doesn't float our boat, it's only fair for companions to do the same somehow

if you're not hungry by your next meal time, you're eating too much.

brooks5216 reads

is this Captain obvious?  ;)

the whole obesity problem solved!

While I can understand this preference, I suppose, I'm less interested in a hobbyist's looks than his willing to be open with his heart and mind. I think this creates the best possible sessions!

-- Modified on 8/5/2016 2:31:44 PM

chef1275360 reads

I always ask when I'm meeting a new lady if she's cool with a fat irish kid.  I prefer for everyone to have some fun, rather then just me.

OP, i read that when i was looking at a provider's  page. I've only come across one provider who has that written in her page, and i wonder if it is the same one i saw.

-- Modified on 8/7/2016 1:09:59 PM

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