TER General Board

Stay Safe and Keep Your Guard Up..........
TheGovernor 117 Reviews 330 reads

You never know...

A year in the hobby today! YAY!!!! I have met some wonderful people thus far!
Any sage advice to share for the year to come- ladies or gentlemen? I am open to listening.

Enjoy the moment, and I hate to say this...but this isn't going to last forever. That's my sermon.

Lol....don't I know it! I am not taking any moment that I have in this business for granted :)

Posted By: hpygolky
Enjoy the moment, and I hate to say this...but this isn't going to last forever. That's my sermon.
Good advice isn't going to last forever.

I will do that. Having site updated soon, so I will make sure to add that. Thank you!

-- Modified on 3/14/2017 12:31:23 AM

Be happy in what your doing, take breaks if you feel like things gets you annoyed, don't let little things get you down... Enjoy what you do... Those are things I do to keep my sanity.   It's been 4 years for me... I've met some awesome people that I will never forget & those I wish I could stab in their eyeballs but all in all I'm still enjoying my "job"!!!  

Good luck & congrats on your year!!!  

Ps get more reviews girl, it's been a year & you have 4? Lol I had like 30ish in my 1st year lol lol .... (Just kidding)

Lol....I am trying for more reviews! Most of the guys I have seen either don't review, or don't review anymore. Definitely high up on my list, though. Need some help with that 😊
Thank you for the advice. I am happy, and don't let too much stuff get me down.
Thanks for the well wishes!!!

Posted By: Gemma Coreana
Be happy in what your doing, take breaks if you feel like things gets you annoyed, don't let little things get you down... Enjoy what you do... Those are things I do to keep my sanity.   It's been 4 years for me... I've met some awesome people that I will never forget & those I wish I could stab in their eyeballs but all in all I'm still enjoying my "job"!!!  
 Good luck & congrats on your year!!!  
 Ps get more reviews girl, it's been a year & you have 4? Lol I had like 30ish in my 1st year lol lol .... (Just kidding)

to try to be a little more subtle. . . . .  see Jake's post above.  

Posted By: AdinaAndrews
A year in the hobby today! YAY!!!! I have met some wonderful people thus far!  
 Any sage advice to share for the year to come- ladies or gentlemen? I am open to listening.

sinfin436 reads

Posted By: Fancy8888
Posted By: AdinaAndrews
A year in the hobby today! YAY!!!! I have met some wonderful people thus far!  
  Any sage advice to share for the year to come- ladies or gentlemen? I am open to listening.

Posted By: sinfin
Posted By: Fancy8888
Posted By: AdinaAndrews
A year in the hobby today! YAY!!!! I have met some wonderful people thus far!    
   Any sage advice to share for the year to come- ladies or gentlemen? I am open to listening.
LMAO.This pro promoting she been sex worker for a year.She trying to make living like rest of pros.No free session with pros

GaGambler366 reads

As one of our leading drunks, I DEMAND a full retraction. Fancy is NOT drunk, just stupid. lol

Posted By: GaGambler
As one of our leading drunks, I DEMAND a full retraction. Fancy is NOT drunk, just stupid. lol
Taking time to talk shit and write post about me..LMAO Pro promoting sex worker for a year.Pro trying to make living like rest of pros

Posted By: JakeFromStateFarm
to speak.  Please.
LMAO.Thanks for turning this topic into bashing me.Pro marketing her business. No free sessions with pros.

..... when I hit my own "milestone anniversary".   :-)

Ah well......I guess now I'll have to think up some other way to denote such a momentous occasion.  ;-)

Advice?   Well, I always have tons of that but in the interest of keeping this short & sweet, the best thing I can tell you is to  guard against complacency.    
Never start to think that you have ANYTHING in this realm down to a foolproof system.  Because as soon as you do, some fool will show up who will turn it all against you.  

Always, always, always stay on your toes and NEVER think that you have heard or seen it all.   Seriously.  As many "tales of the strange" as I've heard/read over the years, each year brings something even weirder than the last.  

As long as I've been around, I'm continually amazed that I can still BE amazed.  ;-)

-- Modified on 3/14/2017 9:38:41 AM

Posted By: Debra_Hollander
..... when I hit my own "milestone anniversary".   :-)  
 Ah well......I guess now I'll have to think up something other way to denote such a momentous occasion.  ;-)  
 Advice?   Well, I always have tons of that but in the interest of keeping this short & sweet, the best thing I can tell you is to  guard against complacency.    
 Never start to think that you have ANYTHING in this realm down to a foolproof system.  Because as soon as you do, some fool will show up who will turn it all against you.    
 Always, always, always stay on your toes and NEVER think that you have heard or seen it all.   Seriously.  As many "tales of the strange" as I've heard/read over the years, each year brings something even weirder than the one previous.  
 As long as I've been around, I'm continually amazed that I can still BE amazed.  ;-)
Good marketing.Make sure you market like this pro done.

Congrats girl and can't wait to see you in Chicago soon. Xo

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