TER General Board

Speaking of "Classic." EOM
NeilGorsuch 147 reads


I can't wait to see the usual suspects who are going to flock in.

Whether it be that typical sad guy who follows me around and post dumb memes and childish name calling because he lacks the language/intelligence skills to form any comprehensive argument.  Next to that so call "wealthy" guy who spends his day, I mean like every day and minute on a hooker board posting his useless opinions about matters like anyone cares

Then we come to those over the hill hookers who can't help but chime in and post their LOLs and "you go girl" attitude.  Then come those typical guys who suck up to these over the hill hookers or any hooker for that matter.... Like grandma still need a little boy to stick up for her???    
Does it turn you on when some hooker with grandma hands jerk you off?  
Why are they still working, did they not save up during their early years of spreading their legs?  Where did all that $$$$$ go

You know what is more sad, the regular men here who thinks their opinions matters in a hooker board, who spend ever moment of everyday post their opinion on a hooker board like it matters, you know who you are.

You know what pisses people off, not opinions but commentaries.   I got no opinions but I do post some COMMENTARIES.  These are what pisses these people off because they know its true unlike their worthless opinions that they post on the board.  All these guys post their useless thoughts and opinions on subjects on a hooker board like it matters.   Like another john is going to take a opinion from another john. Commentaries are facts and when confronted with facts, certain guys who can't accept that "truth"  ... well they just turn on the messenger ( pretty you know who and it shows )

Anyways:  if you let a women tell you what to think and write, LOL I guess cheating on your wife with a hooker still means you can't stand up for yourself.  So what the difference btw your wife and a hooker, both of them still have you by your pathetic balls and control aspect of you life?
When a stranger ( yes hookers are strangers ) tell you what you can or can't do... Gezzz you definitely need a good look at your XY chromosomes  

Then you come to hookers who think stealing from another and donating is somewhat honorable.   I guess while they are posting twitter pictures of rolls of money, expensive lingerie, expensive trips, lavish gifts and gift cards, their pedis and mani... ect.., not to mention their Instagram of them at fancy restaurants... They are too stingy to "donate" those away, but robbing a hotel of soap and lotion and giving them away... I'm the Mother Theresa!!!!
You got to be one ugly human being to think that is acceptable.   Now if you guys like to spend your hard earned money on a ugly human being go ahead but don't deny she is really a ugly person on the inside but possibly look good enough to get a quick one off off.  

And before you start standing up for Enchanting Emma, Hotty Girl, Luscious Lisa, Molly Pretty ... etc etc.  do these people exist?  It is sad when a white knight loser are defending a stage name and not a real person.  That is sad when you find the need to defend a really none existent person.

A wannabe Mr. Wonderful bother commenting here at all?  Don't you have hookers to bang and things to do?  Nah.  Methinks you just like getting a rise out of people.  Thats OK.  Have fun.  No one cares about your "commentary" because it is all just name calling and hot air.  You get your jollies by making other people angry just like a pubescent schoolyard bully.  Its your fetish.  Have fun.  To each their own way of getting off right?  Toodles.

-- Modified on 5/18/2017 6:25:37 AM

JakeFromStateFarm243 reads

We all know you're not a real CEO.  But if you were we'd want you to do this.

That a lady would take (not steal) the soaps and lotions from a hotel room they paid for and didn't use and donating it to people in need of those items?  

Now if your truly talking about someone stealing all the soaps and lotion from the maid cart in the hallway yes I can understand that. But if providers tour they come into contact with lots of soaps and lotions and most ladies come prepared with their own stuff and never touch the hotel stuff. The soaps and lotions in those room are yours to do whatever you want with including throwing it away. So why is it so offensive that instead of wasting it they are donating it. I've done when I did incalls out of hotels. Shame on me!! Because you certainly know what needy people aren't in need of.  

As for all the lavish gifts on instagram and twitter. How do you know they aren't donating other stuff. You said in your post the other lady was asking for other ladies to keep the soaps and lotions and send them to her so she could donate them. So if she was asking for help to be able to donate more stuff she probably would have never posted about it. So just how do you know they don't donate real money or even their time to organizations like that??

Lastly, if it bothers you so much that these providers are stealing and not do what you consider a more Nobel cause just why do you follow these ladies on these social media sites? Seems you just need a reason to bitch!

9 (or is it 10--can't tell because of your garbage writing style) paragraph tirade. Same old same old; now you can go back to reading about being a troll on a f*ck board.  

Better yet, get your jollies by viewing the photo board and drooling over the gorgeous ladies who will never give you the time of day let alone a chance to be intimate with them.

I took one look at that long-winded novel and didn't bother reading a word.

He doesn't have anything new. It's just an extended review of his previous OP. I am guessing he has a very limited list of denigrating topics and enjoys rehashing them in ever increasing length. Such a shame. I wish he was capable of coming up with something new. At least that might be entertaining.

CEO is a troll looking for attention and seeking to disrupt the board. The only way to deal with trolls is to not respond to them.

getting really boring.  You need a new act.  

been around the boards for a long time, and every six months someone has to pop a long whine....there is an old blues riff....don't like half the folks I love.....singing about family....life is full on contradictions, learn to live with them and don't lecture the rest of...

And so are most of the mongers who post here.  I hope one day that Angry CEO possess an asset I have. Comfort within myself!  All the $$$$$$$ in the world can't buy it.. You can't buy love, but it is sure fun to rent passion.  I am older now, but just want to enjoy the finer things life has to offer. Hobbyland ranks up there with great food, vintage wine, nice wheels, intense workouts, and maybe a 5K or 1/2 marathon every now and again.

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