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Speak to us of Art.
impposter 49 Reviews 71 reads

From The Profit by Kehlog Albran:

Then an eccentric looking man said,  
Speak to us of Art.
And he said:
It might as easily be said that man could live without Art as that man could live without water.
Look upon the innocent scribblings of little children.
Doubt not that each of us emerged from the womb an artist.
Art is freedom.
That which is called Art, yet is made subservient to commerce is not Art.  
That which is called Art, yet is made subservient to a Nation or State is not Art.
That which is called Art, yet is hanging in the Museum of Modern Art is not Art. That crap my six year old son could do, the Master explained.

This is something conceived by juvenile minds (Believe me, I should know! My friends and I were the proof! Lincoln Logs; Erector Set; Lego Blocks; ...) but implemented by adults who were allowed to use power tools to build a 40 foot tall sculpture.  
Some of the other stuff I've read about are similar juvenile creations that are over promoted and placed on a pedestal (or in a museum or gallery) and thus become "art".  
(I was at an opening a few years ago and I pulled up some pics on my phone of some fully implemented functional industrial machines that had been in use for decades (and are still used). I showed them to the artist who had basically built the same thing, although less well, but put them in a gallery instead of a factory. The artist was polite and pretended not to have known about the existing "art" in the real world. "Oh! That's very interesting." She turned and fled. I did not mention or show the pics to the gallery management. Nothing in the gallery materials mentioned the striking similarity to existing equipment that you can practically buy out of a catalog. As I recall, the prices of the industrial equipment were less than the asking prices for the "artwork" versions.)  
Art? You want art? Senator Blutarsky! Please post some more art!

-- Modified on 10/7/2017 6:53:50 PM

souls_harbor66 reads

There is art, and there is the "art world."  The art world is composed of status seekers and "artists" looking for paying customers.   The "art critic" earns status by promoting "artists."  Since the invention of photography, photo-realism in art has been largely superfluous.   You don't need an art critic to interpret a photo for you.  But abstract art -- the critics love it because they can spout and endless stream of BS about it and who can say they are wrong?  They must be right, they're famous critics!  And naturally anybody who is anybody publicly agrees with these critics -- it would be harmful to one's status to be seen as the bourgeois.  

So artists produce random crap, art critics looking for something to promote pronounce it great, and everyone bows to them.

Toddler fools the art world into buying his tomato ketchup paintings.
"To the untrained eye, they appear to be simple daubs that could have been created by a two year old. Which is precisely what they are. But that didn't stop the supposed experts falling over themselves to acclaim them."
Read the whole story. It's a hoot!

“Impression, Soleil Levant,” Monet’s landscape which gave its name to the Impressionist School, was panned by a critic of the day with, “…wallpaper in its embryonic state is more finished.”  

I will grant you – a split-level fornicating dwelling is a vulgar display of exhibitionism without substance; but don’t let that be a blanket indictment of all that challenges our sensibilities.  

Posted By: rrasha88
Re: They said the same about Monet.  
“Impression, Soleil Levant,” Monet’s landscape which gave its name to the Impressionist School, was panned by a critic of the day with, “…wallpaper in its embryonic state is more finished.”
My criticism of that critic is that he's an idiot.  
I will grant you – a split-level fornicating dwelling is a vulgar display of exhibitionism without substance; but don’t let that be a blanket indictment of all that challenges our sensibilities.  
South Park is fun entertainment in its place on the boob tube.  Plagiarizing ideas from Cartman or any other 9 year old and elevating it to a museum piece is, usually, just a cheap trick.
A Impressionist pic or a South Park pic? I picked Manet's Impression of Eric Cartman (1868):

From The Profit by Kehlog Albran:

Then an eccentric looking man said,  
Speak to us of Art.
And he said:
It might as easily be said that man could live without Art as that man could live without water.
Look upon the innocent scribblings of little children.
Doubt not that each of us emerged from the womb an artist.
Art is freedom.
That which is called Art, yet is made subservient to commerce is not Art.  
That which is called Art, yet is made subservient to a Nation or State is not Art.
That which is called Art, yet is hanging in the Museum of Modern Art is not Art. That crap my six year old son could do, the Master explained.

A home’s main entry should never be a rear entry.

That is very true, but it is always a great alternative if there is a problem with the main entrance.

You in front.  They're both blockheads but I heard from Dr. Hooey that you prefer the front while he drives.  I don't think it violates any TER rules to post your own likeness on a board.  

Modified to correct typo

-- Modified on 10/7/2017 7:43:00 PM

...with homosexuality because that's what many of your posts are about.  Others in the thread interpreted the photo as showing heterosexual behavior or even bestiality.  You were the only one who saw homosexual behavior.


In your recent weekly visit to your psychiatrist, he attempted to explore this obsession by showing you various shapes and asking your impression of them.  He showed you a square and asked you what you saw.  You said:  "That's a window and you should should see those gay guys having sex in there!"


Next, he showed you a triangle and asked you what you saw.   "That's a keyhole and you should see those gay guys having sex behind that door!"


Finally, the psychiatrist showed you a circle and asked what you saw.  You said:  "That's a porthole and you should see those gay guys having sex in there!"


The psychiatrist said:  "My goodness!  You certainly are obsessed with homosexual sex!"
You replied:  "ME?!?!  You're the one showing me those filthy pictures of homosexuals having sex!!"

Tell a stale unoriginal joke?  As the bard said, "The lady doth protest too much, methinks."  No pun intended with the term, "lady", but if the shoe fits . . . . . .

This is a weak comeback, even for a short bus VIP like yourself.

traded among guys who don't have any gay friends.  The most recent joke I was told by a gay friend of mine was this:

"I was in a gay nightclub walking along the bar to try to get to my friend's table in the back of the room.  My path was blocked by a guy on a barstool that was sitting out in the aisle.  I politely said, 'Excuse me, do you mind if I push in your stool a little?'  Now we're dating."                             Now THAT'S witty and funny.  Your joke is old and lame, like you.  

Nothing worse than someone accusing someone of something and doing the same or worse back. Stale and unoriginal? Old and lame? Nothing about your joke is original. Your barstool joke is older and lamer than BP's joke! I first heard that barstool joke around 1971 when I was in middle school.  

I laughed at BP's joke.

BP +1
CDL -1

-- Modified on 10/8/2017 11:37:03 AM

two weeks ago from a gay guy that I work with.  He told me HE just heard it.  My apologies if its an old one.  I didn't know.  However, I think his pre-dates 1971.   One way or another, I'm glad you got your laugh for the day.  

Others might simply point out that your gay friend tells horribly "old and lame" jokes, even worse than the one told by BP. If this was the most recent joke your gay friend has told you, I am guessing it's been 40 years since you guys hung out.

I agree with PS, at least BP got a "chuckle" out of me, even though I had already heard the joke. All your joke elicited from me was a groan, but I suppose it could have been worse, the stool in your joke could have been turned upside down in order to allow four gay guys to sit on it. I think fishbro told me that joke, which means it almost certainly predates the 70's

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