TER General Board

Sounds like a plan eom
JackDunphy 2079 reads
1 / 47

And I just don't mean a partial view or a slightly blurred view.

The ones recently I am seeing are super hi-res pics shot from close range. Do the girls that do this have concerns? Do you feel it helps your biz and are willing to roll the dice with whatever extra risk there is?

And I am not talking about LE risk as much as I am future employer, future SO, family, whatevs.

I'd like to hear the gals who do this take and the girls who haven't gone down that road and if they are thinking of doing so.  

Personally, while it makes it easier to judge looks by it, I don't need such identifying images but that's me.  

I am just concerned about some of the gals making short term decisions when they may not know what the longer term ramifications can be.


BigPeterJohnson 39 Reviews 563 reads
2 / 47

despite, however, nonetheless, in spite of, although.

can't think of any other thoughs.

plenty of thoughts however.

FatVern 390 reads
3 / 47

I've noticed ladies with both blurred and non-blurred photos.

nothrofboston 24 Reviews 347 reads
4 / 47

but haven't had to depend on face shots to make my decision.  

The reviews are usually adequate although we each have our own taste. Like you, It's more about their safety and privacy concerns.  

I also like the mystique of leaving something to the imagination. But there's a new woman recently reviewed on the Boston Board that would make me think twice about what I just said. A more beautiful Cindy Crawford lookalike

Zak0326 33 Reviews 290 reads
5 / 47

You know the rules once one person shows a face and gets the customer where the girl who doesn't show the face is losing the business and needs to keep up with the times. She will show her face as well.  

If they already own there business and feel by showing a face is going to generate more revenue I don't have a problem with it. If they don't show a face that's not a problem either.

I want to see 6 girls from different states not one of those girls is showing a face but they know I'm intrigued.  

I don't worry about tomorrow as much as I worry about today. That's probably the mindset of someone who is showing a pretty face today.  


BigPeterJohnson 39 Reviews 236 reads
6 / 47

even to the extreme... one of my atfs now is a lady who refused to put any pictures at all on line, instead relying on reviews and her own description of her.  

and she is truly one of the most beautiful women i have ever met both in hobby and civvie world.

unblurred faces are not a deal breaker for me to pull the trigger and reach out.

russbbj 89 Reviews 351 reads
7 / 47

I'll assume your surgery went well?

BigPeterJohnson 39 Reviews 336 reads
8 / 47

thanks yes, recovering at home, though very very tired.  no cancer was found and doctors all say my indicators are great and i'm progressing nicely.  however i don't recommend invasive lung lobectomy to anybody.

the downside is i probably won't be playing with anyone for a while so i've got to get my vicarious thrills from this board.  which means a lot of fat vern and fancy8888 and bbfs4ever and afro-desiac and jack dunphy and gagambler and hbyist+truth=grumpy cat in a stove pipe hat and my personal favorite, roxanne heart from nyc.

here i am now; entertain me.

perfectstorm 19 Reviews 322 reads
9 / 47

It is about 50/50 as to providers showing their faces or not, and it kind of has always been like that.  
I know some ladies change along the way. Some have started by showing that faces then switched to hiding them. Some have started by hiding, then switched to showing. Some have gone back and forth. I just don't notice a trend, but I guess for serious research someone would have to look at a broad spectrum of ads from 10 years ago, 5 years ago, and now.

-- Modified on 1/24/2016 1:43:56 PM

JackDunphy 309 reads
10 / 47

It isn't just showing "faces" more. It is the super close up, hi-res imagery that, imo, has become more common in the last year or so.  

Meaning? The ladies are leaving zero doubt to anyone that knows them, or may know them in the future, as to who they really are.

I think I look at more websites weekly than most so it seems like a trend to me but i could be wrong.

Ten years ago very few girls showed their face. For, my perspective, and I can't prove it, it seems like girls are getting more daring.

My observations are certainly not scientific, just anecdotal.

some-guy 6 Reviews 368 reads
11 / 47

Are typically the very serious gals. They've bought in to what they do. They don't hide what they do from their friends, family, etc. They've decided on this as their career.Some have even done porn previously so not a huge leap.  

And they tend to be cashing in on it. At least the ones I know who don't blur ... are busy as fuck.  

But this is a highly un-scientific observation.

JackDunphy 220 reads
12 / 47

Thanks for your new reply. I was hoping I would hear from someone who has pics that I was referring to.

I guess what I am asking is, even though you are not ashamed of what you do, are you concerned it may come back to haunt you at a future date?

You seem to have given this a lot of thought and were comfortable with your decision.

I just wonder if the younger set, gals 18-25 say, has the experience to make the informed decision you have.

I just think it is something every girl should really give a lot of though to as the Internet is forever. Gotta run for the day but thanks again Lexi!

elainaamhurst See my TER Reviews 238 reads
13 / 47
some-guy 6 Reviews 208 reads
14 / 47

Just pointing out an observation. Although, yea, for some of us we are concerned that the lady might be putting her future wishes in jeopardy for the short term.  

Which is just being concerned -- not necessarily passing judgement on anyone.

jaydalee See my TER Reviews 286 reads
15 / 47

I am a provider who does not show her face online and yes I have thought about unblurring face pics.
However,just as fast I think about showing my face unfortunately I cannot take that risk.
If a provider is out to her friends and family it is easier to come to a decision but when people don't know it can be a hard decision.
I have seen some providers who use to blur now show their face but I have also seen providers who use to show their face are now cropping and blurring.
It is an individual decision but later after I am out of this business I don't want face pics floating around the internet

Fancy8888 See my TER Reviews 274 reads
16 / 47

Posted By: JackDunphy
And I just don't mean a partial view or a slightly blurred view.  
 The ones recently I am seeing are super hi-res pics shot from close range. Do the girls that do this have concerns? Do you feel it helps your biz and are willing to roll the dice with whatever extra risk there is?  
 And I am not talking about LE risk as much as I am future employer, future SO, family, whatevs.  
 I'd like to hear the gals who do this take and the girls who haven't gone down that road and if they are thinking of doing so.  
 Personally, while it makes it easier to judge looks by it, I don't need such identifying images but that's me.  
 I am just concerned about some of the gals making short term decisions when they may not know what the longer term ramifications can be.  

Tobi Telford See my TER Reviews 416 reads
17 / 47

I have no doubt that potential clients getting a guarantee that I don't have a fucked up mug would equate to more bookings and therefore, more cash. Unfortunately, since this is neither a legal business nor a business that jives with social standards, it's just not worth the short term benefits for me to justify it personally.  

That said, if I were more "out" in my personal/professional/academic life, it'd be great to have that extra selling point. I just personally need to hold on to that plausible deniability.

russbbj 89 Reviews 224 reads
18 / 47

When I stopped caring what other people thought of me, and at the same time let go of that useless ego shit, I became so happy and content.

The thing is, that if you do care what others think about you, you are ultimately powerless to do anything about it anyway.

Adrienne Baptiste See my TER Reviews 262 reads
19 / 47

. . . and the same people are going to find faults in your present self and make assumptions about your future without a doubt. Personally, those are the kind of employers, family relatives, and associates that I wouldn't want to be around. Stalkers and serial killers too.  

I recently started showing my face in my pictures, and if I had to make any other choice, then I would've shown my face a lot sooner, because it is my selling point. Of course, before I started providing, I was a web cam model and a stripper in an all-nude club. So in essence, having anonymity was 'anonymous' to me.  

Nonetheless, I simply can't live my life upon what others see, think, and perceive. However, I am fully aware that life can be dependant on that. There are a lot of people who wear, hide behind, and sing about a well-known religious diety because of that.  

Even still, if anyone was able to find my escorting pictures, they wouldn't be able to do so without 'outing' themselves

VuittonNeverfullGM 285 reads
20 / 47

Seriously?...all hookers project exclusivity and busyness so board sleuths report back to their buddies the hookers are busy as fuck. It's a snowball effect. I see manipulative trolls desire for unsuspecting hookers to buy in so perhaps the trend continues. I think in that twisted hobby brain you feel somewhat empowered and in control of something you really have no control of.  

Porn is legal prostitution is not. Women who go unblurred in my opinion are a risk not to mention dumb as fuck.  But some ladies can't see the future past the end of your dick. I still flag ads that crop up from time to time and I'm 4 years retired. I thank my lucky stars I never felt I had to succumb to some fucking twerp telling me, just do it cause you'll stay busy as fuck. You don't know how busy anybody is unless you're in the room. Don't believe everything you hear.  Hookers make their livings lying.  Some hookers are master bullshit artists and some Johns believe every word they hear. Yeah if you got deep pockets you're what I would presume to big one big fat fish. I could have you truly believing you were turning me inside out with one gushing O after another while I'm really throwing up in my own mouth just a lil bit.  

-- Modified on 1/24/2016 9:42:21 PM

BigPeterJohnson 39 Reviews 194 reads
21 / 47

i've never met you and can only see your pictures with your blurred face

if we were in the same city or even the same state i would reach out to you for a date.

you don't need to show your face to attract attention imo, and your reviews seem to prove this out.

let me know if you ever tour los angeles

GaGambler 228 reads
22 / 47

You would lie your ass off, he would believe every word you said, he would give you even more money, you would tell him even bigger lies, and so on and so on and so on. Until you bled him completely dry. I'd give that process about a month. lol

BTW, don't you still owe me lunch? We can take turns lying to each other, first one to believe the other's bullshit loses.

VuittonNeverfullGM 251 reads
24 / 47

oh yes. I eat guys like this one with his 5 reviews for breakfast for about a minute.  

Yeah we've been trying this for a while now. Gone are the "oh, let me check my hooker calendar. Maybe I can fit you into my busy calendar" to seriously. I'm fucking busy but meeting on the flip side would be a hell of a lot more fun. LP's got my number we should seriously get some guys together. We can compare notes Bwahahahaha!

kerri.bound See my TER Reviews 267 reads
25 / 47

I am not ashamed of doing this. I enjoy it and find it quite liberating, but that doesn't mean I will put identifying photos on the web.

On the one hand, photos of my face would be an asset from a business perspective.  I am in the mature category and don't hide my real age, but time has been kind to me, and I'd like to be able to show that.  However, this is not the only thing I do in my life.  In my other work, people are a bit less religious and more socially liberal, but who knows, my career could move in a different direction at some point, and I would not want my private interests to get in the way of something in the future.  Also, I really enjoy volunteering for educational outreach activities, and I know that my participation in the hobby world is not something that goes with that.  Can you imagine the outrage of some parents if a known prostitute was visiting their children's school?!  I also think there could be repercussions for some family members, not just me.  

Everyone has to decide on whether to hide their identity, and in my case, it's best kept a secret.

I also wonder like the OP if there may be unknown long-term ramifications for those who choose to post their face photos, but I also can see that for some, they will just work around it. Maybe there will be so much online dirt on most everyone in the future that no one will care.

some-guy 6 Reviews 227 reads
26 / 47

hey're "out" to the world with what they do and who they are?

Don't you think that would have an affect on how much business you could attract?

Think about that for just a few seconds. I'm not recommending that girls start showing their faces. Not recommending it for their business. Just making an observation.  

The girls that I have seen who show their faces ... tend to be more highly reviewed here on TER. Have more reviews period. Are more difficult to book with (or at least require more lead time). That's just my highly non-scientific observation. And I'm happy to provide plenty of real-world examples to back this up if you'd like.

My busier providers I see (or have seen):

And out of respect, I'm not going to go in to the less busier providers I see. But by and large, the above list is a very impressive who's-who of some of the busiest providers you're going to find reviewed on TER. Is that perfectly scientific? No. Is there enough evidence to suggest a possible correlation? I think so

VuittonNeverfullGM 278 reads
27 / 47

"if anyone was able to find my escorting pictures, they wouldn't be able to do so without 'outing' themselves."  
How incredibly sad and naive.  Your anonymity is the only reassurance of freedom to leave it all behind without worry when and if you decide to exit the lifestyle and retire the sex trade.  You've met far too many people to possibly know who might out you...a cunning, vengeful individual determined to fuck up your world will ensure you never see it coming or connect the dots back to them.  

-- Modified on 1/25/2016 12:00:14 AM

some-guy 6 Reviews 224 reads
28 / 47

Please don't draw the eyebrows back in.

it looks weird.

Otherwise, I'm guessing you're a very beautiful woman.

VuittonNeverfullGM 212 reads
29 / 47

Most people really do care what other people think about them. It's human nature. If she didn't care, she wouldn't feel compelled to post in defense of broadcasting her face. To each their own but still a dick move by a chick whether she proclaims to give a damn or not. Maybe she doesn't now but one day, she will.  I read a lot of what the gals come on here and post. Yeah, We all did/do but there are few to none posting truths and with transparency. It's hype generating interest, revenue, bed buddies, drama and some awkward friendships too. But really, most of it's bullshit.  She'd look rather foolish and boring coming here proclaiming anything else when she's gone and put it out there, wouldn't she?

VuittonNeverfullGM 250 reads
30 / 47

Doubtful being out to the world would effect busyness.  Successful hookers can stay as busy as they want, doing it with complete anonymity.  Let the reviews speak along with the back channel which generates more revenue I believe. At least it did for me. And I do believe client who value anonymity preferred traveling, dining and walking into a hotel with a likewise, anonymous whore. It was a big win/win

Being well scored and busy are two separate issues my dear.  Don't assume hard to aquire means a gal is busy. Maybe she's lazy, a mother, homemaker or maybe it's you. You can't possibly know what these gals are doing when they're not with you unless you're there.  Maybe the gals you assume aren't busy are fucking like bunnies burning through 5 to 10 hard dicks daily.  Maybe they tell you they aren't busy because that's the image they wish to project. You just never know when it comes to a hooker and unless you live with one, you never will.  
Posted By: some-guy
 They're "out" to the world with what they do and who they are?  
 Don't you think that would have an affect on how much business you could attract?  
 Think about that for just a few seconds. I'm not recommending that girls start showing their faces. Not recommending it for their business. Just making an observation.  
 The girls that I have seen who show their faces ... tend to be more highly reviewed here on TER. Have more reviews period. Are more difficult to book with (or at least require more lead time). That's just my highly non-scientific observation. And I'm happy to provide plenty of real-world examples to back this up if you'd like.  
 My busier providers I see (or have seen):  
 And out of respect, I'm not going to go in to the less busier providers I see. But by and large, the above list is a very impressive who's-who of some of the busiest providers you're going to find reviewed on TER. Is that perfectly scientific? No. Is there enough evidence to suggest a possible correlation? I think so.  

-- Modified on 1/25/2016 12:36:18 AM

Delaneygfe See my TER Reviews 280 reads
32 / 47

I've shown my face since I started in August with no repercussions THUS FAR, but then again I am "out" to most of my friends and family.

Adrienne Baptiste See my TER Reviews 233 reads
33 / 47

I already have two parents that taught me these two things;  

1. Take responsibility for your actions and always be prepared to face the consequences.  

2. Stay the hell up out of other people's business.  

Also, since you seem to be concerned with my life and well being post providing, do you have any plans to expedite my provider career?
Posted By: ChaChingChump
"if anyone was able to find my escorting pictures, they wouldn't be able to do so without 'outing' themselves."    
 How incredibly sad and naive.  Your anonymity is the only reassurance of freedom to leave it all behind without worry when and if you decide to exit the lifestyle and retire the sex trade.  You've met far too many people to possibly know who might out you...a cunning, vengeful individual determined to fuck up your world will ensure you never see it coming or connect the dots back to them.  

-- Modified on 1/25/2016 12:00:14 AM

GaGambler 200 reads
34 / 47
some-guy 6 Reviews 228 reads
35 / 47

nd it's the same method I use with the girl who cuts my hair.
The guy who fixes my guitars.
My doctor
My dentist
My auto mechanic
My mom and my fucking dad ...

I call to see when I can see them next. If they're busy, I have a harder time scheduling with them, and I have to wait my turn.

If they're not busy, I can see them a lot sooner and it's easier to get in.


BigPapasan 3 Reviews 204 reads
36 / 47
Fancy8888 See my TER Reviews 220 reads
37 / 47

No one talking about being ashame.Trying to survive like rest of prostitutes.Prostitutes promoting Illegal business on all websites.Government want to shut down Illegal business all states

Posted By: kerri.bound
I am not ashamed of doing this. I enjoy it and find it quite liberating, but that doesn't mean I will put identifying photos on the web.  
 On the one hand, photos of my face would be an asset from a business perspective.  I am in the mature category and don't hide my real age, but time has been kind to me, and I'd like to be able to show that.  However, this is not the only thing I do in my life.  In my other work, people are a bit less religious and more socially liberal, but who knows, my career could move in a different direction at some point, and I would not want my private interests to get in the way of something in the future.  Also, I really enjoy volunteering for educational outreach activities, and I know that my participation in the hobby world is not something that goes with that.  Can you imagine the outrage of some parents if a known prostitute was visiting their children's school?!  I also think there could be repercussions for some family members, not just me.    
 Everyone has to decide on whether to hide their identity, and in my case, it's best kept a secret.  
 I also wonder like the OP if there may be unknown long-term ramifications for those who choose to post their face photos, but I also can see that for some, they will just work around it. Maybe there will be so much online dirt on most everyone in the future that no one will care.
-- Modified on 1/25/2016 4:56:13 AM

VuittonNeverfullGM 278 reads
38 / 47

I'm not concerned with any of you hookers.  You're a grown woman, untouchable and above the law. That's a real slippery slope but I'm glad it's working for you at the moment.  I'm not in your business. You're posting in a public forum. I expressed my opinion that's all. I could care less if you're a super ho that banks a lot of cash or a streetwalker sucking dick for crack and end up with a toe tag in a body bag. You've already got all the answers so you don't need any help getting to the top of your food chain.

-- Modified on 1/25/2016 8:30:17 AM

SavannahStJames See my TER Reviews 270 reads
39 / 47

Eventually, I want to do adult films...so the issue of needing to hide my face for future employment doesn't really apply to me, I guess.  
Personally, I don't care how amazing a woman's body is...if there isn't any attraction for me to her face then I wouldnt be able to get off. That's not to say that a woman needs to look like some photoshopped model in real life...but a nice smile..warm eyes...these attributes go a long way.  
I think hobbiest that book women with blurred faces love taking a chance. When it comes to spending the kind of money some of you spend..I couldn't imagine wanting to take a chance. I love that people know what they're getting when they come to visit me. The thought of someone being disappointed when I open that door terrifies me.  
And as Roxanne would say..that's just my humble opinion.

VIPCharlotteYork See my TER Reviews 258 reads
40 / 47

I too have realized a huge increase in ladies exposing their faces. I opt for a smidge of blur so people can see I have a cutie pie face but I don't think I would feel comfortable with high res pics. Thats what reviews are for. Sometimes when people ask but how do I know you are not ugly I giggle and say read my reviews. Sometimes I feel I need to blur my face more but then Im too lazy because that means I would have to change every ad lol to each their own.

-- Modified on 1/25/2016 11:27:56 AM

exit9 217 reads
41 / 47

That's how I met her.. she showed her face in her Aldo pics.. Huge mistake.. Her family was told all about her activities by well meaning jerks.. Her baby daddy made a big deal out of it and she lost her son for custody because of it. so they should be very careful..

zguy8 2 Reviews 232 reads
42 / 47

And still no (Serpious/TTT/Eppie) chiming in to tell you how stupid your plausible deniability theory is.

Do you suppose he might really be gone?

Jinx_The_Cat 33 Reviews 256 reads
43 / 47

The way back machine notwithstanding, there are ways to disappear off the web when it becomes time to do so.

Hieronymus 208 reads
44 / 47

Posted By: Tobi Telford
I have no doubt that potential clients getting a guarantee that I don't have a fucked up mug would equate to more bookings and therefore, more cash. Unfortunately, since this is neither a legal business nor a business that jives with social standards, it's just not worth the short term benefits for me to justify it personally.  
 That said, if I were more "out" in my personal/professional/academic life, it'd be great to have that extra selling point. I just personally need to hold on to that plausible deniability.

perfectstorm 19 Reviews 181 reads
46 / 47

Maybe he's  taking a break. He has always had spurts when he is away from the boards. Sometimes voluntary (I assume) and other times, TER imposed. I'm sure it's a just a matter of time before he's back, possibly under a new alias, and stalking TT, and LR's posts.

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