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sounds like a placebo effect. -e-
lopaw 29 Reviews 459 reads


Wow, I went to my doc for an annual checkup a few weeks ago and he suggested that I take vitamin D. So since I always/sometimes do what he tells me I decided this would be easy enough and I got some and started taking it every day.   And while this is not the reason he suggested it, still, for the last week or so my libido is in such high gear that I'd chase a Ferrari (with or without bumper stickers) for miles and sell my soul to fill the gas tank, so to speak lol.  

Maybe I'm just basking in the joy of still being *whew* sickeningly healthy as my wife used to say (I think she'd read my life insurance policy to help her get to sleep at night lol), or maybe there's something to this stuff.   Has anyone else had a similar experience with this - or with any other garden variety off the shelf vitamin or supplement?

But I've been doing it for so long I have no idea how I'd feel if I stopped.  I do feel wonderful, considering that I'm centuries old.  Perhaps my vampire blood has something to do with it.

GaGambler412 reads

Sometimes I feel so fucking good I can't fucking stand it.

but to answer your question, I too am "sickeningly healthy" and a decent diet and a few hours at the gym works just fine for me. I don't really believe that overloading any vitamin whether is be D or C or any other letter of the alphabet gives anything more than a placebo effect as our favorite female whore monger said above.

GaGambler351 reads

Which may equal or exceed my total from last year. lol

But he suggested it because my father died pretty young (by my standards) from a heart attack and he thought this would be a good thing to start taking for heart health, and other general reasons.  Not once did he ever suggest it would make me feel horny as a teenager again so this was not even on the radar.  

But like Nick said, whatever the reason, I don't think  I'll be stopping anytime soon as I don't want to see what it's like without it.   Though I will say this new little wrinkle is going to make 2015 a lot more expensive in the hobby for me; I guess we'll see how strong my heart really is now lol

-- Modified on 1/11/2015 1:23:10 PM

even demonstrate that you can tell the subject that he is taking a placebo in some circumstances and it will still work!  True, I'm not bullshitting.

or used to until my Doctor told me I should take Vitamin D supplements. Its a very simple thing to do, and I'm confident that my Doctor wouldn't suggest I take vitamins for no reason.

I personally haven't noticed an elevation of my libido. I have always been a walking talking hard on, I get an erection if the wind blows too hard (classic quote from a classic comedy).

I make sure I take my vitamins every day. Not in the morning though on a empty tummy because it makes me feel ill.  

My new Favorite is vitamin K.

and I definitely notice a difference in how I feel if I miss a few doses.  

I haven't associated anything in my normal stack with libido (for good or ill), but a general sense of greater well-being sure is better than a sense of being "off" when it comes to libido. As for Vit D, it does have effects on receptors in the cingulate cortex associated with depression... and depression can certainly be a libido-killer.

into taking L-Arginine.  The results were great.  After about two months she asked me to stop taking it so she could walk.

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