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Some need to clean up the way they treat women too .
Boobsman100 20 Reviews 36 reads


Hello, TER friends!

Opt for that shower at the beginning of the appointment because it’s, like rinsing your produce before consuming. Highly recommend you use a mouthwash available if you want deep French kisses 💋 because no one wants to kiss anyone with bad breath. This goes both ways too, so providers should always be fresh & clean. What are your thoughts, or suggestions to make the hobby life better with good hygiene?

RespectfulRobert37 reads

If I am hosting, I time my shower and plan my getting dressed time to 15 minutes before she arrives. If I am doing incall, I almost always ask for a shower upon my arrival unless her incall is like 10-15 minutes from me then I inform the girl of this and let it be her call. When in doubt, get the shower.  
Food wise, I stay away from fish, onions and garlic the day of the date. I am not a smoker but would advise guys to refrain on the day of if they can, but certainly dont smoke just before entering the date.  
I brush my teeth in the morning and after lunch for a late afternoon session. For evening, I will brush a third time an hour before the date.
I will use mouthwash multiple times before the date and always just a minute or two before meeting the girl.
Then I always freshen up between rounds with mouthwash.
Washing your hands just prior to play time, and in between rounds is a must in any case.
Deodorant is a must of course.
My overall attitude is to be as clean as on the cleanest day of your life when having either a RW date or a p4p one. It will only benefit you, and the lady, and thus increase the intimacy.

Of course great hygiene gets better service. It’s truly astonishing that there are people out there who don’t understand this or are insulted by it. Some men you just can’t reach!

Standing under a stream of water does not equal taking a shower. A number of civvie women have told me they’ve broken up with guys because they always stank. Stepping out of the shower, they smelled like ass because they won’t actually wash their ass. Wash your ass people. It’s not difficult.

This was never a thing for me. Sure, if I came home sweaty from the gym or a long day of work, I'd shower. But did I always shower before sex with my girlfriends? No. We didn't set dates/times for when we had sex. We did it in the passion/heat of the moment. When I was young, I had a few girlfriends where we fucked like bunny rabitts. All over the place and multiple times a day.

Not once, and I mean this literally, did a girlfriend stop me in the middle of sex and say I smelled or needed to shower. Not once did she hold back kissing me because my breath smelled. Did I eat a burger and go in for a kiss right after? No, if I ate something I had the sense to brush my teeth, chew gum, have a mint, or do something else to cover it up. But in the heat of the moment, did I always freshen my breath right before? No. And, neither did she.

Not until I got into the escort scene did this become a thing. If I am ever asked, even if it's in a way that it seems optional, I do it out of respect. But if she doesn't even hint at it, I don't unless I feel there is a reason I might be smelly. I am fortunate that I do not get smelly easily. If I shower in the morning and mostly working at my desk that day, I generally smell fine. And, for me, when I come in the room and we get right to business, it reminds me of a true girlfriend. And, not once has a provider who did not ask me to shower later comment on my odor nor did she seem hesitent to kiss me or anything else.

All that said, I respect those who want me to shower and have no issue doing it. If it brings her comfort and piece of mind, I'm all for it.

RespectfulRobert33 reads

Why not be as clean as you can? Thats the part I don't get. There's no upside in skipping the shower, imo.  
A RW GF will be much more likely to tell you you smell than someone you are paying as it can put a SW in a bad spot, so they may not comment to you directly. You used the term you "generally" smell fine. That's very vague and by implication at least, says you are not as clean as some may want you to be.
The thing is we never smell to ourselves the way others perceive the smell. We are used to it, and may not notice it.
Not being critical, as you know I like your takes and your posting style. Your thoughts are well written and well thought out.  
Just speaking for me, personally, I would not go to work all day and then not shower just before or at the date. It's a risk/reward analysis that I don't want to be on the short end of if I misjudge my hygiene. Thanks for your take and for expressing it eloquently.

I guess I don't see it as so risky. It takes quite a bit for me to sweat. My natural odor is rather plain, not something that would create a smell. If I do something more active or eat something that may change, and I am aware of my situation. On days where I see providers, I usually eat something very light that is not cooked. I don't like a full stomach if I know I am going to get it on. Sometimes I skip eating all together until after. Little to no food and little to no activity, I'm not too worried. And, as I previously mentioned, there is something more real GFE feeling to us ravaging each other the second I enter the room. And so we are clear, I never make the first move. She does. I'm simply responding to her decision to come at me, to start kissing me, to start grabbing at my crotch. If she makes this move, and I feel I followed my light day program, I'm not breaking up the party to go shower.

Diet  consist of 98% healthy food 2 percentage for the occasional pizza and other junk food, fiji water only, natural body and  products for the most part. regular dental visits (2-3 per year), using water pik, at home along regular flossing and brushing..etc etc all year round ,not just before  a date,

Got to take care of one self,  corporations not going to  do it for you, but they will sell you chemical  filled shit for a profit  that's gonna give you cancer.

brownjack44 reads

I'll do intimate trimming the day before (doing it the day off results in razor burn).  I will typically not eat for 12 hours before a session.  I'll drink lots of water.  I'll generally time a shower, where I'll shave my face, before I head to the session.  Then, when I arrive, I'll ask to use the shower again.  I'll make sure that every crack and crevice is clean.  I bring a toothbrush, toothpaste, breath mints, hand lotion, lip balm, cologne and sterile wipes.  I use them all.

I live by the rule do on to others as you would want them to do by you. No I am not a preacher far from it. But it is a good rule to live by. Think about how you would view a provider who had a strange odor or obvious signs of uncleanliness. Where is the door !!  
 I want to meet fun hot providers but I am not " model " material. My thinking is the next best thing is get your weight under control ,to be clean as a pin, be polite and pay well. Also old dogs can still learn new tricks. A few years ago reading posts from some the more experienced posters here. They recommended caring a small bottle of mouthwash in there trucks and hitting it right before a date. I have been following that for a few years and while no provider has made a comment before or after it makes me feel a bit confident I am doing my part.        

Yes, this! I keep a bottle of Listerine in my truck. I take a hit and start swishing as I pull up, somewhere between the vehicle and the door I spit and pop in a couple mints. It works, but you have to be doing all the oral hygiene prior to that; brushing, dentist, etc.

of mouthwash for use as I'm arriving at an incall.  If one leaks in the summer heat we have in SoCal, it's not enough to stink up the whole car.  They are also a discreet size and can be kept in a door pocket out of sight of other passengers.  

PistolPetey41 reads

Why pay the extra premium for all those little bottles? I have one or two travel-sized bottles and I refill them from a regular bottle of Listerine.

and I don't have to refill them.  I just throw them in the nearest trash can. That's why.  One thing I learned early on is that if I hold the pennies too close to my eyes, I can't see the dollars.  Lol     So yes, there is a premium, but to not have to do anything other than buy them and throw away the empties is the most convenient solution for me.  

I get  the penny wise pound foolish aspect but, as is generally the case, many margins of evaluation exist.

I tend to reful travel mouthwash bottles for two reasons, First, I cannot buy my preferred mouthwash in travel size (or have not fount a source). Second, we so seem to have a bit of a problem with trash plastic do why be part of the problem when it's easy not to be. Sure, it's a small financial benefit for refilling from a larger bottle and a small nonpecuniary cost for doing so, but I think on net that is a + to the bottome line in $ terms. Sure the net benefit in terms of plastic polution in the world is near (but not at) zero for me but given the positive financial take I have it make sense.

If I add it all up, do I get a free business class flight to the other side of the world in my lifetime? No. But it still nets out to a positive in my view even accounting for the actually effort I have to expend.

PistolPetey39 reads

There was an old commercial, I think it was for Certs, where the tagline was "you never get a second chance to make a good first impression". I live by that even if I'm seeing a lady I've seen a dozen times already.

John_Laroche35 reads

Wow, show up clean and have fresh breath. Who'da thunk. Thank you for this wisdom that's never been mentioned before.

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