TER General Board

So you think that there is some sex that is not for money?....
WANDERER59 8 Reviews 3532 reads
1 / 26

What Kind of questions can you ask a service?  Can you get honest answers to does she DFK, Bareback, CIM, & Anal?  If not can you say I would like a young lady that will go bareback and provide anal?

butterhead 10 Reviews 1049 reads
2 / 26

..it's usually nice to meet a person, then ask questions.

Smelly Smegma 1232 reads
3 / 26

EVER discuss BB, Greek, CIM etc.  As an FYI, you REALLY don't want BB from a provider if you know what's good for you. The other items will NEVER be discussed on the phone! The best way to find out the answer to these things is to get TER VIP, and do your due diligence (Homework)!!!!  Questions like this are best asked on the Newbie Board!  If you ask these type questions on the phone, you'll be treated like a losing contestant on the Gong Show!  lol

-- Modified on 5/26/2006 6:06:06 AM

WANDERER59 8 Reviews 1007 reads
4 / 26

I've never used a service before, just independants.  I didn't think so.  I see soooo many beautiful girls on sites that are not rated!  Particularily if your a new customer.  I would however, be very disapointed if I was a regular customer to a service and they wouldn't be very candid.  You sound like you know what you're talking about, but it's hard to take a guy named Smelly Smega seriously!

Ryche99 11 Reviews 1108 reads
5 / 26

...all of your questions through reviews, etc.  Not only will these types of questions never be answered on the phone, you won;t get anywhere through emsail either!

Briefcase 14 Reviews 1353 reads
6 / 26

TER is all you need. Don't leave home without it!

Maggie4AZ See my TER Reviews 991 reads
7 / 26

I totally agree that simply playing it safe and using TER Reviewed girls is the wisest choice. I can't count how many calls I have gotten since I got a few great reviews. (THANK YOU guys) ;)

Smelly Smegma 944 reads
9 / 26

"hard to take a guy named Smelly Smegma seriously". My family just calls me "Smelly" for short. Seriously, you can't discuss that stuff on the phone, or you'll be treated like LE or a crank---CLICK !!!

mrfisher 108 Reviews 633 reads
10 / 26

Will TER work on a Blackberry?

I'm thinking of getting one of those, but I'd like to know if anyone reads this site on one and how does it work.

BizzaroSuperdude 30 Reviews 1098 reads
12 / 26

Some services are little more than pimps - and probably do beat the girls up... went to one of those once and the lady asked what I wanted - open ended... at the time I was such a novice... it didn't matter - I had no clue what I wanted.

but there are also services that are stables?  Lots of gals, may be run like a brothel... take your pick - the gals are all "trained" to provide the same "style" of service - so if you see one, you'll know what each of the providers in the service will (or won't) do.  

Then there are the LOSP's!  (loosely organized service providers)  These are gals that contribute part of their take to a central office that screens, arranges rooms, phones and keeps appointments straight...   Ladies that are here, are more like independants and pretty much do as they please...  they just don't like doing all the screening and phone answering themselves... they could use a plain vanilla answring service but then again, the nature of the calls would give them away....

Ask in person - if you can... Me?  I have photoed the sessions before and ask on phone but only if I know that may be an option....  and ask very carefully!  never directly.

JackNick 15 Reviews 1783 reads
13 / 26

If she does not have reviews, do not even bother

That's why I think writing reviews is the best contribution to this hobby....

Sinful1 See my TER Reviews 764 reads
14 / 26

you can post on the discussion boards and also pull up reviews.. just have to be patient as it takes longer.. and the screen is quite small so something you can easily see on your computer on one screen, may take alot of scrolling.

I love my blackberry!  Second one I have had!!!

Catatonic 76 Reviews 1089 reads
15 / 26

...in London and Frankfurt I have no qualms about asking what services a lady provides. With most of the agencies that I use anyway. But the legal environment is quite laissez faire in those places.

The times I have used agencies in the States over the last few years I have been more circumspect. But I would rarely call an agency in the USA anyway.

Once you have developed a relationship with an agency and they know that you are genuine then ask what you want. The sensible ones know what business they are in and don't try to pretend otherwise. You just have to be aware of the difficult legal regime in the States and use some discretion.

Duchess_4_u See my TER Reviews 1117 reads
16 / 26

My rule of thumb is if you wouldn't ask a question like that before a first date with a lady, then you shouldn't ask those kinds of questions of a provider you have not met.  Sometimes those answers will be suggested in a review or website but in EVERY case I think you should assume YMMV and go in w/zero expectations.  When I get asked these kinds of questions in initial emails, I feel as if I am being treated like a vending machine rather than a woman with some degree of vanity and romantic sensibility!

Catatonic 76 Reviews 1202 reads
17 / 26

...thanks for letting me know, my usual newspaper did not point that out. I'll be sure to buy something more upmarket tomorrow.

It's like they say in Tuvalu. You want some sense, ask someone royal like a duke or duchess.

-- Modified on 5/27/2006 3:22:26 PM

Duchess_4_u See my TER Reviews 1638 reads
18 / 26

that was kind of...harsh.  did I touch a nerve or something?  I didn't mean to.  It was just my opinion for what works for me, not for everybody. Maybe you thought I needed a nice cold shot of reality?  I daresay you know better than I do.  Friends?  Kisses!

mrfisher 108 Reviews 1093 reads
19 / 26

Prostitution is the act of despoiling something, making it base, as it were.

I don't think anyone on this board is interested in that.

I think we are mostly interested in having a good time with providers, be that having sex, companionship or whatever.

Sometimes that even includes romance, in whatever form those two people choose.

At least, this is what I like to do and post about.


Catatonic 76 Reviews 1381 reads
20 / 26

...prostitution at it's core is primarily about exchanging money for sexual favours. Read a few reviews if you are in doubt as to what this site is about, or what prostitution is. It is nothing to do with despoiling or debasing unless an individual is a damaged sort of person. Why would you define prostitution in that way?

As you imply, everybody has a different idea of a party and as long as you are paying for it, then you can enjoy whatever pleases you, whether it be temporary paid companionship or sex. Romance and paying for it seem too far apart and would not be my own personal idea of a party, but each to his own.

Prostitution for me is simply paying prostitutes for sex and there is nothing wrong with that. If you would define that as despoiling, then your head is not wired properly.

Catatonic 76 Reviews 1386 reads
21 / 26

...as long as you can cope with my male vanity and lack of romantic sensibilities. But you should see me use my chopper.

mrfisher 108 Reviews 1162 reads
22 / 26

There's a bridge in Brooklyn that I'd like to discuss with you.

As I said before, what I do, and what most of the guys and gals here are about, is not prostitution.

Here's prostituion:

Marrying someone you despise to obtain control of thier money and/or assets.

Clear enough?

Catatonic 76 Reviews 1002 reads
23 / 26

...many people are happily married without taking their partner to the cleaners, although that obviously happens. I don't know your story but just because it may not have happened for you does not mean that it does not for others. But that is about marriage and not about straight forward "commercial companionship", the like of which is offered by the ladies on this site.

Save your definitions of prostitution to give the judge a laugh. The law makes no distinction. Why should it, the dollars come out of the same wallet whether you want to shag her, take her roses or discuss the works of Kant?

mrfisher 108 Reviews 1251 reads
24 / 26

Perhaps you are reading something into my posts that is not there.  Allow me to explain:

I like the money for sex arrangement, just like I like gravity.  Why argue with it? It's clean, it's simple, it works!  Call it prostitution if you like, but I prefer to call it goddess worship - whatever.

I make no judgements about whatever arrangements people want to do.  Prostitution is what it is and we all do it to some extent or another.  The important thing is not to lie to one's self about it.  (This above all, to thy own self be true.)

As for the judge, well, what can I say?  It's not a perfect world, is it?

As for cynicism, consider this:

(And I admit to  nothing and never will.)

A cynic could not exist without the existence of the hypocrit.  It is one thing to say one thing and mean another, but entirely another thing to say one thing and DO another.
When shooting at the cynic, remember to save a round or two for the hypocrit.  You'll recognize him as the guy quietly tip-toeing away, usually whistling a happy tune.

Thanks for the dharma combat, by the way.  It feels good to get the juices flowing.

Catatonic 76 Reviews 495 reads
25 / 26

...that is palpably false. As far as sex is concerned anyway. People are motivated to come together, and stay together, for many reasons that have nothing at all to do with material gain.

I'm an advocate of prostitution, obviously, but if the P word causes anybody offense, I will refer to it as goddess worship from now on :-)

I'm gone.

mrfisher 108 Reviews 994 reads
26 / 26

We must do this again some time.

For now, we are about to tumble onto that cliff known as "The Dreaded Next Page."

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