TER General Board

So why do some of the gals here protest that isn't the case?
Dr Who revived 654 reads

Just today I saw a gal protest vehemently that she's nowhere near that 10:1 ratio.

I guess that's why you think it's closer to 20:1...which would put her at 360 dudes now...and in less than 2 years as well.

Wow...that's a lot of cock  LOL
Posted By: GaGambler
I have to say the consensus estimate has consistently been half of what the good doctor has guessed. More like one in twenty sessions ever gets reviewed here. I know there are some guys who review every single session they have ever had, and then there are guys like me who have had literally thousands of sessions and have never written even one review.

I suppose it's all guess work, but I think between five and ten percent is a pretty decent guess IMO.

and to answer the OP, NO, I never think about how many dicks she has seen, sucked or fucked. It really makes no difference to me, and is neither a turn on nor a turn off. It simply is what it is.

I've always figured that only one review for every ten sessions gets written.  So if a gal has 20 reviews....she's seen at least 200 different dudes.

There are some gals who don't agree with that premise....or so I'm hearing.

I'll stick with my generalization....so given that, are you guys turned on or off thinking your faves have seen hundreds...or thousands of other John's.

They do say that practice makes perfect  ;

There are more guys on TER that don't write reviews than the ones that do. I know for me, since I can base this on most of my business comes from TER, about 90%, that your estimate of one out of 10 guys writes a review could be a correct assumption.  

You aren't counting the guys we "practiced" with before the hobby or the ones we fuck such as BF's and SO's between appointments... Add a few more for those weekends/ vacations we go out and swing, or the occassional GB or a just casual FB or two... Then the numbers get interesting... Oh well, thanks for playing! LMAO!!!

GaGambler892 reads

I have to say the consensus estimate has consistently been half of what the good doctor has guessed. More like one in twenty sessions ever gets reviewed here. I know there are some guys who review every single session they have ever had, and then there are guys like me who have had literally thousands of sessions and have never written even one review.

I suppose it's all guess work, but I think between five and ten percent is a pretty decent guess IMO.

and to answer the OP, NO, I never think about how many dicks she has seen, sucked or fucked. It really makes no difference to me, and is neither a turn on nor a turn off. It simply is what it is.

I can't effectively run the numbers if a provider advertised on other escort malls, or exactly how she networks to get her business. Then you'd have to count in her repeat business and her price point as well, some guys "can't" review too high profile or whatever. So yes, a good rough average would be 1/20 sessions equals a review. I would say significantly higher if she travels or is new, I think guys feel obligated to review a traveling provider if they value her visit in their city and want her to return. And for some odd reason, I see more guys wanting to review ladies at the lower price points, like really, is she going to give more than a 5 in performance if she is charging $40/ 15 mins? DUH!!!

Just today I saw a gal protest vehemently that she's nowhere near that 10:1 ratio.

I guess that's why you think it's closer to 20:1...which would put her at 360 dudes now...and in less than 2 years as well.

Wow...that's a lot of cock  LOL

Posted By: GaGambler
I have to say the consensus estimate has consistently been half of what the good doctor has guessed. More like one in twenty sessions ever gets reviewed here. I know there are some guys who review every single session they have ever had, and then there are guys like me who have had literally thousands of sessions and have never written even one review.

I suppose it's all guess work, but I think between five and ten percent is a pretty decent guess IMO.

and to answer the OP, NO, I never think about how many dicks she has seen, sucked or fucked. It really makes no difference to me, and is neither a turn on nor a turn off. It simply is what it is.

GaGambler760 reads

and even though most of us are pretty certain that said BSC hooker is at least fifty, she has 18 reviews here. Oh shit, it looks like we are talking about the very same BSC hooker here, doesn't it?

So if it is a 1:1 ratio...and let's just toss out $ 500 per review....that's still only 9k (using your example of 18 reviews).  We could even suggest that a gal sees a guy 3 times before he moves on.  And that gross is still less than 30k.  And just for grins that isn't taking into account the costs to see a guy.

I'll stick with a ratio of at least 10:1...and certainly 20:1 isn't outlandish to consider for this example.

Numbers are a funny thing...they can so easily be manipulated  ;)

Posted By: GaGambler
and even though most of us are pretty certain that said BSC hooker is at least fifty, she has 18 reviews here. Oh shit, it looks like we are talking about the very same BSC hooker here, doesn't it?

But when you factor in that girls don't only see new clients, and may go periods of time without really seeking new clients, I'd say 1/20 sessions (not individual men) review is accurate.

-- Modified on 4/8/2015 8:51:13 PM

But when I see a great number in a short period of time, I begin to expect this.

Not my favorite!

It makes me giggle when a provider advertises that she is low volume and then gets 5 or more reviews a month. I guess we are expected to believe that every guy she sees writes her a review.

Not always. Since a gent has 3 months to review a lady after their encounter, there are times when multiple reviews will pour in, even if the lady hasn't seen anyone in weeks. Happened to me last year...I actually had to contact 2 of them, as I knew I hadn't had an appt in over a month...it's that 3-month rule thing, lol.  

Posted By: Heathergfe
It makes me giggle when a provider advertises that she is low volume and then gets 5 or more reviews a month. I guess we are expected to believe that every guy she sees writes her a review.  

followme811 reads

he is not a screamer  :)

Thank You
2015 = 2

Main1984593 reads

Only happened a couple of times where the provider was worn out or sore and it affected me.

She's not my first, I'm not hers.

If her reviews indicate she turns the session into a great time and ignores the outside world for a while, then I'm happy with whatever path through life brought us together.

that if she has 5 reviews in a certain period of time (month or less), but the gal claims she is so low volume that she has only had 3 appts in a month... obviously she is being truthful. (Recent true story on one of the boards). What's really funny, is that some actually believed her!    :D

Depends on who she sees and if they like to review. I am guessing there are gals who have seen only guys who do reviews on everyone they see. Of course, there are gals that see a lot of guys before she gets 1 review. It can work both ways.

When I see someone post "I am a low volume gal" that gets quite a bit of reviews in a month, I just laugh and go with the generalization that you mentioned, for the most part. Does not fit everyone though. Got to also take into account that some of the gals have overnight dates or only do long engagements, therefore they do not have the time to see as many guys.

There are many posts of guys questioning why a gal goes without reviews for a long period of time. They seem to not consider that some gals stick with regulars and therefore wouldn't have reviews popping up everywhere

Dear Alex:
Although you might look at the number of reviews a lady might get in a finite period of time, a better question is how much old business she would get versus new business.  I would ask this question because now she could be seen several times by regulars,as opposed to having to verify and see first timers. Finally what other review sites could she have been on as well.  Although TER is to the hobby as the New York Times is to Journalism with respect to circulation and server hits, there could be other places that she would have reviews.  Another question with respect to reviews would be how many hobbyist have requested to see her on a monthly basis and how many book.  From that how many would write a review.  So it would be a numbers game with respect to the low numbers of probability , as well as, the incentive a hobbyist would have to write a review as well.

What are you asking?
Do I want to know an escort I saw fucked two guys before me?
For shame Accountant.  
It was my job to ask questions to start shit. You suck at it.
Go back to your numbers.

Posted By: Dr Who revived
I've always figured that only one review for every ten sessions gets written.  So if a gal has 20 reviews....she's seen at least 200 different dudes.  
 There are some gals who don't agree with that premise....or so I'm hearing.  
 I'll stick with my generalization....so given that, are you guys turned on or off thinking your faves have seen hundreds...or thousands of other John's.  
 They do say that practice makes perfect  ;)  
I guess using a math equation is far beyond your comprehension.  No shock to know that.

Go back to the hole you live in.

You promised a few weeks ago that you were done here.  "We" had a party celebrating it...but yet here you are again.

Posted By: TheHoundOfCullin
What are you asking?  
 Do I want to know an escort I saw fucked two guys before me?  
 For shame Accountant.  
 It was my job to ask questions to start shit. You suck at it.  
 Go back to your numbers.

One of these days I'll get my Casio calculator, and show you up.
See. I'm waiting for you to get old enough.
So if you come after me I'll kick your butt.
Loser! 😀

I know I'm not typical but because I see very few providers I have written reviews for all but 2, one was great but soon retired and the other wasn't very remarkable and I was new and didn't write a critique. If I were to do it again she would have been strait 7 and7

However as time marches on and years pass by...seems that many dudes stop writing reviews for a variety of reasons.  Maybe when you hit that century mark (and I'm rooting for you to still be here writing reviews)...you'll be a tad less interested in writing a review on each gal.  Just those that are at either end of the spectrum perhaps.

Posted By: cooper80
I know I'm not typical but because I see very few providers I have written reviews for all but 2, one was great but soon retired and the other wasn't very remarkable and I was new and didn't write a critique. If I were to do it again she would have been strait 7 and7

1) At this point the appeal has passed.
2) I am seeing a good percentage of girls I've already written reviews for.  So if I wrote another it would simply replace the earlier review and I'd get no credit for it.
3) I do a lot of dates out of the country with girls who don't meet TER's criteria to be reviewed.
I guess my motivation may change when I run out of free VIP days.

We are in full agreement on #'s 1/2. I don't fall into your last category. I'd add one more though. Reviews can lead to hassles with ladies and their BSU cadre (the latter on more rare occasion) and who needs that?

I have been here on TER for 14 years. During that period I have about 50 reviews though I  havent bothered in several years as I found it's really a privacy issue to me at this point in my life. I have an adequate number of white listings & OKs on P411 to establish bona fide as an alternative to giving references as I am allergic to ladies asking me to play kiss and tell.  Happy to support TER as a paid member as the service has valuable to me. I might write a review if asked today but generally I work hard at avoiding any conversation about the hobby with my date. Accuracy was always important and I never played the game of making them up to get a free two weeks of paid subscription.

That would be about 132 reviews in 18 months time.  If your ratio of 1:10 is right, then that would be approx. 1300 clients.  At a conservative rate of 300 for a one hour session with each guy, that would be roughly 390,000 Georgies suffocating in all those envelopes.  I saw this particular hottie 3 times for 2 hour dates each, and if even a quarter of the clients did multiple hours or sessions, then we're talking easily half a million Georgies in a year and a half of work.  Damn that's a nice chunk of change for getting freaky.  
      Can someone please check my numbers, I've never done hooker math before, so I'm not sure the totals are correct?  Thanks  :-D

And it doesn't bother me if she's been with hundreds of guys, as a matter of fact it turns me on if she has, nobody gets good at doing anything without practice. I understand I'm an anomaly, but I'd want nothing to do with a virgin, I want a woman that knows how to suck and fuck, and she knows it.

that personally doesn't apply for me. Most of my reviews were written by people who I've seen repeatedly and most of my dates are repeats so... I went through and did a rough count one day and was super surprised...what seems like many dicks, really is not! Maybe I actually am a classy ass hooker! (HA!)

But like a horse freak sharpening needles all day I spend time thinking about it. Not that severe really, but you know. So I figured it out that I review one in every four. And that's probably too many. I'm also fairly sure that there are many many clients who NEVER review--just not their thing--and a lot of the reviewers who have only done two or three reviews quite probably are at least as active as I've been, if not much more so.

So I would say that when you see a profile where the provider has had two reviews in the last four or five months that there's no way of extrapolating how many tripped the counter. Your estimates are likely to be extremely low for some and extremely high for others. Averages in this area are meaningless. Like saying the average person had less than two arms. There are some amputees, but no one had three arms (or very few).

What difference does it make? Since we are each born fresh every day, it's just history. Are you the same person you were a year ago? Of course not.

and only write reviews of gals I've seen when traveling. And, haven't done much of that lately.

personally, I tire of writing reviews here because they ALWAYS get rejected on the first draft...I'm an old southern guy and using vulgarities, even in a review, is just off-putting to me.  After all I do check the the boxes for the offerings, etc. Why be redundant?  I would hope the guys reading them would be smart enough to piece them together with my review to get the picture...so now to you point lol
My regular provider at the moment charges $300/hour and $200/HH.  She was here couple of weeks ago and was telling me that the day before she made $1200.  I gulped LOL.  And so now I only do early morning appointments.  LOL

Posted By: Dr Who revived
I've always figured that only one review for every ten sessions gets written.  So if a gal has 20 reviews....she's seen at least 200 different dudes.  
 There are some gals who don't agree with that premise....or so I'm hearing.  
 I'll stick with my generalization....so given that, are you guys turned on or off thinking your faves have seen hundreds...or thousands of other John's.  
 They do say that practice makes perfect  ;)  

So please don't try to hide it if you have had sex with a multitude of men.  

It is a very erotic turn on when a woman is liberated and strong and confident enough to celebrate her sexual freedom.
I love it when a woman opens up about her sexual past or talks about her sexual experiences.  
An extraordinary turn on.
The more sex you have had the more I find you interesting.

I totally agree.

During a first-meeting I had with a new provider, she chatted about some of the things she did and still wants to try.  When she got to her story of an 8-some she was the center of at a local sex club, my refractory period instantly disappeared

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