TER General Board

So What do the ladies think...
SULLY 24 Reviews 3916 reads

When (and if) they see one of their clients out with his civilian family?  Oh that poor guy?  Look at that asshole?  Apart from the question of trying to make contact or not, how does it play?  Does that suspend THEIR disbelief?

Never came up with me (so far...) but I would like some input...

courtneydoll4285 reads

As luck (or misfortune) would have it, I have run into clients in public.  
I do not personally have any thoughts or opinions about that person.  I feel badly when they recognize me and are noticeably panicked or discomfitted by it, but that is all.
I only have negative thoughts about/towards a client when it is based on thier actions from our time spent together or from communications relating to that.  I am well aware that more than 90% of my clietele is married, most of them with families.... if that was an issue to me, I would state a preference for unattached men or simply find another area of the adult business in which to make my living.

Let me also state that I do not attempt to greet any individual when encountering them in such circumstances.  Nor would I acknowledge someone who takes it into his head to approach me. This, too, has happened and the "You must be mistaking me for someone else." line has sufficed to get the message across that such behavior was not welcome.  Thankfully! :)

Be good to one another,

TiffGfe3388 reads

I have only had this happen to me once. I was out with a friend for dinner and a client was sitting across the resturaunt with his family. I felt someone starring at me and made initial eye contact. As soon as I realized who he was, I simply looked away and never looked back.
I can honestly say that I didn't feel one way or the other about his family. As far as I'm concerned, it is not my business and besides, I personaly do not believe in manogamy.
When a gentleman comes to see me, my only concern is what transpires between the two of us. If he feels as if he would like to discuss family problems etc, I am open to it but I never,ever initiate it. Ater all I am not delusional and understand that I am being compensated, at least partly, for my discretion.
BTW, the gentleman in question, later called and thanked me for the way I handled things.



Stranger-in-the-Night3086 reads

Hello Tiffany,

I met with you when you where living in San Diego.  About your website, I have a suggestion, complain, nag!

I vividly remember you had a perfect set of legs!  As if Michelangelo himself had created those beatiful pair of legs!  BUT, none of the pictures in your Gallery shows those legs.  Since I haven's succeeded in coming to LA in a long while, and see you, hope in the next revision, we will see those legs in the website!


TiffGfe3589 reads

Well Stranger,

 If you could please send me an email I would be more then happy to send you a new pic that includes a great shot of my legs. Email adress is [email protected] .
 I had so many pictures and could not possibly use them all so, I had my webmistress pic them out.
Thank you so much for the kind words and remember, I do get down to SD occasionally. Was just there at the beginning of the month.



morghan3866 reads

I am a very public person. I have more than once run into a friend where his family was present and even those that are single. I smile graciously and try to view focus or look somewhere else demonstrating I am by no means interested in a scene or leading any clue to his loved ones that I am familar with him. Those that have approached me... I usually will smile and say its lovely to see you, I must be on my way Perhaps we will talk again soon !
It keeps our secret sacred and and allows every one involvd a breath of fresh air to know that whats between us is just that between us.

Tatoogirl742590 reads

this has happened (2) times to me.

We were fine, we made eye contact and then went our separate ways.

(Both times happened at a restaurant, so we didn't have to worry to much.)


I was sure that most ofthe ladies would be circumspect about acknowledging the client-  I was really going for their internal dialogue- are they saying to themsleves asshole?  or look how good he is with the kids?   Just wondering.  I usually prevaricate about my status, thinking that I have never met a woman who was not a little bit judgemental about other folk's cheating...

Basically can the ladies really not care about marital status or do they suspend their natural thoughts for business reasons?

And not that I think I or any of us are so fabulous thatthey would be Jealous about us- just think less of us...

If I sound confused- you are right I am a little...

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