TER General Board

So by your standards she has lost everything?
skarphedin 801 reads

You were the one who said that escorts who show their faces have nothing to lose.

PussyLipGloss2251 reads

There is a newbie provider on TER who posts on B.P. and E. lots of selfies with full facial clarity. One of the photos is linked to her civilian identity incl. name, college, family members, etc. She admits via email that she's okay with that risk, given her world view and daytime profession, and notes that her ads and handle don't mention her name.  

To me, this looks like an Amtrak train wreck waiting to happen, except she's the engineer and her clients are passengers. DNS material it seems, at least for me.  

But perhaps I'm too conservative, maybe looking at this the wrong way entirely.  


Note: I have no interest in playing (or creating a forum for) the guessing game or participating in a public Q&A on this. I just don't know why a rational gal (and she is quite intellingent) would take such risks when they are so easily (and almost universally) avoided in our world. It seems blatantly self-destructive to do this IMHO. Hope this is not too touchy a topic.

-- Modified on 5/15/2015 1:23:20 PM

So she pretty well is full on out? To have the ability to contact her family and get her real name is beyond stupid. I do agree that she is waiting for a trainwreck, if not in her personal life, with LE being on her tail. I would not agree with you saying she is intelligent because obviously she doesn't care about her own safety nor does she think of what could happen having ALL of her information available. There is no rational to her choice. It is one thing to have face pictures out there, quite another to have her family information available/real name etc. At least you tried telling her. Her being new, she will learn that some guys are BSC and will hunt for that information. Plus she is opening herself up to stalkers.

I won't ever say anything bad about a gal showing her face clearly, that is a choice she makes and there may be ramifications for doing that. Even blurring your face doesn't necessarily help as it can be unblurred. I will not show my face, I care about my RL being separate. That is just me. I am sure that guys don't see me because of it and I am fine with that. I don't trade safety etc for money. Not all money is good money. Of course I am also not one to have anyone come to my home either. There is nothing wrong with doing incalls at home (whether you are a guy or girl) but if you meet the wrong person, things can go south. I think I am more protective of myself and RL than most are, and perhaps I go overboard. My choice to do that. Makes me sleep better at night not worrying of what could happen.

I don't feel you are looking at it the wrong way by any means. You tried helping a newbie out, to warn her of what could happen. It is up to her to deal with whatever happens. Some people don't listen to reason or think things through.

I wouldn't say people shouldn't see her and maybe she will never have LE issues. If I was a guy, I wouldn't because I would be worried that she would have some legal issues with having herself completely out. Things can go down the chain when someone gets busted and others wind up getting busted too. Doesn't happen often, but it can.  

Be interested to hear other opinions. These are just my thoughts on what you presented. Not everyone will agree with me. Everyone has their own way of doing things.

I chalk it up to being young and thinking/believing you're invincible. Remember those days?! Lol
Nothing bad was ever going to happen to you! Lol
Then life happens to you. Literally & Figuratively. You grow up. You know better so you do better kind of thing.  

I'm the same way. No full on face shots. I'm still nervous about my newest photos not being discreet enough even with all that hair of mine in my face! Lol

With every hotel / motel employee trained to look for us these days, why make it easy for them? And that's not taking into account everything else at risk. Family, friends, neighbors horny husband or college professor recognizing you online! Lol

I know I miss out on a lot of appts. as well because I won't show my face. Oh well.  
There's enough to stress over in this biz. Why add to it? If I were a paying client it would DEFINATELY give me pause with that much RL/WL info commingled together.  

My life, safety & freedom is priceless!  But that's me!  
However, I also like to ride motorcycles! Fast! Go figure! I still think I'm kinda invincible! Lol


nor stupid, quite a seasoned ho if you may call it.

met alotta friends this way.

   never had any run ins with law aside form cops that wanted appts or detectives for that matter judges too.

actually when people know who you are they can also feel safe with thier info and money and around you.


your makin a judgement that is unfair to the lady and catty and rude, To state she is young and dumb for posting a aface shot,  

kinda small mided. just sayin,  


its her chocie and should not concern other escorts, and then to actually be insuklting her whom you dont even know, for her business or life decisions, very catty and negative and rude, I think the people makin fun of her are the idiots here.  







why do you have time to care and gossip and then to do so with a mean disposition on the subject, i hate women like this, catty and just mean spirited is what i am seeing,m I doint think there is any issue with the lady , i think the other people diggin for shit to goddip about that dont concern them or thier clients are the asswipes who are juvenile and stupid, thats who i see as stupid here.

catty juvenile and stupid,  

whomever the lady is well i dont know or care and feel sorry she is being subjected to insults by people whom proberly dont even know her and shouldnt even be talkin about her. they should be busy takin care thier own business and lives but they arent . fuckin women, they never cease to fuckin amaze me. wow.

Not a single poster said anything bad about showing face photos. All the comments were concerning this mystery newbie provider of putting out her real name and families' information. I think anyone could agree that is stupid and asking for problems, be it LE or stalkers. Not only is she putting herself and everyone she sees at a potential risk... but she is also throwing her family out there too. Stupid, I am just calling it as I see it. Did her family ask to be thrown out there? Did the guys she sees ask for potential problems that may snowball down if she gets caught? It is one thing to out yourself, another to throw everyone else out there. You only have your own choice and have no right to take away other peoples' choices.  

Your post was about supposidly everyone being catty and insulting her because of face shots... That is not even a little accurate. Just because some of us choose not to show our faces or blur it when we all know damn well it can be unblurred... Doesn't mean shit. I have zero problem with anyone showing their face picture, I just won't do it.  

I made this all quite clear in my post. I made it clear that her throwing her real name and family information out there was what I was posting about.

All the rest, that is upto each individual gal. Not everyone is as paranoid/overprotective of self as I am. I use paranoid loosely... as it is more of worrying about what could happen and making sure it doesn't happen.

Posted By: angelexotic
nor stupid, quite a seasoned ho if you may call it.  
 met alotta friends this way.  
    never had any run ins with law aside form cops that wanted appts or detectives for that matter judges too.  
 actually when people know who you are they can also feel safe with thier info and money and around you.  
 your makin a judgement that is unfair to the lady and catty and rude, To state she is young and dumb for posting a aface shot,  
 kinda small mided. just sayin,  
 its her chocie and should not concern other escorts, and then to actually be insuklting her whom you dont even know, for her business or life decisions, very catty and negative and rude, I think the people makin fun of her are the idiots here.  
 why do you have time to care and gossip and then to do so with a mean disposition on the subject, i hate women like this, catty and just mean spirited is what i am seeing,m I doint think there is any issue with the lady , i think the other people diggin for shit to goddip about that dont concern them or thier clients are the asswipes who are juvenile and stupid, thats who i see as stupid here.  
 catty juvenile and stupid,  
 whomever the lady is well i dont know or care and feel sorry she is being subjected to insults by people whom proberly dont even know her and shouldnt even be talkin about her. they should be busy takin care thier own business and lives but they arent . fuckin women, they never cease to fuckin amaze me. wow.

You have admitted to...


2. Working from your home and still not screening
3. Being raped and still working from home and NOT screening

4. Getting pregnant by a damn john ON PURPOSE!

WTF... you are the epitome of why people use condoms!

skarphedin1011 reads

"WTF... you are the epitome of why people use condoms! "

This is literally one of the most unchristian things I can imagine saying.  

Angel's is not a life worth living?  

The world would be better off without her?  

Do you think The Christ would utter such words of malice and hate?

You said that, not me. Open  your fkin eyes and think of what that baby is in for. Don't bring Jesus into shit you know nothing about. Oh wait, are you the father? Then gtfo of here and take your knocked up hooker with you!  Do not sit here and be captain save a ho one minute and bitch about tipping the next... bipolar much? Find something to do other than following ME around the board... you look a bit off taking up for an idiot and putting down the voice of reason concerned for a child. God certainly has a sense of humor LMAO.

-- Modified on 5/16/2015 8:52:54 PM

skarphedin1152 reads

Posted By: London Rayne
You said that, not me. Open  your fkin eyes and think of what that baby is in for. Don't bring Jesus into shit you know nothing about. Oh wait, are you the father? Then gtfo of here and take your knocked up hooker with you!  Do not sit here and be captain save a ho one minute and bitch about tipping the next... bipolar much? Find something to do other than following ME around the board... you look a bit off taking up for an idiot and putting down the voice of reason concerned for a child. God certainly has a sense of humor LMAO.  

-- Modified on 5/16/2015 8:52:54 PM

So both Angel and her child are lives unworth the living? The world would be better off without them?  

I have never met Angel. I have spoken with her over the phone and read her posts. I like her. I think she has a good heart. It upsets me when she is attacked. It upsets me more when someone I do not like attacks her.  

I am hardly captain save a ho. Angel can take care of herself. This is about your behavior.  

She is an idiot now?  

And you are the voice of reason?  

You think your words and actions are those of one who follows in The Christs footsteps?  

I say your words are full of malice and hate. You disagree. Fair enough.  

And yes, I do not think that people being paid over $300 an hour should be tipped.

FYI, I do not hate anyone but I do abhor ignorance. If you are too blind and stupid to see the utter bs that woman aka child has done to others and herself, carry on. You should educate yourself. Try a search of the shit she has posted for starters. Goodnight.

skarphedin887 reads

Posted By: London Rayne
FYI, I do not hate anyone but I do abhor ignorance. If you are too blind and stupid to see the utter bs that woman aka child has done to others and herself, carry on. You should educate yourself. Try a search of the shit she has posted for starters. Goodnight.
I am an idiot? Hmmm.  

I have many faults and certainly deserve your abuse but I am not an idiot.  

Angel and her child have the Inner Light as do you and as do I.

PussyLipGloss1338 reads

and the photographer lists her name on them on his website. Also part of her handle actually points to part of her civilian name. I pointed most of this out to her and seriously she knows it all but is okay with an association being made. She says she can live with it. Thing is, a family member of hers is somewhat prominent. Jeeze I've never encountered this outside of porn girls who also escort like Bree Olsen.  

My fear is she is doing some social experiment and may have a hidden camera or just wants all this to blow up in her mother's face.  

Can't get my head around it. Big head that is. Yes, it has the driver's seat (for now). Otherwise I'd book repeatedly and fuck the shit out of her cause she is JUST MY TYPE. Sorry, had to get that off my chest. She's nearly irresistible to me. Nearly.

-- Modified on 5/15/2015 7:26:04 PM

dude how do you get to that conclusion because a lady has a few pics of her face.

   rarely do johns go around and tin eye and cyber stalk,


the few that do that shit are such huge dorks you dont have to worry about thier asses aNY WAY.

          I get you dont like a gal usin pics that can be linked her identity. but you dont need persecute the poor bitch,

so now she is a danger because she may be running a social experiment with hidden cameras?

 dude your a fuckin psycho!

...I think you're missing the part where you can find this provider's real name and information as a result of her choosing to show her face. I don't think he's arguing that showing face pictures is inherently a problem.

As you indicated her world view is different than yours. If you are concerned then, you shouldn’t see her.  


Posted By: PussyLipGloss
There is a newbie provider on TER who posts on B.P. and E. lots of selfies with full facial clarity. One of the photos is linked to her civilian identity incl. name, college, family members, etc. She admits via email that she's okay with that risk, given her world view and daytime profession, and notes that her ads and handle don't mention her name.  
 To me, this looks like an Amtrak train wreck waiting to happen, except she's the engineer and her clients are passengers. DNS material it seems, at least for me.  
 But perhaps I'm too conservative, maybe looking at this the wrong way entirely.  
 Note: I have no interest in playing (or creating a forum for) the guessing game or participating in a public Q&A on this. I just don't know why a rational gal (and she is quite intellingent) would take such risks when they are so easily (and almost universally) avoided in our world. It seems blatantly self-destructive to do this IMHO. Hope this is not too touchy a topic.  

-- Modified on 5/15/2015 1:23:20 PM

because she's careless & painted a target on her own back...  but anyone who sees her has an increased risk if she has info on them.

Just to be clear...  It's not the face pictures that are the problem to me...  though it may be for her in the future...  It's the ties to her Real Life...  that make seeing her an unacceptable risk for me.  Sloppy security gets peopkle caught...  on both sides..

Skyfyre927 reads

As long as she doesn't have my real identity and private infos she's of no more risk to me than any other.

IMO you're way too paranoid but hey it's just my opinion. If you don't feel comfortable seeing her based on whatever reason/logic then just don't see her regardless of my or others' opinions.

hotplants913 reads

If she is taking unnecessary risks, she makes herself an easier(er) target. If she gets arrested, anyone who schedules with her as a client could, potentially, find themselves in the cross-hairs.  

You show up to meet her--and, the fact that you've arrived is enough to get you arrested. The fact that you used an anonymous hobby identity to book with her would be irrelevant at that point.  

No need to be paranoid. But a healthy dose of caution and common sense goes a long way. Providers who are very careful (and smart) about their own personal safety help keep you safe, too. As they lower their personal level of risk aversion----yours goes up.

-- Modified on 5/15/2015 3:55:27 PM

hotplants1058 reads

The current state of online media being what it is, even someone who is not a provider takes on a measurable level of risk if they are 'over-sharing' or not being hyper-vigilant about privacy on the Inet; especially if there is any possibility they might want to get a job, working for any company, in the future.  

Anyone naive enough to think that anything they post, with any links to social media, will not be found and taken into serious consideration by a potential employer is setting themselves up for being totally fucked down the road.  

Less is more

to solicite sex is ilegal.

2 consenting adults can meet behind closed doors from an online source and that is legal.

       and done every day.

you guys need to know your rights we dont live in nazi germany in the 40's.  

                      I been showin my grill in ads since 2002. i havent had any arrests not even cose, i have had dozens of cops and high profile people see me for services though.

if your a worry wort sort your in the wrong biz and you proberly will atrract trouble with your squirelly demeanors.

you all need to relax a little, your not public enemy number one so dont kid yourself. in grand scheme of things a ho and a john are very small on the scale of whats a priority,  

especially if you gain most your clients by word of mouth, networking, as i have and do,  

having been active in the strip club circuit in new englands you meet alott clients that way as well.  


so long as you screen, you live beneath your means, your not some loud mouth drunk or crack head.  

                                                     i know for me i have nothing to worry about , its been smooth sailing for me in this field since 2002. only drama i ever encounter is from other females that gossip. or maybe some static from non workin girls maybe outa jealousy or just the fact they have no lives or other topics of thier own to engage in.  

I know for me i am always so busy livin my own life, i couldnt tell you for the LIFE OF ME what my neighbors are doing.

i mind my business and have a life to live.

this is just a bunch a people actin better than some one else, and ridiculing some one for thier lifestyle choice. to be free.

your know it all disposition and stating plainly that she is dumb and wreckless,  

thats very closed minded .  

                 I am living proof you can show face pics for 13 plus years in this hobby with out issues.

                       if your aware the actual laws and your rights, technically to escort is to provide company and unless your discussing actual sex and if actual sex goes on that is no ones business and no one should be makin assumptions that that is what is goin behind the closed door, its not thier business.  



  hookin is a victomless crime and with things like terrorist killing 8 year old at what supposed to be family friendly events, people need to worry about the REAL dangers we have at hand and its not hookers, we are under attack by terrorist right now,.. and many bostonians died at that marathon and were maimed for life.

then the attack in new york.

in grand scheme of things a smart intelligent lady that is choosing to do a certain career, trust me thos only ones that care about her showin her face pic is proberly a few escorts, i doubt ANY ONE else cares or is payin attention but pussy lip gloss, aND WHY SHE IS OR CARES IS BEYOND ME,

I often think she is just trolling the board.

Having said that people who are overly helpful give the wrong impression, especially when the people they are trying to help don't want their help, look how angry the helpful people become... This thread is a perfect example of that.

Yah idiot, because God's grace allows us to be oblivious and keep our mouths shut. Go knock up someone else, already. I have many faults and I am not bsc enough to dismiss them like so many others get away with doing. Some of you stick your shit in the weak because you know you're getting away with murder. Case in point.... gawd.

skarphedin955 reads

Posted By: London Rayne
Yah idiot, because God's grace allows us to be oblivious and keep our mouths shut. Go knock up someone else, already. I have many faults and I am not bsc enough to dismiss them like so many others get away with doing. Some of you stick your shit in the weak because you know you're getting away with murder. Case in point.... gawd.
So your post was the Christian way of "not keeping you mouth shut"?  

Your disdain for those that fall short of yourself is clear.  

I am sure I merit your brutality as much as Angel does.  

I have never met Angel.  

I think her child is like all children a gift from God and a life worth the living.  

There is suffering in every life and you have added to another's by your words here today.

skarphedin920 reads

Yes. I suppose I am in your eyes.  

I should thank you. My anger at you caused me to see again the Inner Light. I never hold onto it for long, but you gave it back to me for a while. So thank you.

I dont concern myself with other ladies business practices, wether it is "good" for them and thier clients.  

I personally dont know nor do i care or wanna give any time or energy to such a topic, but thats nice you have that extra time to ponder and things like that. must be nice.


i have a rule to try and pay close attention to what I am doing and steer far away from watching what every one else is doing, works out well for me in the long run,  

after all no one likess a nosy busy bettie with no life of thier own, its just well annoying,


i d say find a better topic and dont pay attention to what other ladies do and dont do if it doesnt concern you,

you actualy messaged her to ask her how her face shots are affecting her business and life? thats a bit intrusive.



               hooking is victomless crime and people need to take a godam chill pill for reals.  


i wouldnt comment on the subject what the next lady does is none my busness and i wouldnt wanna give my two cents her business practice need no commentary on my behalf. ...


thats the one aspect this business that irrates me is people feeling the need to put thier two cents in for no appaarent reason, seems a waste of your life and time and energy.

I dont care what she does, dont have time too. the end. mmmmuah!


you shouldnt either.

All show thier face.

Have you also messaged them in your charity work to inform them they are juvenile rookies that are gonna get arrested?

or is it just this one lady you blessing with your charitable good natured advice in your efforts to warn and protect the newbies coalition your forming.

                  I think a large percentage us boston top 100 ladies also show our face. Most of which have 4 years plus reviews........................................

where is my charitable kind hearted warning that I am gonna be tempting danger and l.e.?

at least be fair and warn us all we are in grave danger! gasp!
  puhlease. ladies, puhlease. so fuckin funny!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


pussy lip gloss proberlt dont even belong on here i bet its not a hobbyist or a provider proberly some troll with no life tryin to be the cops and scare people

PussyLipGloss873 reads

I said (in multiple posts) that one of her pics links to a photographer's site where her CIVILIAN NAME is listed. And that she knows this and does not care if guys know her true identity and her FB and LinkedIn and family members, etc.


I take back my earlier advice that you should quit hooking. Keep at it girl because "reading is fundamental." And you can't.

BTW I don't have a pussy so I can't be catty.  

All cock, balls (shaved) and bald head here, sis.  

K, enough. 4now.

-- Modified on 5/16/2015 11:11:29 AM

and that B. your not even an escort.

my wld guess is your some one who doesnt even have any business chiming in on here and is clueless.
 just my conclusion judging from what little i have read of your posts, I would take it is coming from a person that knows very little of the actual hobby and has very little involvement in it, if any atall. thats my guess.  

doesnt seem like its coming from a source thats knows the game or what they are talkin about. thats my opinion and what i take of it. and you.

skarphedin855 reads

This is a genuine piece of misogyny and you all are quiet. Typical. Angel does not conform to your oppressive Nurse Ratchet social norms so she is fair game for this? Kinda like Bill Clinton all over again but in reverse... He was one of you so he got a pass on genuine criminally bad behavior... I reckon Angel has to take care of herself? Good thing she can. I'll tell you all what, if anything really heavy were to go down I would want her by my side over any of the socially conscious Social Warrior types on this board.  

She criticizes him and he drops every damn cliched attack you all rail against as oppressive and unfair and you all just shrug?  

I am actually glad TER has me on moderation. Keeps me from speaking how I normally would in a situation like this.

No one asked her to conform, you moron. You're once again missing the big picture of how she is sooooo desperately trying to convince OTHERS to do as she does just so she does not look like an idiot. Her argument about caring what others think only holds water if it's an ego thing, not a real security or family issue. Let's see what CPS has to say about it once her child is born, shall we? Bet you change your fkin tune then. Angel has made a habit of justifying every dumb thing she has done since day one when others have tried to help. From letting a hobbyist screen her emails, to working from home, showing her face, not screening, being ass raped yet still coming back for more and finally, by getting pregnant... her face showing is nothing compared to the retarded shit she has done and posted on these boards. I bet I could find her apartment in less than 5 minutes just from what she has posted... how discreet and safe is that? Yet, this is what you take up for lol. Nut job.

 She, like you is oblivious, careless and wreckless with no regard for anyone but herself. Many of us would post our photos all over if we had no concern for how our families would feel. I actually do care about hurting the ones I love and who truly love ME, not just LR.... I guess you are free to not give a shit about anyone but yourself either or you would never be so fkin ignorant to perpetuate this nonsense.  

JUST showing your face is not the end all be all of being at a higher risk. I know many who do not show their face but still do a mountain of dumb shit that gets them in trouble, so no one is saying that every girl who shows her face is at higher risk than those who don't. You are simply TSTTT, and it's tiring. Get a hobby, get a life and get some therapy before you end up slitting your wrist, dude. You're one step away from that ledge, it seems.  

No one is saying to censor anything if you don't want to... what we are saying is keep the shit real and stop trying to diminish the risks we are not naive enough to turn a blind eye to. YOU are not a provider and you've proven that you see providers who have nothing to lose, so guess what... you are a fkin risk yourself and anyone seeing you is at added risk! Sooooo, should we all stop using condoms? Just curious because Angel posted that as well ha ha.

Posted By: London Rayne
No one asked her to conform, you moron. You're once again missing the big picture of how she is sooooo desperately trying to convince OTHERS to do as she does just so she does not look like an idiot. Her argument about caring what others think only holds water if it's an ego thing, not a real security or family issue. Let's see what CPS has to say about it once her child is born, shall we? Bet you change your fkin tune then. Angel has made a habit of justifying every dumb thing she has done since day one when others have tried to help. From letting a hobbyist screen her emails, to working from home, showing her face, not screening, being ass raped yet still coming back for more and finally, by getting pregnant... her face showing is nothing compared to the retarded shit she has done and posted on these boards. I bet I could find her apartment in less than 5 minutes just from what she has posted... how discreet and safe is that? Yet, this is what you take up for lol. Nut job.  
  She, like you is oblivious, careless and wreckless with no regard for anyone but herself. Many of us would post our photos all over if we had no concern for how our families would feel. I actually do care about hurting the ones I love and who truly love ME, not just LR.... I guess you are free to not give a shit about anyone but yourself either or you would never be so fkin ignorant to perpetuate this nonsense.  
 JUST showing your face is not the end all be all of being at a higher risk. I know many who do not show their face but still do a mountain of dumb shit that gets them in trouble, so no one is saying that every girl who shows her face is at higher risk than those who don't. You are simply TSTTT, and it's tiring. Get a hobby, get a life and get some therapy before you end up slitting your wrist, dude. You're one step away from that ledge, it seems.  
 No one is saying to censor anything if you don't want to... what we are saying is keep the shit real and stop trying to diminish the risks we are not naive enough to turn a blind eye to. YOU are not a provider and you've proven that you see providers who have nothing to lose, so guess what... you are a fkin risk yourself and anyone seeing you is at added risk! Sooooo, should we all stop using condoms? Just curious because Angel posted that as well ha ha.

Posted By: AlexandraMilw
Posted By: London Rayne
No one asked her to conform, you moron. You're once again missing the big picture of how she is sooooo desperately trying to convince OTHERS to do as she does just so she does not look like an idiot. Her argument about caring what others think only holds water if it's an ego thing, not a real security or family issue. Let's see what CPS has to say about it once her child is born, shall we? Bet you change your fkin tune then. Angel has made a habit of justifying every dumb thing she has done since day one when others have tried to help. From letting a hobbyist screen her emails, to working from home, showing her face, not screening, being ass raped yet still coming back for more and finally, by getting pregnant... her face showing is nothing compared to the retarded shit she has done and posted on these boards. I bet I could find her apartment in less than 5 minutes just from what she has posted... how discreet and safe is that? Yet, this is what you take up for lol. Nut job.  
   She, like you is oblivious, careless and wreckless with no regard for anyone but herself. Many of us would post our photos all over if we had no concern for how our families would feel. I actually do care about hurting the ones I love and who truly love ME, not just LR.... I guess you are free to not give a shit about anyone but yourself either or you would never be so fkin ignorant to perpetuate this nonsense.    
  JUST showing your face is not the end all be all of being at a higher risk. I know many who do not show their face but still do a mountain of dumb shit that gets them in trouble, so no one is saying that every girl who shows her face is at higher risk than those who don't. You are simply TSTTT, and it's tiring. Get a hobby, get a life and get some therapy before you end up slitting your wrist, dude. You're one step away from that ledge, it seems.    
  No one is saying to censor anything if you don't want to... what we are saying is keep the shit real and stop trying to diminish the risks we are not naive enough to turn a blind eye to. YOU are not a provider and you've proven that you see providers who have nothing to lose, so guess what... you are a fkin risk yourself and anyone seeing you is at added risk! Sooooo, should we all stop using condoms? Just curious because Angel posted that as well ha ha.

Please explain to me in the 15 months I've been doing this, and as successful as I am, with amazing reviews and no security issues, EVER, how is showing MY face is a risk to my clientele?

Better question...do the women you see charge you extra to put up with your ignorance?

Not her young children of course but she has made the decision to accept certain things for the time being. Nice try though, lonely, pathetic loser with no friends lol.

skarphedin802 reads

You were the one who said that escorts who show their faces have nothing to lose.

Do you seriously have nothing better to do than drag me into your douchebaggery? You & I have never had words, WTF is your problem with me suddenly?

I don't owe you any explanation as to the decisions I make.  

I have nothing to lose, no. This is MY career choice. I'm not ashamed. My friends and family know what I do. I don't give a fuck if the PTA moms know. Who cares. I screen, I'm careful and discreet with clientele info. How da fuck is posting my face shot equivalent to not caring about my family?!

Good try...NOT!

Posted By: skarphedin

skarphedin889 reads

You are not addressing the issue in that post either.  

Read that dudes post that I responded to again and tell me it is not the real deal misogyny.  

Read the argumentation he uses.  

That is what I posted about.  

If you want to respond to my post you need to address the post I was referring to.  

You don't know anything about me. Or how I behave. Why do you think I am suicidal? That is preposterous.  

I haven't seen Angel. I have seen escorts that show their faces and I would do so again.  

I also wasn't defending what Angel said or what she has done.  

I have made only two points this entire time: your response to Angel was intolerable and escorts showing their faces do not meaningfully increase the risk to punters from LE.  

In this post that you are referring to (actually not referring to) I was critical of the OP for the way he went after Angel as well. I was not defending any of Angel's choices or arguments. I was only pointing out that the OP was being clearly misogynist and that none of you called him out.  

All you have to offer is mediocre bluster and insults.

all the infamous gangsters from back in the day also flashed ,

they ended up all goin out in the way they wanted. with a bang.  

not every body is little joey goody two shoes nor do they wanna be..................

just because people dont live thier lives according to your rules and feelings of whats "precautionary and the safest way."


what advise and warnings would have rendered to Al Capone? i wonder, Now he was into REAL crime, and REAL money making, AND like so many other infamous gangsters that went down in history, They all fuckin flashed it.  

ad they went down in a blaze a glory but lived life on thier own fuckin terms,  


what helpful advise would have rendered to any the infamous american gangsters too that also took risks,  

and hey they died they way they wanted to die, it ended a certain ways for them. But that what makes them THEM and people like YOU,

exactly just that they are just people like you.


                 No one is any better than the next /just different.

Comin off with this self rightrous know it all bullshit your rantin about,  

Dont you have a more noble cause to put all this energy towards than directing hookers on how to run thier business or not run thier business?

or drug dealers or gangsters for that matter, i am certain your appion doesnt mean a piece of jack shit to her or any other person living beneath the law a tad or cuttin a few corners.  


little bobby do good wats to be certain the hookers on here on the street are doin things the kosher way, how admirable! can we award you a gold star you little annoying child!


I am certain there are others not playing by those rules you have in your head are thier any drug dealers in your neighborhood being careless too? you know you should also go warn them as well hun, its only the right thing to do here!

come back and tell us how your missionary for people doin ilegal activities goes, sounds like a reaaly good cause and a good way to spend your precious energy hun,  
oh my god, are these people for reals

Forgive us if we can't see the allure... Lol! ;-)

Personally, I wish we were all safe enough from the law and from societal judgement that we could show our faces if we wanted. I'm sure we all have some pictures that we hate blurring, I know it's a little more reassuring for the guys, etc etc. but, that's not the way things are. So I'll keep blurring, and admiring the ladies who have gotten to the point in their life where they can be more open and liberated in their career choice. Deciding to blur my own pics doesn't mean I think less of those who don't, quite the contrary. I can admire those decisions while finding them too risky to be my own. So while I do get a kick out of the gangster references (we are all such baaaad girls, lol!), please don't be offended if others just can't live that way :-)

I didn't read the OP as anything other than genuine and rightful concern. Al Capone at least kept his business pretty separate and clean, no matter how much speculation there was. Using a picture that easily leads back to Facebook is a little more than that. There is always the chance that the girl legitimately didn't know, so I really do get the impression that it wasn't meant derogatorily, or as a "save a ho" gesture.  

I love discussions like this :-)

-- Modified on 5/16/2015 12:41:48 PM

Old "Scarface" died on January 19, 1947, Capone suffered a stroke. After developing pneumonia, Capone died on January 25, 1947 of cardiac arrest at age 48. Capone also had tertiary syphilis and it wasn't something that could be healed.

Posted By: angelexotic
all the infamous gangsters from back in the day also flashed ,  
 they ended up all goin out in the way they wanted. with a bang.  
 not every body is little joey goody two shoes nor do they wanna be..................  
 just because people dont live thier lives according to your rules and feelings of whats "precautionary and the safest way."  
 what advise and warnings would have rendered to Al Capone? i wonder, Now he was into REAL crime, and REAL money making, AND like so many other infamous gangsters that went down in history, They all fuckin flashed it.  
 ad they went down in a blaze a glory but lived life on thier own fuckin terms,  
 what helpful advise would have rendered to any the infamous american gangsters too that also took risks,  
 and hey they died they way they wanted to die, it ended a certain ways for them. But that what makes them THEM and people like YOU,  
 exactly just that they are just people like you.  
                  No one is any better than the next /just different.  
 Comin off with this self rightrous know it all bullshit your rantin about,  
 Dont you have a more noble cause to put all this energy towards than directing hookers on how to run thier business or not run thier business?  
 or drug dealers or gangsters for that matter, i am certain your appion doesnt mean a piece of jack shit to her or any other person living beneath the law a tad or cuttin a few corners.  
 little bobby do good wats to be certain the hookers on here on the street are doin things the kosher way, how admirable! can we award you a gold star you little annoying child!  
 I am certain there are others not playing by those rules you have in your head are thier any drug dealers in your neighborhood being careless too? you know you should also go warn them as well hun, its only the right thing to do here!  
 come back and tell us how your missionary for people doin ilegal activities goes, sounds like a reaaly good cause and a good way to spend your precious energy hun,  
 oh my god, are these people for reals?  

If you work in the town you live and show your face you are contradicting the very meaning of the word discreet. I do not give 2 shits what the next woman does but be real about it. I do more public outings than any other type date and that is not a coincidence. Being discreet goes so far beyond not telling a guy's wife.  Only someone with nothing to lose (career, family or life) could afford to do that. Or, someone who does not give a shit. I care more about the married men I see and their privacy.

-- Modified on 5/16/2015 7:54:27 PM

If and when the lady's phone stops ring she will get the message. Perhaps she is getting plenty of business and can afford to do things the way she is. Now let your blood pressure return to a normal number.

I had a young lady come to my home, no phone call/text prior to her ringing the doorbell... Good thing my wife wasn't asleep in bed(I'm not married). Could you imagine? :-D

Edited - I wanted to ad, an astute client will see the potential risk with a provider who is showing her face in all of her ads. The astute client will make the decision if he can afford the potential risk.

-- Modified on 5/16/2015 1:42:05 PM

Agreed, but I am not really talking about added risk. Hotel room only providers and guys who have no interest beyond that, can do what they want without risk.  I am more debating saying how discreet you are when ALL of your actions say otherwise... those are not subjective statements, but facts. If I am careless with my own privacy, do you really trust me with yours?

skarphedin1057 reads

Posted By: London Rayne
Agreed, but I am not really talking about added risk. Hotel room only providers and guys who have no interest beyond that, can do what they want without risk.  I am more debating saying how discreet you are when ALL of your actions say otherwise... those are not subjective statements, but facts. If I am careless with my own privacy, do you really trust me with yours?
This is the thing. You cite no specific risks that are greater because of the woman's actions. You have made clear again and again that she has failed to conduct herself as well as you do. But, you have not said why she should conduct herself as you do.  

The answer I think, is that you simply believe women should act a certain way and are offended when they do not.

Married man is out to dinner with a provider that is seen all over the net... he is recognized with said provider. Wife, friends or coworkers all browse hooker ads simply to make fun of us, and again married man is recognized. Someone calls his job or snaps a photo... do you need any more elementary education on how not to be discreet? Please, shut the fk up and go away. Your ignorance has spoken for you time and again. Another added risk, you moron is the hotel staff recognizing said provider, and leads to a bust. Oh wait, forgot... I made the point about someone having nothing to lose. Please stop putting words in my mouth and learn to READ. No one said one way was wrong... just that not everyone has the liberty of doing that. It is clear you fall into the I have nothing to lose category, in which case YOU become a risk. Now, I am going to have drinks with the mentally sane.

skarphedin1018 reads

Posted By: London Rayne
Married man is out to dinner with a provider that is seen all over the net... he is recognized with said provider. Wife, friends or coworkers all browse hooker ads simply to make fun of us, and again married man is recognized. Someone calls his job or snaps a photo... do you need any more elementary education on how not to be discreet? Please, shut the fk up and go away. Your ignorance has spoken for you time and again. Another added risk, you moron is the hotel staff recognizing said provider, and leads to a bust. Oh wait, forgot... I made the point about someone having nothing to lose. Please stop putting words in my mouth and learn to READ. No one said one way was wrong... just that not everyone has the liberty of doing that. It is clear you fall into the I have nothing to lose category, in which case YOU become a risk. Now, I am going to have drinks with the mentally sane.
So now I am an idiot and a moron with nothing to lose who is insane and a risk? Again, yes, I am sure I deserve you abuse for not behaving as you would have me behave.  

And as to not being able to read, well I can do that. So I think you are wrong there. I understand what you have written very well.  

I do not think you have made a case either for significantly increased risk to the John because an escort shows her face or justified your scorn.  

If a married man is out to dinner with another woman and is seen he is as much done as if he was with an escort who showed her face.  

Escorts are not exposed to significantly more risk of being known as escorts to hotel staff because they show their faces on the internet.

..."Escorts are not exposed to significantly more risk of being known as escorts to hotel staff because they show their faces on the internet."...

I know of one hotel chain sometimes used by hookers that changed ownership and they went after the hookers who stayed there. The ones they got were the ones with images that clearly showed their faces. All they had to do was search hooker mall sites in that area, find those with facial images, print them off and hand them out to management and sit and wait for them to show up.  

News flash...just a body and no face...nothing to positively, unequivocally identify a hooker to either LE or family and friends. But you just will not get this concept because you are either too stupid, blinded by your hatred of London and/or any other hooker that dare speak against you.  

You have a nasty habit of replying with the tried old angry hooker, bitter hooker bs that some insecure hobbyists use when a hooker says something they don't like. Says more about you than the hooker.  

-- Modified on 5/17/2015 9:41:02 AM

-- Modified on 5/17/2015 9:51:51 AM

skarphedin898 reads

Posted By: hbyist+truth=;(
..."Escorts are not exposed to significantly more risk of being known as escorts to hotel staff because they show their faces on the internet."...  
 I know of one hotel chain sometimes used by hookers that changed ownership and they went after the hookers who stayed there. The ones they got were the ones with images that clearly showed their faces. All they had to do was search hooker mall sites in that area, find those with facial images, print them of and hand then out to management and sit and wait for them to show up.  
 News flash...just a body and no face...nothing to positively, unequivocally identify a hooker to either LE or family and friends. But you just will not get this concept because you are either too stupid, blinded by your hatred of London and/or any other hooker that dare speak against you.  
 You have a nasty habit of replying with the tried old angry hooker, bitter hooker bs that some insecure hobbyists use when a hooker says something they don't like. Says more about you than the hooker.  

-- Modified on 5/17/2015 9:41:02 AM

I never called her a tired or angry or old hooker. It wasn't anything London said to me that got me angry.  

I think your posts are angry and that you play an angry hooker on the internet. I have no idea what you are like away from the keyboard. I think you are blinded by the fact that I dislike your posting very very much. I like most every escort I have met. I like a higher percentage of escorts I have met than people I have met.  

"News flash...just a body and no face...nothing to positively, unequivocally identify a hooker to either LE or family and friends."

This made me laugh. Preposterous. Unequivocal is not the standard.  

"I know of one hotel chain sometimes used by hookers that changed ownership and they went after the hookers who stayed there. The ones they got were the ones with images that clearly showed their faces. All they had to do was search hooker mall sites in that area, find those with facial images, print them of and hand then out to management and sit and wait for them to show up."

Good. A specific risk that has been tied to showing the face. The question then is, is this type of mass arrest more common than a similar one without the printouts of the pictures? I would bet that if what you say is true, it is the exception and not the rule and that a John runs a vastly greater chance of being arrested out of the blue in a mass bust without LE using face pics.  

But this is all misdirection. The issue I raised is the way London addressed another poster. You have not addressed that.  

I imagine you will facilely argue that what you are doing is raising the issue of how I addressed London. You are not doing that. You have cited to nothing I wrote to or about London.

-- Modified on 5/17/2015 1:18:23 PM

I was not quoting you but your use of the word "vitriol" ( violent hate and anger expressed through severe criticism). Note the use of the word ANGER in the definition.

I don't care that you dislike my posting....this is a fanciful fuck board and nowhere near real life.  

I was not discussing/commenting on the difference between the frequency and amount of arrests between facial images being used by the police and stings.  

I was commenting on the fact that facial images are a no brainer when hotels are trying to identify hookers who use them to conduct illegal business.  

Not misdirection at all. I commented DIRECTLY to your sentence...the one I quoted.  

And I will address London's way of addressing another poster. That is her way (you just don't like it and others do). Not much different than the way you address her with your accusations and anger to what you perceive she has done wrong.

skarphedin1054 reads

Posted By: hbyist+truth=;(
I was not quoting you but your use of the word "vitriol" ( violent hate and anger expressed through severe criticism). Note the use of the word ANGER in the definition.  
 I don't care that you dislike my posting....this is a fanciful fuck board and nowhere near real life.  
 I was not discussing/commenting on the difference between the frequency and amount of arrests between facial images being used by the police and stings.  
 I was commenting on the fact that facial images are a no brainer when hotels are trying to identify hookers who use them to conduct illegal business.  
 Not misdirection at all. I commented DIRECTLY to your sentence...the one I quoted.  
 And I will address London's way of addressing another poster. That is her way (you just don't like it and others do). Not much different than the way you address her with your accusations and anger to what you perceive she has done wrong.  
I do not understand what you point is re: my use of vitriol. I would have to assume too much to answer it fairly. If you want to re-phrase or elaborate I will respond.  

The extent of the increase in risk is crucial to whether or not London had any basis at all to even criticize Angel. Angel was arguing even if there was an increased risk as to arrest, it was so little as to be meaningless.  

The face pics do not meaningfully enhance the ability of a hotel to have escorts and punters arrested on their premises.  

Yes. That is London's way and I do not like it. I really do not like it when it is unfairly directed at someone I like and who has a good heart. I pointed that out. Again and again and again.

of johns as to whether they see them or not? Of course it does because they can see the face. Do you not think hotels can identify a hooker if she has her face plastered on her website as opposed to no face?  

Johns not directly because johns are not posting face pics on a website for them to be identified. Johns would be collateral damage should one be caught with an identified hooker.

It is a up to the gal what she chooses to do with the potential risk.  

I won't and I am sure guys pass on me because of it. My choice, my rules.

Some hotels DO actively look to see who is posting ads (especially BP) and go from there. Yes I know this is true. Not all, but some do and might not be every day or look at every ad.  

Know what would be really messed up? If LE stole a well reviewed gal's pictures and posted an ad for the bust. That would be real shitty. Never heard of it happening but it could one day. Nothing worse then having you rep damaged over LE stealing your picture for a bust. I'd be one angry SOB. What could one do anyways, sue LE for ruining her rep? lol.------ Sorry, just a random thought that popped into my head. Sort of on topic as it is to do with safety.

Posted By: hbyist+truth=;(
of johns as to whether they see them or not? Of course it does because they can see the face. Do you not think hotels can identify a hooker if she has her face plastered on her website as opposed to no face?  
 Johns not directly because johns are not posting face pics on a website for them to be identified. Johns would be collateral damage should one be caught with an identified hooker.

That is about as asinine as saying a rape victim who actually sees the guy's face can't identify him in a line up a hell out a lot easier lol. Point made... check mate. We do not walk in hotels with our tits and tats showing (hopefully) so what is there to connect us to our photos? I do not even wear any of the outfits on my site in public! Just duh...He is just pissed  that his idiot friend is guilty of so many risk factors noted and looks like a nut job... they both do.

skarphedin778 reads

Posted By: London Rayne
That is about as asinine as saying a rape victim who actually sees the guy's face can't identify him in a line up a hell out a lot easier lol. Point made... check mate. We do not walk in hotels with our tits and tats showing (hopefully) so what is there to connect us to our photos? I do not even wear any of the outfits on my site in public! Just duh...He is just pissed  that his idiot friend is guilty of so many risk factors noted and looks like a nut job... they both do.
A hotel does not need to connect you to your photos to call LE.  

LE does not need your face photo arrest you or the punter.  

Remember, this is as to the secondary and not necessary point, but again, posting a face pic on the Internet does not expose the punter to a significantly greater or even meaningful risk of arrest.

trust me the police are not holding or orchestrating this giant sting operation on alic of milwakee nor london, neither of them are as important as they appear in thier own minds,  

they are legends in thier own minds and there only! trust and belief no one is lookin for pic to mail to a hotel ehead fo your big debut and arrival my honies, neither you are NEARLY as important as you think you are on a grand scale. but its very amusing you both feel your public enemy number one and such reason for al this fuss, its very amusing!

I treat people right, therefore not public enemy to anyone.

I said it could happen to anyone. There are crazy guys out there, as you well know and have posted about many times. I am just glad that I have managed to avoid them. I read enough stories from you and other ladies to know I am thankful I don't got to go through 10% of the crap you gals do.

Posted By: angelexotic
trust me the police are not holding or orchestrating this giant sting operation on alic of milwakee nor london, neither of them are as important as they appear in thier own minds,  
 they are legends in thier own minds and there only! trust and belief no one is lookin for pic to mail to a hotel ehead fo your big debut and arrival my honies, neither you are NEARLY as important as you think you are on a grand scale. but its very amusing you both feel your public enemy number one and such reason for al this fuss, its very amusing!

such as Angel, then it is ok to slam others on things they never said?  

She does have a huge heart. I agree with you. She can be a big sweetheart too. I wish I could be as free and happy as she lives her life.    

But when she doesn't read things (aka claims others said the opposite of what they said) and goes off and gets very nasty, that is not ok.

I am not saying the one comment by London was right... It wasn't. Can you truly say that after Angel's posts on this thread (and her past history of doing the same thing over and over, here and there) that it was "unfairly directed at her"? She threw out quite a number of shots at many of us, including me that were unjustifiable. So when others respond back, it isn't "unfairly", it became deserved. Again, the one comment was not a nice thing to say to anyone. Anything else London posted was fair.  

Stop being on one side of the fence and look at the whole picture. You took London's comment and ran with it vs seeing what lead up to the comments. I respect you care about Angel so much. I don't respect you thinking it is ok what Angel did to start this mess.

I enjoy London's personality. A few don't. That is ok. I am sure you don't like me either. That's fine. I am me. London is London. You are you. That is the way we are suppose to be.

" I really do not like it when it is unfairly directed at someone I like and who has a good heart. I pointed that out. Again and again and again."  

Posted By: skarphedin
Posted By: hbyist+truth=;(
I was not quoting you but your use of the word "vitriol" ( violent hate and anger expressed through severe criticism). Note the use of the word ANGER in the definition.  
  I don't care that you dislike my posting....this is a fanciful fuck board and nowhere near real life.    
  I was not discussing/commenting on the difference between the frequency and amount of arrests between facial images being used by the police and stings.    
  I was commenting on the fact that facial images are a no brainer when hotels are trying to identify hookers who use them to conduct illegal business.    
  Not misdirection at all. I commented DIRECTLY to your sentence...the one I quoted.    
  And I will address London's way of addressing another poster. That is her way (you just don't like it and others do). Not much different than the way you address her with your accusations and anger to what you perceive she has done wrong.    
 I do not understand what you point is re: my use of vitriol. I would have to assume too much to answer it fairly. If you want to re-phrase or elaborate I will respond.  
 The extent of the increase in risk is crucial to whether or not London had any basis at all to even criticize Angel. Angel was arguing even if there was an increased risk as to arrest, it was so little as to be meaningless.  
 The face pics do not meaningfully enhance the ability of a hotel to have escorts and punters arrested on their premises.  
 Yes. That is London's way and I do not like it. I really do not like it when it is unfairly directed at someone I like and who has a good heart. I pointed that out. Again and again and again.

skarphedin1030 reads

I have no issues with you. I think you are a solid contributor to the board. The posts I have read of yours are funny and tough and full of positive energy.  

Look, I am fine with what I wrote. I am not the internet police. I feel no obligation to defend anything anyone says.  

I do not know what else to say?  

I am at a loss as to how to further address your issues?

Thanks for the compliments. I know I can be an ass sometimes. I still try to keep it nice.

I said what I had to say to you about the "whole" picture. Just because you know and like someone, doesn't mean you should be one sided. You didn't post anything bad about me. I am going to defend anyone (#2), friend or foe, if another (#1) started nasty BSC stuff and they (#2) responded "almost" completely justified... to only be messed with by #1's friend (#3). That is how I am, I try being fair vs taking up for whoever I like more or am close to.

I just wanted to point out the whole situation as I do not feel you thought of how it started.  

Posted By: skarphedin
I have no issues with you. I think you are a solid contributor to the board. The posts I have read of yours are funny and tough and full of positive energy.  
 Look, I am fine with what I wrote. I am not the internet police. I feel no obligation to defend anything anyone says.  
 I do not know what else to say?  
 I am at a loss as to how to further address your issues?

skarphedin1044 reads

I feel none of those obligations.  

What are you gonna do?  


"I imagine you will facilely argue that what you are doing is raising the issue of how I addressed London. You are not doing that. You have cited to nothing I wrote to or about London."

First off, Angel twisted everything around about what anyone said. She went on several rants, including getting personally nasty to me (on what I didn't even say... hence why I posted a link to prove she was lying). That's not even including her being nasty in reference to other providers. She needs to learn to read what others write before flipping out. Correct? Things she said was very inappropriate when no one even said what she accused many of us of posting. Instead of apologizing, she is all silent. Did you "address" Angel for her many posts?  

Now I understand you not liking the one comment London made, and that wasn't nice. Should never say that to anyone. I just find it odd that you are so busy slamming London on that comment (which she deserves being yelled at about), but you remained silent on Angel's BSC rants and her pot shots at me based on her not comprehending what I wrote. FFS I posted the Link to what she was referring to and obviously she made that crap up in her head that I ever said anything negative about her or her baby. You don't got to go on my word, hence why I posted the link as proof. Do you think it was fair for her to rant on people, including me... for no reason?

Yes, you do very much come off as truly loathing London. You say you are religious... that is not a very spiritual thing to do. I do take you as one sided on this whole thread. It is ok for Angel to flip out on others unjustifiably and you will WK her no matter what she says or does. She does no wrong in your eyes, otherwise you would have spoken up about all she posted on this thread. That is exactly what I see. Sorry, but I look at the whole picture. I still didn't get nasty at her, despite her attacking me personally. I just chalk it up as Angel being Angel. When you only "address" what one party says and turn a blind eye to what another did, yes you sure do come off as hating London.

Second, I quoted above because you asked for examples and that was given to you by hbyist+truth=;(.  Why you feel the response was unrelated to your posting, IDK because it was spot on.

If you really feel that others need to "address" what was posted to Angel, then you should look at Angel's behavior towards others as well. Crap snowballed after she blasted all sorts of posts attacking others on things she twisted around. You want to be fair and spiritual, then look at the whole picture and how it got started. Again, it should not have been said about Angel. I am not really feeling much sympathy after she attacked a bunch of us because she doesn't read what is posted. I still won't say something like that to anyone.  

As a side note, I don't think it is right to bait people with religious talk when your intent is to piss her off vs using religion for good. Yes, I do feel you were baiting her and other posters. I may not be right, but that is how I take it.

You went from simply saying it is wrong to say what London said about Angel (which you had a right to)... to going on and on attacking anything London said. Argue for no reason about something that is common sense. The more information anyone has on anyone in the hobby, the greater the risk. And to clarify for the millionth time, I am not saying there is anything wrong with showing facial pictures. But only a moron would be fine with their real name and family information out there for easy access. If you can't see the pitfalls and danger in that, you never will.

PS you did call her an angry hooker.

Posted By: skarphedin
Posted By: hbyist+truth=;(
..."Escorts are not exposed to significantly more risk of being known as escorts to hotel staff because they show their faces on the internet."...  
  I know of one hotel chain sometimes used by hookers that changed ownership and they went after the hookers who stayed there. The ones they got were the ones with images that clearly showed their faces. All they had to do was search hooker mall sites in that area, find those with facial images, print them of and hand then out to management and sit and wait for them to show up.    
  News flash...just a body and no face...nothing to positively, unequivocally identify a hooker to either LE or family and friends. But you just will not get this concept because you are either too stupid, blinded by your hatred of London and/or any other hooker that dare speak against you.    
  You have a nasty habit of replying with the tried old angry hooker, bitter hooker bs that some insecure hobbyists use when a hooker says something they don't like. Says more about you than the hooker.  
 -- Modified on 5/17/2015 9:41:02 AM
 I never called her a tired or angry or old hooker. It wasn't anything London said to me that got me angry.  
 I think your posts are angry and that you play an angry hooker on the internet. I have no idea what you are like away from the keyboard. I think you are blinded by the fact that I dislike your posting very very much. I like most every escort I have met. I like a higher percentage of escorts I have met than people I have met.  
 "News flash...just a body and no face...nothing to positively, unequivocally identify a hooker to either LE or family and friends."  
 This made me laugh. Preposterous. Unequivocal is not the standard.  
 "I know of one hotel chain sometimes used by hookers that changed ownership and they went after the hookers who stayed there. The ones they got were the ones with images that clearly showed their faces. All they had to do was search hooker mall sites in that area, find those with facial images, print them of and hand then out to management and sit and wait for them to show up."  
 Good. A specific risk that has been tied to showing the face. The question then is, is this type of mass arrest more common than a similar one without the printouts of the pictures? I would bet that if what you say is true, it is the exception and not the rule and that a John runs a vastly greater chance of being arrested out of the blue in a mass bust without LE using face pics.  
 But this is all misdirection. The issue I raised is the way London addressed another poster. You have not addressed that.  
 I imagine you will facilely argue that what you are doing is raising the issue of how I addressed London. You are not doing that. You have cited to nothing I wrote to or about London.  

-- Modified on 5/17/2015 1:18:23 PM

skarphedin759 reads

I didn't defend Angel. She doesn't need defending. I don't really defend people anyway. I disagree with some of what she said and agree with other things. Just like with you. *Shrug*

I am also not the police of TER. I hate when people do that. You and Angel were going at it and that is fine. You can both take care of yourselves.  

If you had gone off on Angel in the way London did I would have called you out on it. And if Angel had gone off on you that way I like to think I would have said something but that is all internet talk and we will probably never know.  

I suppose I was WK'ing but wtf? I was right. And I like Angel and her posts. Ehhh...  

London kept doubling down on what she said and insulting me as well. I called her on that each time she did it.  

Look, I really really do not like London's style. I am open about that. What do you want from me? I am not going to ever like it if she stays the same. And I am not telling her to stop posting....  

I have re-read everything I wrote after reading your post and I am fine with it. I have no problems or regrets with it.  


in regards to both LE and crazy johns (exhibit A lol) sending provider photos to area  hotels during a tour so they  could set them up. He's clearly not a hobbyist, but some bible thumper who has no friends so he hangs out on TER. I had many friends in smaller towns who were busted for this very reason. I also know of two REAL nurses who were released from duty simply from a photo on an escort site.  

A married man is seen at dinner all the time with random women... coworker, daughter, sister or his own fkin wife. NONE of those women have to worry about escort photos linking back to him... duh. I cannot even believe he tried to pass that off as a logical argument, but I digress.  

LE... final answer lol.

skarphedin897 reads

Posted By: London Rayne
in regards to both LE and crazy johns (exhibit A lol) sending provider photos to area  hotels during a tour so they  could set them up. He's clearly not a hobbyist, but some bible thumper who has no friends so he hangs out on TER. I had many friends in smaller towns who were busted for this very reason. I also know of two REAL nurses who were released from duty simply from a photo on an escort site.  
 A married man is seen at dinner all the time with random women... coworker, daughter, sister or his own fkin wife. NONE of those women have to worry about escort photos linking back to him... duh. I cannot even believe he tried to pass that off as a logical argument, but I digress.  
 LE... final answer lol.
I guess you want to have more discussion of the secondary issue.  

Married men are seen all the time eating dinner alone with beautiful women? This is not a cause for discussion in the community? Wives are ok with this when they are unaware of it? That is not the marriage I was in.  

So we have another concrete example of an additional risk. LE sending out BOLOs to area hotels based on a face pic. This could happen in a small town I suppose. There are stings of course. So yes, in a small conservative town one should not see escorts who show face pics. But then that pales in comparison to the importance of the best practice of not seeing escorts at all in small conservative towns. How much more at risk are you seeing escorts who show their faces in a small southern conservative town than you are by merely seeing escorts there anyway. I think not much more, you are already rolling the dice everytime.  

However, anywhere other than that I do not think it is a concern.  

As to crazy johns like me sending out photos to regional hotels to have escorts set up? In a big city? Not going to work. In a medium city? Not going to result in LE. A small conservative town. Maybe, if they hit the right hotel/motel owner who won't be satisfied with 86'ing the escort. So I guess, again, in a small conservative southern town this might present a somewhat riskier proposition. But I don't think it represents a significantly higher risk than that already present.

I shall put it is simple as I can for you. I am a provider. I talk to other providers. I know things you do not. All listed below because she has her face in her ads:

Providers who have shown their faces have been told at check-in that the hotel saw their ads and was refused service and told to leave. At Check-in.  

Providers who have already checked-in and got up to their room, have had hotel personnel come up to the room and/or called and shown them their ads identifying them and told to leave.  

^----Some have been even approached by staff, within minutes of getting to their room, trying to book an appt at a discount (blackmail pretty much).

Providers have gone shopping, went out to eat (both in the RW and the Hobby, sometimes family and friends are around!) and have had guys they have never met come up to them and blatantly bring up that they have seen her ads and pictures, and can we talk about an appt.

Guess what also happens? When these ladies say no to meeting guys they have never met, some have been so BSC that they managed to find out the gal's personal address and RL name... then they proceed to threaten her if she doesn't see him.

Here are things you can read for yourself by searching this board: Guys have found out their neighbors or people they knew in the RW were providers based off ads and pictures. This topic gets brought up often and they then start a thread asking for advice on if it is ok to tell her or setup an appt.  

All of the things I have listed (and trust me there is plenty MORE other things that have happened) were done by people that have never met a provider but could identify her off of photos alone. Nothing I listed was a one time thing. Speaking about being told this well over 50 times on each of what I pointed out. Also, these were big cities, not some little town or city.

Just a little FYI, just because you wouldn't send out pictures to hotels, doesn't mean others do not. That actually does happen when a guy is BSC. I do know some hotels DO go through BP and identify gals. Some not all.  

You really are splitting hairs and arguing over something that just about everyone else knows from reading this board. I don't know why you are being so argumentative, I think it is because it is London and you feel you must show her you are right. You said your opinion. She showed you examples of how you were wrong. Now you just want to keep arguing despite us providers actually knowing things from our own experiences or what others have told us. Reputable ladies, I am not even including things I have seen guys report on another (crap) site that I can not name. That site, which is about the very cheap hookers, I read at least twice a day of how guys can stalk gals, go knock on their front door, go up to their work etc and bother her without ever meeting her. Yes some guys are crazy and even admit to it and gloat about it.

Posted By: skarphedin
Posted By: London Rayne
in regards to both LE and crazy johns (exhibit A lol) sending provider photos to area  hotels during a tour so they  could set them up. He's clearly not a hobbyist, but some bible thumper who has no friends so he hangs out on TER. I had many friends in smaller towns who were busted for this very reason. I also know of two REAL nurses who were released from duty simply from a photo on an escort site.    
  A married man is seen at dinner all the time with random women... coworker, daughter, sister or his own fkin wife. NONE of those women have to worry about escort photos linking back to him... duh. I cannot even believe he tried to pass that off as a logical argument, but I digress.    
  LE... final answer lol.
 I guess you want to have more discussion of the secondary issue.  
 Married men are seen all the time eating dinner alone with beautiful women? This is not a cause for discussion in the community? Wives are ok with this when they are unaware of it? That is not the marriage I was in.  
 So we have another concrete example of an additional risk. LE sending out BOLOs to area hotels based on a face pic. This could happen in a small town I suppose. There are stings of course. So yes, in a small conservative town one should not see escorts who show face pics. But then that pales in comparison to the importance of the best practice of not seeing escorts at all in small conservative towns. How much more at risk are you seeing escorts who show their faces in a small southern conservative town than you are by merely seeing escorts there anyway. I think not much more, you are already rolling the dice everytime.  
 However, anywhere other than that I do not think it is a concern.  
 As to crazy johns like me sending out photos to regional hotels to have escorts set up? In a big city? Not going to work. In a medium city? Not going to result in LE. A small conservative town. Maybe, if they hit the right hotel/motel owner who won't be satisfied with 86'ing the escort. So I guess, again, in a small conservative southern town this might present a somewhat riskier proposition. But I don't think it represents a significantly higher risk than that already present.

skarphedin856 reads

I don't know how to make this more clear.  

No one has shown how an escort showing her face causes a significant increase in risk to the punter.  

That is not splitting hairs.  

Everyone is shouting about everything but that.  

If you re-read my posts you will see that is all I have been arguing.  

I have never discussed anything else but London's response to Angel and the fact that escorts showing their faces does not significantly increase the risk from LE to punters.  

Why are you even involved in this? It's ok. But I don't see why? Am I really being that unfair or mean? What are you trying to accomplish here?  

Stating something very strongly and calling people names is not = anything.

The conversation was between your BSC gf and me. She was so busy criticizing everyone else and talking shit because she lacks comprehension in what almost everyone else posted on this thread. Twisting crap around and not reading what others' posted, then personally attacking others for no reason.

London responded to her talking shit. You got all butt hurt that someone responded and called her out on the BSC crap and not even what was said about me but pretty much all the other providers (which includes London)

Where did you come into the picture? Are you a provider who Angel was ranting at and talking out of her butt? Oh, no. You are not.  

So why are you involved in this? Oh, because your gf got appropriate responses for her actions. Huh. You didn't like it and decided to attack London on every single thing she said. When another lady told you how you were very obviously hating on London, you attacked her too. Now you want to talk crap to me when you can't see logic.

Yes you are being very mean and you must be right, got to prove it beyond any sort of logic. OK. I very much listed off a whole bunch of Real situations that have happened to many ladies. Now your response is I should stay out of it? You popped your ass into the conversation to begin with between Angel and I and Angel and London.

If you are so dense to think that a lady getting busted doesn't trickle down the tree, I can not help you.

All you proved to me is you have much hate for a certain poster, no matter how right she is. Yes, you only seem to pop on this board to say something nasty to London. Not the only one who noticed that.

I am not going to continue to explain simple stuff to you. I pointed out quite a number of things that can go wrong and has gone wrong where a gal can be busted. I am guessing you don't read much on what happens when a gal is busted. LE goes through any piece of information they can get, including cell phones. They even get into screening sites. Truth.

At this point it is clear to me that your BSC friend rubbed off on you and I don't get paid to play hooked on phonics with you. You are truly an asshole. You should go read some of your gals stories and think about crap she has gone through (her fault or not). I have read well over a hundred of her postings on how she has had some bad junk go on. So even she gets that there is stalkers and LE threats that could happen.

What is really sad is you will take it as you WINNING because I won't continue to respond to stupidity. Continue to make crap up in your head to prove your wrong point, despite proof. Whatever makes you feel better at night.

You should really stop being obsessed with having the last word and going on and on til others ignore you. You think you haven't? Well let's see here, London stopped posting responses to you, as did Hobbyist. I came at the butt end because I couldn't stand you attacking others. Now I am leaving the conversation. I guarantee you that anyone who posts a response to you, you will respond til they get sick of it and stop responding. Just the person you are.

You can have the last word, means so much to you. I will be busy with more important things and laughing about how you can't step back and see everything that started this.

Thanks for butting into my conversation. I am much happier if you mind your own business then get involved in my conversation.

Posted By: skarphedin
I don't know how to make this more clear.  
 No one has shown how an escort showing her face causes a significant increase in risk to the punter.  
 That is not splitting hairs.  
 Everyone is shouting about everything but that.  
 If you re-read my posts you will see that is all I have been arguing.  
 I have never discussed anything else but London's response to Angel and the fact that escorts showing their faces does not significantly increase the risk from LE to punters.  
 Why are you even involved in this? It's ok. But I don't see why? Am I really being that unfair or mean? What are you trying to accomplish here?  
 Stating something very strongly and calling people names is not = anything.

skarphedin751 reads

Your perception of reality is different than mine.  

I didn't read the whole thing because it was way too long and ranting.  

I do get that you are very upset at me.  

But your being really upset does not mean I have done anything wrong.  

I went back and re-read my posts and I am not bothered by what I wrote and have no idea why you are responding this strongly.  

I am not the one being mean. I just am not. You need to re-read London and Hobbyist's posts. They are the ones calling me names. I have been pointing out that they are not responding to the issue.

Is this a mean post?  

Have I been mean to you?

I even gave you that you had a right to call London on the one comment, you kept going on anything she said.

My reality is real. I have been known as one of the most logical posters. I could be like London and scream at your dumbass. I didn't. I spoke to you like a human. You kept it up and started getting nasty to me before I ever started calling you names.  

Apparently from a recent post on this thread (within past few hours) you seem to hate a bunch of us. You named off, what, 7 names? This is after you had just got done saying you enjoy my posts.

Hey, Feel free to call me names when I act stupid. This isn't one of the times.

PS you should be thankful that several are not able to respond, because you'd be bleeding from your ass after they rip you a new one. Perfect timing to attack a bunch of us, lucky you.

Posted By: skarphedin
Your perception of reality is different than mine.  
 I didn't read the whole thing because it was way too long and ranting.  
 I do get that you are very upset at me.  
 But your being really upset does not mean I have done anything wrong.  
 I went back and re-read my posts and I am not bothered by what I wrote and have no idea why you are responding this strongly.  
 I am not the one being mean. I just am not. You need to re-read London and Hobbyist's posts. They are the ones calling me names. I have been pointing out that they are not responding to the issue.  
 Is this a mean post?  
 Have I been mean to you?

Significant NO, but significant for the hooker, YES!  

If you want to stick to the significance for the johns then do that. We, the hookers are the ones they target NOT tricks, using face identifying images. If a trick is there when the cops show up he may or may not get caught..it s the hooker they want.

Satisfied?? now go the fuck away

skarphedin868 reads

I would very much rather you go away.  

But quite seriously, a board with you, LR, HotPlants, Kole, Tidwell, Tidwell's Tormentors, JCA and Taylor is unbearable

Then, uh, buh-bye!!! What's stopping you?! If you can't take the heat, get the fuck up out the kitchen.

I have been to several and was never recognized as an escort. We all know YOU would see and put your d(ck in just about anything lol. That has been proven... Just because you're an idiot, you need every other person to act like one too... same as Angel. Fail.

Oh I stand corrected, you didn't mention me. WTF has Kole ever done to anyone?

All the peeps you name, if they all left, this board would be dead. I sure wouldn't be here. I notice you didn't want to rock the boat and name any board boys outright, just tormentors. I like the board boys BTW. FYI I do tell them when they are going too far.  

I could understand not liking LR, JCA, and my posts. Even Taylors and the board boys.... but the rest don't post much to be upset about. I guess diff'rent strokes for different folks. Every one you mentioned grew on me and I like their posts (be it agreeing or being mad at). I mean, fuck, at least JCA can take the heat that I give him and crack a joke.  

PS What's his name that shall not be named... his tormentors were standing up for Angel BTW. That was the tipping point.

Posted By: skarphedin
I would very much rather you go away.  
 But quite seriously, a board with you, LR, HotPlants, Kole, Tidwell, Tidwell's Tormentors, JCA and Taylor is unbearable.  

If a hooker shows her face and LE scan ads and take screen caps of her face and print those off and hand them out the hotels in her area (yep she might mention that as well). Then she shows up to conduct illegal business and they identify her and then simply place a call to the cops that she is in room 214...and then she gets the knock on the door while with a trick.  

That is what I believe London was referring to NOT that hookers should do things her way. A huge risk to the hooker and the trick.

-- Modified on 5/17/2015 9:37:23 AM

-- Modified on 5/17/2015 10:07:01 AM

skarphedin1062 reads

Posted By: hbyist+truth=;(
If a hooker shows her face and LE scan ads and take screen caps of her face and print those off and hand them out the hotels in her area (yep she might mention that as well). Then she shows up to conduct illegal business and they identify her and then simply place a call to the cops that she is in room 214...and then she gets the knock on the door while with a trick.  
 That is what I believe London was referring to NOT that hookers should do things her way. A huge risk to the hooker and the trick.  
 -- Modified on 5/17/2015 9:37:23 AM

-- Modified on 5/17/2015 10:07:01 AM

As I said above, no one mentioned that risk until now. No one even implied it. But is it a real or even additional risk? If LE wants to arrest the escort and punter in that situation they do not need the photo. If the hotel wants a bust on their premises (unlikely) then they can alert the authorities without a photo.  

My point is that you have not shown that a woman showing her face poses a greater risk to the punter.  

But again, this is misdirection. Even if Angel was wrong (which I do not think she is), it does not excuse or even explain the manner in which London addressed her. What do you think of the way London addressed Angel? Do you agree with her sentiment?  

I should not have written that I dislike London. That was wrong. I dislike her posting as I dislike yours but for different reasons. I do not dislike her posts because they were written by a hooker. And I was not angered by anything she said to me. In fact, I do not think she and I have ever been in conflict before.

-- Modified on 5/17/2015 1:22:05 PM

I commented only on the fact that showing facial shots greatly  increases the risk for positive identification.  

The majority of the risk is hers, not the guy so much unless he is caught in part of the sting. She runs the most risk of being outed to family and friends and to the cops.

Whether you agree to said risks is unimportant. You are not the one plastering your face over the internet for anyone to see advertising something illegal.  

So really your issue is with the way London "spoke" to Angel

skarphedin906 reads

Posted By: hbyist+truth=;(
I commented only on the fact that showing facial shots greatly  increases the risk for positive identification.  
 The majority of the risk is hers, not the guy so much unless he is caught in part of the sting. She runs the most risk of being outed to family and friends and to the cops.  
 Whether you agree to said risks is unimportant. You are not the one plastering your face over the internet for anyone to see advertising something illegal.  
 So really your issue is with the way London "spoke" to Angel?  
My God yes. My issue all along has been the way London spoke to Angel. I have said that in every post I have made. Yes. That is my issue. The fact that London was also without legitimate basis to even criticize Angel made her behavior worse.  

Like I said, there is no significantly greater risk to the punter if the escort shows her face. That is what the secondary point (as to London's justification in even criticizing Angel) was about.  

What did you think I was doing?

but no longer do. You are ignorant, naive and just plain stupid! . You keep saying there is no added risk, yet have not proven how it is not... you split hairs, deflect and change the subject. Running for office? We have given you and your feeble brain countless examples of how much more risky things are and you refuse to acknowledge them because you're too focused on bs.  You have  actually proven my point about those who can be so open because.... wait for it... THEY HAVE NOTHING TO LOSE AND ADMIT IT! Want another added risk... child protective services being alerted. Ooops. Just too damn easy for the child to be put in the custody of the state by proving the mother is a hooker when the dad is squeaky clean and wants custody.  

 God, you are retarded and borderline delusional if you cannot get your head out of your ass long enough to address facts. I know hundreds of providers who both show their faces and do not. The ones that do will flat out say they do not care what anyone thinks about it... hint, 'they do not care' lol. Another point made.

Angel is a fkin idiot and anyone with a full functioning brain will admit it. I spent years taking up for her nonsense until I finally figured out she was beyond help. You take up for a woman who turns tricks whilst pregnant and then have the audacity to say she has a big heart? OMFG LOL LOL LOL. Yah, a big heart for herself and no one else. See ya sparky. You and her make a perfect pair... you are both fifty shades of CRAY!

-- Modified on 5/17/2015 4:42:08 PM

I dont encounter issues with run ins with l.e. I only see drama from other ladies that are just nasty people.

I still stay by my opinion . pussy lip gloss as a john shouldnt be tracing any womens pics back to her social media accounts, I feel HE is the creep here not her,.  

I also as a gal that shows face pics I have yet to encounter any drama or issues. Although london is apprently wishing I do and claiming she can find my house in 5 mins, well that is alll fine and dandy and i am unsure why she is so interested in me or anything i do or post,  

I see the most nonsense and drama from females in the biz i am not concerned with l.e. I screen and i barely work for that matter .

I am havin a baby in 2 weeks, no one sis carin bout me showin my face pics but london apprently who is also claiming she can find my house in 5 minutes, and wishing bad upon a another person like mentioning oh angel wait til dss comes then you wont be laughin, thats just shows what an ugly person she is. thats a rotten attitude to have, i agree.

i wouldnt wish dss upon you and your girl and i dont appreciate you wishing things badly upon me.

like Ai said the only drama or worry the lady should have is gonna be issues and negativity she may encounter from other females, as i have in this post aparenbtly which prooves my point!

i have heard there are other reasons london doesnt show her face, and it has nothin to do with protecting her family. ahem worn tired leather face i have heard and a ghastly site it is. i have heard that from a few guys about her,

maybe that is why her oanties r truly in a bunch , and maybe she has other reasons why she wont show her face. lol back at ya bitch!

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