TER General Board

So ...
ddp71 21 Reviews 210 reads



-(.)(.)1485 reads

Has anyone noticed all the newbie questions that have been asked here 500 times?  C'mon fellow members - let's PLEASE us the search function. It's here for a reason.  It's easy,  and will give you your answers quicker than asking a question that's older than some of the ladies on this board.

some are not familiar with how and why the boards are set up..any ter member can post on any board he chooses to..there are no exclusive boards here..we all have our favorite boards to post on..so be it..as for the age of our esteemed ladies..i am sure they will let you know in short order how they feel..i just love these boards..

Most likely they stopped looking when they saw the word "General" thinking they could talk about anything. You would be surprised how many so called veteran hobbyists still don't read a damn website or calendar either...I just ignore em.

MSHSEX355 reads

While I don't disagree with your comments, I'm happy to see more new TER members that now feel comfortable to say "hi" and post here. Now that the TER forums are more welcoming and tolerant after the much needed changes to the forums, it's great to see a greater level of participation among TER members.

Posted By: -(.)(.)
Has anyone noticed all the newbie questions that have been asked here 500 times?  C'mon fellow members - let's PLEASE us the search function. It's here for a reason.  It's easy,  and will give you your answers quicker than asking a question that's older than some of the ladies on this board.

lots more members have left because of either the moderation by unknowns or because a cheerleaders like you.  I have no problem with the newbies we were all there once.  Now for those who have to play spelling cop, grammar cop, we read this last week, I find you post offensive, i find your post stupid, Is this off topic, give it a break, post your topics of choice and ignore topics that you find offensive, stupid or redundant.

Amen eom.

Posted By: martythewall
lots more members have left because of either the moderation by unknowns or because a cheerleaders like you.  I have no problem with the newbies we were all there once.  Now for those who have to play spelling cop, grammar cop, we read this last week, I find you post offensive, i find your post stupid, Is this off topic, give it a break, post your topics of choice and ignore topics that you find offensive, stupid or redundant.

MSHSEX238 reads

The attrition of existing members is going to happen to any organization. Fortunately, TER's membership changes are net positive (TER is gaining more members than it's losing). Furthermore, I think that the attrition has resulted in advantageous selection with regards to TER's membership base (which is definitely a GOOD thing).

Posted By: martythewall
lots more members have left because of either the moderation by unknowns or because a cheerleaders like you.  I have no problem with the newbies we were all there once.  Now for those who have to play spelling cop, grammar cop, we read this last week, I find you post offensive, i find your post stupid, Is this off topic, give it a break, post your topics of choice and ignore topics that you find offensive, stupid or redundant.

some or other time in the past. I thnk we have ran out of the questions. Question from me: Do you like hair on the clients chest and butt? I was seeing a provider and it was my first time ever. I shaved my hair on chest and butt, but she did like me barechested and she stresssed me three or four times that i need to have some hair on the chest. What is your input ladies?

Secondly, when is it right time to ask "what is on the menu?". I went to see a provider without knowing what is on the menu. Few minutes in the middle of the session she tells me a thing that i absolutely like. I got so aroused and finished very quickly which i didnt like at all. If i could have known i would have prepared to last longer.

...the proper boards.  Don't just complain about it - if you see a post that belongs on another board, report it to TER.

But I agree about searching.  Most people are too lazy to bother searching; they ask questions that have been asked and answered many times before.

MSHSEX299 reads

Sure some may be too lazy to bother searching, but how is that a problem? If a person asks a question that has already been discussed before, there is nothing that forces anyone to answer. I don't mind answering a often asked question. If others do mind, then they are free to ignore the question.

Posted By: BigPapasan
...the proper boards.  Don't just complain about it - if you see a post that belongs on another board, report it to TER.

But I agree about searching.  Most people are too lazy to bother searching; they ask questions that have been asked and answered many times before.

many newbs and veterans, as well,  don't know how to search.

MSHSEX252 reads

That's true or they are simply too lazy to do so. Either way, I don't mind answering questions that have been asked oftentimes before in the past.

Posted By: hiddenhills
many newbs and veterans, as well,  don't know how to search.

I see questions repeated on that board constantly.  Being a former teacher, I'm used to that.  Teachers deal with that on a daily basis, especially in the subject that I taught, math.  Those that are new here likely do not know how to use the search function unless someone tells them about it and/or explains it to them. They are still learning their way around the site and are not always sure what they should ask and where.  Remember, you can always report a post and ask that it be moved to a different board if you think it does not belong here.  I have done that many times with posts on the newbie board that belonged elsewhere.

Another thing I wonder is this, am I the only host of a board?  If I am, there is no one person monitoring the GD board to check for posts in the wrong place, or anything else.

... everyone else on these boards is that your name appears in red. I still have no idea why they even invented the position. Seems like admin realized how useless it is on the other boards already.

MSHSEX251 reads

The Host/Hostess idea was a GREAT one and NOT useless. The problem was in its execution, namely the SELECTION of some of the hosts and their INABILITY to act effectively.

For example, AFTER she was selected, the Atlanta forum's hostess actually started posting LESS. Even though she is well-regarded and liked on the Atlanta forum, she was completely INEFFECTIVE and didn't truly understand what being a hostess was all about. Only after some prodding did she start to post more, but by then it was too little, too late.

Like so many things in life, great ideas are often ruined by poor execution and effort. This is what happened to the Host/Hostess idea.

Posted By: cantseeddp
... everyone else on these boards is that your name appears in red. I still have no idea why they even invented the position. Seems like admin realized how useless it is on the other boards already.

Want to start a bunch of threads everyday? Do it, everyone has that power.

Want to welcome new people to the board when they post? Do it, everyone has that power.

Want to answer questions politely? Do it, everyone has that power.

You don't need an entirely ceremonial title to do what you already have the power to do.

No disrepect meant to swimtrekr because he does an excellent job helping people out on the newbie board. However, the only difference between what he does on that board and the guys like "xyz", "perfectstorm", "hiddenhills", and anyone else I missed is that his name appears in red when he posts.

MSHSEX230 reads

Nope, it was a GREAT idea.

Just because everyone HAS that power does NOT mean that everyone USES that power. With a Host/Hostess for each forum, there was someone who was ACCOUNTABLE for starting a bunch of threads everyday, welcoming new people to the forums when they post, and answering questions politely.

Without a Host/Hostess, it's pretty much a crapshoot if people FEEL like starting threads, welcoming new members, and answering questions politely.

Posted By: cantseeddp
Want to start a bunch of threads everyday? Do it, everyone has that power.

Want to welcome new people to the board when they post? Do it, everyone has that power.

Want to answer questions politely? Do it, everyone has that power.

You don't need an entirely ceremonial title to do what you already have the power to do.

No disrepect meant to swimtrekr because he does an excellent job helping people out on the newbie board. However, the only difference between what he does on that board and the guys like "xyz", "perfectstorm", "hiddenhills", and anyone else I missed is that his name appears in red when he posts.

I have been a strong critic of many of the changes on TER. I do not like most of them in fact. But on the host hostess change I must agree with you. It was a good idea.

It was poorly presented, and the execution could have been much better. After all they just have the hosts and hostesses feel there way though the job. Added to the fact that people thought it was a replacement program for the mods who had many fans. It wasn't the "report this post" button was that.  

I took the idea and tried it out on my local board with great success. Health issues and running out of things to post has limited me as of late, but that is way they should work in twos. Both a host and a hostess. Shame poor execution killed a great idea. If each board had two people that posted daily, there would be very few dead boards. If one idiot like me on the most backwards regional board there can be can spark life there, it can work on other boards. It just needed better launch away from all the other unpopular (to many) changes that TER made about the same time.

MSHSEX240 reads

Even though we don't agree on much Scoed, we have been respectful of each others rights to our differing beliefs.

With that, I agree with your comments. The attitudes you have shown are exactly what TER should have looked for in the forums' Hosts and Hostesses.

Instead, some were picked who simply had NO clue what to do, let alone what it MEANT to be a Host/Hostess, even when coached by others. I cite the Atlanta forum's host/hostess as an example of this.

That's why I believe the Host/Hostess idea was a GREAT one that simply failed because it was POORLY executed.

Posted By: scoed
I have been a strong critic of many of the changes on TER. I do not like most of them in fact. But on the host hostess change I must agree with you. It was a good idea.

It was poorly presented, and the execution could have been much better. After all they just have the hosts and hostesses feel there way though the job. Added to the fact that people thought it was a replacement program for the mods who had many fans. It wasn't the "report this post" button was that.  

I took the idea and tried it out on my local board with great success. Health issues and running out of things to post has limited me as of late, but that is way they should work in twos. Both a host and a hostess. Shame poor execution killed a great idea. If each board had two people that posted daily, there would be very few dead boards. If one idiot like me on the most backwards regional board there can be can spark life there, it can work on other boards. It just needed better launch away from all the other unpopular (to many) changes that TER made about the same time.

... for you to actually name one thing that was good about the host/hostess idea. Your usual arguement of because "Bobo says so" won't fly here (that was for you Mac).

Name 3 things about the host/hostess idea that was a good idea.

Then name 1 thing that stops you or anyone else from doing those same things anyway.

How was the assigned host/hostess accountable? They had no power or responsibility. How were they accountable?

Moderators were the best idea. Unfortunately, its like everything else in the world. Ideas are always better in theory. Once the human element is involved, everything goes to shit.

Oh wait ... obviously it was a great idea. So great that they already killed them all but one.

-- Modified on 5/6/2012 7:56:54 PM

MSHSEX144 reads

I've already named 3 things that were GREAT about the host/hostess idea. If you can't be bothered to read them in this thread, then I can't be bothered to re-iterate them again.

I've already named 1 thing that stops non-Host/Hostesses from doing those great things. If you can't be bothered to read it in this thread, then I can't be bothered to re-iterate it again.

You're confusing accountability with power and responsibility. These are completely different concepts that are not inexorably linked to one another.

Paid moderators, like TER admins, are a great idea. Volunteer admins, like the ones that were removed, are NOT, especially when they believe in "do as I say, not as I do".

Hope you're enjoying the new TER. I know many others, including myself, are.

Posted By: cantseeddp
... for you to actually name one thing that was good about the host/hostess idea. Your usual arguement of because "Bobo says so" won't fly here (that was for you Mac).

Name 3 things about the host/hostess idea that was a good idea.

Then name 1 thing that stops you or anyone else from doing those same things anyway.

How was the assigned host/hostess accountable? They had no power or responsibility. How were they accountable?

Moderators were the best idea. Unfortunately, its like everything else in the world. Ideas are always better in theory. Once the human element is involved, everything goes to shit.

Oh wait ... obviously it was a great idea. So great that they already killed them all but one.

-- Modified on 5/6/2012 7:56:54 PM



"Name 3 things about the host/hostess idea that was a good idea."

1. One of the key responsibly of the old moderators was to set a tone for the boards. LeChiffre did a great job on the BDSM board. His guidance made the board really instructional and newbie friendly. Now the moderators are gone and LeChiffre with then. With out him making sure instructional content is added the board has lost much of its value. Even when questions are asked mostly you get adds from women offering what you wish to know about. A host/hostess would be responsible for setting tone of the board with there posts. LeChiffre didn't set tone with his moderating but with his posts.

2. TER is full of dead boards. My regional board was dead. It was dead for years. I started to make sure it got some content. People started to reply. Then added there own posts. Even some picture threads happened. The board dd really well. I have had life issues making it hard to take the time to come up with fun topics. The board has slowed down. Content produces content. Host/hostess is responsible to make sure new posts are happening by adding to posts by others or starting new ones.

3. Newbies often have questions about stuff in this hobby or/and site. I know I did. Thing is it is had to know who to ask. I asked the moderators but they are gone. Host/hostess was to feel that role and to make sure they got greeted and welcomed. Now newbies don't know who to ask or even where. Having someone dedicated to answering those questions or sending then to TER admin like the moderators did is a great thing.

"Then name 1 thing that stops you or anyone else from doing those same things anyway."

The first two, not a damn thing, but people aren't doing it on most boards. Having the responsibly makes it so the person was more likely to do so. The reward for that responsibly was free VIP. Having a reward makes them accountable. Now on the third one, how is a new person to know who to ask? They don't Asking the wrong person will get you ignored or insulted. That is a fact. This very thread proves it.

"How were they accountable?"

TER gave the some free VIP for their service so they are accountable like the old mods to TER. TER will remove them if they don't live up to the responsibilities just like they have removed some mods that abuse their power in the past.

The idea was a no launch because of poor strategy in implementation. any good ideas die that way, until they are later retried later with some small tweaks. Radial tires is a an example of a great idea that took a while and some tweaks to get off the ground as the main kind of tire on the road. Because an idea needs tweaking and relaunching does not mean it is a bad idea.

... so many words to say absolutely nothing relevant. You might as well have wrote:

1)tuba tub
2)pink panties

Yes, it was such a great idea that TER has removed it from every board except one and on that board 5 or 6 guys do the same exact thing but only one shows up in red. Go to your regional board and spout your nonsense there. Start some threads, say hello, and answer a few questions. Maybe they will change your name to red too ... oh boy!!!

-- Modified on 5/6/2012 11:16:58 PM

She was probably busy working!  I always wondered how that was going to work for providers who can't be online during an appt?

Posted By: MSHSEX
The Host/Hostess idea was a GREAT one and NOT useless. The problem was in its execution, namely the SELECTION of some of the hosts and their INABILITY to act effectively.

For example, AFTER she was selected, the Atlanta forum's hostess actually started posting LESS. Even though she is well-regarded and liked on the Atlanta forum, she was completely INEFFECTIVE and didn't truly understand what being a hostess was all about. Only after some prodding did she start to post more, but by then it was too little, too late.

Like so many things in life, great ideas are often ruined by poor execution and effort. This is what happened to the Host/Hostess idea.
Posted By: cantseeddp
... everyone else on these boards is that your name appears in red. I still have no idea why they even invented the position. Seems like admin realized how useless it is on the other boards already.

too as it pertains to regional boards. Not sure about General, M&G, Transexuals, and those other boards.

... but they gave up on the host thing in Florida after the first month. What's the point? Anyone can start a thread or answer a question anyway ... and they had no moderation powers.

On the newbie board, the only diff between you and me, is my name is in red, but only on that board.  I have no idea why they retained me as a host, because I think I'm the only one on the site.  It could be they just wanted someone who will be around to answer newbie's questions, and not have to worry about that forum.  I'm not complaining as admin has been very generous to me for being the host.  I have no more power anywhere on TER than any of you do, unlike when I was a mod.

They also removed the host and hostess on the FL board, and as far as I know, have not replaced them.


They where thinking about having them on specialty boards like the newbie board. I think they plan on adding some to boards like BDSM and other such boards. I heard they asked Legal Beagle to host the Legal Corner but he turned them down.

serpius230 reads


Honestly, it's not that big of a deal if a newbie asks a question in here. There may be some questions that are not "newbie" related.

If TER management declares a post to be in the wrong forum, they will move it.

Let TER do their job and let us help and assist the folks that asks questions regardless of the topic.


Posted By: -(.)(.)
Has anyone noticed all the newbie questions that have been asked here 500 times?  C'mon fellow members - let's PLEASE us the search function. It's here for a reason.  It's easy,  and will give you your answers quicker than asking a question that's older than some of the ladies on this board.

TER is the slowest board/forum that I am a member of. I don't think the volumes of new threads being created and being replied is anything close to being too many for the General Discussion section.

Yea a few of them once in a while can be quite redundant (sorry guys!) but the overall increasing flow is making this forum/board more popular (increasing participation). It is a decent trade off.

Because there are sooooooooo many new things to say about sex and mongering.  Go back to sleep, funny handle guy.  If youre so interested in profundity, then say something profound.

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