TER General Board

Slow Time All Year.
ROGM 867 reads

It's been Slow all year long for the Provider I'm seeing from what she tells me. Last year she was making a heck of a lot more Money. She'll post a new Ad and if she's Lucky she'll get 3 Confirmed Sessions. The rest are just Time Wasters and Perverts. She's a total Sweet Heart and gives an Awesome Session. I see her as much as I can. She'd rather make her own Money. But I help her out with her Rent and Bills every now and then when she gets in a Bind for Money. I even paid her Rent in Full this past October. She was in Tears and didn't have Money for her Rent. How could I say No to her?

I've been contacted by a few providers saying this is the slowest they have ever been. I would imagine with Thanksgiving and Christmas so close this year it could a crunch on time and money. Maybe it's a San Diego thing.

Not slow in the Philly area!  It's been an amazing year and I have enjoyed and appreciated the company of the gentlemen I have met.  Thank you!


After browsing your website and viewing your pics, I can see why its not slow for you!!!!

Cosette1225 reads

run an ad on BP at about 65% of what their site says. It seems to be the case.

on any given day I can find a well-reviewed, "name" provider advertising on BP. And no, not always the same one!  

I haven't seen anything like 35% off specials, though. I'm sure I'd notice that, like "Attention K-Mart shoppers..."! LOL

Kind of makes you wonder at the hypocrisy of some that bash BP, huh?

Cosette951 reads

Yep it does make me wonder. One in particular was doing $350/hr as opposed to her $500 rate. That's still a good amount, not like she's slumming.  
I was pretty surprised definitely. It seems both men and women bash the site.

It seem to slow down a little right after Thanksgiving but has picked right back up here in Delaware.  
I have really enjoyed meeting alot in Great people this year.
Hope everyone has a Happy and Safe holiday :)

-- Modified on 12/9/2013 1:43:45 PM

tg_baby1030 reads

Christmastime has never been anything short of amazing.  

Slow times for me: TAX SEASON (terrible!!), early fall.

I used to waitress, and my business cycle mirrors that of food service...very busy at Xmastime and springtime, when everybody seems to want to go out. Steady in summertime. Quieter in fall, downright dead Feb/March.  

Weather does have something to do with it...I'm in NYC, which has a very different climate! (Jealous sigh).

Last week was the best week I've had in over a year.  I literally felt like the money gods were blessing me.  Good thing too because I used it as an opportunity to get several months ahead on all my bills.

.....and the Christmas season always treats me well.  Now, January in DC is another story as Congress is not in session (I know, it's an oxymoron), and most do not return until after MLK day.

Hugs and Kisses,

Dear Kelly:
Would you say that because you are well educated and an experienced listener that you are a popular favorite among the DC hobbyist set? Also at this time of year, would you say that you go on more social outings, since you would be extremely well versed in the national and international issues of the day as well? I can imagine that you certainly would be in demand for those things as well as traditional GFE dates.

89Springer776 reads

Are we taxpayers subsidizing your busy schedule? ;)

August, on the other hand, was painfully slow.

-- Modified on 12/9/2013 7:06:35 PM

89Springer890 reads

Posted By: BadCollegeGirl
August, on the other hand, was painfully slow.  

-- Modified on 12/9/2013 7:06:35 PM

Well, you should market to us seniors. We get pretty horny in August

so though very busy and expensive for me, I have not been seeing providers at this time.  
Hence, it being slow. (Sad Face)  

I'm sure I will soon discover she is a bitch and will be back in No Time. LMFAO

Starts to blow up you phone with the "where are you" and "you haven't called me back" texts

Or she asks "does this dress make my ass look fat"?

Most hookers don't do that shit....most  ;)

Posted By: escalade1964
so though very busy and expensive for me, I have not been seeing providers at this time.  
 Hence, it being slow. (Sad Face)  
 I'm sure I will soon discover she is a bitch and will be back in No Time. LMFAO

Damn.. how many times can you stand to hear "should I get my boobs done?"

ryanbraun846 reads

OMG yes!

Posted By: Look2Me
Damn.. how many times can you stand to hear "should I get my boobs done?"

Cosette853 reads

Despite the sex addiction part. I was a giving partner.

89Springer853 reads

Posted By: Look2Me
Damn.. how many times can you stand to hear "should I get my boobs done?"
I just heard "I'm going to get my boobs done again", to which I just gave a big smile. They're great now, but even bigger is even better (to a point).  

It's a hell of a lot better than my 200+ lb ex standing there in canary yellow pants and a black blouse with yellow stripes, asking how she looked. I wanted to say "you look like a fucking bumble bee", but I kept my mouth shut.

GreekDeprived968 reads

For decades Wall Street and bankers knew that conditions varied across the US; some areas had few mortgage problems/defaults while others made major default problems, all due to local conditions.

One day some "bright" people decided to bundle mortgages from across the USA to reduce the risk, going from local variations to smoothing out the risk across the country.  

they made tons of $$$--Wall Street LOVED it. Stock prices soared.

What wasn't publicized was that now that bundles represented nation wide, and mortgages were being sold by nation wide companies a new nation wide risk was created--nation wide real estate bubble instead of local or regional bubbles.

The birth of unregulated derivatives masked the bubble for some time.  Corrupt rating agencies, firms in Wall Street betting on both sides of the market, and our Congress sticking it's head in the sand, knowing that the amount of $$$ they receive would decrease if they tried to curtail bubble creation, and confident they would survive the bubble bursting let the bubble keep growing.

Until Wall Street and Congress can figure out how to make $$$$$ out of escorting, it will remain a localized market.

To further underscore, the effects of the budget stale mate that cuts government spending hits some pockets in the USA very hard. Those areas where people lost their employment, lost their income.




ROGM868 reads

It's been Slow all year long for the Provider I'm seeing from what she tells me. Last year she was making a heck of a lot more Money. She'll post a new Ad and if she's Lucky she'll get 3 Confirmed Sessions. The rest are just Time Wasters and Perverts. She's a total Sweet Heart and gives an Awesome Session. I see her as much as I can. She'd rather make her own Money. But I help her out with her Rent and Bills every now and then when she gets in a Bind for Money. I even paid her Rent in Full this past October. She was in Tears and didn't have Money for her Rent. How could I say No to her?

Posted By: sympathyforthedevil
I've been contacted by a few providers saying this is the slowest they have ever been. I would imagine with Thanksgiving and Christmas so close this year it could a crunch on time and money. Maybe it's a San Diego thing.

ROGM961 reads

From a Hobbyist's Perspective;

Be Careful you don't raise your Rates too much. Us Guys don't mind paying what's right. But we don't like to Overpay for your Services. Not being Critical or Harsh. just my 2 cents on this.

Thoracicsurgeon1017 reads

Let people charge what they want!  The market will decide for them whether it is sustainable.  It is pretty easy for them to work out.  If they raise prices and get fewer bookings than they want then they have gone too high.

Those of us who are doing well in this career are extremely business minded and know how to market ourselves... or make enough money to hire someone who does. If I took suggestions from hobbyists on how to structure my rates I'd be taking it up the ass for 200/hr.  

I'm a specialty/fetish provider in NYC with a unique look and I'm damn good at what I do. I decide what rate is right for me, and I'm going to keep it at a level where I'm not seeing more than 4 or 5 people a week because after that point I wouldn't be able to give my sessions my all.

Posted By: ROGM
From a Hobbyist's Perspective;  
 Be Careful you don't raise your Rates too much. Us Guys don't mind paying what's right. But we don't like to Overpay for your Services. Not being Critical or Harsh. just my 2 cents on this.  

I think some guys fail to realize that when they use the phrase "Price herself out of the market" we know exactly which market he is referring to, and do on purpose to avoid it. Now, I don't know ROGM so can't diss him, but I do know the type of market I will never cater to again.

morecoffee848 reads

business is good, while hobbyists felt things were slowing down.

The most memorable times of business drops, were when I charged by the hour and had to deal with the summers in New Orleans...other than that year or so, I can't say I really notice a huge change at any time of the year. I have a steady 2-4 clients a month, (4 is rare, actually) and don't want or need anymore than that. It's cheap as fk to live in the south. If a woman has a real job even clearing 2k, all she needs is 1-2k from providing to live well here. I am talking beachfront for less than 1800 a month, and not some small one bedroom either....try 3 bed and 3ba with wall to wall glass and a balcony you can fit 30 on comfortably. In Miami, for that, you're looking at over 5k. NYC, ha, millions!

When I hear some complain about being slow after they have just gotten 10 reviews for that month, I always think about what they are spending money on, or what kind of volume is considered 'busy.' It's been a good 2 years since I have seen even 3 guys in the same week, but I would be one rich motha fuka if I did that now lol. Tired too!  

-- Modified on 12/10/2013 10:33:59 AM

Cosette830 reads

Beach front, huge space, good quality of life. If I could maneuver remote working that's where I'd want to move. Instead I'm watching the snow pour down outside, not in a beautiful cabin kind of way but more like, I hope those cars don't crash.

Ha ha, Taylor said the very same thing after seeing some pics. The market here is dead for certain fields though, but I am only talking about the Fla. panhandle. Many large cities in the south will provide the same city vibe, job opportunities, without the big city prices. You should at least tour a few areas just to check things out. You would be stunned.

'Tampa' girl haha myself (which is why I was so stressed last year people, cut me some slack already) lol. I was itchin to move to the beach for some change. But that didn't 'pan' out hahahahaha....cute huh? I know, big dork, it's all good tho. Would we have been neighbors then? Funny thought huh hahahahaha or maybe scary hahahahaha...

Hell, maybe I'll come say hi, I do know you're by the beach woman. LOL  

Can I crash at your place for a night hahahaha JK with CAPS (not my style EVER, I don't even stay with fam when I travel)...you can call me.......


Now that is a mental picture heading down to NOLA with London and Taylor in the same town at the same time.  Great googleymoogleys!!!!!    
Now.  Bundle that with a trip to Jazzfest, and I'm calling the bank and convincing them I REALLY NEED my home equity line turned back on.    
Then I'm calling Costco pharmacy and ordering a Coscto-sized bottle of boner pills.  Not the "call your doctor after 4 hours of wood" ones, but the "don't freak out if you can use your junk as a 12 hour sundial" babies.  Dining from K-Pauls to Mother's for Po-Boys and RBnR.  
If that don't boil your crawfish, nothing will!!

I bought everyone Drago's Gift cards this year... damn I love that place! Charbroiled Oysters, and Crabmeat and Cream Stuffed Lobster....mmmmmm.

Miss Rayne, I like your style.      
Where's my phone?  I gotta call Southwest Airlines and Costco....

Most/many guys that post here are not our clients.
If ya wanna get word out about your analysis, rate advice and "biz is slow" implied questions to their/your target market, then but an ad on BP

I think there are a lot of factors......steady clients may want to see providers during the season, some clients may not be able to afford the requested donation some providers ask for because the are budgeting for holiday spending, some clients may be busy with family and can not get away.......I have been steady and have not seen a change.  But I do take off 10 days the end of December to be with family.

exit9644 reads

MY current ATF just went up by 20%.. I sent her a congratulatory note.. she just started in July 2013.. and alrerady has 16 reviews and nothing under an 8.. I knew she should be charging more than $250 H...she went to $300 but kept it at the old rate for regulars.. Good for her.. I always give her a gift or something anyway.. Last time it was a $100 Victoria Secret card..This next time I think, a Lelo toy.. She told me the last time that she never had used a toy  (???!!!??).. so why not.. ?

ROGM1427 reads

Posted By: exit9
MY current ATF just went up by 20%.. I sent her a congratulatory note.. she just started in July 2013.. and alrerady has 16 reviews and nothing under an 8.. I knew she should be charging more than $250 H...she went to $300 but kept it at the old rate for regulars.. Good for her.. I always give her a gift or something anyway.. Last time it was a $100 Victoria Secret card..This next time I think, a Lelo toy.. She told me the last time that she never had used a toy  (???!!!??).. so why not.. ?
Glad the Provider I'm seeing doesn't charge those rates. I can get FS from her for only $100.

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