TER General Board

Silence speaks
SpiritofTay See my TER Reviews 67 reads

I happen to think it's quite a beautiful thing when 2 passionate souls are able to bridge that gap and form a deeper connection here on a level unknown to some.  

I, for one, have encountered some of the strongest connections with a few select men that I've had the pleasure of spending time with here, much faster and way more intense than I have anywhere else.

I also don't think it's as uncommon as most think, or will at least admit to. I certainly don't think you are alone in this regard, nor I. It can define a whole new level of intensity here that defies the strictly physical notion of it all.  

TSO (The Silent One)

ps Mr. Rock (I hope you told her)

If you knew that your time on this earth was close to over and you could reach out to ONLY one special provider, or ladies to ONLY one special client with one last message, who would that be and what would you want to say?

I know who my special one would be ( and she'll know if she sees this) and I would tell her that I am eternally grateful for all the utterly amazing time we spent, incredible fun we had, and special memories we made that I will take with me to the other side.  I would want her to know that she occupied an exclusive place in my heart, that I am sorry for any words or actions that caused her hurt, and that my feelings for her were as real as they could be in this world.  And yes, if time and opportunity allowed I would want to be with only her one last time.

Lay it on us. What did you do? Too many emails? Did you reach the dreaded "Stage 5 Clinger" Status? Get upset at her for fucking other johns? Stalker? What? Time for you to come clean.

You might as well tell us who as well, but I can start guessing if you'd like. LOL

And how did you connect the eclipse with the end of the world?  

Are you still using a sun dial to tell time too?

HappyChanges47 reads

made you apologize for any words or actions that caused her hurt. I never really thought about it until now. There is this one lovely hooker that I would ask to...

I'm a believer in giving roses while people are still alive.  So with my ATF for example, I've told her what knowing her has meant to me and what I think of her.  She knows I appreciate her, beyond what's in the envelopes I give her, and how I've enjoyed the time we've spent together.  And she's told me what she thinks of me (at least, I think she has... who really knows, right?).

Not the "exclusive place in the heart" kind of stuff, though.

Anyway, your world could end at any moment.  So could hers.  So why wait to say these things, if you mean them?

"Thank fucking God I finally got that fucking loser out of my life"


You are simply pathetic, and I am sure every hooker reading this post is thankful that they are not the object of your "love and desire".

souls_harbor53 reads

I hate dog piles...

But you know if you are still paying for it, there's no there there.

The not so secret with women is that when they are interested in or care for you, they will move mountains to show it.  

that when I posted this that 90% of the responses would come from the usual "experts" using their alias' and who live for posts like this so they can have their daily fun.  You're welcome!  

The audience I was really speaking to is a silent number out there who can relate in one way or another.  No unrequited love here as my special one and I continue to meet regularly and wonderfully and in our own arrangement that works for us.  

The eclipse, being such a special, unique and momentous occasion in a generation just had me thinking...and she came to mind out of all the very special ladies that I have been fortunate to meet and have enjoyed a moment in time.  

I happen to think it's quite a beautiful thing when 2 passionate souls are able to bridge that gap and form a deeper connection here on a level unknown to some.  

I, for one, have encountered some of the strongest connections with a few select men that I've had the pleasure of spending time with here, much faster and way more intense than I have anywhere else.

I also don't think it's as uncommon as most think, or will at least admit to. I certainly don't think you are alone in this regard, nor I. It can define a whole new level of intensity here that defies the strictly physical notion of it all.  

TSO (The Silent One)

ps Mr. Rock (I hope you told her)

Dear Minnie:  If you are posting, you are not silent.  Strike One.
Your new name is really classy, but would have been snappier if you put an "e" at the end, a la Dylan_Yorke. Like you did before.  I know we were all impressed then.

and Jake you forgot something, besides adding an "e" at the end, she also needs to add a "BSC" at the beginning.

...shouldn't there be a BSC pull down on the profile? LOL

And yes, we can permanently place her setting in the "BSC 24/7, 365" mode and "Krazy" glue it there forever. :D

It reads as if it was written by "RogerThat" lol

But of course we all that Tardlor is "above" that kind of thing, right? roflmfao

"He" wasn't sure if they met by "fluke", "fate" or "luck" and wrote "oddly enough" twice and that was just in the first two sentences! LMAO!

Yeah that was written by a broad. A BSC one. lol

I am just SO glad she is back though. What a great day! :D :D

But from the bit I read I don't think Minnie wrote it.  Try as she might to hide her writing style, even she couldn't write that badly.  But, who knows, maybe she took a creative writing course at JDU?

Think as you may, I have never and will never write a review. You will all believe what you want to believe at the end of the day. Makes no difference to me.  

What is much more disturbing is for you all to take someone's heartfelt emotions he shared here and stoop to a level so low by bashing him (where you only know how to play) is just unnecessary and wrong. GD board or not as "the" hall pass to play dirty. There is a line sometimes, even on here. How any of you get things done throughout the day that you claim is beyond me. You are still here 24/7 knocking people for your own s&g's. Nothing more. Carry on the only way you guys and gal know how...

PS. There is this thing called "change"...one can only hope. In any event, good luck to you. I truly wish that for your group here. And yes I already know you'll reply, none of you need it. Take care and try and be nice.

Roger that. lol

and I guess you missed the part where the OP apologizes for both his words and his actions that "caused her hurt", he further goes on to claim his feeling for her were "real. If that isn't code for him being a love sick john that crossed the line I don't know what is.  Yes, I am sure she knows who she is if she is reading this, and I bet she's praying that her security measures are up to par.

But all that aside, it's nice to see you posting again. It's always fun trying to predict just which Taylor is going to show up, the BSC Taylor, or the one that at least "appears" to be on her meds. lol

Quite the moralist with your latest persona, aren't you? LOL

Read between the lines hun. He crossed a boundary with a gal.  

Shocking you would come to his defense. LOL

Our Minnie knows everything, you know....
Especially how to do THIS....

If you bought me my horse (and property to go with the magnificent creature) I promise I'd love you forever. But I can't promise I'd love you more than him. He's quite the stud. Maybe I should put him on my wishlist lol. What do ya think?

You would have to remove a dozen or so past handles to get down to just two! You have so many that JLS cant even keep count! LOL

Ah, you know I say this out of love!

I "love" that your back! Now try and play nice and for gosh sakes, stay off that NB as we just recently disinfected it from the dreaded "indoctrination virus" that plagued it for years, LOL

I, for one, was thrilled to be the object of your "love and desire" - even if just for a few hours!

Being the excellent communicator that you are, I am 100% sure that your special one knows well your loving feelings.  Regarding the responses on this board, I am always entertained by how uncomfortable some of your peers become when in proximity of the possibility of love.


-- Modified on 8/21/2017 10:11:42 PM

Well said Tri and MiMi, looks like "Team Piranha" got a lotta egg on their faces this morning. At the same time the man effortlessly complimented the faithfully Altruistic.
 First the "Set-up" then the "Sting"  Newman & Redford couldn`t have done it better. Only thing different was that Tri was talking from his heart. You were the ones who misinterpreted, like takin' candy from a baby.

Damn, now I`m gonna have that piano in the theme song in my head all day.

HaHaHa. That's because for the majority of us, there is no deep feelings of love when we have to pay the woman we desire to spend time with us. I'm sure working girls are thrilled when a guy pays them hundreds, or over a thousand dollars to allow him to love and desire them for a few hours! That statement made me laugh out loud. Awwww, you're my boo...I'll stay the whole night and take a shower with you tomorrow morning for another grand! That's so sweet HaHaHa

Posted By: MiMi
Re: Never mind the douche who spoke for "every hooker reading this post"...
I, for one, was thrilled to be the object of your "love and desire" - even if just for a few hours!  
 Being the excellent communicator that you are, I am 100% sure that your special one knows well your loving feelings.  Regarding the responses on this board, I am always entertained by how uncomfortable some of your peers become when in proximity of the possibility of love.  

-- Modified on 8/21/2017 10:11:42 PM

I love this question. It's obvious that not everyone gets the point. Self-reflection is a somewhat rare (and very attractive) trait ;-)

Not sure I could narrow it down to one special client but I would want to reach out to those with whom I shared a genuine connection to tell them one thing from the bottom of my heart: it was ALL real. The orgasms, the hot sex, the romantic connection, the mutual fascination with each other... all of it was and is real. The context of my relationship with my "clients" (In fact, I don't really think of them as clients when we forge an authentic connection) doesn't preclude the legitimacy of our bonds.

I find the cynics funny, but more than anything, sad. It's a self-fulfilling prophecy, isn't it? The idea that because there's a money exchange, that there isn't potential for sincere feelings. The same argument would reduce a marriage proposal to a trade of an engagement ring for a contractual agreement. If you open yourself to all the possibilities for a relationship they become a reality.

But I digress and I'm not sure if I'm making sense. Just musing. I guess, in short, I would say thank you.

-- Modified on 8/23/2017 5:02:13 PM

Sweet, real sweet Vix, Sure made a lot of sense to me. Thank you for your perceptions. I too echo your sentiments.
Mr. Rock was just reflecting his  feelings for the lady provider he is involved with. The Eclipse was just a catalyst for him to do that. Doesn`t surprise me that many totally missed that. The support post from the lovely MiMi was the cherry on the sunday.

Interesting, not a peep from the Piranhas since those posts,  Love won today!

It's pretty fucking obvious to most of us that he was only "involved with her" in his deluded imagination, and any trick who admits he "hurt" a hooker, even only in his imagination, is definitely a stage five clinger who should be avoided at all costs.

This is not love you idiot, this is a hooker/john site, not Match.com.

Don't you have enough on your plate with being in love with your hooker, mistreating her in some way, going public to apologize and state your "feelings" for her and then whining about how bad the board treated you when you posted this sappy and delusional thread?

The eclipse might have "passed," but YOU have flunked, and being the dean of my esteemed university, I get to make those calls. LOL

The last I checked, JDU didn't have a short bus. lol

Of course I am sure JD would be willing to cash another tuition check, but the stupid is strong in this one and even given a dozen chances I doubt he can pass even a single course in "how not to be a sap" at JDU.

The eclipse has passed, but the evidence of just how lame you are remains.

Fess up, the hooker in question has you blocked and that is why you had to pronate yourself here in public rather than just sending her a personal note like a normal person, right?

and while you are at it, what "words and actions" did you say and do that made her block you in the first place? This could be helpful for the community, sort of a "what not to do" tutorial for any other lovesick john who is thinking about professing his undying love for a hooker who want's nothing to do with him.

I have not even begun to laugh at this guy. Notice how the loser wants to close the thread. I hope they don't delete anything. People need to see how delusional some tricks can get.

I don't think I've EVER seen someone dumb enough to pronounce his thread was now closed. This clown is beyond help.

You are - by far - the most irrationally emotional poster on this board.  Do you feel in some way challenged when someone else has an irrational emotion?  Why are you so emotional about other peoples emotions?

and I mean both your argument about me being "emotional" and the OP not being an obvious "love sick john"

It's you and the OP who are emotional. You are this way at least partly I am sure because it's good for business since at your age most hookers tend to cater to guys looking for a "real connection" even if it's only an imagined "connection" The OP of course is emotional because he has "fallen for a hooker and can't get up" Your POV is actually quite "rational" even if not true. My POV is also completely rational as it's firmly grounded in reality. Which leaves us with only the OP who is "irrationally emotional" just like all lovesick johns.

Come on Mimi, be honest for just a second here, do you REALLY think the OP would have made this public display about his feelings if he were still on speaking terms with the unnamed hooker? Of course not. He obviously crossed some lines and is now shut out of her life and yet he STILL can't get her out of his system. Back a couple of generations ago not taking no for an answer was considered "romantic" Today we call it STALKING. You are not doing your sister providers any favors by encouraging such behavior.

Arguing on a whoreboard seems like a waste of time and oomph.  Fortunately, no one is required to participate - so I didn't bother to read your very wordy and surely devastating rebuke.  *cough*   Your posts are so repetitive that I have no fear of missing out on anything of interest.  

And YOU are going to call ANYONE here "irrationally emotional?" LOL

I'll put you down as a nominee for "Non Sequitur of the Year" at the SPOTY Awards in January. I wont comment on your chances, but I would at least start prepping your acceptance speech! :D :D :D

PS.  Y'all need to step up your insult game if you want me to play.

You are about as delusional as the OP so you two are a perfect match. LOL

And If I were you, I wouldn't worry about anyone else's "game" as your reviews have been slipping lately. One would think there's enough there to keep you busy. :)

I guess being burnt out is affecting not only your posting but your providing as well? Hmmm...

I'd love to get your thoughts on that but since you don't read the posts you reply to...well...LOL

souls_harbor50 reads

I haven't found him to be particularly irrational -- rather he is unnecessarily mean just for the fun of it.  This apparently motivates him to invent at length detailed scenarios on the flimsiest of pretexts.  Sort of like the late US president, Lyndon Johnson, who had his campaign spread rumors that his opponent fucked barnyard animals.  Said Johnson, "I know it's not true, but let's make the son of a bitch deny it."

He's just irrational.  You should see the irrational crap he spews on the P&R Board. LMAO!

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