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Short answer?
trex44 9 Reviews 47 reads

To sell products and make money for the companies doing so.

Basic consumerism -- find (or *invent*) a need, then offer a product/good/service to meet that perceived need. Do so with enough margin to make a profit -- voila! capitalism!

Whether beauty products, male sexual enhancement products, cars, firearms, adult beverages -- someone wants it and someone wants to sell it to them.

Those who don't value the product/goods/service won't buy them, so you have to find your niche and customer base.

Why are there so many beauty products marketed toward women focused on improving "imperfections." Aren't we all beautiful in our most natural state? What do you think of these awkward beauty products for women?

link down here

....if it didn't continually create and instill all kinds of insecurity in women. Plain and simple. Keep women believing that they are never pretty enough, thin enough, sophisticated enough, etc etc etc. and the products will fly off the shelves.

It's fucked up.

..post "Hot Girls Wanted." Plus, I think she's totally had work done... which is fine and her business. But just makes her criticisms of beauty culture hypocritical.  

While my styling/ grooming is pared down and as close to natural as I've seen in this industry, my choices are not informed by me thinking I am *better* than any one else who wears more make up, processes their skin/hair, etc.

It really comes down to bodily autonomy and I think Ms. Jones misses that when it comes to various issues.

Although in this  arena I can see the use for makeup, to conceal one's natural identity.

Is beauty a phenomenon that is overemphasized in the western culture? I don't have world cultural experience to understand how other countries perceive beauty compared to the U.S. I have lived in two countries but I have only been exposed to cultures where a woman's outward appearance defines her success, desirability, power, wealth, etc.

To sell products and make money for the companies doing so.

Basic consumerism -- find (or *invent*) a need, then offer a product/good/service to meet that perceived need. Do so with enough margin to make a profit -- voila! capitalism!

Whether beauty products, male sexual enhancement products, cars, firearms, adult beverages -- someone wants it and someone wants to sell it to them.

Those who don't value the product/goods/service won't buy them, so you have to find your niche and customer base.

I would think or hope that most of those appliances would be banned by the Geneva Accords.

In any case, I do sympathize with the idea that our natural state should suffice for most purposes.

JakeFromStateFarm110 reads

Which, of course, has not stopped you from giving legal advice, LOL.

For example, I could be giving out financial advice.   8o)

souls_harbor87 reads

Even in ancient times women looked for beauty enhancers.   Suppliers are just answering a demand.

Where is it coming from? The theory is that it comes from beauty magazines, glamorized TV shows and movies, and Instagram.

souls_harbor101 reads

Both males and females have been wearing makeup since the beginning of recorded human history.

Little girls learn by watching older girls.  Older girls learn by watching "competitors."

Since the beginning of recorded time women have tried to make themselves more attractive. Makeup has been found all over the world in nearly ever culture throughout the world. In some cultures both modern and ancient attempts to beautify themselves women have done much more drastic things like foot binding, neck rings to get a longer neck, and more.  It seems to be preprogrammed into many woman to try to impress others with trying to achieve cultural beauty goals that are usually unrealistic. For example being fat was considered beautiful during the renaissance when most people lacked food and only the rich could afford ample food. It is in the nature nature to compare yourselves with the ideals of the times. Advertisers just make use of this fact.

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