TER General Board

Setting up an appointment with a Provider v. Applying for a Job.( Finished!!)
caharmon 2 Reviews 5158 reads

I was just sitting in front of the computer and was reflecting on how some people complain about what they must do to get a Provider to extend an invitation to come over, or agree to go out with them. I know, I have waaayyy too much time on my hands. Nevertheless, if you look at this objectively I think you will see the similarities  between seeing a Provider,and applying for a job outweigh the differences.

The Interview:

Why do you apply for a job? Because unless you are independtely wealthy and are volunteering your services, the Employer has something you want and need,ie Money! The Employer uses the Interview to determine if the applicant is the type of person he or she wants to trust with his or her business. To determine this, the Employer looks at various things, such as educational background(are you qualified to do this job?), What have you accomplished professionally in the past? Past employment, and why are you no longer there? This can, and often does include references from past employers. The more experience you have on your resume, and the more positive references you can provide, brings you that much closer to your goal, A JOB!

Why do you set up an appointment with a Provider? Because, unless you are a Hermaphdodite, the Provider has something you want and need,ie sex. The Provider uses the interview to determine if you are the kind of guy she wants to trust with her LIFE! To determine this the Provider looks at various things such as current employment(can you afford her, or are you a wannabe?). Have you seen anyone else? If so,who,and if not why?
For all she knows you are a raging lunatic. Your review list(either on a web site such as this,or verified verbally)serves as your resume. The more entries you have on your review list, and the more positive references you can provide brings you that much closer to your goal. If you don't know what that is you should be on another web site, or doing your homework!

Making that first Impression:
Having spent much of my professional life in a service related industry, it never ceased to amaze me how some people were dressed for that first impression. It's a proven fact that people who are serious about making a good first impression come dressed in a manner appropriate for the job in question. For example an individual applying for for a professional, or office type job will come dressed accordingly.The same goes for a skilled tradesman type of job, perhaps not as formal, ie a skilled carpenter, plumber, or auto mechanic would not necessarily appear in a suit, but in a manner appropriate to that type of occupation.This is just one of many things an Employer looks for to determine if the applicant takes pride in themselves, and will reflect positively on the firm. In addition, fellow employees do not want to work with a slob.

The Provider expects the same. She may not expect you to come dressed in Armani (or yes?). She will however, expect you to present yourself dressed in a neat and clean manner. come dressed as a skid row bum, and you can expect the door to be slammed in your face. Lets face it Providers don't want to work with slobs either.

Personal Hygeine:
When an applicant shows up for an interview smelling like the local land fill that's a death knell to any chance of getting the job, because quite frankly it's unfair to the other employees.

When a potential client shows up for an appointment smelling like the local land fill he's likely to get a well placed boot heel up his ass as he sails out of the Providers apartment. Why? Because like like an ordinary employee who won't work WITH a walking talking land fill, a Provider will not work ON! a walking talking land fill!

A potential Employer expects an applicant to show up for his or her interview on time. Why? Two reasons. First, it's likely that the Employer has more than one applicant to see that day. Second, absent extenuating circumstances an applicant who shows up on time for the interview will be, in theory at least, on time for work if hired.

A Provider expects a client to show up on time to avoid a conflict with any other appointments she may have that day. Even if she has no other appointments that day, she does have a life, and other commitments that SHE has to be on time for. Therefore, don't be surprised if you show up late and you are told that you have forfeited your time, or at best are only allowed a shortened session.

Following Company Policy:
An Employer has a vision as to how he or she wants the business run. Consequently, the Employer sets down policy that he or she expects the employees to follow. The employee is informed of these policies upon his orientation. If the employee chooses not to follow these policies, the employee is fired, plain and simple.

A Provider has a vision of what she will, or will not do. The client is usually informed of this just prior to commencment of the the session. If the client chooses not to observe these restrictions, the client will hear the door slam as he sails head first, out of the Providers apartment.

Attention to detail:
An Employer loves an employee who shows attention to detail. This shows the employer that the work is being completed correctly. An employee who shows attention to detail reflects pride in his job, and as such will reflect positively at promotion, or raise time.

A Provider absolutely loves a client who shows attention to detail. This shows the Provider that the client takes pride in attending to the Providers needs as well as his own. A client who shows attention to detail during a session shows that he cares about who he is with, and that will reflect positively in whether or not the Provider extends an invitation to return. Because Gentlemen, that is what it is, an invitation.

Lastly, the Employer is not required to hire the applicant. The Provider is not required to see the client.

In the final analysis, the only difference is who is compensated. The Employer pays the employee, the client pays the Provider.

Agree, or diagree, I just thought that this little comparison puts things in perspective.

-- Modified on 8/27/2003 10:40:38 AM

charis2851 reads

Very true.  Although I think provider should let hobbyist be aware of available servies as far as advanced as possible.

megapig6075 reads

Yes ... you just said it - the difference is WHO is doing the paying ... and that makes ALL the difference!

Should a client be clean when he goes to see a provider?  I'd hope so .... as I'd hope he would be when he goes to the bamk, or Home Depot or anywhere else.

Should a client be friendly and mind his manners when he goes to see a provider?  Again, I'd hope he would ... just like going to the bank, Home Depot or anyone else.   In general .. the world already HAS enough assholes without anyone even TRYING.   The world WOULD be a better place if everyone conducted themselves decently.

But having said that .... I'm not asking the provider to do me a favor!!!!   I'm PAYING her to do a job and I expect her to cater to ME .. not the other way around.

Look at it this way ...   The INTERNET has not lived up to it's promise and/or potential in many (in fact most) ways .... but one thing it HAS done is made free and easy sex available to people who otherwise missed the Haight-Asbury days of the late 60's.    Gentlemen ... if you can't get laid using today's Internet and chat rooms .... you might as well cut it off ... cuz you ain't EVER getting laid!    All you have to do is not be terribly picky!

Oh .. you ARE picky???   Well good for you!  THAT is why you come HERE.  To see what's available so you can CHOOSE.  So you can SEE what's happened to people who have been where you wish to go!   So you can be PICKY about whom you see and when ....  and in exchange for some hard/cash dollars .. you get to choose what YOU want ... WHEN you want it ... and HOW you want it!

Now ... the providers can certainly be picky, too.  The girls that don't want psychos or men with crabs have my full support.  But the girls who have ethnicity problems, height & weight restrictions (see Julia_wonderland) and other quirks .... well .. they can do that too if they want.

As long as they understand that their earning potential in this industry is time-limited and that there are a lot of very poor ex-providers out there that, during their earning years had their heads up their asses instead of into the business ... they can do any damn thing their little heart desires.

But there's a first review of a brand new 21 y/o provider posted on this service approximately twice a day ... and I'll expend my time and money on the girl who puts her own desires aside to focus on mine (GFE) every time.

Check me out to see that I'm not LE  - sure!

Check me out to see if I'm a psycho  - sure!  (note to all:  here's another tip from PIG: Never EVER make the mistake of thinking that the court appointed psychiatrist is realy your friend!)

Expect me to be DD free?   You Bet!

But put on your "I'm a Princess and I'll see if your worthy" routine ... and I'm on to the next girl ... who will appreciate my time, my money and build her bank account ... while you wonder why the good reviews dry up.

Never forget, Gentlemen ... this is a BUYERS MARKET!

-- Modified on 8/27/2003 12:06:49 PM

megapig2190 reads

I am curious though .... if you PAY a provider for the right to try to be good enough for her services ..... have you considered seeing a professional Dominatrix?

-- Modified on 8/27/2003 2:17:07 PM

Dude, I am starting to respect your posts...not that you care! :P  You may be a bit blunt (as opposed to blunted), but you get to the real issue...we are customers paying for a service.  The analogy here is less provider interview/ employer interview than provider interview/credit check.

Without getting into the rest of your post there is one difference that I would like to point out.

When I provide an employer with my resume and fill out an employment application the employer is required by law to be very discreet with that information.  If I leave the company and another prospective employer calls to verify employment the employer must be very circumspect in what they say.  If he violates any of these laws I may take him to court and might end up being majority stockholder.

When I fill out a similar application for a provider I hope that she is discreet but I have absolutely no guarantee.  If she outs me at work, at home or on the discussion board whether intentionally or unintentionally I have no real recourse.  If her address book is seized by LE I may get a call from them or they may show up at work etc.

I am not saying that this is a problem with the majority of ladies or implying that a client should not give information to a provider.  I am saying that it is potentially a big difference
between an employer application and a provider application.

Job interviews are stressful and unpleasant experiences even under the best of circumstances.  Anyone who's ever gone through one knows this.  At worst they're downright dehumanizing and humiliating.  So pig's second post is very much to the point.

Before I go any further let me clear up one point.  The providers who actually treat clients this way are a very small minority.  I've never been treated this way, largely because most providers are a lot nicer and/or a lot more sensible. So I plain won't put up with this shit.  There's always 10 more just as good and a lot nicer out there.  Those are the ones I see.

They are, however, way overrepresented on this board for some reason.  I don't quite understand it.  Maybe they're just louder and pushier than most, or maybe they're just airing a fantasy about how they wish things were.

I can't predict who'll post what, but I know there are a few people out there thinking "damned traitor.  He was on our side and now he's supporing the enemy".  Uh, it ain't ABOUT sides.  It's about who's right or wrong on a particular issue.

Of course the biggest difference of all between contacting a provider and going to a job interview is that I NEED the job.  I enjoy the company of providers but if need be I can live quite nicely without it.  So like it or not, the power relationships are REALLY different.

So for those few providers who just don't get it, here's the bottom line.  You're in a service industry.  That means you PROVIDE service TO your clients.  And the only favor you're doing when you accept the $$$$ is for yourself.  

-- Modified on 8/27/2003 11:14:48 PM

Now that you have made me a "marked man" (just kidding), I just want to join you in saying that I have never had a provider give me an impression that she was anything other than completely customer service oriented.  I have met excellent providers, and the few other ladies I have talked with through TER have been the same way.  I am straight up, and the ladies I have talked with have been, like, "Word!"...so I ain't dissin' none a y'all, a'ight?

Oh, and Dion, now that you put ME on the spot, buddy...what is up with you and Steffi Graf? :P

-- Modified on 8/27/2003 11:30:22 PM

I think most ladies are just trying to stay safe from LE with their appointment forms. The one time I took a chance and saw a guy WITHOUT a provider ref and did not ask for a business #, I found myself face to face with a bunch of porkchops.

MOULAHMAN3564 reads

If you don't want to see a girl who screens, then don't see her. I am pretty sure that there are girls out there who don't screen.

Rates: If you don't like the price she advertises, simply move on.  I know there are girls out there who have cheaper prices.

The ending was:

"In the final analysis, the only difference is who is compensated. The Employer pays the employee, the client pays the Provider."

What would have gone better with the overall theme of this piece may have been,

The Employer takes your time and gives you money, the Provider takes your money and gives you time.

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