TER General Board

Self Delete..wrong place. EOM
London Rayne See my TER Reviews 114 reads

-- Modified on 5/3/2012 12:34:42 PM

This is a low down dirty move that has been used on me like twice. Like they don't like the way things are going down or they're pissed off because I am assertive about my prices and all of a sudden I become a money grubbing whore who is just after his money so to get rid of me without "guilt" he will say leave or I will call the cops.

Now on a personal level I have that taken care of. But I don't need anyone threatenong me. Also I find it interesting that a cop would belive a random person accusing another random person(let alone an upstanding small business owner like me) that it was true.

I imagine vice sighing and putting it on the bottom of their pile of papers fuill of real problems.

Anyone else have any thoughts?

I kept every threat he made and warned other women about his bs and he was blacklisted twice before I ever got to him.  The dummy gave me every single piece of info I could ever want to know about him in one email lol. Tell him to call the damn cops..his DNA is all over your room and you can cry "RAPE!" Guys use this all the time thinking we won't talk to the police because of what we do..think again! Cops don't care what your profession is when a crime against you is taking place. They only care about the person they were called to deal with. Plenty of cops in my family. :)

He is not going to call the cops honey. How would he explain coming to know you? His IP address even from his hotel room can be traced back to contacting you, so tell him to go ahead lol. You will say he knocked on your door and you assumed it was room service so you opened it. He tried to assault or rape you and when you refused, he made up some bs story and called them before you did ha ha. As long as you don't show your face on the net, you have no problem. Your word against his. They will write it up as a domestic dispute and both of you will be told that you can either both walk or both go to jail.

I totally agree. That's why I put this out there. I don't think these men realise how self incriminatong it is. I can say whatever I want . People who report "random" citizens of things look like moprons too.

lex90027375 reads

What if the guy have also plenty of cops, lawyers or judges... in his family??

Partially right, you only have a unilateral vision: the poor defenseless  lady, victim of a bad ugly horny violent male...In court you have to justify more than this...Remember we are in Puritan America, different States, different Laws, different POV...

Yes madam,  he will explain what he was doing in that hotel room and  you'll have to justify your profession to the "Vice squad"...not good for your record...

I'm not taking sides with those bastards threatening girls... Actually even if I get ripped off,  I won't make any trouble or blackmail , I 'll just blame my misjudgment, lack of homework  and move on.

Sometimes I like to be the devil's advocate just to piss people off ;-)

Stay alert, nobody is untouchable...

to a guy calling the cops because she won't leave.  WTF is THAT?

In the OP, she is describing the initial encounter before anything begins.  She won't negotiate her price, so he wants her to leave.  Evidently, she's not just turning around and walking, so he says he'll call the cops.  YOU WOULD CRY RAPE FOR THAT??

case I would just haul ass being he is just wanting me to leave, but there have been times when hobbyists make threats to call the cops just to do so. IN those cases, hell yea it's fair game. You don't bring the po po into the hobby just because. If you do, you deserve what you get.

-- Modified on 5/3/2012 5:04:18 AM

suetop228 reads

If he is from this board I hope you give his info to the ladies!

Considerthis208 reads

Posted By: London Rayne
The dummy gave me every single piece of info I could ever want to know about him in one email lol.

You should ask yourself why these guys are so motivated to get you to leave.

I would make it a point to not see her.  If her phone does not ring, that would be me.

suetop242 reads

The guy that goes to the cops will be faced with lots of question and doubt by the police and he'd better be real sure to make all of his history with you or any other escort disappear or he's only be opening a can of worms for himself!  Some of these guys can't make it through a day without trying to control someone.  They seem to think that because THEY are paying, they get to make all the rules.  UmmmmmNO!  Ignore the loser and keep ALL info on him and get him on a national blacklist.  Period!

You don't have a link to your reviews otherwise I would take a peek and see for myself.

But why exactly is it going down like this?

I've never had to explain my rate or ask for it twice.  If you're not screening and just showing up and laying it down when you get there (lol) that may be the problem.

As far as when someone threatens to call the cops on you..."please leave" would be enough for me to exit.  The police are the least of your concern- the potential for violence is a much larger threat.

Getting argumentative about your rate doesn't exactly set the stage for a pleasurable encounter.
Make your advertisements and your rates clear so that there is no confusion and the gift is already prepared before you arrive.  If you're doing some a la carte or upsell bullshit upon arrival...cut it out, all of that extra nonsense is more work for you.
Also just screen your clients- the sort of personality that would invite you over and then try to negotiate your rate or dismiss you over it is *very* easily avoided.  

-- Modified on 5/3/2012 7:46:47 AM

something is just not right. At first I was under the impression the guy was basicaly saying she had to fk him for free or he would call the cops (short attention span on my part ), but now I see it's about rates...hmm. There should be no negotiation and if there is, simply leave and mark him as a time waster on some blacklist site. Cops need not ever be called unless you are hurt physically.

...Which IMO is inexcusable under any circumstances unless it has actually occurred.

and he makes a threat to call the cops in return for screwing him for free, I would very well suggest he call them and I would "tell" him I am going to say you tried to rape me. Now, after saying that do you really think the idiot is going to call them? No. I am not easily manipulated by men or women with threats, so my move will always be better than theirs. It's pretty simple really..don't fk with people and you have nothing to worry about. You don't go around making threats to out people, blackmail them for reviews, or mess with their families IF they have done nothing to you. If you decide to take hobby business into the real world, you get what you get.

-- Modified on 5/3/2012 9:10:32 AM

MSHSEX194 reads

I'd like to hear the other side of the story before passing judgment.

Posted By: courtesanmonroe
This is a low down dirty move that has been used on me like twice. Like they don't like the way things are going down or they're pissed off because I am assertive about my prices and all of a sudden I become a money grubbing whore who is just after his money so to get rid of me without "guilt" he will say leave or I will call the cops.

Now on a personal level I have that taken care of. But I don't need anyone threatenong me. Also I find it interesting that a cop would belive a random person accusing another random person(let alone an upstanding small business owner like me) that it was true.

I imagine vice sighing and putting it on the bottom of their pile of papers fuill of real problems.

Anyone else have any thoughts?

salonpas231 reads

It happened to a provider friend roommate recently.  She was young and he showed her a badge. She was told not to see any other clients. The whole mess left her really distraught.

MSHSEX212 reads

Maybe that incident was a blessing in disguise and helped "scare her straight".

Posted By: salonpas
It happened to a provider friend roommate recently.  She was young and he showed her a badge. She was told not to see any other clients. The whole mess left her really distraught.  

Big-Bad-John230 reads

or wherever it is you disappeared to.

You have had more problems in 2012 then most providers have in a career. You should be avoided like the plague.

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